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Chapter 223 Fighting for Slaves

() The other natives were originally very uneasy and hostile to Downton, but after seeing him saving the tribe, they calmed down.

Humans have never treated the hilly natives like this, so they were a little confused about Downton's plan for a while.

"If you try to resist or escape, I will kill you." After warning the prisoners, Downton tied their hands with ropes, like skewers of candied haws, and let Hutao pull them out of the woods.

"You are too soft-hearted." Homer sighed. Downton had too little war experience and would not kill surrendered soldiers who had no power to resist. He was completely an idealist.

"I know, but I can't do it!" Downton was silent. He had killed so many indigenous people. Even a fool knew that once these prisoners got the chance, they would definitely avenge their compatriots. But he felt that he was a warrior, and he could not do it.

These prisoners should be slaughtered.

"Why isn't he dead yet?"

Seeing the little loli riding an oversized war bear walking out with a bunch of slaves, not only Campana was dumbfounded, but even the other militiamen had similar expressions.

"This guy is really lucky!"

"No, he didn't fight off those bear goblins, right? Otherwise, how could he have a chance to capture prisoners?"

The militiamen whispered and looked at Downton with surprise and confusion. A hundred-man cavalry team was repelled by the natives. How on earth did he survive?

"Does he have more Abomination warriors? No, does he have an Abomination workshop? How can he get the sources of troops? The enemy should have retreated on his own initiative!" Jovich simply doesn't believe that Downton has an Abomination army, and thinks there are ten

It's just that it has reached the sky.

"Sir, hurry up and collect the prisoners and heads!"

The adjutant leaned into Campana's ear and whispered a reminder.

Campana quickly asked a group of soldiers to go to the woods to behead their heads. However, the selected bodyguard was hesitant and worried about being ambushed. It was not until he was whipped several times that he walked over hesitantly.

Walnut proudly raised her chin and led a group of captives back to the forest road.

The militiamen who had injured and killed their fellow villagers couldn't bear it any longer and picked up stones to hit the bears.

The natives were very conscious of being prisoners. They covered their heads and did not resist. This only fueled the arrogance of the militiamen. They beat them harder, but no one dared to get close.

"Everyone stop!" Hutao frowned as he saw the native being hit with a stone and his head was bleeding. "This is Big Brother's prisoner, no beating!"

The militiamen didn't care. They just wanted to vent their anger. Some even found spears and wanted to stab these natives to death.

"Stop, whoever is hitting me, I'll break his legs!" Downton roared, his cold voice like a cold current, instantly freezing the boiling atmosphere.

When Downton glanced at them, the militiamen all turned their heads.

"Haha, Downton, you did a good job. You have made great contributions to our militia!" Campana rode a Flannian horse to Downton's side, directly put the credit behind the militia, and then waved

Waved his hand, "Come here, take these prisoners down and keep them under strict supervision."

Until just now, Campana thought that his military career was over. He had to bear the blame for so many people's deaths, but the appearance of Downton changed everything.

With prisoners and heads, Campana could even call this bad ambush a great victory, completely defeating a goblin tribe.

"Maybe I will be rewarded for this!" Campana was having a sweet dream when he suddenly heard the screams of his subordinates.

A guard who was trying to get the rope was kicked over by Nu Nuo.

"What do you want to do?" Hutao was very wary.

"Downton, what do you mean?" Campana's face darkened.

"I can take care of these prisoners myself, so I won't bother you, sir." Downton refused without humility. He knew that if Campana's men were to take these prisoners away, it would have nothing to do with him.

"You want to disobey the commander's order?" Campana was furious. Downton was indeed a thorn.

"I'm worried that you won't be able to imprison the Dijing Bears and they will run away." Downton said calmly, "The facts just now have proven that the militia's combat effectiveness is very weak!"

The militiamen had sullen expressions, and the cavalry were no better off, but they couldn't refute it. If it hadn't been for Downton, how chaotic would the situation have been?

"Sir, the heads of those bear jingling corpses have been cut off."

When the guards came back to report, Campana's face turned black.

"You're a smart kid!" Campana saw that Downton didn't show any sign, and he was determined to go against him. He dropped a harsh word and left. Anyway, there was still time, and he must let this kid know that he had offended him.


"Downton, your loli beat my horse to death and broke my teeth. What are you going to do?" Jovich stared at Downton, and his words were out of breath.

"Humph, they're a bunch of losers. They're just beating each other up. What can you do?" Downton pushed back without showing any signs of weakness. Even if Hu Tao didn't take action, there would be no room for relaxation in the relationship between the two parties. Instead of giving in, it would be better to continue to be tough.


"What?" Jovich thought he heard wrong. He felt that even if Downton was being stupid, he would probably hand over some collectors and prisoners and establish a good relationship with him first. Unexpectedly, he didn't save any face at all.

"Have you been deafened by the aboriginals? Do you want me to repeat it again?" Tang paused and put on a dumbfounded posture, but he probably couldn't deceive the other party.

"You are looking for death!"

"How to talk to the chief?"

"beat him!"

The cavalry gathered around, drew out their blades, and roared at Downton. If you don't defend your superiors at this time, then you will be beaten!

Downton's answer was simple, he released ten abominations.

The atmosphere on the forest road suddenly solidified.

The militiamen were hiding far away, fearing that they would be affected. They also couldn't stand the behavior of Campana and Jovic. Not only were they defeated, but they also robbed others of their military honors was simply too shameless. However, Tang

Dun is also a little reckless. As a commoner, he is always weak.

Not surprisingly, the centurions who spoke out from the nobles all sided with Jovich and were hostile to Downton.

"Just wait to die!" Little Grandet was mixed in the crowd. He was originally jealous of Downton's limelight, but when he saw this scene, he was happy.

"You pay for my war horse, which is a pure-blooded highland horse worth thirty thousand gold coins." Jovic's lips turned blue with anger, and his roar almost tore his vocal cords.

"How do you compensate those who died because of you?" Downton changed the subject and hit the point directly. Jovic's reputation among the militia plummeted.

Both parties broke up unhappy.

Probably because of the heavy attack by the Downton Legion, the logistics team was not harassed or attacked again until they joined the two thousand-man regiments at dusk.

In the temporary camp, the bonfire was lit, like stars, but there was no joy and laughter at all from the previous few days.

The regular army was also attacked by a sneak attack, and a centenarian was killed, and as many as 200 were injured, causing morale to drop rapidly.

The three Downtons gathered around a bonfire and grilled a hare brought by Walnut. They felt extremely lonely because the other militiamen had stayed away.

If Downton was not optimistic, he would definitely lose to the Thousand Leaders, so in order not to be implicated, he could only maintain the relationship. Even the soldiers who were saved by Downton did not send a word of thanks.

Downton didn't care, since he was here to gain military glory anyway, and he wouldn't lead these militiamen all the time, otherwise he would use other strategies.

"Hey, you guys, come here and eat!" Downton looked at the captive bugbears huddled aside, opened the war space, and took out some bread, honey, bacon and fruit.

The bears were still hesitant at first, but watching Hutao spread the yellow honey on the bread and smelling the fragrance, they couldn't bear it anymore.

When a bear jingle boldly grabbed a piece of bread and swallowed it, the other natives came over to see that Downton didn't beat them up and really wanted them to eat.


A bear jingle's mouth is full of saliva. As aboriginals from the hills, their three meals a day are dried meat and wild fruits, and they are often not full. Have they ever tasted what human bread tastes like?

They are bear jingles with a bad reputation. Human merchants have never dared to choose them as trade objects for fear of being killed and then made into dried meat and eaten.

Downton is the chief engineer of the Dagger Mine. His position is lower than that of one person and higher than that of more than 20,000 people. His supplies are prepared by the restaurant.

Those chefs didn't dare to be perfunctory. They all used the best flour and cooked with their best skills. Some of them were also filled with nai oil, dried fruits and other embellishments, which were no worse than those pastries sold at high prices.

It was the first time in their lives that the bears enjoyed this delicious food, and they almost swallowed it with their tongues.

The nearby militiamen glanced at Downton's bonfire from time to time, swallowing uncontrollably, and then looked at the thin potato soup on the dinner plate, feeling nauseated for a while.

There was not even a diced meat in the soup, and the potatoes were cut into very small pieces. As for the black bread in my hand, it was the cheapest food. It was rough and hard, and it was also filled with sand. It could even grind the esophagus.


"I, Di Polo, our food is not as good as that of a group of bear goblin captives. I'm really pissed off!"

One of the militiamen smashed the bread in his hand, and it made a sound when it hit the stone.

"Come on, what I'm eating is Downton's food. If you're not afraid of offending the Chief of Thousand People, can you go and eat it?"

"It's good to have space equipment. How many things do you think he brought?" Watching Hu Tao peel open a fresh pineapple, cut it into pieces and feed it to Downton, the militiamen were extremely envious.

"No matter how much you take, it will soon belong to someone else!"

Jovic had dinner at Rocker's military tent, during which he spoke ill of Downton.

"Uncle, I saw that the Dwarf Military Hubble Telescope, the Sherman War Bear, and those Abominations are all good things." Jovich did not hide the greed on his face, "You must get it!"

"Don't worry, let him be proud for a few days, kill more enemies for us, and then kill him when he is fattened up." Not to mention Downton's top-notch equipment, he is Dofink's confidant, Rock

You have to kill him.


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