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Chapter 232 The Wolf King's Enterprise

"Huh, if you don't have enough to eat and don't wear warm clothes, it's useless to say anything." Rooney chewed the venison, obviously exerting a lot of force, "I won't argue with you, you are not worthy of a person who doesn't even have his own thoughts.

Talk to me!"

"You..." The werewolf guard was angry and put his hand on the handle of the knife.

The bears were not good at all, and Rooney had no instructions. They had already grasped the spears, and if the werewolves dared to make any move, they would be stabbed to death immediately.

The atmosphere immediately became tense.

Although there were few people, Wolf King Garnett did not panic at all. He waved his hand to tell his subordinates not to be nervous, "Actually, I admire people like you. Even if you are shameless, you will show it on the outside instead of pretending to be a mean person."

Human attitude!”

"It's useless for you to compliment me. If you fail to achieve the strategic goal you agreed upon at the beginning, I will kill you even if you are the prince of the wolf clan."

Blood flowed out from the corners of Rooney's mouth, making his expression look ferocious.

The Orcs have three major nobles, namely the Tiger Clan, the Rhine Lion Clan, and the Wolf Wolf Clan. Because of their population and super personal fighting power, they occupy territories that share almost all the land. Other races can only do

Only their vassals can survive.

The southern province of Sunset Prairie belongs to the Tigo Tiger people. The Pier Bear people live in the redwood forest and guard the southern defense line to prevent attacks by humans and hilly natives. They are Tigo's vassals. If the chief knows that they have secretly colluded with Wo

Wolf, that's a serious crime.

"Please maintain basic respect!"

Konoe was very annoyed by Rooney's attitude. He felt that these bear-men were extremely rude, and they smelled of indigenous people and were simply dirty.

"Don't worry, the current situation is still within expectations." Despite being repeatedly threatened, Garnett's attitude has always been gentle because he knows that bickering cannot solve the problem.

"What to do next?" Rooney wiped his hands on the leather jacket, "Don't say such perfunctory words, I want to know the specific details."

"After defeating the mountain stronghold, based on the past combat style of the border guards, they will inevitably retreat. But tomorrow, they will detach a part of their people to pursue Tyson."

"Impossible!" Before Garnett could finish, he was interrupted by a bearman, "We have fought with them many times and know that those human leaders are cowards. Letting them chase Tyson is a joke!"

"Listen to the Wolf King." Although he didn't want to admit it, Rooney understood that among the younger generation of the Orcs, Garnett's intelligence could definitely be ranked among the top three.

"Chasing Tyson is an excuse, but the real purpose is to kill that human being." Garnett added, showing no anger at being interrupted.

"Why do you want to kill that human?" The bear man was puzzled.

"You all want his trophies, but those more greedy human leaders don't?" Garnett estimated that Downton's equipment totaled at least more than 10 million gold coins, but the ones that were more valuable were those

Immortal warrior.

"What's the use? That boy used top-quality weapons, brought undead warriors, and magic advisors. It looks like they are all descendants of nobles. And he should be a wealthy noble." Rooney revealed his thoughts, and then used

The moment the Hubble telescope saw Downton, he couldn't wait to rob him.

"If he were a true aristocratic son, he wouldn't have been arranged to attack the mountain stronghold. Those thousand-man leaders must have fawned over him long ago instead of showing disgust on their faces." Garnett deduced the approximate truth from some details.


"Very good, leave this group of people to me." Rooney asked for a fight.

"No." Garnett refused.

"Why?" The bears were all grumpy. "Do you want to monopolize it?"

"The bugbear tribe was accidentally destroyed, so you bears are responsible for the main attack. And when it comes to tracking, Romario is better at it, so he went to hunt down the human."

The Wolf King was a little depressed. If the Bugbears hadn't been so stupid that the leader was dead, he wouldn't have let the Bears take action at all. Although Rooney has the title of a ruthless gangster, who can guarantee that those who are interested will not pass them.

Do you think someone is planning this incident?

"Don't worry, all the supplies of the logistics team belong to you. After Romario killed that human, you will also have a share of his loot. If you don't believe it, you can send someone to follow him." The Wolf King talked eloquently, revealing a secret

The posture of calmness and calmness.

"Okay!" Rooney agreed. Garnett arranged everything in an orderly manner, and it was really hard to find fault.

"What do you mean by coming to our southern tribe?" A bear man saw the look in Rooney's eyes and asked.

"Yes, why do you want to help us?" The bear people asked all kinds of questions, just like there will be civil war between human countries, there is no peace among the orcs.

"I'm here to find someone. Well, maybe it would be more appropriate to find a secret place." The Wolf King did not hide anything. "As for helping you, I will do it casually."

"Looking for someone? Who? My spies just came back with news that the heir to the Dupont family went to Morning Mist Town. Are you trying to arrest him?" Rooney can always be at large, and he can continue to obtain detailed information about human beings.


"What's a Dupont? Even if I add Di Lanxue, I won't be able to mobilize so many troops." A touch of sarcasm overflowed from the corner of the Wolf King's mouth. As for Torres, the champion of the Magic Youth Competition, he was not qualified to enter his field of vision.

Rooney was silent. He didn't know whether Garnett was mocking him, Dupont, or everyone. Although the Wolf King had a kind attitude, he still felt the contempt from the other party's heart.

Indeed, I was not qualified to talk to him on an equal footing, and both my wisdom and strength were completely destroyed.

"What are you looking for?" A bear man failed to see that the Wolf King was unwilling to say anything, and continued to ask without giving up, "Why would the heir of the Dupont family of the Kuta Empire come to a place like Chenwu Town?


"It's definitely not tourism. Apart from bandits and thieves, the only thing left here is hunger and death."

The bears complained, but unfortunately they were all ignored by the Wolf King.

When the crescent moon rose, bonfires were also lit in the temporary camp. Because the bandits were wiped out, the army could return home without having to calculate material losses, so Rockel authorized the soldiers to hold a party.

Although they could eat freely, and soldiers who were not on duty at night were provided with half a pound of wine, there was still no laughter or laughter in the camp.

There were many injured soldiers. Although they were lying in the camp, they still moaned in pain, making the atmosphere dull.

Downton was still sitting alone by the campfire, but he was not alone because there were dozens of bugbears accompanying him.

This group of prisoners did not cause trouble. Not to mention that the leader was dead. Their will was broken. Just being able to eat death without being beheaded was enough to make them obey.

For them, Downton even had a quarrel with Rocker. The Chief of Thousands refused to supply food on the grounds that they were private captives. Fortunately, Downton had enough supplies in the war space, otherwise he would really have caught him and hurt his feet.


Five of the twelve slaves Downton got before died in the subsequent melee. The remaining ones gained experience and kept saying good things about Downton. In addition, the comparison with other soldiers made the native prisoners treat him

The senses are pretty good.

Hutao leaned against Downton, burping with wine, his eyes blurred by drunkenness.

The aroma of wine overflowed from the empty rock beer cans and spread in the forest, making the prisoners' throats tremble and they kept swallowing their saliva. Even the soldiers not far away were frequently looking here.

"Want to drink?" Downton sprinkled the condiments on the venison roasted on the campfire, looked at Quasimodo who was sitting silently, and found an excuse to strike up a conversation.

"What is wine?" As a war machine, Quasimodo was instilled with knowledge of killing.

"Try it!" The elemental arm carried a barrel of victory wine and placed it in front of Quasimodo. Just as Homer was about to tell it how to open it, it had already grabbed the edge of the barrel and squeezed it hard, creating a gap.

Whoa, the red wine flowed, and the sweet aroma overflowed, and everyone who smelled it took a deep breath.

"This is the victory wine produced by elves. It's such a waste."

The little loli muttered something, turned over, and wanted to sleep.

Downton and Celes didn't care about the lost wine. The loyal Quasimodo was much more valuable than them.

"Did I hear you right? She actually said something about the wine of victory. It was a tribute! No ordinary noble could buy it, let alone a commoner like him."

"Must be bragging!"

"No matter what it is, the color and smell are really nice."

The militiamen were all talking and watching Quasimodo pick up the barrel of wine and pour it directly into his mouth with his head tilted up. As a result, a lot of it spilled out and wet the armor on his chest, which made them feel very distressed.



Quasimodo was silent for a moment, made concise comments, and then poured the remaining wine into his belly in one breath.

"I'm not a drunkard, am I?" Downton's eyes twitched. He was not afraid of waste, but if he drank like Quasimodo, he would die of poverty sooner or later.

A bugbear couldn't help it anymore and came over, putting his hands under Quasimodo's chin to catch the flowing wine, then lowered his head and drank it all.

"It's delicious!" Bugbear looked intoxicated, causing more captives to run over and crowd around, wanting to receive the wine.

"Go away!" Quasimodo picked up the barrel and was about to smash the bugbears away, but was stopped by Downton.

"As long as you are obedient, I might give you some wine." Downton pulled out the shower dagger, cut a piece of barbecue, and handed it to Hu Tao.

Hutao didn't use her hands, she just picked it up with her mouth and swallowed it into her stomach. It was so hot that she gasped for air.

Quasimodo threw away the barrel, and a group of bugbears immediately ran over to fight for it. Finally, a burly guy got it, smashed the barrel, and licked the wine inside.

Downton cut off the softest meat from the roasted deer, put it on a plate, and handed it to Celes.

"Thank you!" The Death Banshee lowered her head, her cheeks reddened by the bonfire. Downton's gentleness made her heart skip a beat.

"Boy, the food is good!"

There was a sound of footsteps, and Musser came over with a group of subordinates. Everyone was drunk and stared at Downton with hostility. (To be continued...)


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