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Chapter 247 Accidental promotion to the war rank

"Legendary Arms, Wrath Armor, don't ask me about the price. There should be no more than ten sets in the entire Western Continent. They were forged by a genius troll witch doctor using secret methods." Homer teased, "There is no doubt that this Duke

Definitely a troll fan and love clan style items.”

"Is there any way for me to put it on?" Downton was depressed. Even if it was broken into pieces and couldn't be used, even the armor couldn't be used. It was really disappointing.

"If you have troll blood, you will have no problem wearing it. Unfortunately, you are a human. As long as you wear it, the armor will continue to eat your flesh and blood until you become its nutrition."

"So scary?" Hu Tao has heard that some weapons have souls, but even those are rare items in legends and are very rare.

"No wonder it is placed here, it turns out to be a piece of trash!" Downton threw away the mask in frustration and rummaged through other things.

"We will definitely be able to find better armor in the future." Celes comforted Downton, "By the way, there is also the next level."

"Yes!" Hutao rummaged through the trophies and ran towards the stairs.

Homer looked at Downton, hesitated again and again, and finally decided to say, "Actually, you can also wear it. It depends on whether you have the courage?"

"What do you mean?" Downton was about to chase Hu Tao, but stopped when he heard this.

"When you are promoted to the war level, you will have a certain degree of resistance. When the time comes, you will put on the Wrath Armor. While resisting its devouring, your physical strength will also be constantly honed. Of course, the premise is that your will can

If you endure the pain of being bitten continuously and faint, you will be completely dead." Homer explained, "Except for the user's will, not even I can forcibly peel it off from your body."

"How many minutes can I wear it for?" Downton asked.

"Look at your body, your body's endurance is at its limit. But I guess it won't last more than thirty seconds." Homer was very pessimistic about this. "You should consider carefully. Putting it on is like tying a time bomb to your body.

Could explode."

"What is the effect of the armor?" Downton picked up the mask, "I have wasted a lot of time. No matter how painful it is, as long as it can improve my strength, I will endure it."

"In addition to the super strong defense, it is also enchanted with endless rage." Homer took back all the trophies. "As long as it is activated, it will continuously provide magic energy and physical strength within ten minutes, even if you keep casting forbidden spells.

, can’t be consumed all.”

"A forbidden curse cannot be released in five minutes." Downton despised.

"I'm just making a metaphor." Homer floated towards the stairs, "Let's go. You have to watch Hu Tao, otherwise there will definitely be some trouble!"

As soon as Homer finished speaking, there was a loud bang below.

Hu Tao held the battle ax and smashed the stone door hard. With her huge force, the door was soon covered with cracks.

"There is actually a door. I'm sure there must be something good inside." Hu Tao's face was full of curiosity.

"Stop!" Downton and Homer quickly stopped. There are no doors on the first two floors, which means that the third floor must be a heavily protected place. There may be traps.

Unfortunately, it was too late. Hu Tao smashed the stone door with an axe, and blue-gold energy spurted out from the hole. Because the concentration was too high, it even became liquid.

There was a magic circle on the stone gate that held energy, but unfortunately it was destroyed by Walnut. As a result, the energy surged, raging like sea water.

The three people were submerged in an instant. High-concentration energy poured into their bodies, causing their skin to burst instantly. Their flesh began to be damaged and necrotic because they could not withstand the overload of energy.

Walnut's eggshell shield popped out to protect her, leaving her drifting awkwardly like a duckweed in the turbulent water.

Downton and Celes were in a worse situation. The soul shield popped up, but with just one breath, it was crushed by the energy torrent.

"Quickly, rush to the level with all your strength. Only in this way can we consume a lot of energy." Homer was anxious and released three shields to wrap them up, and then opened a magic door. Inside was a black endless void, except for the occasional bit.

The twinkling stars and nothing else can be seen.

Homer in grimoire form is like a giant beast that has been hungry for thousands of years, devouring energy and repairing the source of damage.

Downton was like an unlucky guy who was drowning. His body kept turning and he was completely dizzy. He couldn't tell the direction of the wind at all. He couldn't even rescue Celes and Hu Tao.

"Don't worry about other people, protect yourself first." Homer yelled.

"Damn it, what the hell is going on?" Downton cursed, calmed down, meditated on the Holy Angel Statue, and started to climb the stairs.

The soul seeds were operating at full strength, radiating soul power, and then soul angels were formed. They were soaked in the energy liquid. Although they were floating up and down, they were always suspended around Downton.

Downton didn't even need to absorb the magic energy. They had already filled his body, so they directly washed away the soul seeds, and the magic energy was simply endless.

What the three of them felt now was not the pain of climbing the stairs, but the pain of the magic energy tearing their bodies apart. Their whole bodies felt like they had been stuffed into a meat grinder.

Bang, Downton hit the wall and almost fainted.

"Be patient, don't faint, or you will be dead." Homer roared, reminding loudly, "This is an opportunity and a crisis. If you survive it, you will get huge benefits."

The son of the Duke carved a solid-energy magic array in the three-story treasure house, and placed a secret treasure in the center of the array. It can extract free energy. It has been running for hundreds of years, accumulating a large amount of energy and even liquefying it.

In fact, here is the Duke's Son's trump card, the energy it planned to use to attack the scepter level, but unfortunately it was absorbed due to the unexpected intrusion of the Downton people.

"Downton, you must hold on." Homer swallowed the energy in big mouthfuls. The source was rapidly recovering, but it was still terribly depressed. If it weren't for Hutao's reckless behavior, everyone could slowly absorb it. As a result, now

It became like this.

Breaking into the war level was originally a very painful process, but unfortunately Downton couldn't feel it at all. Now he has lost consciousness in his limbs. He only relied on his last will to guard his little consciousness, biting and holding on, not letting go.

Passed out on his own.

Downton felt like a walking zombie, with nothing left except his soul and mind.

Indeed. Downton couldn't see that more than half of their three bodies had been shattered by energy, and blood was flowing. If the magic book hadn't released its original protection, they would have died long ago.

The energy accumulated over hundreds of years cannot be underestimated.

"What's wrong? Hu Tao and Celes' minds are too weak and they won't be able to hold on any longer." Homer was so anxious that their souls actually began to collapse.

"Celeste, Hutao, you must hold on, I am here, guarding you!" Downton's vocal cords were damaged long ago. He didn't know it, but he was still shouting. That was the sound of his soul.

"I won't die. I have to go see Elaine and tell her that she doesn't have to live a hard life anymore."

"I will become a noble, a grand duke, and have my own territory."

"Wutao, I'm still waiting for your heavy cavalry to travel across the continent, Celes. Don't you want to hear a story? Next time I'll tell you about the three musketeers!"

Downton was wandering around with various thoughts. Under the strong desire to survive, the soul angels began to transform. They grew vocal cords and sang melodious and holy hymns.

The singing is clear and ethereal, soothing the soul and dispelling pain.

The faces of Hutao and Celes were distorted. At the moment when their souls were about to collapse, they heard the hymn, and their souls suddenly received gentle protection, exuding white holy light, as if they were sleeping in their mother's arms.

Downton's chest lit up with a ball of white light, and then an oval-shaped shield enveloped him.

"Boy, you have impressed me again." Homer sighed, and then became confused, "Is this the blood power in your body protecting you spontaneously?"


Washed away by the tsunami-like energy, the soul seeds were left with their purest origins, which were then nourished and bathed. This energy seemed to turn into abundant rainwater and nutrients, irrigating the seeds.

The chants of the Soul Angels became louder and louder, reaching straight into the sky, and the entire Duke's Palace could no longer suppress them.

Click! Click!

The seed burst, and a green sprout was born!

Downton hits the war stage, successful!

Elemental tornadoes began to form, and even elemental puppets appeared. With this kind of promotion to a higher level, the power of elemental repulsion would become more powerful. However, this time, they were shattered by the energy torrent before they were formed. With this,

Integrate into one.

The sprouts emit white and green light, reshaping Downton's body.

The body shapes of the Soul Angels have not changed, but their appearance has become more refined, and two red lips have appeared on their originally empty faces.

The hymn was still singing, the angel was still frantically absorbing energy, and these liquids formed vortices, swimming around Downton.

Downton's body was successfully reshaped, but the soul angels still did not stop singing. The excess energy that could not be absorbed was transformed into soul power by them.

One hundred!

One hundred and thirty!

One hundred and eighty!

The number of soul angels increased to three hundred before they could stop.

Downton couldn't bear it anymore. If he continued, he would definitely die. Fortunately, there was still a magic book, which was devouring it crazily, completely draining the energy.

Plop! Plop!

The three people fell to the ground, unconscious. All the clothes on their bodies were torn, not even the dregs were left.

"Phew, it was so dangerous, I finally got over it." Homer was still frightened, but he soon became happy. The harvest this time was really great.

Putting aside the fact that the grimoire has restored some of its original power, it is a gratifying thing that both Downton and Celes have been promoted to the war level and have been spared the blow of elemental rejection.

Under the wash of energy, their physical strength and resilience are much higher than those of ordinary war-level people. This is a natural advantage that cannot be obtained without huge opportunities.

"What is the origin of Walnut?" Homer was very proud and elegant, otherwise he would have secretly investigated Walnut's body.

In the dangerous situation just now, except for it, the little Loli absorbed the most energy, but she changed the least. (To be continued...)

ps: Congratulations on reaching the war stage!


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