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Chapter 254 Shaman Thunderstorm

The full moon hung high in the sky, and Wolf King Garnett stood in the courtyard of Doshaf's villa with his hands behind his back, looking at the colorful flowers blooming in the flowerbed, his eyes became deep.

"Wolf King, Rooney did not act according to the plan and attacked the grain depot in advance. There is no movement at the armory for the time being."

A werewolf scout quickly entered the courtyard, knelt down on one knee, and reported to Garnett.

"Don't worry, no matter what he does, it won't affect the outcome tonight." Garnett had already guessed that Rooney the Bear would never abide by his agreement due to his greed. After seizing the grain depot, his next move

The target is the armory.

The Wolf King smiled, because Rooney was destined to be disappointed. Beyond the armory was the troll Suarez and his tribal army, which was the most notorious bandit in the West.

"Rooney, do you think I will let you take away the food unscathed?" Garnett is the prince of the werewolves after all, and he does not have a good impression of the Bear Bears, the vassals of the Tagore tribe.

"Wolf King, we found the treasury!"

Another scout hurried into the courtyard, reporting with joy on his face that this was their ultimate goal.

"Very good, lead the way!"

The Wolf King swung his cloak and strode across the lawn with rapid strides.

Garnett came to the West simply because he was tracking Di Lanxue, and for the legendary secret realm. After he arrived, he naturally wanted to collect information, so he heard about Doshaf.

As a prince, the Wolf King could get a lot of intelligence support. After learning that Doshaf was a middle-level member of the Brotherhood and responsible for the safekeeping of the organization's property in the Western Region, he immediately decided to make a fortune.

After finding Rooney, Garnett used his identity to persuade him. Then he used his relationship to find Tyson and make him obey his former boss and attack the dagger mine.

If Downton hadn't interfered, Garnett's follow-up plan would have been launched, he successfully took over the mine, and then unscrupulously searched for Doshaf's vault hidden in the mine.

After Dosav's reversal failed, Garnett immediately sent out spies from the Western Region and bribed some high-level officials. He spoke in front of Placido, aroused his anger at the right time, and then sent the army to destroy Tyson.

If it were in the past, Tyson would have engaged in guerrilla warfare long before the crusade army retreated. However, this time with Garnett's support and the promise to capture Morning Mist Town, it began to overwhelm the crusade army.

It was Downton's accident again. If it weren't for him, the gangsters would have achieved a perfect victory, but the impact would still be small. After wiping out the crusade, the gangsters looked at the Wolf King's plan and became extremely confident, planning to rob Chen.

Fog Town.

The bandit leader said that he would only wait three days to hand over Downton and then withdraw. This was just to paralyze the powerful people in Morning Mist Town and let them transfer their only soldiers to garrison in the town.

Of course, the news that the bandits got from the Wolf King was that there were only a small number of defenders in the town, and most of them would be transferred away and delayed on the way.

The Wolf King has this confidence because after Rocker and Rukia were captured, the shaman cast death spells on their bodies. If they wanted to survive, they had to listen to Garnett and use their military power to kill them.

The reinforcements were dragged along the road.

"Okay, all obstacles have been removed, let the ignorant gangsters go to the town to fight. These two places are our biggest trophies!"

Garnett asked Rooney and Suarez to discuss the distribution of the grain depot and armory. It seemed generous, but in fact, the real purpose was to use these three places to move all the soldiers away and then attack Doshav's villa.

"only these?"

The Wolf King looked at the few gold bricks and antiques in the vault and frowned. Next to him stood a guard, holding an open box in his hand, which contained stacks of gold tickets.

"Wolf King, we have already calculated it, the total is 1.5 million gold coins!"

The adjutant held a piece of parchment with numbers written on it, and his face was full of joy. It was originally a message, but after hearing Garnett's words, he was completely stunned.

The guards also had puzzled expressions. This was 1.5 million. For the Behemoth orcs who were used to being poor, it was an outright huge sum of money.

"Not enough, far from enough." Garnett pondered. "It seems that the real treasure house is indeed in the mine. How can we break into it in a short time? Wait, Doshaf has not appeared yet. Could it be that he is dead?"

Watching the Wolf King think, his subordinates tried to slow down the sound of moving gold bricks to avoid disturbing him.

Garnett is not being generous, but because his home base is in the east. Even if he takes over the grain depot and armory, he can't take it with him. He might as well give it to Rooney and Suarez as a favor.

Of course, the Wolf King's thoughts are not simple. After they eat this wealth and plunder the town of Morning Mist, Placido will be absolutely furious and will definitely retaliate against them. This means that the strength of the violent bears and trolls will be increased.


"It would be great if it could trigger a local war." The Wolf King turned and left, "Tell the guards to move quickly. Also, what is the situation in Chenwu Town?"

"A stalemate!"

Scout report.

"What?" Garnett was a little surprised, "Do you think the border guards of this third-rate country are the legions of the nine empires? Lax armaments, incompetent officers, corruption, withholding of military pay, well, let's not talk about these, just the first few

The destruction of the Tiansan Thousand-Man Corps was enough to collapse their morale, but how could they still withstand the offensive of the bandit coalition?"

Garnett gave three days. In addition to paralyzing the enemy, he was also spreading rumors, letting terror ferment, and destroying the will of soldiers and townspeople to resist.

Human beings are timid before fighting, and have already lost 10% of the battle. But like this, Chenwu Town has not been defeated yet?

"Sure enough, bandits are bandits, they are nothing." The Wolf King snorted coldly.

"It was the human boy named Downton who blocked Tyson's path with his undead army." The scout reported.

"Forget it, let them fight it out, consuming the strength of both sides is the strategic goal to be achieved." The Wolf King rode on the Texas Red Wolf, "Is there any news about Di Lanxue and Dupont?"

"They entered the Red Bird Valley in the Dragon Hills three days ago. The scout they were following was killed early yesterday morning. They have lost track of them and the latest information has not been sent back yet."

"Well, keep monitoring!"

The Wolf King looked in the direction of the hills, preparing to chase Di Lanxue. As for Downton, he didn't take it to heart at all. In terms of his status and talent, let alone Downton, he was the winner of the Magic Youth Competition Torresdu.

He is not qualified. His opponents are geniuses like Di Lanxue and Dupont from the nine empires.

If Garnett knew that Downton had looted Doshaf's real treasure house and obtained the wealth accumulated by the Western Branch of the Brotherhood for several years, he would be mad.

You must know that they are gold bricks worth 100 million gold coins, magic stones worth 200 million gold coins, and black steel metal essence worth no less than 200 million. Of course, there is no need to mention the rest of the loot. In short, it is hundreds of times what Garnett gained this time.


If it weren't for Dosav being a man who loves luxury and keeping enough gold bricks and gold tickets in the villa's vault to meet his huge daily expenses, Garnett would have made hundreds of thousands.

The moonlight shone all over the earth, and little did they know that Downton, who had been treated as a trash fish, was commanding the troops to resist the desperate charge of the bandits.

"Kill over and chop these guys to death!" Tyson roared, not only his face was angry, but his eyes were also covered with bloodshot eyes. There was no way, too many of his subordinates died.

The abominations are like an iron gate, relying on excellent defense to firmly block the steps of the gangsters, making them unable to advance.

Celes didn't even need to take aim, she just threw magic into these gangsters who were crowded like a school of sardines. The bone missiles shot down one after another, and the gangsters fell to death one after another.

Blood and minced meat were scattered all over the floor, covering the insteps of the feet, and the screams of those who were seriously injured but still alive were shrill and shrill.

"It's not enough, cast the spell faster!"

Downton knew that this kind of fighter plane would not last long, and the enemy would soon find a way to crack it.

"It's already been a long run."

Homer was very satisfied with the current results, but Celes' face turned pale. After all, she was a fifteen-year-old girl. She saw with her own eyes that she had slaughtered more than three hundred lives under the bombardment of magic, and something appeared in her heart.

She couldn't bear it, especially the intestines and internal organs that fell to the ground and kept shaking with the accumulation of blood. She finally couldn't bear it anymore and vomited it out.

"Change of formation!"

Downton did not force Celes, but prepared to change the formation.

"Wait, continue to maintain the current formation, let's ensure the magic suppression. These gangsters should pay the price for their killings."

Charlotte suddenly spoke, walked to Celes, patted her on the back, and took the staff, "I'll lend you this first!"

With a brief chant, which didn't even last a second, lightning balls as big as watermelons appeared around Xia Luo, and then with the forward finger of her staff, the lightning balls jumped over the abomination and shot into the gangsters.

Boom! Boom!

The thunderballs hit the gangsters, directly blowing them into pitch-black coke. Some thunderballs exploded, and the scattered lightning bolts scurried around like silver snakes, causing their muscles to electrically paralyze and shrink, causing them to fall to the ground one by one.

"The strength won't be above the war level, right?" Downton was not surprised that Xia Luo was a magic user. After all, ordinary people couldn't make potions, but Xian Lang's attack power was too powerful, with non-stop lightning.

The attack inflicted heavy losses on the gangsters.

"Ghoul, defend your back, be careful of those gangsters who move through the alley and attack from behind." Downton shouted, commanding the demon servants to change positions, "The alley is very short, and they can rush over in less than a minute."

"Quick, quick, quick, go around the alley and intercept them." The little bosses roared and asked their subordinates to move.

"This idiot actually told us what to do?" Tyson, who was entangled by Quasimodo, was overjoyed and thought he had found a way to solve this dilemma.

"Haha, Downton is playing tricks again." Homer laughed. Downton was worried that the enemy would react in time and take detours from both sides on the roof, so he gave them a solution that seemed to be no problem. (Unfinished)

to be continued..)


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