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Chapter 294 Drunk Beauty Instructor

Andrea lives in the tutor's apartment uniformly allocated by the school, which is on the street behind the campus, making it convenient for them to commute to get off work.

The sun was shining brightly, and the streets were full of carriages and pedestrians.

Downton stood on the roadside and looked at the two six-story buildings in front of him. After confirming the address on the house number again, he walked in.

The building is quite old, the walls are mottled and discolored, and the paint on the wooden floor has been worn away. It makes a creaking sound when you step on it, which makes people worry that it will break down at some point.

A middle-aged woman walked down carrying two large garbage bags. Downton quickly stepped aside and let her go first.

Andrea likes to see the scenery, so she lives on the top floor.

After knocking on the door, but no one answered, Downton turned the doorknob and found it was locked, so he took out the key Elaine gave him, inserted it in, and turned it smoothly.


Downton didn't even take a step when he opened the door. He was completely stunned when he looked at the living room where things were littered. No wonder Elaine asked him to clean it.

"The instructor turns out to be so sloppy!"

The shoe rack at the door was crooked, with more than a dozen pairs of shoes scattered on the floor. Inside were a few pieces of clothing. Downton could imagine that Andrea, who had gotten up too late, had to change into her pajamas and leave in order not to be late.


Downton did not clean up immediately, but was careful not to step on anything. He entered the living room and opened the window to ventilate. There was no choice but to find a musty smell in the room.

The kitchen sink is filled with dishes that haven't been washed for three or four days. The coffee table is full of them. The leftover food on the plates is just thrown away. Mold has grown on them, and the strange smell is emitted by them.

"No wonder they are all older women, not yet married, so sloppy. Who wants it?" Downton joked and started cleaning.

First, I cleaned up the debris on the coffee table and threw it into the trash can. Then I washed the dishes and cutlery. After freeing the sink, I filled the water. While cleaning up the scattered clothes, I wiped the table, chair and floor.

For Downton, who has lived independently for a long time, these are things he has become accustomed to. He hums a brisk whistle and is busy happily.

My sister saw it, bought a house, and had a lot of gold coins in her pocket. She could buy whatever she wanted. Except for some mortal flies, her career was going smoothly.

"Is that a fly? That's a giant beast. The slave owner will definitely check your details again. When he finds out, he will wait for crazy revenge, and the Marquis Leitner will not give up."

Ma despised, "The most troublesome thing is Hannah and her team. She must have been hindered by something. If she can free her hands to deal with you, you will be lucky. By the way. There are also Assassin's Creed Assassination and Brotherhood,

I suddenly discovered that you have a lot of troubles!"

Homer guessed correctly. Hannah had already led her team to secretly follow Di Lanxue and his party to the Dragon Hills, hoping to seize the tomb of Rose in the Demon Palace.

Who is her opponent? The heir from the Dupont family of the Kuta Empire, Troll Jin, Lionheart King Richard, Wolf King Garnett, etc. No matter which one of them, she needs to devote 200% of her energy to deal with them, so

Downton was completely influenced by Di Lanxue and the others, otherwise Hannah would have dealt with him long ago.

The tombs under Crow Ridge are not famous, and at most they contain some valuable funerary objects. But the tomb of Demon Palace Rose is different. As the first queen in human history, she once controlled most of the Western Continent, and her rank reached above legend.

A strong person, the value of her tomb can be imagined.

Even if Hannah is too stupid to know the difference, she can tell which tomb is more valuable just by looking at the identities of Di Lanxue and his party who are fighting for it.

"Don't bite me if there are too many lice." Downton remembered that there was a necromancer in the dungeon. The mana well was occupied by unknown undead monsters. He suddenly felt a little bit big, but before he could complain, he was electrocuted.

He took a step back and dropped the clothes in his hands.

"What are you doing?" Homer was startled and couldn't help complaining, "Oh, it's just a pair of underwear, what are you afraid of?"

Downton's mouth twitched and he couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Haha, this isn't your first time touching a woman's underwear, is it?" Homer laughed, "You are indeed a virgin!"

"Who said that? I helped Elaine wash it." Downton quibbled.

"Come on, she is your sister, and she is too young to be considered a woman." Homer retorted.

"Well, actually, she washed most of the clothes when I was a child." At that time, Downton was working as a postman and had to travel many miles to deliver letters every day to make money. After returning home, he was almost exhausted. Little Elaine helped with housework, especially when he was in school.

After learning, she stopped letting her brother touch her clothes.

Little girls also know how to be shy.

"I didn't realize it, but that woman is quite bold in what she wears!" Homer looked at the narrow translucent lace panties and couldn't help but tease, "Are most clergy members the sultry type?"

In addition to underwear, bras and stockings were also scattered everywhere. He saw a few pairs had holes in them, so he simply threw them away.

"With Andrea's salary, I'm afraid she won't care about a few torn stockings." After collecting the dirty clothes and putting them in the bathroom, Downton quickly washed his hands.

"You forgot, the shoes are not neatly arranged at the door."

"I am Di Polo, so women are troublesome." Downton stroked his forehead with a look of helplessness on his face, but thinking about Andrea's careful teaching to Elaine, all his dissatisfaction disappeared.

Andrea may have a special liking for high heels, that's all in this category, but Downton won't comment on her taste. After putting them away, he went to wash his hands and soaked the dirty clothes in the basin with water.

The work is done.

Andrea, who was drunk, held on to the wall and staggered up the stairs. Seeing the intimate gestures between Downton and Elaine, she missed her mother a little after running away from home for six years. As for the one who insisted on

She no longer hates her father who married her off so much. After all, he is also thinking about the family.

Andrea, who was depressed and had few friends, could only get drunk to relieve her loneliness.

Andrea was not surprised when the door was open, because Elaine would come to clean the room every now and then. If she worked too late and couldn't go back to school, she would still stay here.

"Elaine, get me a glass of water, my head hurts!"

After locking the door, Andrea used her calves to kick off her high heels and stepped on the floor wearing only stockings. She took off her long skirt as she walked to the bathroom.

Her body was covered in sweat, sticky and uncomfortable. She wanted to take a bath and then have a good sleep to forget all the unpleasantness.

When he heard the mistress came back, Downton paid attention to the faucet, put the basin next to him, wiped his hands, and poured water.

"Okay, wait a moment!" Downton took a few steps and froze. He looked in surprise as Andrea, who was only wearing underwear, walked into the bathroom. She lowered her head and took off her bra.

Bang! The two big papaya breasts that had lost their restraints jumped out and were exposed to the air. Their fair appearance made any man want to take a bite.

"I'm Di Polo, is this woman an exhibitionist?" The corner of Downton's eyes glanced at the shower and fish tank next to him, and he understood that she wanted to take a bath. He was hesitant about how to speak, telling her that there was another man here.

To avoid embarrassment, a scream that almost tore through the sky filled Downton's ears.

Suddenly seeing a man appear in front of her, Andrea was stunned and subconsciously hugged her chest. Then arrows of holy light appeared around her and shot towards Downton at high speed.

"I am Dipolo!"

Downton and Homer cursed at the same time. As expected of dragon-slaying magicians, the speed of self-defense was terrifying. At the same time, two soul shields appeared, spinning around Downton.

Homer swore again. It originally planned to support Downton, but it didn't expect that his response speed was faster than his own.

The space in the bathroom was small, and Downton had no way to avoid it. If he waited any longer, he would definitely be shot into a hornet's nest, so he rushed towards Andrea immediately and at the same time roared a giant's roar.

The liquid mass emerged and slid in front of Downton in an arc. Unfortunately, it only served as a holy light arrow before it exploded, and the diamond-shaped shield on his body was also shattered.

Fortunately, Downton still has sacred armor, otherwise he would really be dead.

Huge sound waves instantly filled the bathroom, and Andrea's head felt slightly dizzy, but it was fleeting. After all, she was at the dragon-slaying level, and her magic resistance was not comparable to that of those miscellaneous fish.

Andrea was not a parallel import. She retreated almost immediately, wanting to distance herself and kill the intruders. However, after just two syllables, she felt the fluctuation of the elements and her expression changed drastically. She changed her attack spell to

It becomes a protective system and at the same time allows the soul shield to pop up.

The next second, the golden dragon spear stabbed down quickly and hit her shield, exploding with a stream of bright sparks.

"Holy armor? Holy protection?" Andrea was startled. These two were bishop-level magics. Could the intruder be an assassin from the Black Flame Church?

"It's me, Elaine's brother!" Fortunately, the distance between the two was only three meters, and Downton's explosive power was fast enough, and he rushed in front of Andrea.

Smelling the smell of alcohol, he didn't dare to hope that she would stop on her own initiative, so he grabbed her arm, preparing to use the giant's grapple.

Will the golden dragon gun accidentally kill Andrea? Downton has no such worries. Instead, he is worried that the holy armor has exhausted its magic energy and what he will use as an attack.

Sure enough, the drunk Andrea saw the intruder rushing in front of her, and because she was nervous about seeing naked men, she cast the Sword of Judgment.

Phew, a long sword composed of holy light appeared on the ceiling and slashed down like thunder.

Downton activated Heaven Shine and pounced directly on Andrea, wiping his back during the trial, passing by dangerously.

It has to be said that Downton is lucky. If Andrea had not been drunk, she would have cut him into two pieces at this moment.

Downton jumped forward and hugged Andrea's waist, pressing his cheek against her breast. The inertia of the forward motion caused them to fall out.

Bang, the opposite side of the bathroom door was the bedroom wall, and Andrea's back hit it hard, almost causing her to choke in pain. (To be continued...)


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