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Chapter 413 Dragon Breath Fire Roar

There are no things in the world that are damageless. Even if they are left quietly, the long river of time will wash them into fine gravel.

The mechanical golem was like an old man in his twilight years. He had already reached the edge of elimination. Now he is about to be blasted by Downton and others, which can be regarded as completing the last mission in his life.

With the continuous heavy blows, parts fell apart, the golem's body strength plummeted, and its reactions became slower and slower, like a robot that was short of lubricating oil.

An arm knife was interrupted by Thiessen, and the Golem switched to a heavy punch, but before it could hit Downton, he was punched out by Quasimodo.

Downton followed, spinning and slashing with the giant windmill. The battle ax wrapped in flames instantly cut twelve criss-crossing dents on the golem's body.


The golem fell to the ground, and one of its arms was almost broken, revealing the metal tube connected to the shoulder.

Quasimodo jumped and fell like a meteor, knocking the golem over again as it was about to get up. Downton sprinted and stamped on its head.

Trampled by giants!


The golem's head hit the ground solidly, spiderweb-like cracks spread, and one of its eyes made of gemstones was broken.

"Look at me!"

Thiessen grazed Downton's cheek with his war hammer and fired a shot at the golem's neck.


The golem's neck was bent at ninety degrees, the construction circuit was destroyed, and magic energy sparks came out, making a sizzling sound.

It is still struggling, trying to get up.

Downton turned 180 degrees, swept his right leg across, and hit his head firmly with his military boot.


His head was kicked off. After flying more than ten meters, he hit the wall with his head and fell to the ground with a 'bang'. He rolled out.

Hutao ran over, picked up the head, and his eyes slowly dimmed as he looked at the only remaining gem.


The gem was cracked, mixed with rust and impurities, and the turbid colored magic liquid flowed out of the eye socket.

Hutao was originally going to kick it away, but seeing this, she couldn't bear it anymore, so she took it and ran to Downton's side, placing it in front of the golem's body.

"Phew, it's finally solved!"

After dismantling the golem and seeing that the mutilated body was completely motionless, Downton sat down on the ground. This kind of all-out bombardment was too exhausting and a waste of energy. If his foundation hadn't been good enough, even with the protection of hellfire.

, his bones must be broken off by at least one-third.

"Is your body made of metal?"

Rose was still a little frightened when she thought of Downton's fighting style. Toldo and Sneed have also become more honest. They are now completely convinced and no longer dare to think of revenge.

"I don't want to get my head blown off!"

Sneed cast a magical spell to heal Downton's body. When he saw him looking over, the boy quickly nodded with a smile.

"The leader is very powerful. It seems that the others haven't solved the battle yet."

Toldo complimented Downton, causing other students to scold him for his lack of moral integrity.

"Green Day's strength is no worse than ours. The battle should be over by now. Cardinal is a little hung up. As for Mueller, that kid definitely has a trump card to save his life."

Downton took a sip of wine and looked at Jackson.

"I see!"

Jackson understood what his master meant, which was to let him do the investigation. Although he was reluctant, he could only do as he was told.

Even though Murray said that the treasure house had been cleared by Di Lanxue first, Downton still wanted to verify it. What if it was a lie?

On the steps, Jackson met Mueller. The guy killed two mechanical golems and was staggering forward. It glanced at it and pointed the crossbow at Mueller, but before it could pull the trigger, the opponent suddenly raised its head.

, glanced over with sharp eyes.

At that moment, although the two sides were more than ten meters apart, Jackson clearly felt what it felt like to be enveloped by the aura of death, and his sixth sense alarm bell sounded, causing him to run away quickly.

When Jackson recovered from the fright, he found that Murray had passed by and went to the upper level, which made him let out a long sigh of relief.

"Did his eyes change color just now?" Jackson's memory was quickly interrupted, because the Cardinal Adventure Group roared and chased after him.

"Stop, aren't you going to give us an explanation and leave like this?" Sepp was so angry that he bit his lip. The sudden encounter just now cost him one-third of his team members. This is obviously okay.

Avoided losses.

Some of the Green Sun members followed deputy leader Karl, while the remaining half rushed to the treasure house to see if there was any chance of grabbing the loot.

"Don't leave in a hurry. Can you settle the accounts with us first?" Karl said in a bad tone. Three people from Green Sun died. They all died when they encountered the golem in the early stages. After stabilizing, there has been no reduction in personnel.

This can also show their background.

I have to say that Green Sun people are very arrogant, but they have the confidence to be arrogant.

"Haha, what compensation do you want?" Mueller wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve and showed a fool-like smile, seemingly unaware of the other party's hostility.

"Call out the things you got in the treasure house, and we'll let you live." Sepp's words won the support of the group members.

Karl didn't speak. In addition to wanting compensation, he also wanted Mueller's life. After all, the dead members were nobles. Although accidents were inevitable in secret adventures, he had to give an explanation to their families.

"Very reasonable conditions, Downton, what do you say?" Mueller smiled, "You accepted my lava core."

Upon hearing this name, a group of adventurers stared at Downton with wide eyes.

"Stop trying to divert trouble to others. I have already helped you kill a mechanical golem, which is considered a fulfillment of my promise. You should keep this kind of conflict between teams private!" Downton crossed his arms,

"Don't worry, I won't help him deal with you."

"Haha, are you planning to wait until I fight them to the death before killing them?" Mueller rubbed his messy curly short hair, "Don't think I don't know that you and Green Day have a grudge!"

Muller is very cunning, and one sentence can make Green Sun and Red Bird feel jealous. Even if Downton does not have this intention, they have to measure his impact on the current situation.

Once distracted, Green Day and the Cardinals will naturally not be able to use their full strength to deal with Mueller.

"Stop talking nonsense. Pay the compensation quickly. We have done our best by not taking your life."

Sepp had personally witnessed Muller's majesty in destroying two mechanical golems. To be honest, if the opponent was not in his prime but was just seriously injured, he would not dare to provoke him. But it was different now. After killing the golems, he would not dare to provoke him.

Finally, Mueller has run out of gas, so it would be unreasonable not to take the opportunity to blackmail him.

"Okay, I'll pay the compensation!"

Mueller reached into his pocket, almost instinctively, and everyone's attention was attracted by his movement, but at this moment, the roar of a huge dragon suddenly echoed through the corridor.

A dragon head condensed by magic energy appeared in the sky above the Red Bird Adventure Group. It was several times larger than an adult rhinoceros. It opened its mouth, and there was a dragon's breath.


Dark purple flames spurted out, like a tsunami, instantly swamping the Red Bird Adventure Group and jumping dozens of meters away.

The temperature in the corridor soared instantly, making people feel as if they were in a furnace of fire. Their skin would be dry and cracked.

When the flames dissipated, everyone discovered that the remaining members of the Red Bird team, including Sepp, had been wiped out, and the surrounding walls showed signs of melting.

"Dead? All dead?"

"The power of this attack was so terrifying. The Red Bird men didn't even have time to scream, and were burned to ashes in an instant?"

"For the Cardinals to reach this point, the rest must be the main players of the team, but they were killed instantly by Mueller's Dragon Breath?"

Green Sun and his team almost stared at them. The students of St. George also looked frightened. It was really that Mueller's attack was too overbearing.

Demonic users with good eyesight like Downton and Carl were all on alert. At the moment when the dragon's breath swallowed Sepp, they saw that Captain Cardinal reacted very quickly and activated the soul shield. Unfortunately, it had no effect at all.

"We are so lucky. If we stood behind the Cardinal, we would definitely be affected."

After being shocked, the Green Sun members finally breathed a sigh of relief. It was really dangerous just now.

The Cardinals' men stood across the Green Sun and wanted to use them as human shields. After all, Mueller had to get past them if he wanted to attack, but no one expected that he would resort to such a method.

"Huh? Dead? It seems I don't have to pay compensation." Mueller joked and looked at Karl, "What about you? Do you still want it?"

"Let's go!" Karl glared at Mueller fiercely and led the team to the treasure house. Mueller's offensive scared him. Who knows if this guy's fatigue is fake? Besides, if he has any trump cards,

Even if our own side is not destroyed, it will still suffer heavy losses.

"Trash!" Mueller looked at the backs of Karl and his entourage with disdain, spat, and then turned to Downton, "I'm leaving. I'll have a drink with you when I get the chance!"

"We are waiting for you!"

Downton watched Muller stagger away.

"Is he a magician or a warrior? Is that dragon head just a talent or a magic?"

Rose couldn't understand and asked aloud.

"It must be talent, right?"

Toldo wasn't sure either.

"This guy is so strong, but even so, he was severely injured by Di Lanxue's sword. How powerful will Her Majesty Shishi Ji be?"

Rose suddenly thought of a question, and her eyes were filled with admiration.

"Don't forget, among the younger generation, the one who is called the number one rising star in the Western Continent is not Di Lanxue. At least I know Saint Roland, and Medici is no worse than her."

As a Templar Knight, Sneijder admires the Saint more than the Lioness, who is also a Paladin. After all, the Saint's appearance rate is too high in the Holy See's publicity. Coupled with the perfect image and strength, it is simply

The goddess of their dreams.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go!" Downton urged everyone to hurry up. The golem died, and now the team's path forward is clear.

Twenty minutes later, everyone arrived at the treasure house.

Mueller did not lie. All the treasures in the treasure house were moved away, leaving only the bodies of fifteen mechanical golems. Jackson checked them and found that they were all exploded with one sword.

"His Royal Highness Di Lanxue must have done it, it's so amazing!" Rose exclaimed, looking like a complete nymphomaniac. (To be continued...)


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