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Chapter 5 Vortex Meditation

() Crow Ridge is about a day and a half away from Chenwu Town by carriage. It is said that thousands of years ago, there used to be the royal tombs of a certain kingdom.

This rumor attracted a large number of adventurers, but no one found the treasure inside and became rich overnight. Instead, it became the lunch of the ghouls.

Two thousand years ago, the Orcs' Southern Legion and the Troll Tribe who emerged from the Dragon Hills joined forces to invade Delankfort. As a result, they were defeated in the west by the talented and strategic King Delankfurt VI.

In this battle, the total number of soldiers killed on both sides exceeded one million. The corpses were spread all over Sequoia County, and the flowing blood turned the land into a quagmire.

The ghost lingered in the sky all day long. For several months, the residents of the Western Territory never saw the sun.

In order to avoid the plague after the war, the Sixth Emperor asked the soldiers to collect the corpses and throw them all to Crow Ridge. At first, they burned them, but there were too many corpses. As the king left, the generals who dealt with the aftermath began to deal with the aftermath passively and hastily burned the corpses.

Things taken care of.

Too many people have died, and some souls that have not died have naturally evolved into undead creatures after endless years of gradually absorbing magic energy.

For the safety of the border residents, the king once sent paladins and priests to attack Crow Ridge. They did not stop until they no longer posed a threat. However, even so, people still avoided Crow Ridge like snakes and scorpions and would never set foot on it.

"Kerosene lamp, candles, fishing line, five days' worth of food, water..." Downton counted the items needed for the expedition, and after making sure they were correct, he packed them into a cowhide backpack.

"You also need first aid potions, high-quality weapons, and it would be even better if you have a magic jewelry for self-defense!"

Although he had prepared carefully, Downton still sighed when looking at the simple and shabby luggage. He was too poor to afford it.

"Perhaps this expedition was a wrong decision."

Downton sat at the round table under the window. With the dim light of the kerosene lamp, he picked up a quill, dipped it in ink, and listed the precautions for this trip on the paper. No matter how he calculated it, the danger was higher than

Sixty percent.

The moonlight is like water, shining on the skin, making it slightly cool.

"You should quit!"

As soon as this idea came into his mind, Downton threw it away. Without a postman career, he needed a new source of salary, otherwise he would not be able to pay for his sister's tuition.

In order to get rid of distracting thoughts, Downton opened the newly purchased code of law. Those beautiful words, as well as those fourteen-line lyric poems about legal stories, made people happy, and his fluctuating mood gradually calmed down.

"If you become a magic user, the risk factor will be much smaller!"

Downton leaned his elbow on the round table, supported his chin with one hand, and looked at the bright starry sky, full of longing for the future.

If you enter the soul level, let alone your natural abilities, you can just practice powerful martial arts and magic, which can increase your own strength to the point where you can kill ten people or kill a hundred people.

Watching the twinkling starry night and enjoying the warm, watery moonlight made Downton feel peaceful and unconsciously entered a meditative state.

If you want to absorb magic energy, you must enter a meditative state. Most people are restless and have random thoughts, and cannot calm down at all. Although you can enter occasionally, the magic energy required to advance is too huge, and these few times are undoubtedly a drop in the bucket.

The depth of the meditation state determines the speed of absorbing magic energy. Downton is currently practicing the vortex meditation method taught by his sister.

Normally, Downton could only enter the shallow level of meditation, but now, he actually broke through the boundaries and entered the middle level of meditation.

Under the bright moonlight, the magical energy in the hut was like a stream in the forest, gathering faster and faster and seeping into Downton's body.

The concentration of magic energy increases, and even occasionally flashes of star-like spots appear.

Downton is like a whirlpool, greedily absorbing magical energy.

Downton, who was in a meditative state, did not notice that the code was resonated by the soul fluctuations, and three mottled light spots overflowed from the pages, emitting a warm light like fireflies. They were like magnets, attracting more magic from the surroundings.


Bang, bang, bang, the sudden loud knock on the door startled Downton, and he quit his meditative state. With a shake of his right hand, the quill he held drew an ink mark on the page.

"What's up?"

Seeing the line of ink scratching through the sonnet, like an ugly scar on a beautiful woman's face, Downton felt extremely distressed.

"What are you doing? You're already half an hour late. If I hadn't begged, Robinson would have set off long ago." Du Lun was puzzled. Downton was always punctual and would never make such a mistake.

"What?" Downton looked at the old mechanical clock on the table. He remembered that it was past nine o'clock when he finished sorting the items, but now, it was already 12:30 in the morning.

"Impossible, I actually meditated for more than three hours?"

Downton looked shocked and even forgot to open the door for Du Lun. In the past, he would meditate for forty minutes at most before quitting due to confusion. However, among the young people in Chenwu Town, he had already ranked among the top ten. But now

, actually extended by nearly eight times.

Extending the meditation time is not a simple addition, because after the magic user causes the magic energy to fluctuate and resonate through meditation, it takes time for the magic energy to gather from the surroundings. Therefore, as the meditation time goes by, the magic energy absorbed per unit time is constantly increasing.


Of course, there is an upper limit to the concentration, and once it reaches saturation, it will not change.

"Open the door, are you okay?"

"It's okay!" Downton stood up and took a few steps. He found that his body was full of energy and energy, and he seemed to have endless energy.

After opening the door and letting Du Lun in, Downton turned around and walked to the window with a thoughtful look on his face. He wanted to capture this wonderful feeling and figure out the reason for the prolonged meditation.

Du Lun wanted to complain, but when he saw Downton's expression, he immediately shut his mouth. He knew that his friend must be thinking about important things.

"What's the reason? Appreciating poetry, looking at the starry sky..." Downton recalled the details before meditation, and looked at the code. There was no magic energy fluctuation on it, so it shouldn't be magic equipment.

"Are you ready? Robinson must be impatient!" Duren looked at the clock and couldn't help it.

"Sorry, let's go now." Downton inserted the quill into the ink bottle and was about to close the codex when he was suddenly stunned. The ugly ink mark he accidentally made just now disappeared, as if it had never appeared.


"What's wrong?" Duren picked up Downton's backpack, "Hurry up, Robinson can't wait any longer."

"Yeah!" Downton picked up the dagger, stuck it in his boot, and walked out of the room, but when he locked the door, he couldn't help but glance at the code.

"No, I have to figure it out as soon as possible!" Downton ran back and stuffed the grimoire and ink bottle into his backpack.

Downton and Du Lun ran to the South Street entrance of Chenwu Town. Before they could apologize, a young man covered in pimples scolded them.

"You think you are the master, why do you keep us waiting for so long?"

"Sorry, it's my fault." Downton did not argue.

"Forget it, it's getting late, everyone, get in the car and let's go!" Robinson stopped Tony who was about to scold him again and urged everyone.

Parked next to it was a carriage pulled by two Orleans Highland horses. The top of the carriage was piled with supplies and tied with thick ropes.

"Master, get in the car!" Kil opened the car door, bent slightly, and respectfully asked Robinson to get in the car.

This slightly stooped middle-aged man is Robinson's servant and coachman. In addition, there is a tall and strong man named Pires, who carries a Viking heavy sword on his back and exudes a tough guy-like attitude in his movements.


"Why are you here?" Downton was a little surprised when he saw Will was there.

“I want to make some extra money!”

According to Ballmer's character, Will knew that he would definitely be expelled, so he thought about it all afternoon. In the evening, he found Robinson and asked to join the team.

If you perform better, you might be able to continue working with Robinson. After all, he is a famous young businessman in Chenwu Town, and many young people are striving for his goal.

"Stop talking nonsense and get in the car!" Tony picked his nose and pushed Will.

With the night wind blowing and the crisp sound of horse hooves, the carriage drove out of the town and embarked on the road to Crow Ridge.

"Robinson, you are really risking your life to get rich, and you dare to go to Crow Ridge!" Tony was a chatterbox, chewing a piece of kielbasa and teasing vaguely.

"There is no way, there is no free lunch in this world. If you want to get rich, you have to take risks!" Robinson closed his eyes and meditated.

Millions of corpses and tens of thousands of years have formed a dead ecological environment in Crow Ridge, which is very suitable for the habitat of undead creatures and plants. Some of these animals and plants are materials for making various magic potions and are sold to pharmacists.

, you can make a lot of money.

Every year, some adventurers who are not afraid of death enter Crow Ridge, but most of them are unlucky and become the lunch of the ghouls.

"What are you doing with these two burdens who are not magicians?" Thor sneered at Downton, his mouth covered with meat crumbs.

"You have to give young people with dreams a chance!" Robinson grinned, showing his white teeth, so sunny that people couldn't help but feel good about him.

"Thank you, boss!" Will was so grateful that he began to change his words.

Robinson nodded, but he sighed secretly in his heart. He brought these two people with him as bait.

Even if they are soul-level magic users, their physical fitness is higher than those of ordinary soldiers who have been trained for a long time. Therefore, once they encounter danger and escape, these two teenagers will inevitably fall at the end of the team, and they will naturally attract the pursuers.

The ghoul's gaze.

Downton did not eagerly observe his companions in the carriage. There was still a day's journey, and there was plenty of time. After all, everyone was new to each other, and they were all looking at each other, and their vigilance was at the highest level. Their appraising eyes might arouse others.

displeasure, which then leads to conflict. Besides, Downton has more important things to do.

After lighting a candle, Downton took out the code and looked through it.

Robinson glanced at it and lost interest. As an experienced businessman, his vision was very vicious. There was no magic fluctuation in the book, it was very ordinary.

After flipping through it carefully and finding nothing unusual, Downton hesitated for a moment, then took out his quill, dipped it in ink, and drew a line in the upper margin of the page.

For ten minutes, nothing changed!

Downton frowned and wrote a few words casually this time.

An hour passed and there was still no change. Downton began to doubt his own judgment.

"Did I guess wrong?" Downton wanted to give up, but he was unwilling to do so. If he found a way to extend the meditation time, he could quickly enter the soul level.

"try again!"

Downton became furious and planned to write a few more words this time, so he began to write a Shakespearean lyric poem.

"Common people, you've had enough. If you write more, I will get angry!"

On the page, a line of elegant and elegant fonts suddenly appeared, breaking into Downton's sight.



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