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Chapter 512 A business worth tens of billions

In the independent laboratory, the lights are shining!

Except for the occasional popping sound from the burning alcohol lamp, the surroundings were so quiet that even breathing could be heard.

Downton was wearing a neat white coat, standing in front of the test table, carefully pouring the red solution from the dropper into the test tube.

Bangta! Bangta!

"Put your hands down and hold the test tube upright. Try not to let the solution contaminate the wall of the test tube, but directly transfer it into the solution so that it will be fully integrated."

Charlotte was observing and recording data. Not only the table next to her, but also the floor was covered with parchments filled with various symbols and equations, but no one had time to clean them up.

The experiment has been going on for three days, and success or failure depends on it.

After dripping 50 ml, Downton quickly shook his wrist to allow the two solutions to fully react, and the original red and green color instantly turned pink.

These pink solutions flowed, forming blurry faces, just like the abstract paintings by the master Picasso.

Charlotte quickly took away the dropper, clamped the beaker with crucible tongs, and placed it in ice water. It must drop to 50 degrees within ten seconds, otherwise the activity of the particles in the solution will not reach the standard.


Hearing Charlotte's voice, Downton immediately turned the test tube upside down. When the solution came into contact, it instantly turned purple. At the same time, there was a bang, and a purple mist rose up, forming a twisted face in the air. He cried for a moment.

, laughed for a moment, and even made a sound.

"Huh, we finally succeeded!"

Downton breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground. He had been standing for nearly a day and was covered in sweat.

"too tired!"

Downton asked the servant to bring him a cup of coffee, then he remembered that he had issued a ban, not even walnuts were allowed to come near.

"The job of a potion master is boring." Xia Luo answered casually and began to check the quality of the potion, "Go and get five white rats."

Doing experiments is more tiring than fighting. The potion master dare not be distracted during the journey, otherwise a mistake may lead to failure. Not only will materials worth hundreds of thousands of gold coins be wasted, it may also cause serious injury and death. It may even cause death.

Unexpected experimental accident.

There was once a great potion master who became mentally ill due to continuous work. As a result, he added the wrong potion in a configuration, and his whole body turned into a maggot, with no chance of recovery.

Downton doesn't want to turn into a maggot, so he has to be extra careful.

"We should prepare some medicine slaves. There are differences in the body structure of white rats and humans, so it is of little use as a reference."

Homer made another suggestion.

This is common sense. Any potion master keeps more or less slaves to test potions, like the great potion master. His slaves include more than a dozen species, and there may even be one super beast, but Xia Luo

It's better than Downton. I would rather use hundreds of thousands of medicines on white rats than use medicine slaves.

"All intelligent life is equal."

Charlotte took the white mouse and fed it with a dropper.

Downton shrugged his shoulders. Wise Wolf is a shaman and a clergyman. Her faith does not allow her to use medicine slaves. As for herself, it is definitely not possible to use humans. He doesn't care about using hobgoblins or other humanoids, but in Xia Luo

In front of others, he wants to maintain a good image and cannot be regarded as an executioner.

"Stubbornness, ignorance, potions science is a huge and systematic subject. It can affect the course of the world and the development of human beings. It is science, and it pays attention to rigor, meticulousness, and rationality. It should not add any emotions." As a big encyclopedia.

Homer held a different view, "Instead of letting those death row prisoners and felons waste food, it is better to use it to test medicines and become the cornerstone and ladder for the advancement of potion science."

Homer's anger is justified. Potion science was founded and perfected by great potion masters, but their lives are limited. Using medicine slaves such as white rats will create a lot of uncertainty. If you want to find

The required theory takes too long, which invisibly delays the development of potions.

Charlotte shook her head.

"It's strange. In the Western Continent, where slavery has not been eliminated, you still think about human rights. Even the shamans in the orc tribe have raised a large number of slaves!" Homer didn't understand, and he was a little confused.

Unable to make steel out of iron, Xia Luo has great talent and talent in potion science, but she insists on clinging to a medicine slave. If she had used a slave, the transformation potion would have been prepared successfully.

"Look, it seems to have worked!"

Downton saw that there was going to be a quarrel and quickly changed the subject.

After the white rat drank the potion before, it either swelled and exploded or became deformed, but this time there was no problem. Visible to the naked eye, its hair turned black and its shape changed into an ordinary black rat.

"Weigh, test blood, record organ activity and survival time."

Charlotte gave orders one after another, and Downton immediately followed them, so the laboratory was busy again.

What the two of them configured was an unknown formula that Downton bought from the royal capital for 42 million gold coins. Homer's knowledge reserve was very rich, coupled with the vast library of information, and after Xia Luo's research and experiments,

Proof that it is the legendary transformation potion.

By adding different inducers and drinking them, you can transform into different human species. Of course, you cannot transform into monsters or other creatures.

Half an hour later, the effect of the medicine disappeared, the white mouse did not die, and all physiological activities were normal, as if it had drank pure water.

A week later, all the dozens of white rats that drank the medicine survived. Xia Luo announced that the experiment was close to success. The next thing to do was to find a death row prisoner to test the medicine. But there was basically no problem, because Xian Lang had done it thousands of times.

In targeted experiments, the pharmaceutical completion rate reached 97%. This was done only for safety and data proof.

There are so many bandits on the border, and what Downton lacks the most is prisoners. Sending Arnold around can bring back hundreds of people.

After hearing that they could try medicine to avoid the death penalty, some bandits even rushed to drink the medicine. No one would give up when faced with the chance of survival.

The results of the experiment are perfect. By adding green pine cone powder, humans can transform into a human-like race at will. The effect lasts for up to one hour.

"Master, I have become a human!"

In the hall of the Duke's Palace, Abagong turned into a young man with an imposing appearance, and was so excited that he could not control himself.

Hutao stood beside it curiously, holding a tree branch and stabbing it in the waist.

"What's the use of this thing? It has no strategic value at all!" Rosicky rolled his eyes, especially after knowing the price of the formula, he almost called Downton a prodigal son.

"Master, don't be sad!"

Juliet comforted and squeezed Downton's shoulders.

"Why am I sad?" Downton was puzzled. He took a sip of coffee and couldn't help laughing, spraying it everywhere.

"It's over, I must be crazy!" Jackson slandered in a low voice.

"Hey, more than 40 million gold coins have just been wasted." Arnold twitched with distress, squatted on the ground, and pulled his hair in fistfuls. If it were replaced with equipment and food, it would be enough for a barbarian.

Eat it for ten years.

"Homer originally said that the benefits of this formula would be two billion, but I think it's just a lot more." Downton pressed his hands down to signal everyone to calm down.

"What do you mean?" Rosicky frowned.

"Are you crazy about money? This thing can't be sold at all." Duobang interrupted. In the Western Continent, the most popular ones are always combat and recovery potions. What's the use of a transformation potion that can't improve your strength?

Use? Even if the effect lasts for an hour.

"Yes, if you want to make money by selling potions, you might as well make steel potions or meditation potions." Abagon also spoke with the perspective of a professional businessman.

"Don't you think there is still a gap in the field of medicine?" Downton asked.

"What blank?" Duobang asked.


"Are you kidding? The original purpose of potions was to enhance the strength of magicians and move them to a higher level. Later, they developed effects such as combat, life-saving, treatment, and entertainment? How can a magician be idle?

How can you make something like this?" Rosicky scolded Downton, "Don't waste your talent, this recipe should be thrown into the trash can."

"Ever since the birth of potions, potions have been given to magic users. Besides, even wealthy aristocratic children will not buy them. Don't forget that drinking any potion will accumulate impurities in the body. Everyone should try to drink as little as possible even potions that replenish magic power.

Do you think they will drink this and dig their own graves to attack the dragon-slaying steps?" Duobang persuaded him kindly. He could see that Celes liked this young man, so he was wasting his words and didn't want him to go astray and waste his talents.

"Ordinary people just buy some cough drops and the like. Think about it, if everyone buys a transformation potion, how big a profit margin it will be."

Downton patiently explained that because of the strange scenes in his dreams, his thinking has not become rigid yet.

"Ordinary people drink transformation potions and sell them as entertainment products, why not? Especially every Halloween, instead of wearing ghost costumes, it is better to drink our potions."

The more Downton talked, the more excited he became. If this business is done, it is estimated to be worth no less than 10 billion. "Just think about it, at the costume banquet held by the nobles, you can drink a bottle of transformation potion and become an elf, dragon, or dwarf. How dazzling it is."


Rosicky and Dobang were stunned.

"Yes, as long as you can turn into an elf, those people who want to be beautiful are absolutely crazy." Abagon was also excited. The elves, both men and women, are extremely beautiful, so they can make a lot of money by taking advantage of human beings' love for beauty.

"What about the output? Instead of doing this, it is better to make the Man of Steel potion. You have to consider the cost-effectiveness." Rosicky sighed, "I admit your business acumen, but the reality is cruel. How much can you do in a year? Is it possible that it will last a lifetime?

Squat in the laboratory?”

"Who said I have to do it? I can hire someone. The preparation process of this potion is actually not difficult. A junior apprentice can do it. I will ask Xia Luo to streamline the steps. The quality does not have to be too good. After all, it is for ordinary people.

Drink, as long as it doesn’t kill anyone.”

Downton had already thought about it, but as soon as he said the words, he elicited a series of exclamations. (To be continued...)

ps: The new volume has started, try to get on track as soon as possible!


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