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Chapter 579 Magic Carpet Flight

Under dusk, the killing becomes more intense!

"Stop them!"

Dahni, riding a two-winged manticore, was galloping like lightning, yelling at the demons to fight. As long as she delayed until the robbers arrived, she could definitely drag them into the quagmire of war.

If it were someone else shouting this, the demons would really comply, but saying it from the mouth of the drow made them run faster.

Who doesn't know that the drow are extremely racist. In addition to their own people, even their distant relatives are the targets of annihilation.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The war roar of the fire barrel was louder than the previous one, and the sound was soaring. He waved his right arm, and a storm hammer shot out again, hitting Juliet like a cannonball.

Downton leaped forward, clutching the Shattered Head and Hundred Splits, and struck at the Storm Hammer.

Kill the giant and increase the power tenfold!


The Storm Hammer shattered, and Downton fell to the ground. He staggered for more than ten steps, his chest heaved and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.


Juliet stretched out her hand to help.

"Firebird, intercept the female drow, Sissi, release the flying mount and retreat quickly!"

Downton ordered anxiously, the war gate was opened, the abominations were entering as quickly as possible, and the bone dragon landed, ready to carry the team members.

Homer voraciously absorbed soul remains, and the elemental arm also collected some tougher bodies, which could be brought back to be used as materials for sewing abominations.


A white light flashed, and a snow-covered falcon with snow-white feathers appeared, singing loudly.

"Twilight, Juliet, come up!"

Downton urged.

"No, I have it!"

Twilight patted her belt with her left hand, and in the blue flash, a roll of cashmere blanket shot out from the war space. Then it unfolded and was suspended in mid-air.

"Magic carpet?"

As soon as Sissi saw it, this magic carpet was full of Persian style, whether it was magic patterns or pendants.

This is a magic equipment unique to the desert country. It is extremely expensive. Sissi has long wanted to buy one. However, the vast scorching desert and the sand pirates have blocked the trade routes. Coupled with the cultural differences, the two civilizations have very little exchanges.

, except for the occasional wandering merchants passing by, no trade routes have been established at all.

"What is this girl's identity?"

Perrin looked at Twilight. This girl was too mysterious, and her strength was even more frightening.

"Palin, let's go too!"

Knowing that the battle situation was urgent, Sissi released her flying mount and urged Perrin to get on the saddle.

This is a twelve-meter-long void dragon. Due to an accidental death, it was made into a soul mount. Sissi didn't want to show off, otherwise she would have ridden it for sightseeing.

Walnut is still riding on the back of the ray, just like in the sea, constantly floating around, chasing the devil.

The robbers were all dumbfounded. Even Dahni and Huobong had expressions on their faces as if they had seen a ghost. The flying mount was an extremely expensive magic outfit. It was worth at least fifty million gold coins, but today there were less than ten people in one person.

In our adventure group, we saw several of them at one time.

"We must stop them!"

After a brief moment of daze, Dahni and Hutong's faces flushed with excitement, and they yelled this sentence at the same time. These people are wealthy people. They must capture and make a huge sum of money no matter what, otherwise they will be unfavorable to the goddess.

The two-winged Manticore was very fast, but it was blocked by the Firebird, and the hail-like shotgun blasted it unable to move forward. It was just such a delay. Downton and his party took off.

Seeing that he had enough flying mounts, Downton decisively gave up on the bone dragon. After all, this guy was too slow and could easily be caught up.


Downton fell behind the team.

Old Boo was lying on the magic carpet, looking at the ground, fearing that he would accidentally fall. Juliet clasped her hands together and looked at Downton worriedly.

"How many gold coins is this thing worth?"

Su Ya poked at the magic carpet. If he hadn't known Twilight, he would have thought of secretly cutting off a piece and keeping it as a treasure.

"A friend gave it to me. I don't know the exact price."

Twilight explained.

"Damn it!"

The fire bucket jumped in anger, not to mention the void dragon and snow falcon, the magic carpet was also frighteningly fast, and he couldn't catch up even if he was exhausted.

"Hurry up and hunt down, you can even catch one of them!"

The fire barrel fired towards the drow in the sky.

"Nonsense, do you think I don't want to?"

Dahni vomited blood in frustration. The Firebird was a super beast. It would be great if she could avoid being shot down. How could she still have the energy to intercept it?

A group of robbers stood on the ground like wooden piles, and they could only watch Downton and his entourage go away as they quickly turned into black dots in the sky.

The Fox of the West flag held high by the little loli was flying in the summer wind, and the pattern outlined by fluorescent rune lines was still eye-catching in the dim environment.

At this moment, everyone remembered the image of the fox holding a book and reading.

After flying for most of the day, the majestic and tall city walls of Aremodan appeared on the horizon.

On the stone tower, the guards on duty equipped with high-powered eagle eye tubes immediately discovered the adventure group and immediately blew their ivory horns.

Groups of guards rushed out of the temporary bunkers and entered combat positions. There were also some auxiliary soldiers pushing out crossbow carts covered with cowhide amid the rapid whistles and scoldings of the commander. Once they reached the shooting position, there were immediately crossbows.

He tore off the cowhide with his hands and began to observe and measure the distance.

The auxiliary soldiers shouted chants, pulled out the string of the crossbow, and cocked the five-meter-long javelin. In just a few breaths, the city wall was already filled with murderous energy.

Downton and his party hovered one thousand meters away from the city wall. At this location, they were still within the attack range of the ballista.

"So elite!"

Sissi compared the Bavarian royal soldiers and found that the dwarves were only a little behind.

"Definitely, there are more than ten floors in the underground world, and each floor has a lord-level super beast. They will come to the city from time to time. If they have no defense capabilities, they will become fish meat!"

Lao Bu explained that as the dwarves' national strength continued to increase, their resistance capabilities doubled, but the super beast lord still did not slow down the pace of harassment. After all, no one wanted other forces to take root in the territory.

The dwarf king is at the legendary level, and the lord does not want to go head-to-head, so other cities are unlucky. In order to avoid losses, they can only practice strictly.

"The young void dragon, the snow-covered falcon, the bone dragon, and the rare magic carpet. I, Di Polo, what are the origins of these people? They can't be the marshal of Yi Shui, right?"

"No way? You look very young!"

"That's a rich man. No matter what, anyone who can ride such a mount must be a tough one!"

The dwarf guards talked a lot. After discovering that it was not the Super Beast Lord, they breathed a sigh of relief. As long as they were human beings, there was room for negotiation.

"We are just adventurers passing by, and we have no intention of offending the honor of the dwarves!"

Twilight cast a loudspeaker magic, and a clear voice spread throughout the dwarf city. Although his tone was kind, his actions did not mean he was weak.

As usual, everyone should land and wait for reception and identity verification, but Twilight asked everyone to fly directly into the city.

If you don't enter through the door, you can fly over the city wall. Only visitors with distinguished status have the right to let the owner open the airspace, otherwise it will be naked contempt.

"Hey, this kind of behavior is going to cause conflict. With the character of a dwarf, it is possible for a war to break out." Perrin dissuaded. As a nobleman, he understands these national etiquette.

"Dwarves have always been informal. The more humble you are, the more they look down on you. These guys are just straight-headed, and they can just drink from a big bowl."

Twilight has visited the country of dwarves before and knows how to deal with it. Besides, with Sissy here, her actions are completely reasonable.

"Humans, tell us your identities!" The city defense commander raised his arms, "Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude."

The crossbowmen raised their crossbows in demonstration and pointed them at the sky.

"Don't tell me who I am."

Sissi reminded her that she wanted to enjoy this adventurous life in a low-key manner.

"We have a Duke of the West here. A Count of Bavaria. Is this how you treat guests?"

Twilight didn't pay any attention to those javelins radiating cold light, and let his mount land in the city.

Being able to sneak up on the leader of the city defense army, this officer is certainly not stupid. Seeing as these rare flying mounts cannot be owned by civilians, he will not issue an attack order rashly.

As soon as Downton and his party set foot on the ground, the commander had already rushed over with a group of guards. On the tower, there were archers holding bows and arrows on standby.

"We are being chased by a group of drow and a group of dwarf bandits, so we have to land in the city." Twilight's voice was cold and full of questions, "There is also a king of the hill among them. I would like to ask you about the security in the dwarf territory.

Is it always so chaotic? How can the business groups that come and go trade with confidence?"

This was definitely a scandal. The dwarves had stern expressions on their faces, especially after asking a few questions. After learning from their appearance that the hill was the fire barrel, the chief did not dare to say anything more.

Fire Barrel was not a robber, but he was clearly a regular army. As the dwarf prince Wildhammer came of age and was granted the title of lord of this city, the management of the army became increasingly chaotic.

It is normal for regular troops to pretend to be bandits and rob business groups to make extra money. This guy has done it a few times, so it will definitely be detrimental to his side if he continues.

Palin took out his family crest and waved it. This thing cannot be false. His own temperament and attitude are the most direct proof.

"Our people are injured and need to be treated quickly. In addition, we will live in this city recently, so no matter who brings the head from that hill, we will pay a reward of one million."

Gudong, all the dwarves around him swallowed their saliva. This is a huge sum of money, and you can give it away as soon as you get it.

No dwarf doubts the ability of these humans to pay. Looking at their equipment, they are so luxurious.

Downton was a better person and gave the officer a barrel of red wine as a gift when he left.

"That's not necessary. Judging from that guy's expression, he must know that fire barrel. Maybe they are comrades-in-arms." Twilight is very good at observing people's emotions. She can tell there's something fishy just by looking at the expressions of those dwarves, and she especially hates the bad habits of the army.


"Many friends, many paths, a barrel of wine is not worth anything anyway."

Downton shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and then sighed, not to mention Sissy, even Palin has never given a gift. With his status, he is always a person who accepts gifts mercilessly. (To be continued...)


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