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Chapter 59 Surrounding Tactics

() "Paladin?" Tony's pupils were dilated, almost bloodshot, "This is impossible. Where did you, a commoner, learn the magic?"

"Can you care?" Downton raised his hand, and the brilliance of Gaia's endurance and the brilliance of jungle agility also fell on him, improving his combat effectiveness.

Tony was shocked beyond measure, as if he had seen a dirty and despicable goblin holding down a giant dragon and beating him up.

"Do you think you can beat me like this? I am a third-level soul." Tony breathed a sigh of relief, half-squinted his eyes, and began to seriously look at Downton for the first time. He was not a reckless man, especially when there was no one in the first round.

Gained the upper hand and calmed him down.

Downton would not give Tony time to think, he rushed forward and slashed with his saber.

The demon servants also surrounded them from all sides. Among them, No. 9 and No. 10, who were wearing warrior light infantry armor, were relatively fast.

Tony swung the dagger with his left hand hard, trying to fend off the saber and launch a strong attack. However, after the collision, he found that the opponent was very powerful and it was too late to change his attack.

Downton took a sharp breath, his lungs seemed to swell, and started to roar as the giant roared.

A huge sound swept through Tony in front of him, and his ears were ringing, making him briefly dizzy. However, his rich combat experience allowed him to open his shield in time.

Whoa, three fist-sized soul shields popped out, intercepting Downton's attack.

Giant slaying!

Boom, the saber struck the soul shield like a thunderbolt, directly cutting out dense cracks in it and bouncing away. Then the second knife struck down, but another shield blocked it.

Downton hit the giant's arrow with his left fist, like a spear, hitting Tony's chest, causing him to stagger back.

"How is that possible?" Being suppressed in one encounter made Tony frightened and his face was full of disbelief. He wanted to fight back, but Downton was faster.

Boom, after activating the giant seal, the huge magic saber slashed down quickly, directly destroying Tony's damaged shield. If he hadn't dodged quickly enough, he would have definitely been injured.

No. 9 and No. 10 arrived and struck with their sharp claws. Even though they were wearing helmets and couldn't bite, they still hit their heads brutally.

Tony was tired of this desperate style and had to retreat and reorganize his offensive.

"Catch him, grapple!"

Downton leaned forward and exerted force on his legs. Like a cannonball, it grazed the left side of Tony's body and shot past him. The saber in his right hand slashed horizontally, but was also dodged.

"It's nothing more than that!" Tony breathed a sigh of relief. Just as the lightning thrust was about to launch and kill No. 9, he received a heavy kick on the waist. His body fell out uncontrollably and crashed into the four zombies in front of him.


"Oops, that kid made a mistake on purpose, just to get behind me and intercept my retreat." Tony was shocked. Even though his ability to read battles was poor, he understood when he saw the four demon servants scattering and outflanking them.

Downton's tactical intentions.

Except for No. 9 and No. 10, Downton and the other four ghouls were all wearing heavy armor. They fought against Tony and definitely had the upper hand.

Tony became anxious and rushed towards No. 5, trying to find a way out.

He is an assassin, good at speed and swift attacks, but once he is trapped to death, he cannot use these, let alone wearing leather armor, which is not resistant to these guys.

Tony's dagger was found in the mage tower. It is of excellent low quality. Although the enchantment effect has disappeared, it is still sharp after polishing and can penetrate warrior armor.

"Die!" Tony exploded and stabbed No. 5 in the head. This was the ghoul's key point, otherwise he would be grabbed and stopped even if he stabbed the demon servant into a honeycomb.

Tony's nerves were already tense and he was fighting with all his strength. There were five ghouls surrounding him. If he delayed even a little bit, he would be surrounded and killed.

Downton didn't need to guess, he also knew that Tony would attack No. 5's head, hoping to kill him with one blow and escape, so when he saw him pounce on No. 5, and the moment he swung the dagger, he directly commanded it to pounce.

Tony's reaction was not unpleasant. With a flick of his wrist, the dagger changed its course and stabbed No. 5's head relentlessly. Unfortunately, when the dagger just penetrated, No. 5 turned around with all his strength. The huge force even made the dagger head.

Almost gave up.

"Damn it!" There was nothing in Tony's eyes, but there was still an arm blocking him, and the ghoul next to him was also approaching. Just as Tony was about to speed up, a huge magic saber was slashed on his back, killing a man.

The soul shield was shattered.

Most of Tony's attention was diverted by Number Five and the ghouls around him, so he didn't notice Downton's attack and took another solid hit.

"What kind of martial arts are you practicing? War? No, it should be Judgment level!" Tony showed a look of fear for the first time. Downton can destroy his own soul shield with an average of two hits. This is too scary.


"Let me tell you, dead man, I practice dragon-slaying martial arts." Downton fired another giant flail, attacking from a mid-range, forcing Tony to lose his footing.

"Impossible." Tony instinctively didn't believe it, but the power of the martial arts meant that he couldn't find a reason to refute.

"Death!" Downton deliberately provoked Tony and made him lose his cool, which led to errors in judgment.

The ghouls sprinted, chasing Tony like tarsal maggots, and No. 9 and No. 10 took the lead in surrounding him.

"I am a third-level soul!" Tony yelled to cheer himself up. When he saw Downton leaning forward and sprinting, he immediately prepared to cut his throat when he rushed past.

Downton launched a giant leap and flew over Tony's head. After landing, he quickly turned around and struck with his saber.

"You can't even think of using the same tactic twice!" Tony was dumbfounded as soon as he finished shouting. He was stabbed again, and the soul shield was opened. Before it could be reset, the second sword came and cut into the leather armor.


If it were to tear apart the dragon's teeth, the battle would be over, but it's a pity that Downton used an ogre saber.

During this period of time in the dungeon, the Robinson trio also gained something. At least their equipment was changed, and they were no longer as poor as before.

Due to Downton's delay, the ghouls finally surrounded them. Tony wanted to rush out of the unclosed gap, but Number Nine and Ten had already gone to plug the loophole in advance under Downton's command.

"Get away!" Tony roared angrily, but there was nothing he could do.

A ghoul in a warrior's heavy armor is like a heavy iron mountain that cannot be shaken by Tony's strength. Moreover, they have excellent defense and cannot be killed without destroying their heads.

Not to mention the constant harassment from No. 9 and No. 10, which made it impossible for Tony to aim and attack. The four fists equipped with heavy human shields alone made him vomit blood.

With only a soul shield left, Tony was unable to fully defend himself.

Downton held the saber and thrust it through the middle of the human shield. Tony, who was surrounded, had no room to dodge and could only input magic energy into the ring on his index finger to activate his final trump card.

A bolt of lightning suddenly flashed out, radiating like branches and sweeping across the yard.

Blue electric arcs traveled on the armor, but the ghouls only hesitated for a moment and resumed their attack before Tony rushed out.

These undead monsters are indeed the most cost-effective cannon fodder. If they are not directly electrocuted on the head, the damage to them will not be great.

Swish, swish, swish!

Not only did the two soul shields pop out, but the moving liquid mass also appeared. After lightning exploded them, they hit the ring shield activated by Downton. Finally, they were stopped by the sacred armor, and even Downton's body was blocked.

No root hairs were injured.

"Soul Level 2? How is this possible?" Watching Downton block his fatal blow and looking at the two soul shields representing the second level, Tony's face was filled with shock and uneasiness. Because of this hesitation,

He was hit in the eye by a ghoul and was completely black and blue.

"Why is it impossible?" Downton was also startled. He almost capsized in the ditch, so he became a little angry and said, "Homer, stop looking and tear the dragon's teeth apart for me."

The elemental arm had already taken out the battle ax and threw it at Downton upon hearing this.

Downton caught it, activated the giant's power, and struck Tony with a slash.

The soul shield blocked the way and was directly destroyed. Then the battle ax struck Tony on the shoulder and removed one of his arms.

The severe pain made Tony even more crazy and he struggled to his death.

"Impossible, how could you be promoted from a commoner to the second level of soul in such a short period of time? Then wouldn't all my hard work over the years have been lost to the goblins?" Tony was actually exaggerating, he was already a

Lazy people cannot suffer a little bit.

"Where is the disdainful attitude that you used to look down on me and think I was a lamb to be slaughtered? Take it out and continue to despise me?" Downton asked the ghoul to step aside, and then attacked with all his strength.

Tony didn't even have room to dodge, so he could only block it with all his strength. However, facing Downton, who had increased the strength of the giant, he was like an ant. Even if he was accidentally stabbed by a dagger, he could not break through Downton's hundred-man warrior armor.

Alas, the battle ax tore through the leather armor, leaving a bloody mark on Tony's chest.

"I'm not willing to give in!" The shadow of imminent death made Tony completely lose his cool, and he threw himself at Downton, and then he was hit on the shoulder with an axe, cutting him into two pieces in a diagonal direction.

With a bang, Tony fell to the ground, vomiting blood, and his eyes began to blur.

"If I had known... Tao, I should have... killed you!"

Tony's body was covered with blood. He was really unwilling to give in. His talent was the agility of a cat, but he didn't use it at all when faced with the ghouls' siege.

"It's a pity that you understood it too late." Downton raised his ax and chopped Tony's head into pieces.

"A great fight!" Homer praised. As soon as the fight began, Downton tactically suppressed Tony and controlled the rhythm.

Tony's advantages were speed, fast attack, and more magic energy, but under Downton's ghoul siege tactics and crazy attacks, he was not able to use them at all, so he could only fight hard.

Facing five iron cans, Tony, who was also a melee type but only wore leather armor and held a dagger, was defeated first no matter what he thought. If it were Homer, he wouldn't even show his face, but would use assassination methods.




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