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Chapter 590 Entering the Grey Ridge Mountains

"In which country is mineral vein not a strategic resource? Every mine must be stationed with heavy soldiers. As soon as you start to absorb magic energy, the elemental reaction produced will attract the soldiers, and they will not be able to escape."

Homer didn't have to think, he could give dozens of examples just by talking.

Magic stone resources have always been the trigger of war. Why is Iraqstan so chaotic? It has been stumbling in the quagmire of war for hundreds of years. Aren't the several empires not wanting it to be unified and independent for their own interests? Otherwise, what would happen?

Capture energy at low prices.

"There are 20 billion worth of magic stone veins. If you get them all, you will really make a lot of money. Is it enough to have enough magic power to reach the scepter level?"

Downton is not too disappointed, this thing is just like picking it up for free.

"Innocent, don't forget that there are me and the Cheap God. Although the energy of magic stone is not as good as the source of the soul, after being purified by the hand of creation into higher energy, it can barely be used."

Homer explained, "This is an away game, and the movement of the Hand of Creation absorbing magic energy is too great. I estimate that when we get one fifth, the dwarves will send heavy troops to surround us."

The Hand of Creation takes a lot of time to extract magic energy from the mineral veins and cannot be interrupted, otherwise it will not succeed. Moreover, it itself also consumes magic energy. The farther away from the mineral veins, the lower the extraction efficiency, so look for the one with the richest reserves.

Otherwise, the nearby mineral veins will be exhausted as soon as you start drawing, and you will have to move to find a new drawing point, which is a waste of time.

Twilight is a person who likes to make decisions before taking action. She is very cautious. After asking in detail about the operation of the Hand of Creation, she began to write a plan and marked out various problems that may be encountered.

Sufficient and complete supplies are stored in the war space of the Ancient Grimoire. Downton needs to prepare everything and can set off at any time. The only thing left is to let the irrelevant people withdraw from the group.

Palin longed for Downton and his entourage to get out and leave him and Sissy alone, but the princess didn't think so. She was enjoying the adventure, so there was no way she could leave the team so easily.

"I'm not afraid of danger. Besides, my aunt is a crystal dragon, and I have great talents. You don't have to worry about my safety at all. I can take care of myself."

Sissi's tone was urgent and she looked at Downton with her big eyes, a bit more pleading.

When has Her Highness the Princess ever begged for help? What's more, she is a beautiful woman. Such a pitiful expression made Downton hesitate.

"But the place we are going to is too dangerous. If something goes wrong with you, we will all have to pay for it with our lives."

Downton hardened his heart.

"Even if I die, you are not responsible for it. Can you take me with you?" Sissi's gaze turned to Twilight. "Aren't we all companions? Why did you abandon me?"

Twilight is silent.

"Do you all regard me as a burden?" Sissi squatted on the ground, burying her cheeks in her arms on her knees, sobbing softly, "I thought we were friends, but it seems I was wishful thinking."

Downton shrugged at Twilight, he was really not good at dealing with girls.

"Hey, let's go together. But when you encounter danger, you have to run away as soon as possible. Leave us alone." Twilight relented.

Hearing Twilight's words, Sissi jumped up, her beautiful face stained with tears was like a flower after the rain, making people lovable.

"I won't run away, I will fight with everyone." Sissi stretched out her hands, "I have the best magic equipment. Although my talent has a limit on the number of times it can be used every day, it is very powerful."


Palin was somewhat reproachful, saying that telling someone unfamiliar with his talent was no different from committing suicide.

"It doesn't matter, they are all trustworthy people."

Sissi was very stubborn, which made Palin vomit blood in depression.

"If you are worried, just sign the airline contract with her first. This way you can be tied to the same front." Homer reminded, "In fact, it's okay to take her with you. You can enhance your relationship during the adventure. If you let her

If I fall in love with you, I will gain both life and wealth."

"Come on, what is my identity? Let's not say that people don't like me. If they like me, I will wait to be assassinated by Sissi's followers every day!"

Downton is self-aware, let alone being a bastard. Many wealthy nobles also want to marry Sissi. After a political marriage, their power will be even greater, so Downton will never be allowed to cause trouble. As long as there is just a hint of Sissi falling in love with him,

If he shows any signs of it, he will be assassinated.

"Don't rely too much on the demon servants. In a melee, any unexpected situation may happen. They cannot protect you all the time."

Twilight reminds Sissi that although the princess is at the Judgment level, her actual combat experience is too poor. Even if she has a super beast demon servant, she is still a liability.

"Well, I will try my best."

Sissi's expression was cautious.

"Wutao, you are not allowed to run around. Your mission is to protect Sissy." Downton looked at Juliet, "You are with her."


Hutao thought she could have some fun, but when she heard this, her head drooped.

Palin followed, including Cindy, not to mention she was also a guide and was relatively familiar with the area near the Gray Ridge Mountains. Together with Su Ya, Lao Bu, Tanan and his wolfdog, a total of eleven people were involved in the adventure.

The group was formed, and after a full night's sleep, we set out on the road to Gray Ridge Mountain in the early morning.

The dwarf country clearly stipulates that a fifty-mile radius of any city is a no-fly zone. Even if Sissi is a princess, she cannot repeatedly defy the laws of the empire, so everyone can only ride on horseback.

"No one is following!"

After observing for a day, Lao Bu and Cindy finally determined.

"Our mounts are all top-notch. How can we catch up with the broken lizards that those bandits ride?" Su Ya stroked the Sherman War Bear on his crotch, with a look of love on his face, "This is from the Troll Thousand-Year Empire.


Indeed, along the way, the adventure group attracted a lot of attention, and there was no way to keep a low profile. When it came to splendor, Sissi's unicorn was the most holy, followed by Downton's scorching nightmare with green flames on its four hooves.

Then it was Sherman's turn.

Twilight's sick horse was the most inconspicuous, but no one dared to underestimate it, because the sick horse bit the unicorn without mercy and seemed to dominate.

"It's better to be careful!"

The drow are the most vengeful, and Downton doesn't think they will give up chasing them. Judging from the situation during the raid that day, the two super beasts couldn't scare them away at all.

Three days later, the adventure group left the last town behind, completely left the civilized world, and began to set foot on the hilly terrain.

At the end of the field of vision, you can see sparse tree lines, tall trees towering into the sky, and low shrubs everywhere.

Hutao rode the sky ray like clouds in the sky, floating around freely. She picked so many berries that her entire mouth was dyed purple with juice.

At the foot of the Gray Ridge Mountains, a logging camp that used to be sparsely populated is now bustling with noise, and in the smoke is the sound of dwarves practicing.

A checkpoint was set up on the path into the mountain. Two ten-meter-high towers stood on both sides, with archers standing on them, looking out with telescopes.

"Why is the mountain closed? It seems that the dwarves are going to conduct some kind of military exercise. Captain, let's go back to the city. If we are caught, we will definitely be hacked to death as spies."

Lao Bu didn't want to take risks. He was just a civilian and didn't have the confidence to shout with the soldiers.

"This kid must have some ulterior motive!"

Palin did not ask Downton about the purpose of this adventure, but seeing the dwarf who was waiting solemnly, he guessed that he might have grand intentions.

"You can leave!" Downton replied, turning to Cindy, "Is there a path into the mountain?"


Cindy is much more professional than Lao Bu. She never asks questions that shouldn't be asked and tries her best to meet the employer's requirements.

"Lead the way!" Downton urged. "Try to take a wild road to reduce the risk of being discovered."

After driving hard for several days, her whole body was covered with dust. Sissi thought she could rest for a while before heading into the mountains, but she didn't expect to set off immediately. However, her arrogance also surged up. Zhu, who was a big step below her,

Li Ye didn't complain, she could persist, so she gritted her teeth and held on.

"After this mission is completed, each person will be guaranteed a minimum salary of 100,000 gold coins, and part of the reward will be given based on the harvest."

Old Bu was complaining in a low voice. When he heard this, he immediately became energetic and jumped to the front, "Let me lead the way."

After entering the mountainous area, the leafy vegetation made the environment darker, and there was an oppressive and suffocating feeling. Downton spread the sobering magic from time to time to ensure everyone's attention.

The Underdark has always been humid, especially in the mountainous areas, where the dew lingers all year round, making the ground feel as if it has been ravaged by continuous rain, making it extremely muddy.


Su Ya slipped under his feet and almost rolled down the hillside. Fortunately, he had quick eyes and quick hands and caught a vine.

"Be careful."

Downton's reminders were useless. The ground was full of overgrown grass and trees, which were extremely slippery after being wet with dew. Not only Su Ya, but also the whole team fell over them.

Sissi curled her lips, and the evil fire in her chest became more and more urgent. What kind of broken road is this? Because she was wearing gloves and fell a dozen times, her hands were fine, but there were several cuts on her face, and her hair was stuck by branches.

Several strands were lost, and except for Palin and Lao Bu, no one cared about me at all.

"Your Highness, are you okay? Do you want me to carry you?"

Palin handed over the kettle, his face full of concern.

"No, I can't be compared." Sissi glanced at Juliet, who was not complaining about being tired, and pushed the kettle away, "I'm fine, just keep walking."

It's true that Sissi is at the Judgment level, and her physical strength is not bad, but she has never suffered like this since she was a child. It is not so much that she is physically tired, but that she is mentally tired. As for Juliet, she has been suffering from illness and her father since she was a child.

She survived the harsh beatings and scoldings, and had experienced even more difficult environments. The trek in the mountains before her was nothing more than drizzle.

"Is it too much to rush? Sissi might not be able to hold on!"

Twilight glanced back.

"This is not an outing. If you can't stand it, go back." Downton frowned so hard that he could pinch a sea crab to death. The visibility in the forest was very low, so he had to carry a lantern, but in this way, the adventure group simply looked like

The stars in the night sky increase the chance of being discovered.

Sure enough, after walking for another half an hour, rapid footsteps sounded in the dense forest, making the dead branches and leaves rattle.

"Be careful, the enemies are surrounding you."

Cindy hurriedly warned. (To be continued...)


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