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Chapter 594 Stealing Magic Energy

Suarez's race is a branch of the ancient forest trolls. In his early years, he was born in the Dragon Hills and is a native with eighteen years of experience in mountain hunting. Therefore, when it comes to the efficiency of clearing out miscellaneous soldiers, he is no worse than Palin.


Relying on his excellent physical fitness and vision, Su Ya was like a cheetah, walking on flat ground in the mountains and forests. The short-legged dwarf could easily be overtaken, and then he would be stabbed through the heart with a shot, and he would be killed on the spot.

The sharp claws of the crystal dragon cut open the body of the magic sand worm, and with a breath of dragon breath, it was burned into black charcoal while it was still screaming. The smell of burning was filled with thick smoke.

The acid poisonous lizard sensed the danger of death and wanted to run, but before it could crawl out thirty meters, it was seriously injured by Dimaria's magic bullets.

Click! Click!

Before the poisonous lizard could die, Dimaria couldn't wait to start eating. His teeth were like files, tearing apart the body of the poisonous lizard, digging out its heart and chewing it to bits.

The Bone Dragon was deprived of its prey and was very depressed. He could only find trouble with a few other garbage monsters.

Downton released the ghouls. These undead monsters with flexible bodies were like maned dogs. They roared in their throats and killed and intercepted the dwarves who escaped the farthest.

Five minutes later, the battle ended, and no one escaped.

Dozens of lanterns fell in the forest, like falling stars. As Su Ya walked, he reloaded his gun to make sure there was no one pretending to be dead.

The nearby branches and leaves were stained with blood and turned bright red, and the soil was moist mud, which was extremely slippery when stepped on.

A strong smell of blood filled the air. Looking at the broken limbs, broken arms, and minced internal organs and meat all over the ground, Sissi squatted on the ground again, vomiting in embarrassment. The corpse she saw this time was seventeen years older than she had seen.

It adds up to a lot.

"Firebird, set fire to this place." Downton wiped the blood spattered on his face. "Release the flying mounts and make a strategic shift immediately."

There was such a big noise, and the trees that were lit by the dragon's breath were burning and emitting black smoke. The dwarf patrols would definitely find out soon and come to find out the situation. So they must leave as soon as possible.

Brushing the treetops, Downton and his party flew at a low altitude, and the entire group was not allowed to use any lighting tools to avoid exposing their whereabouts.

"You are really too cautious. Who dares to cause trouble for you when there are super beasts around?"

The Crystal Dragon is known as the guardian of the continent and is very powerful. This kind of sneaky behavior makes her very uncomfortable. If Sissi hadn't begged her hard, she wouldn't have done it.

"That would probably cause a race war on the surface and underground."

Downton explained that he spoke dragon language and his accent was quite mellow. This small detail won the favor of the crystal dragon and he stopped complaining.

"Where to land?"

Hutao rode the ray and looked around, but unfortunately it was dark and he couldn't see anything.

"Keep moving forward. I will keep you informed of the flight path!"

Downton's head was covered with a large raincoat, and he hid inside. With his head lowered, under the illumination of a luminous pearl, he determined the reference object and measured the actual distance using the scale given on the map.

Twilight coughed twice and laughed dumbly. Downton was extremely cautious. The raincoat was opaque, so there was no need to worry about being seen. In fact, it was not bad to follow him on the adventure. With such a leader who was meticulous about every detail, he could save money.

A lot of brain power.

"Is this what a good leader should do?"

Sissi is very curious about Downton's behavior.

"Generally, group leaders are like this!"

Palin's tone was more sour than old jealousy.

"Homer, what do you think?"

Downton frowned. The map he got from the dwarf was marked with more than twenty red


"The distribution of mineral veins is actually traceable. If you look at these points, the dwarves did not dig randomly, but based on the knowledge of exploration and geology."

Homer is indeed a great encyclopedia, and no knowledge is difficult for it.

"You don't need to explain, just tell me where to steal the mineral veins. I'm not ready to be a miner yet." Downton felt dizzy after hearing this and interrupted Homer.

"Theoretically, at ten o'clock, there are mineral veins on this relatively steep slope." Homer marked six points in one minute, "Let's try them one by one. Whether the reserves are abundant depends on the results of the field survey.


Shortly after Downton and his party left, a team of drow rangers appeared in the jungle.

"What should I do? I can't catch up!"

"Spread out, expand the search area, and try your best to find us!"

"But there are a large number of dwarf patrols here. If we encounter them, we have little chance of winning!"

The drow were all arguing that they were Dahni's subordinates.

After these drow followed Downton and his party into the Greyridge Mountains, they found a large number of dwarf soldiers patrolling. As the two largest races in the underground world, dark elves and dwarves have been fighting for tens of thousands of years, and now they see this kind of behavior on each other.

Dahni immediately attached great importance to the unexpected action and transferred the main force to collect intelligence, leaving only a small team to follow Downton.

"Even if you die, you still have to perform your mission. Have you forgotten the terror of the commander?"

After the captain finished speaking, all the drow fell silent, and then immediately assigned their own routes and began to take action. Dahni's cruelty was very famous in the entire family. If she fell into her hands, it would be better to die happily.

After half an hour of fast flight, the adventure team arrived at the location indicated by Homer.

Before coming out, Downton had purchased enough mining tools in Aremodan and now distributed them to the ghouls and abominations.

"Is this a magical book of wisdom?"

Sissi's eyes were filled with wonder as she watched the grimoires floating around in the air, measuring their positions, and looking for the best digging points.

"Why does this commoner have so many good things?"

Perrin poked the ground with a branch and turned his head away. He was really worried that he would not be able to resist killing him.

"Your Highness Princess, please call me Your Excellency Homer!"

When Homer greeted Sissi, his tone of voice definitely showed off his elegant aristocratic style, and he must be a noble aristocrat with a history of thousands of years.

"This is it, clean up the debris around and dig!"

The servants of the undead swarmed forward and worked enthusiastically. Hatred was so strong that he was the perfect miner. He could break rocks with just one pickaxe.

"The efficiency is too slow. I will set up a psychedelic barrier and then use the super beast to dig it."

Twilight stood up. Juliet quickly went to help her.

"I'll go too, and I'll add a soundproof barrier."

Homer floated out.

"What are we going to do?" Palin asked. "Mining? Even if we dig it, you can't take it with us?"

"You will know soon. Don't worry, your benefits will not be missed."

Downton didn't know how to explain it.

Palin wanted to ask again, what was wrong with Sissi?

Three hours later, the barrier was set up and the surrounding vegetation was cleared. Then it was the Firebird's turn.

After a long spell, the firebird spit out a scorching fireball with a diameter of five meters. The soil that touched it was like an ice cube, melting into a liquid state, and a simple tunnel diagonally downward was formed.

"It's hard for you to let a super beast do this kind of worthless hard work."

Firebird really didn't want to do it, but thought he could get a share of it after absorbing the magic energy, so he agreed. There was no other way, in order to restore the original power, Super Beast also had to work.

As the first element, the original primitive fire, the firebird has superb control over temperature and flame. As the fireball melts the ground and exposes the passage, it absorbs the heat of the magma. Coupled with Twilight's frost magic

As they cool, they freeze into a smooth glaze, like porcelain.

"It's still a little warm."

Hutao poked the wall of the cave with his finger.

"Stay here and don't let anyone get close."

Downton finished allocating the work and walked into the tunnel. After nearly three hundred meters, he saw the magic stones. They were crystal clear and exuded a vague brilliance under the illumination of the lantern.

This is wealth. As long as you dig it out, you can exchange it for a lot of gold coins.

"What does it mean to get something for nothing? This is it!"

Downton sighed with emotion, picked up the war hammer, and knocked off a piece. Why are those empires and wealthy nobles frantically grabbing resources? Because they are the cornerstone of everlasting prosperity.

"It is the lowest level magic stone, and there are still a lot of impurities in it. Forget it, let's start extracting it. There is no profit, and everyone has no motivation to do it."

After Homer checked the quality of the ore vein, he took out a stone slab with complex magic patterns engraved on it. This was a simple magic circle that he had worked hard to carve out in the past few days.

After being fixed on the ground, the elemental arm took out a cherry-sized hand of creation and placed it in the core.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

This piece of metal shone with colorful brilliance, flickering on and off, just like breathing. The magical energy contained in the magic stone was drawn and flowed out.

As time went by, the concentration of magic energy became larger and larger, and the light continued to flash. After a few hours, the entire tunnel was filled with magic energy.

"What did Downton do?"

Palin looked at the tunnel in shock. He subconsciously raised his legs and wanted to go in to check. Su Ya stopped him with a spear.

As an elite cultivated by a family, Perlin is not bad at talent, and he can naturally feel the magic energy flowing in the air, which is so surging that it is simply intoxicating.

"No one is allowed to enter without the master's order."

Su Ya's fierce glare was revealed.

"We are all our own people. If you have something to say, please speak it up."

Old Bu tried to smooth things over, but he also stretched his neck and looked into the tunnel.


Perrin snorted, rolled his eyes, and quickly found a big tree where five people could hug each other, sat under it, and began to meditate.

"You are a bunch of idiots, why don't you meditate? Such a strong amount of magic energy is a great opportunity to nourish the soul tree."

Tanan cursed.

"No, I have to be responsible for guarding."

Although Su Ya wanted to die, he still refused and thought about it. Who is responsible for the safety of the team? Do you expect a bastard like Lao Bu?

Tanan gave a thumbs up, this loyalty is worthy of praise.

"Everyone, meditate, don't waste the opportunity, I will arrange for the undead servants to be on duty."

Downton walked out of the tunnel. The tireless ghouls with keen six senses were much easier to use than humans. They spread out two hundred yards away, enough to establish a warning circle to ensure that they would receive early warning in case of a surprise attack. (To be completed.)



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