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Chapter 613 The Guardian of the Mountains

"Damn it, he actually succeeded?"

Palin was stunned for a moment, and then his face turned as dark as the bottom of a pot. He could not accept the fact that he was compared with Downton. He wanted to calm down, but he could not do it.


The originally gathered soul power was also dispersed due to mental fluctuations.

"Palin is upset!"

Twilight absorbed the energy with ease and observed the others. When she saw Perin's appearance, she sighed.

If you want to get more loot, you must have strength. If Perrin cannot overcome this level, the Ridgeback's death will be in vain, and he will not be able to catch a hair.

The three Downtons radiated their soul power, and the high energy in the heart of the mountain was extracted, nourishing the soul tree, making the root system more developed, and some flowers were even blooming.

Palin's head was covered with hot sweat, and the more anxious he became, the more unable to deal with the energy barrier.

"Hey, why can't I do it? Are there any tricks?"

At this time, you can see the difference between rich people. Sissi doesn't care about the energy like Palin does. She only wonders what will fail.

"Use your soul power to simulate martial arts and increase your power!"

Twilight is multitasking, using ventriloquism to teach Sissy. This girl is very upright and doesn't bother to do anything about it. The competition is also an upright battle!

Besides, the Crystal Dragon must know, so it would be better to sell a favor.

"She's right."

The crystal dragon released by Sissi glanced at Twilight in surprise. Are you too generous? Are you talking about this kind of martial arts knowledge casually?

"I see!"

Perrin suddenly realized that his talent was not bad, so he immediately followed the instructions. Sure enough, in less than two minutes, his Soul Power Sword penetrated the energy barrier with a loud bang.

"I succeeded!"

The high energy washed over the soul tree, like taking a cold bath in the dog days of summer. It was so refreshing that it chilled the heart. A smile overflowed from the corner of Perin's mouth, and it was so beautiful that it bubbled up.

"Yes, that's what it feels like. Come on, Dragon Slayer, I've been waiting for a long time!"

Palin shouted in his heart, but after only absorbing energy for more than ten seconds, the beating of the heart of the mountain suddenly became active, and with it, surging high-level energy radiated out.

Because it was so intense, the energy even materialized, and the golden halo spread. It knocked the five Downton people to the ground, and the surrounding stone pillars were also broken.


With Downton's physique, he even vomited a mouthful of blood.

Twilight suffered a dark loss and turned pale. Sissi's magic costume once again made a contribution, but Hutao was covered in dirt, rolled around, and then got up like nothing. He held the battle ax and stared at the mountains vigilantly.

heart of.

Palin was in the worst condition. His skin was cracked by the energy shock wave. His face was distorted like a Picasso portrait.

"I, Di Polo, who have I offended?"

Palin cried more and more without tears. Finally, he was able to extract energy. Why did another accident happen?

No one answered him, because they were all surprised to see the Heart of the Mountain smash into the ground like a heavy cannon.

"Get ready to fight!" Twilight didn't care, Downton rushed to Sissi's side, pulled her up, and flew away quickly, "Wutao, retreat quickly, don't show off."

Boom! Boom!

The entire cave was shaking, gravel continued to fall, and the cracks spread rapidly with the heart of the mountain drilling into the ground as a circle.

"This guy has intelligence? Is he awake? It shouldn't be. Since you can resist, why not earlier?"

Palin was puzzled.

The Heart of the Mountain has a low IQ, but the instinct to escape danger is still ingrained in its bones. It has not moved, just waiting for the forces fighting for it to kill. In that case, even if the last party wins, its strength will be greatly reduced, and it will run away.

It will also be much simpler.

The enemy began to 'devour' itself. The Heart of the Mountain originally thought it could escape by relying on the energy barrier, but it failed. And whether the next wave of enemies came, it couldn't fish in troubled waters. If it didn't take action, it would be completely ruined, so it started to fight back.

Like an earthquake, the ground squirmed, bulged, and condensed, and finally two thick stone arms formed, striking at Downton and Twilight, who posed the greatest threat to them.

Seeing that the 'arm' ignored him, Palin didn't know whether to feel lucky or depressed. In other people's minds, he turned out to be a worthless piece of shit.

Boom! Boom!

A six-meter-tall stone giant rose from the ground, with the Heart of the Mountain buried in its chest. At this time, it was radiating red light, beating like a heart, and some bulging lines like earthworms spread all over the body.

Surging higher energy is surging.

"Still fighting?"

Downton pouted helplessly. The soul pressure of the Mountain Colossus was much more powerful than the Evil Eye of the Abyss, and they were still fighting tooth and nail, so the difficulty of the battle was understandable.

The colossus squatted half-crouched and hit the ground with both fists.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

This was definitely a huge earthquake. Not only did the ground shake, it was completely shattered. The walls of the cave were cracked and gravel fell wildly.

Dealing with physical attacks, this double punch sent out a shock wave that shook the ears and roared in the gut.

Because the battle had just ended, the damaged soul shields of several people had not yet recovered, so at this time they could only rely on the magic shields in their magic equipment and their bodies to resist.

"Downton, Walnut, go on!"

Homer immediately threw the double tower shield to the two of them.

"Sissi, go hide."

Downton yelled that in a battle of this level, he couldn't help, let alone the princess, so he quickly released the firebird.

The crystal dragon tried its best to hover in the air, against the falling rocks, and sprayed a breath of dragon breath towards the giant statue.


A barrier made of earth rose into the sky, blocking the giant statue. Hot flames were poured on it, causing it to melt visibly to the naked eye, and orange-red magma flowed.

"This is the guardian of the mountains, the first form of the heart of the mountains. You should be careful. In addition to powerful physical attacks, because it is a high-level earth treasure, it is very good at earth magic."

At the stall where Homer was explaining loudly, hundreds of three-meter-long cone-shaped soil spikes suddenly spurted out from the ground, shooting towards everyone.

"Twilight, can I help?"

Downton put the tower shield on his head and bent his upper body slightly to cover Sissi. Fortunately, he was strong enough. Otherwise, these falling rocks, like those thrown by a trebuchet, would have smashed him into a pulp.

"I'm fine, protect Sissi!"

Twilight made several dexterous leaps and temporarily exited the battle circle.

Phew! Phew!

Perrin vomited two mouthfuls of blood and rolled around in a panic. The Ridgeback died. It was very stressful for him to face such an attack alone.


Seeing that the captain of the guard was in trouble, Sissi didn't hesitate, took off a ring and threw it to him.

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

When the ring unfolded a shield, Palin finally had a chance to breathe.

"Aren't you going?"

Hutao stood in an oval shield, staring at the colossus strangled with the crystal dragon, his eyes shining, this was the battle it longed for.

"Four super beasts beat me up? Are you still shameless?"

The colossus roared, and the expression on its face was lifelike.

The ghost hunter was basically a sneak attack on the monks. He didn't care about this, and rushed back and forth like lightning, cutting the body of the colossus.

The Firebird and the Crystal Dragon looked at each other and stopped. Even the Bone Dragon stopped after flying for more than ten meters.

"You are so stupid, what are you talking about the code of chivalry with a stone?"

If he didn't have some sense, Perlin would have scolded him.

Taking advantage of the three-headed super beast's ceasefire, the Colossus opened up its firepower and kicked the ground with its right foot. Dozens of stone pillars rose from the ground, like cages, imprisoning the ghost hunters.

The ghost hunter smashed through more than a dozen sticks in a row, and its speed inevitably slowed down a bit. The Colossus seized the opportunity, grabbed it, and threw it directly to the ground.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

There were rocks flying all over the sky again.

The ghost hunter's blue blood was flying, and the scene was quite bloody. It struggled, but the ground melted, like quicksand, swallowing its body.

"Hey, isn't this a team battle against a big monster? We should fight together!"

Seeing that the ghost hunter was in crisis, Hu Tao finally couldn't hold it back, ran a few steps, and shot out like a cannonball.


Hutao approached the giant statue and chopped it on the head with an ax, causing a crack.

"It's just a piece of broken stone. Take it down and give it to Sissi to draw energy." The crystal dragon shook its head and laughed, fluttering its wings and charging out. It talked about the code of chivalry with a piece of stone. If you tell it, your compatriots will definitely laugh.

"It doesn't matter who you are, just kill me first and then talk about it!"

The Fire Bird also joined the battle group. As the god of fire, it has always been lawless and doesn't care about the secular rules at all. It can do whatever it wants. It didn't fight just now, but it just didn't want the crystal dragon to say that it came from the small secret realm.

Just indigenous people.

After all, intelligent creatures from the minor plane have a mentality of not wanting to be looked down upon.

"What are you still doing? Come on!"

Downton urged the bone dragon to fight, but as soon as it flew into the battle group, it was hit hard by the Colossus' head and fell out again.

"I, Di Polo, you are too incompetent."

Downton was speechless, wondering whether to let the Bone Dragon come back to help defend. There was no way, the Colossus' range-killing magic was too powerful.

The earthquake never stopped, shaking people to the point where they could not stand steady. Moreover, with every step of the giant statue, shock waves would spread. They hit the tower shield, not only making an overwhelming sound, but also making the shield visible to the naked eye.

It sunk down.

Spears would shoot out from time to time on the ground. Downton and the others had to pay full attention to their surroundings, otherwise they would be stabbed into a honeycomb.

"Guard the puppet!"

The giant statue suddenly bent down, and the stones on its back were shot backwards and spread out in the air. After landing, the surrounding soil condensed to form two-meter-high stone puppets, which rushed towards Downton and his party.

Downton stepped in front of Sissi and met the puppet's heavy punch.


The puppet's arm was beaten into powder, and Downton breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the opponent's attack power was about level 6 of Judgment, and he could still suppress it.

"Downton, you will be the human shield, and I will be responsible for the main attack!"

Twilight stepped back.

Downton released the violent aura, holding a shield in one hand and a war hammer in the other, blocking everyone in front of them. The abominations also came out and surrounded them, otherwise he would not be able to completely defend himself.

Hutao was called back by Twilight and guarded the left side of the team.

"Where is your demon servant? Why don't you release it? Kill it quickly!"

Palin urged. Facing the attack of the stone puppets, he was under great pressure. Every second seemed like a year. This situation where he could die at any time made him terrified. (To be continued...)


This chapter has been completed!
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