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Chapter 622 Heat and Red Sox

"I suggest you go back and call some people. There are only a few of us, too few."

Perrin quickly interrupted. He wanted to go, but he knew that after the death of the Ridge Armor, his own combat power would be greatly reduced. It would be a problem to save his life, let alone make a lot of money.

"Who are you……"

Mueller asked. Sissi's top-notch equipment almost blinded him. He had long wanted to ask about the origin.

"This is Princess Sissi, Rose of Bavaria."

Perrin snorted, and a proud aristocratic aura came to his face.

"I see. No wonder the rich are so scary."

Mueller took another look, but more attention was focused on Twilight. For some reason, this girl put him under great pressure.

"So you agree?"

Palin immediately wanted to go back and call someone.

"No, we must rush there as soon as possible. You don't know, there are many forces gathering towards the Furnace Castle now. We have to take advantage of them to attract the guards of the City of Steel to carry out the plan to steal the treasury."

Mueller is not stupid. Even without this reason, he would not agree. What if Palin comes with a large team of troops and turns the guest over?


Perrin winked at the princess, but unfortunately Sissi didn't understand. She thought that having two super beasts was enough to protect herself, but she didn't know that Perrin planned to monopolize the share of the treasury.

"Don't worry, I hired a mercenary group, they are very powerful."

Mueller showed a mysterious smile.

After flying for nearly an hour, a camp appeared in everyone's field of vision. The fire was shining and more than a dozen black smoke curled up. This was not a pot for cooking, but an attack.

"Quick, speed up and fly over!"

Muller shouted. He led the charge. The mercenary group he hired was called Miami Heat. It was one of the top ten mercenary groups in the Saint Laurent Empire. Even with such a name, it could not suppress the opponent, which showed that the opponent was not simple.

In the camp, although the two heavily armed men and horses were confronting each other, they still did not relax their vigilance around them. As soon as Muller flew within 300 meters, he was discovered by sentries on guard outside.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three magic flares immediately rose into the sky, bursting into brilliant fireworks.

"The enemy is attacking, it's the air cavalry!"

"The archers and crossbowmen have their arrows loaded, the magicians are ready, and all the demon servants are released!"

"Flying Cavalry takes off!"

There was no need for the regimental commander to give orders, and the regiment officers at all levels were shouting and arranging arrangements according to wartime regulations.

The mercenaries on both sides were all elite, and there was no noise or shouting. There were only slight rapid breathing and footsteps, and the impact of swords and guns being unsheathed.

Muller had just approached and before he shouted, a dozen flying cavalry riding different flying monsters took off. Because they were underground, the light was too dark, and the sentry's warning range was reduced. If they were placed on the surface, they wouldn't wait until Muller got close.

will be discovered and intercepted.

"Hey, you guys are so angry!"

Mueller scratched his curly short hair. Dandruff was flying like snowflakes. However, the mercenaries were all people who were used to hardship. No one laughed at him. Instead, their eyes were like wild wolves. As long as he showed his flaws, they would

They will rush up and tear him to pieces.

"Go away. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

A roar resounded on the ground, comparable to the roar of thunder, causing the frightened birds all around to flutter and flee.

"It turns out to be the famous Boston Red Sox mercenary group. Aren't you from the Kuta Magic Empire? Why do you come all the way here?"

Mill test.

On the ground, a group of dough flags fluttered in the wind. There were red letters on a blue background, and a large letter 'b' embroidered with magic thread. As long as you were in the mercenary world, no one would know about this dough flag, because it represented nearly ten thousand people.

With a history of mercenaries for many years, it can be said to be a 'living fossil'.

However, this living fossil is about to be submerged by time, and what is left of it is its former glory, and its power is long gone. Otherwise, in the past, the leader of the Miami Heat would not even dare to fart and would just leave obediently.

"You are not dwarves either!"

The leader of the group, Valentine, retorted, after all, he was once rich, so this guy's momentum was not inferior to others.

"Stand aside and let your boss come out and talk to me!"

Mueller looked around. If no one hired the Boston Red Sox, they would never risk the team's destruction and enter the Dark Territory. After all, even if they failed, there would still be a boss who could pay a commission.

"Mueller, you are still so cunning, so can you stop showing off that fake smile in the future?"

A young man rode a white double-winged Pegasus out of the camp. He shook the reins lightly, and the Pegasus stepped into the air and flew into the sky, as if walking on the ground.

"It's Dupont again? How come I can meet him everywhere?" Hu Tao was confused, "He's not at home all year round. Aren't you afraid that others will inherit the family property?"

"This is training. It's not easy to be the heir to a wealthy noble family. If you don't get enough results, even being the first heir will be useless."

Palin snorted, with a depressed look on his face. Because he was about the same age and both lived in aristocratic circles, he knew that Dupont was very powerful, and at least he could completely destroy himself.

"Are you scared?"

Hu Tao teased.

"I'm afraid of birds!"

Palin quibbles.

"Sissi, are you here too?" Dupont greeted him familiarly, showing a concerned expression, "Are you alone? No escort?"


Sissi knows Dupont and has a good impression of him. In fact, any man who has the opportunity to meet her will try to show a perfect side, so unless he is particularly stupid, he will definitely present the most perfect image to her.

"Palin, what did you do? You let Her Highness the Princess come to such a dangerous place alone?"

Dupont reprimanded Perrin, saying that in front of Sissi, he could not maintain the restraint of a nobleman. He had no choice but to marry His Highness, and he would definitely be able to take the position of family patriarch. It would be strange for him not to be tempted.

"With my protection, nothing will happen to Your Highness."

Palin was short of breath and her aura was completely suppressed.

"Let me introduce to you, this is the famous Rose of Bavaria, the beautiful Princess Sissi who is famous in the mainland!"

Dupont shouted loudly, and his voice spread throughout the audience.

There was an exclamation in the camp, and all the faces lifted up and looked at Sissi. The reputation of the princess was so great that even three-year-old children had heard of it.

Compared with Di Lanxue, who came to power at the age of thirteen and had the experience of bloody suppression of rebellion. She is as powerful as a queen, and Sissi, who is more innocent and lovely, is more in line with most men's views on love and is the dream lover of many men.

"Downton, we meet again. Are you here for the Forge Castle treasury too?"

Dupont greeted Downton, and I have to say that this kid was more than a level better than Palin. Although he came from a noble family, he didn't have any domineering attitude. He always had a smile that made people feel like spring breeze and made him feel good.


Downton nodded.

"Hey, Little Walnut, you haven't caused any trouble to Downton lately, have you?" Dupont teased, turning his gaze to Twilight. "This is..."

"Twilight, my companion!"

Seeing that Twilight didn't mean to speak, Downton helped explain.

"Oh, nice to meet you!"

Dupont suppressed the doubts in his heart. For some reason, this girl always gave him a feeling of familiarity.

"Since we all know each other and there is no conflict of interest, why not sit down and talk?"

Mueller wished he could have more cannon fodder.

Dupont shrugged his shoulders indifferently. With a gesture, the Boston Red Sox mercenaries immediately put away their weapons.

"What a courage!" Mueller gave a thumbs up. "Commander Alonzo, put your weapons away and don't make people laugh."

What kind of sensation will celebrities create? You can tell by looking at Sissi. Her mount has not yet landed. The two captains are already waiting below with their subordinates who have some status in the team, with faces full of anticipation.

That's the Princess of Bavaria. Even if she can't say a few words, just standing next to her and showing her face will be a huge source of conversation when she gets back.

Of course, if he is attracted by the princess, he will become a very powerful man in the rest of his life.

"Did you see that? This is the real nobility. Confident, elegant, and never afraid of competition." Homer took the opportunity to teach Downton, "Palin is not worthy of carrying Dupont's shoes."

Dupont always controlled the rhythm of the conversation, and even the inconspicuous Downton people did not feel the embarrassment of being left out.

A few minutes later, a tent with the Dupont family emblem was set up, and Dupont invited everyone to enter.

"This is a dangerous place, keep everything simple, please forgive me!"

DuPont stooped to apologize.

"I think you are the best at pretending!"

Mueller curled his lips, and Palin also looked unhappy. DuPont really knows how to sell well.

"No, these are just fine. I'm sorry to bother you."

Sissi's aristocratic education is not bad either, so she would like to thank the mercenaries.

How could Dupont, as the heir, not have space equipment on his body, which contained enough luxury goods, but when he was with the mercenaries, he would never use it, and would live and eat in the open like them.

"These mercenaries are like Dupont's private army!"

Downton asked Homer that the Miami Heat were also elite, but compared to the Boston Red Sox, they had a different style.

"It has a military temperament, haven't you seen it? The Red Sox mercenaries carry the shadow of a soldier in every gesture and gesture. They must have spent many years in the military camp."

Homer's observations are more detailed than Downton's.

The leader of the Heat is called Alonzo. He is a one-eyed man, two and a half meters tall, and extremely burly. He is obviously a mixed-race human. The leader of the Red Sox is Valentine, a man who is 1.7 meters tall and somewhat lean.

But when he speaks, it feels like a giant roaring.

No one dares to underestimate them. No need to guess, these two are strong men who can slay dragons at level five or above.

"Do you want to act together? I have a map, which can save a lot of trouble, but the Heat will have to share more of the final spoils."

Mueller got straight to the point.


Dupont did not hesitate and agreed directly.

"It's that simple?"

Hu Tao was dumbfounded. She thought there was going to be a heated argument and maybe even a knife.

"Everything you say now is useless. Maybe the mercenary group will be completely destroyed in the end. It is precisely because he knows this that Dupont is too lazy to care."

Su Ya explained in a low voice.

After lunch, the two mercenary groups set out on the road after a brief rest. Because they were in the forest, and coupled with the fog, the air was very wet, and it felt like being drizzled on the body. It was sticky and cold.

It was cold, but no one complained. The entire team was silent, with only the sound of footsteps rushing. (To be continued...)


This chapter has been completed!
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