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Chapter 669: The Tomb of the Holy Coffin Appears

The group of people quickly disappeared into the mist, and Tanan followed the group. Looking at the terrain here, he frowned for the first time.

Cindy opened her eyes wide, stared around, and even made some marks quietly. She had companions. If she died in battle, they could follow those marks and break into the Blood Rage Laboratory again.

Not to mention other trophies, Dr. Mata's notes and those experimental subjects alone are priceless. You must know that he is a great potion master who can synthesize Warcraft.

"Don't waste your efforts. There is a large-scale magic circle here that covers thousands of kilometers. Once you enter, any detection magic equipment will be ineffective." The three-headed man laughed at Cindy, "Everything you see now is probably...


"Can you wipe your mouth before you brag? Thousands of kilometers of magic circle? Even the nine empires cannot maintain its daily operation."

Cindy sneered. This kind of magic circle was not drawn on the ground with magic paint, but built with various magic materials. It cost at least hundreds of millions of gold coins and required constant maintenance.

"So you are ignorant." The three-headed man raised a finger proudly, "Do you know why we chose this laboratory? Apart from the harsh terrain of the misty swamp, as long as this formation exists, the three-headed man can

Even a regular army of 100,000 people can't even think of breaking through."

"Homer, is this guy telling the truth?"

Downton lowered his voice.

"Yes, this is a magic array full of ancient style. It is connected with each other. Some of them are damaged, but the functions of the other parts are still intact. So if you want to crack it, if you don't have the blueprints, you can only use human lives to fill it in.

, or use wide-area map magic to cleanse the land and level the entire place."

"Wide area what?"

Downton didn't understand the meaning of these words.

"Oh, that's a saying from ancient times. For example, the most famous Star of Bethlehem once hung outside the plane of the Western Continent, and one cannon could level the entire Frankfort."

Homer explained, "In layman's terms, it's a forbidden curse, but it's more powerful."

"There is such a terrifying weapon?" Downton was stunned. "If we have this thing, doesn't it mean that anyone can bully it?"

"Stop dreaming. Even the Hobgoblin Era, the most developed mechanical and steam civilization, and Netheril, the most splendid magical civilization, have perished. Nothing is left. Don't even think about those older ancient technologies. Even if

Even if I put the drawing of the Star of Bethlehem in front of you, no one would recognize it!"

Homer sighed. The six holy wars in the history of the Western Continent have destroyed too many civilizations and wiped out too many races. There is almost no possibility of retrieving what has been annihilated by the long river of time.

"You can't do it either?" Downton was surprised, "Haven't you lived for tens of thousands of years and are known as the Great Encyclopedia?"

"That's a conceptual disagreement, okay? We use paper for records now. But who knows what was used in ancient times? Maybe an inconspicuous stone or a drop of water is their carrier."

Downton understood Homer's explanation. It was like the races in ancient times breathed not oxygen, but another kind of gas. In other words, they were not even in human form.

What the Grimoire knows is all deduced by the great magicians who lived in the Netheril era through various magical technologies and fossils excavated in the ruins. You must know that in that era, magic gods were everywhere, and the marshal was not as good as

Dogs, even they can't decipher something, let alone the current mages.

"I understand. But can you understand this formation? If you don't want to crack it, you can at least leave!"

"I can't understand it, it's too complicated."

Homer doesn't mince words.

"So it turns out that the instructor also doesn't understand?"

Hutao had been eavesdropping, and now she felt like she had discovered a new world, and she screamed happily.


The magic book was smashed on Hu Tao's forehead, causing corporal punishment.

"It's not just me who doesn't understand. I can guarantee that no one in the entire Western Continent understands."

What Homer said was categorical.

"Then how do you explain this three-headed man? He is not lost."

Hutao pouted and rubbed his forehead, feeling a little depressed.

"This formation must be existing, but they broke into it accidentally and found the blueprints, so they were able to enter and exit at will."

Homer guessed correctly, why the three-headed man didn't dare to wander around, because apart from this, he didn't know anything else. Once he deviated from the route, he would definitely get lost and die in the swamp. Even the top manager of the laboratory, Welbeck, didn't know.

Ways to rescue.

"The dangerous dark region, the inaccessible fifth-level continent, the ancient formation, the misty swamp that spreads hundreds of thousands of kilometers..."

Listening to Homer's explanation, Twilight suddenly became thoughtful.

Downton quickly put his index finger to his mouth and made a silencing gesture.

"If my reasoning is correct, the tomb of the holy coffin should be in the center of this formation, which is the blood-rage laboratory mentioned by this three-headed man."

Twilight spoke her mind.

"Ah? Doesn't that mean that someone else has already taken advantage of it?"

Hutao was very disappointed, she was still ready to enjoy the adventure and exploration.

"It should only be a part of the excavation. Don't forget, there are only eight epic heroes in the history of the Western Continent who are undisputedly recognized as holy coffins. They are all legendary kings who once unified the Western Continent. Each of them is

Writing a legend, how could the tombs they built be broken through so easily by later generations?"

The more Twilight spoke, the more confident she became, "No wonder my demon servant can't always find the location of the tomb. It turns out to be this reason."

Tens of thousands of years ago, the Pope of the Black Flame Church accidentally discovered this place. After exploring to no avail, he spent nearly a million lives and thousands of years to break through the illusory formation and successfully entered the core area. He discovered that

This is the tomb of the holy coffin, but we can't go any further after that.

After repeated attempts to no avail, the Black Smoke Pope simply established a laboratory here. Not only was the location secluded enough to avoid being discovered by the Royal Apothecaries Society when conducting evil experiments, but it could also protect the tomb from being disturbed.

The Pope of Black Flame established the Church of Black Flame. He is a man of great intelligence, and his long life allowed him to achieve this step. However, the laboratory is only a part of it after all. There is no way, because the entire structure has not been established until now.

, he didn’t even understand it clearly.

After thousands of years of exploring a tomb, there is still no result. Anyone else would go crazy. Besides, the Black Flame Pope is not a boring otaku who idles every day. He has too many things to do. Over time, the exploration of the tomb will become more and more difficult.

The project was put on hold.

"So the treasure in the tomb has not been stolen?"

Not only Hutao, but other people's eyes also lit up. That was the tomb of the Holy Coffin. If you could get their inheritance or a used epic magic costume, your whole life would definitely be changed.


Twilight wasn't sure either.

"Whose tomb is this?"

Sissi glanced at the three-headed man worriedly and found that the guy had been rushing on his way and had not noticed the situation here at all.

"I cast a magic barrier so he can't hear us."

Homer had been wary of this for a long time.

"I have consulted a large amount of information, and based on the records above, it is most likely that three saints are buried here, the third holy coffin, the Sirius King, the Barbarian King, the Tanan Emperor, the fourth holy coffin, and the Demon King.

Gong Qiangwei, the most beautiful royal sister in history, Queen Madeleine, the Seventh Coffin, the Dawn of Death, the Light of Despair, Governor Mephisto."

Twilight reported the names of the three holy coffins, each of whom had dozens of titles. The likes of Dragon Slayer and Abyss Killer were simply not on the table.

You must know that only those who have killed a hundred ultra-level dragons and a hundred ultra-level demon commanders can obtain this title. Ordinary people will not be able to accomplish this kind of feat in their lifetime.

These names and deeds are already familiar to everyone, so there is no need to elaborate too much.

"Madeline is the Queen of Britannia. It is said that she also has the blood of ancient elves." When Sissi said this, she glanced at Downton.

"Uncle Tanan, you have the same name as the Barbarian King!" Hutao had a good relationship with Tanan and complained to him with a smile.

"Not just me, one-third of the savages have this name."

Tanan shrugged his shoulders. The literacy rate of barbarians was too low. When giving birth to a child, they would call whatever they saw around them, Tanan. In addition to saving trouble, it was also to protect the glory of their ancestors.

Downton thought of the queen of the Toffee Opera Company, also named Madeleine. Generally speaking, anyone with this name must be from Brittany, and the one named Lorraine Sasha must be Saint Laurent.

People, because that is the fifth holy coffin, which belongs to their miracle saint.

Of course, there are exceptions. Heinrich is the most well-known name in St. Jutland, even more prominent than the royal surname, but no one has ever dared to call him this name, because in Jutland, this name represents the military god and the god of war.

It represents the glory of Jutland and represents a national medal with outstanding military achievements.

Only people who have made great contributions to the country can receive this medal. Heinrich has become a symbol in the hearts of Jutlanders.

"Demon Palace Rose is a woman and is naturally clean. It stands to reason that she would not choose such a swampy area to rest in peace. It is too dirty. However, this queen is famous for not playing cards according to common sense, so it is difficult to judge, but I think

The most likely one is Mephisto, because he is a dark elf himself."

Twilight continued to speculate.

"I think it's the tomb of Barbarian King Tanan."

The uncle interrupted.

"Hey, I understand how you feel." Su Ya patted Tanan on the shoulder. Not to mention that the uncle had received the inheritance from the Barbarian King, as long as it was an epic piece of equipment, he would be enough to become the new king of the Barbarians.

The more backward an indigenous tribe is, the more important it is to this kind of ancestral inheritance.

"Which coffin are you trying to find?"

Downton asked Twilight.

"Demon Palace Rose, or Miracle Saint, because only the two of them have the incredible ability to bring the dead back to life!"

Twilight sighed, in fact, the Queen of Elf's is okay, but I'm afraid that the entire plane of the Western Continent has collapsed, and there will be no clues about that tomb. (To be continued...)

ps: A lot of foreshadowing!


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