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Chapter 685 Against Doctor Evil

With a mount, you can rest without delaying your escape. It can be said that the chance of survival is greatly increased, so the prisoners fought with all their lives, especially in Downton, which rewarded a dragon-slayer who killed more than ten demons in advance.

After the bear, the team's fighting spirit reached its peak.

Downton was not happy, but his brows furrowed even deeper. As if they didn't know what death was, these demons launched a crazy counterattack, even exchanging injuries for injuries, and even if they died, they would have someone to support them.

If Downton hadn't turned on the violent aura, which soared the prisoners' combat power, they really wouldn't be able to stop these guys.

"Their soul trees are contaminated."

Homer used soul detection to examine several corpses and spoke solemnly. If the Black Flame Pope is allowed to amass an army of demons, the continent will definitely rekindle war.

"If we go back alive, we will report all this to the Holy See."

Downton chopped off the head of a demon man, and after approaching the stone door, he punched it continuously and smashed it into pieces.

A residential area with no ceiling visible appeared in front of everyone. Stone huts full of barbarian style were as numerous as mushrooms after the rain. They were crowded here. Between them were crisscrossed paths paved with stone slabs.


If you look down from the air, you can find that these principles are connected, which is the clan emblem and tribal totem of the barbarians.

"Is this still a tomb? It's bigger than some of the indigenous tribes in the Redwood Forest!" Downton couldn't help but exclaimed, "How much does this cost?"

"Barbarian King Tanan once conquered most of the Western Continent. How much money do you think he had? The tombs of some kings are larger and more luxurious than this one, not to mention that it is one of the eight holy coffins."

Homer took it for granted.

"What are you doing with these houses, wasting people and money? No one will live here, right?"

Downton spat. Most of the kings who were still alive started to build tombs, and they were extremely luxurious. How much tax money was wasted.

"The tombkeeper will live here, but it seems that he was killed by the people of the Black Flame Church." Since seeing these buildings, Homer has no doubt that this is definitely the tomb of the Barbarian King. "Don't worry about these trivial matters. If you find it,

Its exclusive weapons will be inherited and you will be prosperous."

"Twilight must be disappointed!"

Downton remembered that Twilight was looking for the tombs of Miracle Maiden and Rose of the Demon Palace, so her run was in vain this time.

"Captain, the killing is over, it's your turn to fulfill your promise."

The devils were all wiped out. The few who killed the most enemies didn't even bother to take a breath, and gathered around Downton, asking for rewards.

There were two others who got into a fight. Both accused the other of stealing the heads they had obtained.

"Stop arguing, all ten of you have a share!"

Downton threw the soul badge over.

These guys caught it and couldn't wait to inject magic energy to release the mount. Looking at Sherman with thick armor on his head, they couldn't help but swallowed and caressed it carefully.

"This is the war bear mount of the long-lost Troll Thousand-Year Empire. It is very rare. Captain, where did you get it?"

It's not surprising that there is one. It's a problem to have so many. Could it be that Downton has found a troll ruins?

"Serve well and I won't treat you badly." Looking at these probing glances, Downton did not explain, but casually named two people, "You will serve as scouts for the time being. Responsible for vigilance."

The one who was named did not dare to complain and rushed out on a war bear.

"What is the exclusive weapon of the Barbarian King?"

While distributing food to everyone, Downton asked Homer that he did not dare to let the prisoners stop and rest, because the devil must have sent out a warning signal of encountering an enemy. A large number of reinforcements would arrive soon.

"Before Tanan became the Barbarian King, he used Shattering Head and Hundred Splits, which you have obtained. After that, he used Giant Dire and Ba Kongxiao."

Homer is a great encyclopedia, and nothing can trouble it.

"Ba Kong Xiao? This name is very domineering. Does it have anything to do with Ba Kong Fist?"

Downton took out his water bag, took a sip, and looked at his surroundings.

"Although the bards linked them together and compiled many legends, there is actually no connection at all. Tanan probably just named the martial skill this way because he simply liked the name."

Homer explains.

"Actually, I think giant beasts are pretty cool too."

Downton smacked his lips. He was worthy of being a barbarian king. Everything he used had a barbaric and domineering air.

"Of course it's cool. The Giant Ferocity, also known as the God-Severing Hand, is a dragon-slaying giant ax built by the Death Clan and one of the most famous death magic costumes in the abyss."

"Abyss? The Death Clan is not a tribe?"

Downton was stunned.

"The Death Clan here refers to the Abyss Clan. This epic battle ax is held by its lord, the Terrible Lord. It has huge damage to angels, gods and other races with sacred blood. It can be said to be the natural mortal enemy of you priests.

The damage is multiplied."

The Cheap God interrupted, "So don't even think about owning this battle axe. Just by getting close to it, your combat power will be infinitely suppressed. A weaker bastard will have his or her heart broken by the killing intent lingering on the battle axe."


"Ah? What about Ba Kongxiao?"

Downton is depressed, if he can't get the inheritance, what's the point of coming here?

"You can use that one. Its alias is Demon King Splitting Soul. It is a holy sword forged by the angel clan and one of the Skyfire Arms. Its lethality against monsters from the evil camp is doubled. Holding it will prevent any curses or negative effects from taking effect.


The Cheap God smiled, "You should have a sword too. As a paladin, it's too ungraceful to always wield a hammer and ax to kill people."

"Are there really angels in this world?"

Downton's focus is clearly wrong.

"Those angels live in the plane of heaven. They just have white feather wings and a halo. They are actually different from the angels promoted by the Flame Holy See."

Cheap God complained, in fact, the earliest angel images were angels who accidentally passed through the crystal wall of the plane and fell to the Western Continent. Witnesses saw them because the image was too holy, and the light magic they were good at was sacred.

As a result, it has a natural aversion to evil creatures and naturally fights against them, so it is spread more and more widely and becomes the spokesperson of holiness and justice.

"Don't you think it's inappropriate for you to say this in front of me, a paladin?"

The corner of Downton's mouth twitched a little. If a fanatic heard this, he would definitely fight against the God of Cheap, and he would have been hanged on the gallows long ago.

"Come on, I am still a god." The cheap god rolled his eyes and lectured Downton. "People have different understandings and their vision is too narrow because they stand too low. If you take a step forward, you are a

A different world."

"what about others?"

Downton was never a devout believer and was too lazy to be serious.

"There is another weapon. It is the weapon that the Barbarian King used until his death. It is of a magical level. If you get it, you will get great benefits."

Homer stopped suddenly, which whetted Downton's appetite.

"What is it?"

Downton asked.

"The enemy is coming!"

The two scouts fled back in embarrassment on war bears, followed by a large group of demon hunters. They kept shooting crossbows and sniping.

"I can't escape now, I'm dead!"

The expressions of the prisoners changed greatly, because the hunters were all riding on the Fiery Nightmare, and the flaming hooves of the horses trampled across the road, leaving behind a cluster of flames and charred hoofprints.

The demon hunters did not rush to attack, but spread out their formation and surrounded the group of prey.

This is the main road of the living area. A carriage decorated with bones and pulled by two sub-dragon beasts is meandering. Surrounded by it are the kings of the hills riding blood poisonous lizards. Without exception, they all carry a

A collar with your number marked on it.

There were not only cavalry, but also more than thirty air cavalry riding bipedal dragons in the air, holding crossbows in their hands, circling and monitoring the prisoners on the ground.

"My experimental subject. It took me a lot of effort to find you!" A hill king respectfully opened the curtain of the carriage, revealing Mata's pale and thin face.

"The look in your eyes makes me sick!"

Downton frowned, Mata's eyes stared at him, like a cold-blooded reptile scratching his skin, the cold feeling was creepy.

"Really? But you make me salivate. I can't wait to send you to the test bed." Mata didn't pay attention to Downton's complaints, "How about it? If you choose to cooperate, I will treat you as mine."

Treat your children and give you the best treatment."

"No need, I only have one father."

Downton refused.

"You should think carefully. If you agree, you will have everything, wealth, status, and beautiful women, as many as you want." Mata smiled, "With the ability of the Black Flame Church, you will be the king of a third-rate country.

It’s totally fine, you can just use it as a toy.”


The prisoners gasped and looked at Downton. It was so irritating that he had to sit in a dark prison and undergo cruel experiments and torture, but he was lucky enough to be a king.

Several Dragon Slayers couldn't help but pouted. This was considered a solicitation by the Black Flame Church. If they were treated like this, they wouldn't mind joining, but it was a pity that they looked down upon them.

"Sorry, I'm not interested. If you want to be the king, I can grab it myself."

Downton picked up his battle ax and thought about how to break out of the encirclement.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Mata clapped and laughed, "Yes, only this kind of character is the perfect experimental subject. Like those cowards, they are only assigned to me as experimental subjects that can be used and discarded. Don't worry, I am not willing to hurt you. I

It will give you greater power and even a longer life like me."

"I would rather die if I live with your virtuous behavior." Downton suddenly sneezed twice, frowned and sniffed the air, then covered his nose, took out a bottle of antidote and poured it into his mouth, "

If you want to fight, go ahead and don't use such despicable means."

"Huh? You're a pharmacist?"

Mata was a little curious. Unless he was very sensitive to herbal medicine, it would be impossible to recognize his invisible and colorless anesthetic poisonous mist.

"Yes, I'm a pharmacist, so don't try to hurt me with medicine."

Downton was actually bluffing. Mata is an old monster who has lived for more than a thousand years, a figure above the level of a Grand Potion Master. If he uses weird potions to fight, he really can't stand it. (To be continued...)


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