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Chapter 696 Death Battle Chess

The sound of needles dropping could be heard in the palace hall, which was full of the abyssal demon style. All eyes were on Muller and the black shadow. Everyone knew that they would never be able to defeat this fearful monarch in a one-on-one fight. They could only outwit him.

"You'd better choose quickly, my patience is limited."

The black shadow impatiently floated to the throne, whistling a popular whistle in ancient times.

Listening to this melody, Downton's eyes suddenly lit up, "How about I compete with it in cooking, or composing music?"

"Are you sure you can win? Although your recipes are good, it all depends on personal taste, and the famous dishes in the abyss are not necessarily worse than yours. As for composing music, this requires not only a musical foundation, but also a lot of inspiration."

Homer obviously does not believe that Downton was born as a commoner. You must know that those musicians may not write a famous song in their lifetime.


Downton felt relieved. In the dream world, he had listened to many famous songs, and he could probably kill the black shadow if he chose any one.

"I choose death chess!"

After Muller considered it, he gave the answer. This is a puzzle-type war chess game. The chessboard is the same as chess. There are a total of 64 grids and 16 chess pieces on each side. Fight and checkmate the opponent's marshal.

That's winning.

"Haha, do you think we abyss demons are all idiots with developed minds and simple limbs?"

The dark shadow taunted.

"Of course not. Demons are well-known in all planes for their cunning, and to be able to ascend to the position of monarch is to stand out from billions of demons." Mueller shrugged.

"I like this flattery, so I agree, let's get started!"

The shadow laughed and shot out a ray of light, forming a huge chessboard on the palace floor. Magic chess pieces flashed and appeared in their respective positions.

Dupont, who had always been calm, looked serious this time, using magic to such a superb level that only a legend could do it.

"According to the rules of war chess, white goes first, my lord. You are so confident!"

Looking at his own chess pieces, Muller teased.

"This monarch has been around for hundreds of thousands of years, what do you think I haven't seen?" Black Shadow snorted coldly, "On the other hand, you seem to think you can't lose?"

"Haha, war chess does not take time to play well. This game requires talent." Mueller walked to the chessboard, "Army, move forward one square!"


The black shadow shouted.

"What? You want to admit defeat?"

Mueller frowned.

"No, playing like this is too devoid of excitement. How about adding a restriction?" Black Shadow did not give Mueller a chance to speak, and directly announced, "Divide the souls of both players into sixteen points and attach them to each chess piece.

If the chess piece is captured, that part of the soul will be lost."

Mueller was silent.

"If you're scared, you can admit defeat." Black Shadow laughed. "Of course, you chose the game, and you don't have a chance to do it again."

"If I lose, I have nothing to say, but if I win, what will happen to my soul?"

Muller had to be wary of strong men who were destined to have no ethics in this evil camp.

"Of course I will return it to you. Don't be afraid. I am very trustworthy and can sign the contract."

The black shadow has been locked up here for tens of thousands of years, and has long gone crazy from boredom. Now there is someone to accompany him to relieve his boredom, of course, like a cat catching a mouse, teasing him slowly.

"All right!"

As soon as Mueller nodded, sixteen soul shadows floated out of his chest and were attached to the chess pieces.

"I, Di Polo, have no chance of winning at all!"

The deputy leader of the Demon Bow Knights regretted that he really shouldn't have coveted the Barbarian King's inheritance and came in. Black Shadow's move proved that it has the ability to kill itself instantly.

"Shut up, everyone else. If you participate in the chess game, you will lose!"

The black shadow reminded that no one saw it directing the chess pieces, but every time Muller made a move, it would follow, but the speed was a bit slow.

"It works!"

Muller looked at the speed and response of the black shadow's moves, and analyzed its chess strength.

"Slow down!"

Dupont muttered, studying Sombra's style.

Being invisible all the time consumes magic energy, so when Beyoncé shows up, there is no need to hide in front of the shadow anyway.

"Does it take that long?"

After watching for a while, the female Zhuoer in a sexy and tight leather outfit lost interest. The messy movement really made her dizzy.

Every time he lost a penny, Muller's soul would feel a tearing pain, which was more unbearable than being quartered by five horses. Even with his tough nerves, he couldn't help but tremble, and a lot of sweat oozed from his forehead, but he was stunned.

He held on without falling to the ground, and gradually, a smile appeared on his face.

"Hey, Mueller is going to win?"

Sissi was stunned. Even though she was a princess, she was still proficient in this kind of civilian game. Seeing Mueller taking the initiative and the black shadow moving slower and slower, she suddenly became nervous.

"Haha, I am the champion of the Twilight Empire professional nine-stage war chess game!"

Seeing that the situation was settled, Muller was overjoyed and began to brag again. Why did he have the courage to choose death war chess? Because this is his leisure hobby and he has spent more than a hundred years studying it. As a dragon,

Man's developed brain allows him to think faster than other races. This is a racial advantage that cannot be compensated for by human diligence.

"Do you think you're going to win?"

The black shadow smiled strangely, and then the speed of the move suddenly increased. After dozens of steps, Mueller's hand suddenly froze because there was no room to move on the board.

"Haha, where's your self-confidence?" Black Shadow laughed, "Sure enough, a big reversal is the sweetest thing. Watching the enemy fall from a sure-win situation, it feels so wonderful."

"You really have a bad taste."

Downton pouted.

"Thank you for the compliment!"

The black shadow is as sweet as sugar.

"Don't be complacent, we haven't decided the winner yet." Mueller smiled slyly, "We don't have a set time, I can keep going on this step."

"It doesn't matter, I have plenty of time anyway." The shadow didn't mind Mueller's mischief, so he looked at the others, "Who's next?"

No one said anything. With Mueller's example, everyone also had a deep understanding of the wisdom of the black shadow. Without surprise, there is absolutely no way to win.

"Well, as punishment for your cowardice, I have decided to use death war chess for all the following trials." Black Shadow said a word, causing the deputy captain to shout out.

"That's not fair."

"Then you can go die." A black spot suddenly shot out from the black shadow. The deputy captain reacted quickly and activated the shield, but it was of no use.

The black light spot shot through the shield and shattered his head.

"So now, is there anyone who objects?"

Black Shadow is indeed the boss of the evil camp, and his moody moods have calmed everyone down.

"It's over, now all your plans are in vain." Homer was dumbfounded. Who would have thought that the fearful monarch would make such a decision. "God of cheap, please find a way for me!"

"What can I do?"

The Cheap God was helpless, but after seeing that Downton had not lost his cool, he felt a little relieved. At least his big heart was admirable.

"What should we do? Wait to die?"

After staying together for so long, Homer certainly knows that Downton is only good at chess, and he can only play it well.

"Don't worry, I have a solution. Please cooperate with me."

After Downton reminded Homer, he saw the worry on Sissy's face.

"What should I do? My chess skills are far inferior to Muller's. He can't win, and it's even more impossible for me." Sissi almost cried. The life-saving ring her father gave her can summon a legendary strongman to come forward.

She came to support, but after entering the arena, she went to the induction, otherwise she would have called someone to beat Mueller.

"Relax. I'll take care of everything. You try to delay it later and leave the rest to me."

Downton pressed Sissi's shoulders hard, and the princess was shaking so hard.

"Can I choose torture and trial? I'm good at punishment, or competition killing methods can also be used."

Beyoncé tossed the dagger up and down. She glanced at the deputy leader's body and said, "There's nothing I can do. It's not that I disobey you, it's that I really don't know how to play chess."

"Torture? Haha, this was my favorite entertainment activity ever. Okay, you can step aside and let me deal with them first."

The fearful monarch is indeed a devil, and he prefers evil styles. "It's too troublesome to do it one by one, so you can do it together!"

As the black shadow finished speaking, three chessboards appeared in the hall.

"Then I'll go first."

Dupont confidently walked to the chessboard and made a free move. He would not change the rules. The simpler it is, the more loopholes can be exploited.

"Why do you have to choose a war chess game? For a professional chess player like me, beating you is nothing to be proud of, even if you are a fearful monarch."

Downton curled his lips.

"Keep blowing!"

Black Shadow didn't believe it.

"Our family is the royal chess player of the Brittanian royal family. We have lived our whole life to compete with chess players from other countries. Losing is death for us. Do you think I will be afraid?"

Downton laughed sarcastically and said it so seriously that even Sissi looked stunned and almost asked, "Aren't you from Frankfort?" Fortunately, she reacted in time.

Dupont and Muller frowned and looked at Downton in confusion.

"Hey, Ling Ran said so righteously, isn't it just to change the game?" Black Shadow said disdainfully, "I'm sorry to disappoint you, it's just a game of war chess!"

"Who said we have to change? When I was a child, in order to hone my chess skills, my father threw me into a bar to participate in an underground death chess match. The loser would lose an arm." Downton raised his hands.

, "Eight hundred and nine games, except for thirty-two draws, the rest were all wins."

"What do you mean?"

For the first time, Black Shadow was not sure what Downton meant.

"I mean, this kind of gambling is so boring. How about making it more difficult?" Downton whistled, "Of course, if you don't dare, forget it."

"Haha, that's hilarious. I'm afraid that your lord will lose to you as a human being? If you have any requests, just ask."

Black Shadow snorted coldly.

"Based on the number of grids on the chessboard, within sixty-four moves, if I can't win, I will lose." Downton said this, causing the whole audience to burst into uproar.


Muller yelled out. Although the record of at least three moves to checkmate an opponent in death war chess is, it is against a fool who knows nothing and fears the monarch. Let alone win, it would be good if he could not lose. (To be completed.)


ps: Can you guys guess how Downton defeated the Lord of the Abyss?


This chapter has been completed!
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