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Eight hundred and twentieth chapters heavy equipment counterattack

The summer wind brought the moist water vapor from Yuexi Lake, and also spread the smell of blood throughout the place.

No one was cleaning the battlefield and collecting the corpses. Both sides were seizing the time to arrange their formations. When they saw the tattered corpses, the soldiers in the Western Region who had been high in morale just now began to panic to varying degrees.

This is war, this is death. Except for madmen, butchers, and natural war madmen, no one likes to go to the battlefield. After all, there are only a handful of people who are not afraid of death.

"Fortunately, I didn't pee my pants!"

Downton knew what kind of soldiers he had. Even the most elite Nine Emperor Corps, Supervisory Team and Military Police Regiment were standing units. They always stood behind the military formation, ready to kill deserters at any time.

There have been no soldiers in the Western Army yet. It has to be said that Downton's 'bounty tactics' have had a huge effect.

"No race can restrain its desire in the face of the temptation of money!"

The Cheap God sighed, these soldiers don't even think about it. With your level, in such a large group fighting, you can kill five enemies, which is already considered the limit. After that, you will either be exhausted or killed.

On the battlefield, soldiers who only focus on killing people and don't know how to conserve their physical strength will die the fastest. Therefore, let alone killing a hundred people, or killing ten people, they would have become centurions long ago.

The opponent is not an ace, but he is much better than the untrained cards in the West, so Downton is in a very difficult situation.

"Master, why don't you use an airship? Throw some goblin bombs down and kill a lot of enemies, right?"

Looking at the densely packed heads opposite, Jackson's whole body felt numb. Each person drowned himself with a mouthful of saliva.

"What do you mean?"

Jackson didn't get an answer, because Charlotte and the others were looking at him as if they were idiots.

"Tsk, others despise my IQ, I admit it, but little princess, why do you do that?"

Jackson was dissatisfied. In his opinion, Little Walnut was a fool.

"Hey, when you play poker, do you throw out the double king on the first card?"

Hutao raised her middle finger and asked contemptuously.

"No, I'm not stupid!"

Jackson shook his head, then froze. Wasn't the little Loli mocking himself? But it couldn't refute it. It could only sulk.

"Little Hutao, you finally figured it out!"

Downton was very pleased. The result was no exaggeration, and the little Loli waved her hand in a matter-of-fact manner.

"No, I don't know why. But I know that I can't throw the king when I come up, otherwise there will be no cards behind me."

Little Loli had no idea that her words made Downton burst into tears.

"Yeah, it's still that idiot Little Walnut!"

Homer was so angry that he couldn't help laughing.

"Don't just laugh, can you tell me the answer?"

Jackson whined.

"After we fight to the death with the Northern Border Army and the King's Army, what do you think the Eastern Border Army and the Southern Border Army, which are currently standing still, will do?"

Quasimodo asked back.

"Of course I'm here to get a bargain!"

Jackson didn't need his knees to figure out the answer.

"That's it, the goblin bomb is our last weapon, how can we use it now?" Quasimodo sighed, "This thing is very expensive, and the production time is long. Over the past year, we haven't saved much inventory.


Jackson was silent. As a direct descendant of Downton, he naturally knew many secrets. The goblin bomb was the ace in the West. In order to keep it secret, the factory was built in the underground city, and the craftsmen were all Krupp giants. In addition to building bombs, they also repaired airships.

I'm extremely busy every day.

"Not only that, Downton also killed Dupont and Xuerle. This is a wealthy family. They will definitely regain their face. Even if they don't send troops now, they will hire mercenary groups to cause trouble for us, let alone want to take pictures.

There are so many magicians and nobles who have been appreciated for their flattery, my head is definitely the best gift!"

Downton curled his lips. He was not an idiot. If he could repel all the enemies at once, he would have dropped the goblin bomb. How could he use himself to fight for life and death?

"To offend two wealthy families at once? Master, are you not crazy?"

Jackson has been on the surface for so long, and he already knows some common sense. The strength of these two giants is stronger than the entire Frankfurt.

"What are you afraid of? Cut as many as you come!"

Little Walnut waved the war hammer.

Blackhand, Quasimodo, and Arnold all nodded. These fierce generals were never afraid of war, but they didn't know that in addition to the two wealthy families, Downton also killed Archduke Ryan's son.

As the hegemonic country among the second-rate countries in the north, the Grand Duke had absolute real power in it. In anger, he prepared to send troops to Delankfurt. If it were not for the persuasion of his staff and the civil war broke out first, Delankfurt would have been destroyed.

It has been ravaged by war.

"A bunch of lunatics!"

Jackson muttered.

"It will take some time for the Devilman Corps to arrive. It seems we have to find a way to delay it!"

After estimating the time, Downton rode out of the crowd on a war bear. Jackson was indeed a flatterer and immediately followed behind with his head held high.

"Who is the commander-in-chief? Do you dare to challenge me?"

Downton roared loudly, and his voice spread throughout the audience.

"Downton, I heard that you were born as a commoner, but you have not received a higher education. Do you still think that this is an ancient war, where fierce generals fight against each other?"

Blackbeard laughed as he rode out on a pure-blooded Defias horse, followed by his guards, who were fully armed and looked majestic, instantly outperforming Jackson.

"If you don't dare, you just don't dare. What nonsense are you talking about?"

Jackson sneered.

"Sharp-tongued ghoul, how can you speak here? Get out of here!" The captain of the Guards pulled out his war blade and scolded Jackson.

"How about we let the heavy infantry fight first?"

Downton was not surprised at all by Blackbeard's answer. He was not optimistic about this proposal. After all, if he had the absolute advantage, he would never agree. After all, the battlefield is changing rapidly. Who knows what will happen next.


"A thousand versus a thousand?"

Blackbeard is very experienced. Without looking at the intelligence, he could almost guess the strength of Downton's troops with just a glance.

"Of course one thousand versus five thousand!"

Downton leaned forward slightly, maintaining pressure, "Of course, I don't mind if you send ten thousand people!"


As Downton's voice spread across the battlefield, there was an uproar in all the military formations. One thousand versus ten thousand? Isn't this a joke? Besides dying, what else can you do?

"Why didn't you just say it was twenty thousand?"

Blackbeard is not stupid. Those are barbarians who are called natural gladiators. One against five, it is hard to say who will win or lose.

"Okay, just twenty thousand!"

Downton nodded, causing loud exclamations.

"Downton is so cold-blooded. He wants to send that thousand-man group to die!"

"Maybe there are some tactics?"

"Then the price of this tactic is too high!"

The soldiers whispered. After several staff members deduced the battle situation in their minds, they looked at each other and followed from behind. They reported in a low voice.

"Commander, I can accept it!"

Twenty thousand against one thousand is almost a sure win. As long as this main barbarian army is eliminated, the rest of the army can be completely ignored. Even if they are not scared to retreat, their morale will be too low to fight anymore.

"Hmph, Downton must be trying to delay time and wait for reinforcements from that bitch Andrea. I won't let him get his wish!"

Blackbeard shook his head, "Downton, why don't you let the heavy cavalry fight first?"

"Heavy cavalry?"

Downton frowned, he only had more than 300 black-hand cavalry under his command.

"Yes, I know you are stalling for time. If you agree, I won't mind fulfilling your wish!"

Blackbeard deliberately showed a confident expression, but in his heart he was silently calculating the feasibility of the plan.

Downton hesitated, but Blackhand asked for a fight.

"Master, let us go to war, and I promise to win the head of that commander for you!"

The morale of the dwarves is high. They come from a clan of guardians. The more adversity they face, the more willing they are to fight.

"Okay, I'll wait until three hundred beats your two thousand!"

Downton roared, turned and left, not giving Blackbeard a chance to refuse.

Heavy cavalry is the most expensive of all arms. The military expenditure of arming one heavy cavalry can be used to equip fifty infantry. If it is simpler, a hundred will not be a problem. Therefore, even the Northern Army only has two thousand heavy cavalry.

The cavalry, this time for the purpose of a quick battle, were all brought.

Blackbeard smiled contemptuously, shook the reins, and while returning to his formation, ordered, "The heavy cavalry will charge later. Except for the 500 heavy cavalry in front of the dwarf cavalry, who are responsible for blocking the enemy, the rest should not be entangled. After passing them, just gather together."

, assaulting their barbarian regiments.”

The staff officers wrote down the order and issued it immediately.

"Let the mage regiment and the light cavalry regiment prepare. Once the order is received, they will immediately carry out fire suppression and reinforcements!" Blackbeard did not forget the infantry regiment. "Let the heavy infantry regiment pay attention to protecting the mage regiment. If those heavy cavalry rush over, the first

The target must be the mage group!"

"Don't worry, they can't rush over!"

The staff members all had excited faces, and they couldn't wait to see Downton's desperate expression when he saw that the development of the battle was different from what he expected.

"Hmph, I have an absolutely superior force, and only fools challenge me alone!"

"Arnold, go back and take command. The other party may try to use tricks. Remember to adapt to the situation. Jackson, go notify and ask the officers at all levels to give me 200% of their attention!"

Downton took a deep breath. The battle was coming, and even the air was suffocating.

The heavy cavalry of the northern border were arrayed, and the men and horses were all wrapped in thick armor, which weighed a thousand pounds in total. It was so dark that even one eyeball could be crushed by just looking at it.

The dwarves look good individually, but their numbers are too small and they lack a shocking effect.

As a low and melodious horn sounded, the Northern Heavy Cavalry began to charge.

The war drums also sounded at the same time, from slow to fast.

"Did you see it? The heavy rider is accelerating to the beat of the drum!"

Homer's science, but how can Downton have the heart to listen to it? No matter how big his heart is, he can't calm down at this fateful moment.

"Fight to the death for the master and the Western Territory!"

The black hand raised the war hammer and shouted.

"Fight to the death!"

The subordinates also roared with anger.



The dwarves pulled down their visors uniformly, and their entire bodies were covered in armor.


Black Hand took the lead, followed by his subordinates, and the entire corps was like a siege hammer, attacking fiercely.

The entire battlefield was silent, and everyone was watching with bated breath. The sound of galloping hooves became the main theme, the soil splashed, and the hoofprints rolled up, leaving a touch of death.

"Priest group, blessed with rage, mage group, target barbarian corps, 800 yards away, prepare for the first wave of long-range strikes!"

Staff officers give orders and commanders repeat them.

The Holy Orders chanted divine magic, and the next moment, a golden halo shot out, and the wings expanded, and when they were close to the top of the heavy cavalry, they were directly enveloped.

With the blessing of the berserk spell, each cavalry's body visibly grew in size, and their aura became even stronger.

"Hmph, today I'm going to let you see what corps combat is!"

Blackbeard looked at the changes in the heavy cavalry and was extremely proud. Why did he dare to use five hundred heavy cavalry to intercept the dwarves? This was his confidence. If the number of people on the opposite side was not too small and the movement was too fast, making it difficult for the mage group to aim, he would definitely let the mage

The regiment fired a salvo bombing first.

"That's so shameless. Didn't we agree to attack with heavy cavalry?"

Jackson complained.

"Shut up!"

Downton glared at the ghoul fiercely. This was a battlefield. There were not so many rules. If you wanted to complain, just blame yourself for not having a clergy.

"Forbidden to throw axes, forbidden to be violent, just rush over to me, target mage group!"

Black Hand roared an order. The master's goal was not only to delay time, but also to directly kill the mage on the opposite side once a fighter appeared.

The two sides were fifty meters apart, and one could already see the pair of bloodthirsty and crazy eyes under the armor. The next moment, they were thirty meters away.

"Raise the Dragon Spear!"

The Thousand Heads roared, and the soldiers held the reins in their right hands and raised the dragon spears resting on their horses with their left hands and pointed them forward. A forest of steel spears was immediately formed, filled with murderous intent.


The heavy horsemen roared to boost their strength, lowered their waists, leaned forward, clamped the horses with their legs, and then put all their strength on their arms.

"The time has come!"

Homer reminded him, but after Downton raised his hand, he still gave up using Praise of Nature to dispel the violent spell on the Northern Heavy Rider.

"I believe Blackhand and the others can do it!"

Downton must be patient. He must use the natural praise at the most appropriate time to make a comeback. Otherwise, if the enemy is on guard, the effect will be compromised.

The next moment, the two sides collided!


Amidst the huge and heart-breaking explosions, the torrent of steel from the Northern Army seemed to have hit the mainstay of the rock. Those in front of it were knocked over and fell off their mounts.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Amidst the sound of falling horses, Black Hand's heavy cavalry drove straight in. The iron-spine dragon's huge hooves stepped on them, not only turning the heavy armor into a discus, but also trampling them into the soil.

"How can it be?"

The staff immediately tightened their grip on the reins, with disbelief on their faces. They had already tried their best to overestimate the combat power of the dwarf cavalry, but they didn't expect that only by seeing it with their own eyes would they realize how poor their imaginations were.

"Let the mage group prepare to attack, the heavy step group to defend, and the clergy group to bless the heavy step group with divine magic."

"Let the light cavalry go out!"

Blackbeard was used to fighting. Although he underestimated the dwarf's outstanding combat power, he was not greatly affected and his adaptability was superb. (To be continued...)


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