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Eight hundred and sixtieth chapters combat power comparison

The steam airships that fly around the city regularly every day are the most direct declaration of force, intimidating all the humble people.

Who among the third-rate countries can afford to buy floating battleships? Only Downton, and there are more than one. Although he is still a duke, all discerning people understand that he is only two wars away from the throne of king.


No, it was a scene, because the king's army raided the Eastern Territory with a thunderous force, and all the high-ranking officials, including the Duke of the Eastern Territory, were quartered in the central square of the royal capital, declaring the inviolability of the royal power.

Probably because it had been suppressed for decades, the king's anger broke out the moment he captured the city. Not only the nobles and their entire families were killed, but the women were sold into brothels and left to be ravaged. All soldiers who participated in the resistance even surrendered.

, were all hanged, and then their wives and daughters were sold to slave traders.

For a time, the entire Eastern Territory cried loudly, everyone was in danger, and fell into endless panic. Previously, the citizens had discussed the situation of the people in the Northern Territory and the Southern Territory in a condescending tone. As a result, they soon faced a situation even greater than theirs.

And a miserable fate.

Faced with the atrocities committed by the king's army, the civilians wished that the Duke of Downton had invaded, but there was no regret in the world. They only dared to think about it, because the king issued a strict order for the civilians to supervise each other. Once there was a defector, the whole family would be killed.

To be demoted to slavery.

In this war, the only ones who gained a lot of money were the King's Army. Under the temptation of the spoils from Pangda Station, they were gearing up one by one, eager to conquer the other three realms immediately.

"Is this guy crazy?"

The moment he received the battle report, Downton thought he had made a mistake.

"I heard that the king was seriously ill, so it is not difficult to understand that he did some irrational things. Besides, it is your people who have paid taxes to a duke for hundreds of years. It has nothing to do with you.

How would you feel in awe?"

Cheap God teases.

"Of course I will punish them severely. They will be whipped first, then demoted to slaves and thrown into the mines to do hard labor. Until they die from exhaustion, they will earn gold coins for me!"

As Downton was talking, he noticed Juliet and Jackson looking at him in surprise, "Huh? What are your expressions?"

"I didn't expect the master to be quite cautious!"

Jackson muttered.


Downton grabbed the cup and was about to smash it, and complained angrily, "I just thought about it. After all, they are my people. I still want to rule the country, so I can't do too much!"

"The benevolence of women. Even the wisest king must learn to kill!" The Cheap God despised, "Without this killing, there would be no fear, and fear is the most direct way to rule the people in a short period of time."

"There is also benevolent government. Isn't it true that only a benevolent emperor can sit on the throne for a long time?"

Jackson retorted.


Homer didn't explain at all. Seeing that Downton fell into silence, thoughtfully, he couldn't help but nodded with relief.

"Do you know the reason why the king's army did this?"

Homer asked.

"First, it takes too long to implement benevolent policies to win over people's hearts, and the king's army will soon face a war, so all reactionary voices must be suppressed in the shortest possible time."

Downton thought of the common people in the Western Territory, who had become mere strangers before the crisis came to an end and did not remember his tax reduction policy at all.

"Second, it is impossible for an army to improve its combat effectiveness in a short period of time through training, but trophies can. The king wants to turn them into an army of beasts!"

In this world, everyone is for themselves. This is human nature. If the king allows the soldiers to keep 50% of the spoils, Downton believes that even the new soldiers will fight without fear of death.

As long as you rob or kill, you can get enough wealth to spend the rest of your life. You don't have to be sentenced to death, and you can get pension after death. This kind of good thing can only be encountered during war.


Homer gestured.

"Third, it can also scare those outsiders and gain more loyalty."

Downton shrugged his shoulders.

"No, this kind of atrocities should make other people feel the same hatred, right?"

Jackson was puzzled.

"In the final analysis, I am just a commoner with no background or foundation at all. How can I compare with the king? Maybe there are many nobles who secretly send people out of the city to seek refuge with the king and promise to be traitors."

Downton looked solemn, and the king smashed out carrots and iron rods in order to lower his own morale and win the battle.

If there are still people who don't know how to line up, then when the Rhine Empire's army appears outside Drankfurt, and the Bremen mercenary group, which ranks among the top ten in the St. Jutland adventure world, suddenly joins the king's army, Tang

The upstarts in Dun's camp immediately felt themselves in danger.

The balance of victory began to tilt towards the king's army. Rumors had already appeared in the army that if he left now, the king would forget about it, or else even if he died on the battlefield, his whole family would be demoted as slaves.

Downton thought with his knees, and knew that it was a rumor spread by a traitor in the King's Army, but the effect was good. Deserters had begun to appear in the human regiment, and morale had plummeted.

Fortunately, Downton mainly relied on other regiments, and he didn't even know who the king was, otherwise he would have suffered a big loss.

"To be honest, I'm a little impressed by this old king."

Downton sincerely lamented that compared to the richest Duke of the East, he was completely at a disadvantage, and the area he controlled was very unstable. The king's army did not need to win. As long as the war entered a stalemate, his territory would fall into chaos.

If he were the king, he would definitely fight Downton first, because he had the best chance of winning. Even if something unexpected happened and it took a long time to kill him, so that he was unable to fight the Duke of the East again, then recovering the Three Realms would be a legacy for future generations.

Not a bad situation.

"So, anyone who can achieve great things must have something extraordinary!"

Homer was really looking forward to this battle.

Downton is living a very comfortable life these days. Duke Mac is the lord of the South, so he is naturally the richest man in the South. His wealth includes hundreds of properties, manors, businesses, land, etc., but now they have all become

After counting his belongings, the goblin housekeepers came up with a terrifying figure of fifty billion.

"What a pity. If we capture the North too, I will be the richest man in Frankfurt!"

No need to ask, Downton also knows that Busk's property has been divided up, and those nobles are also transferring their assets abroad. When he comes to the throne in the future, their assets will inevitably shrink a lot. But he will soon have no time to regret it, because the king's army

It's coming to the door.

Faced with a disadvantageous situation, Downton gave up Rosicky's plan to temporarily stand firm, seek mediation between the Guise family and Princess Sissi, and decided to fight head-on.

"It's either monopoly or death. Anyway, I won't share DeFrankfurt with others."

After Downton made his iron-blooded declaration, the Western Army marched across the board to attack the King's army.

Downton's choice shocked the surrounding forces who were paying close attention to the situation in Frankfurt. A civilian postman became a powerful duke controlling the two realms, with 60,000 men under his command. It only took two years. What do you think?

We should try our best to delay it until the old king dies of illness, and deal with a mediocre second prince. It is obviously much easier.

"The native Duke must have been dazzled by the series of victories!"

No matter how people judged it, this battle was destined to determine the ownership of Drankfurt. Therefore, all military observers were sent to garrison the King's Army.

The old king had been a coward all his life, but when his life was about to come to an end, he ushered in the most glorious moment of his life. Even if it was an enemy country with a bad relationship, he would not refuse anyone who came. Because he wanted the world to see

To and record the historic moment when he won the victory and reunified the country!

Avon County is located between the southern border and the royal capital. It has flat terrain and thousands of miles of fertile wilderness. It is a famous grain-producing area in Delankfurt and is also a natural battlefield.

The king's army arrived first. As if to show their gentlemanly demeanor, they did not send cavalry to harass them, but waited for the Western Army to set up camp.

Of course, even if they want to make a sneak attack, Downton will not give them a chance. The Dark Rangers and Death Riders who are always roaming the front line of the Legion are not vegetarians.

After learning about the arrival of the Western Frontier Army, military observers from more than a dozen countries took their entourage out of the camp and came to the front line. Each of them held up a monocular telescope and looked at Downton's camp.

"As expected of an indigenous Duke!"

The observers were dumbfounded as they watched the ogres, bugbears, and gnolls filling their field of vision, shirtless and sweating profusely as they built camps.

"These natives are really strong, their individual combat power is definitely one to five!"

"Don't be envious. They can fight, but they can also eat. Can you afford to raise them? And with the low IQ of the natives, it would be too troublesome to train them, and they are far less useful than human soldiers!"

Observers have been talking about it. Historically, no one wanted to take over the hilly natives for their own use, but they all ended in failure.

The natives of the hills have low IQs and are too difficult to discipline. From time to time, they will break into riots because of small things. They rob military supplies and burrow into the dragon hills, leaving you with nothing to do. So over time, no one has treated these guys.


"How does Downton control them? Don't tell me those abominations have this ability?"

Facts have proved that violent coercion does not work and can only be effective temporarily. Over time, the accumulated anger will eventually burst out.

"I heard that Downton has a group of wizards composed of shamans under his command. As wise men in the tribe, they can speak better than the chief."

"Aren't these indigenous shamans extremely hostile to humans? Why would they listen to Downton?"

Observers were puzzled.


"Do you think that's possible?"

"What about those orcs? Why would they help a human fight?"

In addition to the indigenous people, the observers also saw a large number of orcs, especially the tauren. Among the orcs, the tauren of the Boer tribe have always been known for their hard work and hard work, and were deeply loved by the commanders. Therefore, the Boer tribe recruited troops.

They were selected in the first wave.

"Downton seems to have a good friend from the Wolf tribe, named Xia Luo, who has the same name as the harvest god of the beast tribe. He is known as the Great Prophet of the Wise Wolf. He is a native of the Dragon Hills and the beast tribe on the Sunset Prairie.

Among them, it has a very high reputation!”

Someone explained that after fighting for so long, Downton’s background has basically been figured out.

"Orc Shaman? She is out of her mind. She is actually friends with a Templar?"

Observers are simply dying of curiosity. What is the reason that allows two races with different beliefs to establish a deep friendship?

"It's definitely not a skill in bed!"

"Although I don't want to admit it, orcs are really good at making love."

"Not necessarily. What if Downton's fingers are more flexible?"

The observers were not in danger of life and death, so they still had time to joke, especially using the shaman prophet to make fun of them, which satisfied their bad taste. However, when the heavily armed barbarians appeared in sight, all the laughter disappeared.


The barbarian was dressed in a warrior suit, holding a shield in his left hand, a gun in his right hand, and a short knife hanging on his waist. He walked out of the military camp with neat steps.

Regardless of whether you look at it horizontally or vertically, these soldiers armed with iron cans are a straight line. The sharp energy is overwhelming and seems to pierce the sky.




The barbarians hit their shields with their spears, and their roars grew louder and louder, resounding throughout the sky.

The camp of the King's Army became quiet. The soldiers crowded beside the fence and looked at the opposite side, their faces gradually becoming solemn.

After tens of millions of people left the mainstream world, the barbarian's military boots finally stepped on this fertile land again.

"What is this for? Arnold is crazy and wants to die?"

Batty and Rosicky were furious. The barbarians left the camp without military orders. However, for those who seriously violated military discipline, beheading the capital was a minor crime.

"Forget it, I understand their feelings, let the barbarians be wild for a while!"

Downton wished that the barbarians were full of fighting spirit. Arnold had asked for battle several times and asked to be the vanguard. He was completely different from the human soldiers who were afraid of being thrown into the battlefield.

"Is this the barbarian regiment?"

"Well-equipped and with high morale, tsk tsk, some of the king's troops were defeated."

"Downton is so lucky. If I had such a corps, I would dare to challenge the entire territory!"

All kinds of complimentary words were vented from the mouths of the observers. It can be said that barbarians were born for war. They regard death as glory and scars as meritorious service. Who would not be surprised?

Live on the shield and die on the shield. This is the philosophy of life pursued by the barbarians. They believe that after a glorious death in battle, they can be led by the Valkyrie into the Hall of Valor, so they are never afraid of death.

When it comes to warlikeness, barbarians can definitely be ranked among the top three in the entire continent. Anyone who encounters such a warrior who is not afraid of death would be surprised if he is not frightened.

It was only after meeting with Downton that he learned that when barbarian women give birth to children, they will be born on shields. They hope that their children will be fearless and fearless and become real warriors. After death, there is no need for a tombstone, only a shield to cover it, which is the most perfect

's destination.

There are no tears, no weakness, just blessings. Then the children will pick up the weapons and shields of their parents again, inherit their flag and will, and continue to fight!

"If only there were more!"

Downton lamented that it was fortunate that he had obtained the inheritance of Barbarian King Tanan, otherwise it would have been impossible to command these barbarians. (To be continued...)


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