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Chapter 93: Abomination of the Undead

The giant monster's pace was very long, and during the chase, it would insert its thick hands into the wall on the side of the street from time to time, use brute force to pull off a brick the size of a grapefruit, and throw it at Celes with all its strength.

Bang, bang!

Like a catapult's stone attack, the stones kept hitting Celes, shot past her, and then hit the ground, completely shattering.

Phew, a stone bullet hit Celes and passed through her back. The strong wind it brought out even blew her long hair.

Celes shivered in fright, and instinctively let out a death wail. The shrill and sharp tones spread rapidly around like ocean waves.

Although Celes is a death banshee with a soul-like physique and can be immune to some physical attacks, she will still be injured if she is attacked for a long time.

There were a lot of magic stones stored in the container, and Downton didn't even consume one-twentieth of them during his level up.

The grimoire opened the war space, loaded the containers and weapons on the ground back together, and then floated towards Downton.

"Every time you advance, you have to destroy a tower shield and a set of armor. Isn't it too wasteful?" Downton couldn't help complaining. The tower shield was twisted, and the 'Hundred Warriors' on his body was also in tatters, and his defense power was greatly reduced.

, and the gold coins spent on repairs can almost buy a new set of leather armor.

"Just be satisfied. When you reach a higher level, in order to withstand elemental attacks, you will consume a lot of excellent or even perfect level equipment." Homer projected text, "You are also a rich man who owns a dungeon.

Come on, please stop being so fussy about it, okay?"

"The noble family doesn't have any food left, and the dungeon hasn't been obtained yet."

Downton was just complaining casually. He was not a stingy person, otherwise he wouldn't have generously given Hannah four magic stones out of Hamlet's bad reputation.

"Leave here first, the elemental attack is too loud. Maybe Robinson has discovered you and is rushing here." The magic book urged.

"Yeah!" Downton jumped on the wall and was about to leave from the roof, but was suddenly stopped by Homer.


"What's wrong?" Tang Dun lowered his body and looked around.

"Celesis is in trouble, hurry up. Summon the soul mount." The magic book projected a big red arrow to indicate the direction.

Downton jumped onto the long street, took out his mount badge, and imbued it with magic energy.

The Crescent Unicorn sprang out from inside. Downton stepped on the stirrup, got on the horse, and slapped the horse's butt hard.

The unicorn immediately raised its hooves and ran wildly.

From a slightly farther distance, Downton couldn't hear the wail of death, but the ancient grimoire could feel the magic fluctuations. This confirmed her identity. After all, apart from Celes, Homer had never seen the second death in Polusna.


It is worthy of being a soul mount badge made with elf craftsmanship. It perfectly retains all the characteristics of the unicorn, especially its speed, which has not been weakened at all.

In a few breaths, Downton had already rushed through the hundred-meter-long street, and the airflow rushing towards him was so strong that he could hardly open his eyes.

Even in the sprinting state, the unicorn's running posture is very stable, and Downton is not very skilled in equestrian skills. There is no need to worry about falling off the horse.

The grimoire had already fallen on Downton's chest. When he turned a few corners and finally saw Celes, Homer was so angry that he almost burst into flames.

A long string of huge magic flame words popped out with a 'whoosh', swaying gorgeously like fireworks, displayed in the sky above the street.

"Celeste. You are a death banshee who can levitate. You are actually being chased by a group of undead abominations and running away. Are you an idiot? Take extra classes. You must take extra classes. Your vacation this year is all cancelled!"


Seeing Downton appear riding a unicorn, Celes' face was immediately filled with surprise. As soon as she shouted, she saw the text projected by the furious Homer.

The Death Banshee suddenly became timid, lowering her head like an ostrich that deceived itself, not daring to say hello again.

"Throw away that linen bag." Downton yelled at the top of his lungs. Celes couldn't move faster simply because of this big bag. Judging from her struggling expression, it definitely weighed no less than fifty pounds.

If it weren't for her levitation skills, Celes, who was sweating profusely, would have been caught up long ago.

"Yes, but it contains..." Before Celes could finish shouting, she was interrupted by Downton.

"Throw it away immediately."

Downton was very anxious, and his voice became stern for the first time. Even if it contained a divine artifact, it was not as important as Celes' life.

Chasing behind the Death Banshee are eight burly undead abominations, also called Stitch Monsters. They are war puppets created by the undead clan and are born for killing!

The undead soldiers collected the human corpses and sent them to the Abomination Workshop. Here, the corpses were cut and trimmed into pieces of meat of different specifications. Then, the meat was sewn into pieces using 'sew magic thread' soaked in several special agents.

Block stitching for adult shape.

The custom-made abominations will then be sent to the altar, undergo a dark ritual, and then the psychic arcanist will install the core of the dead into their bodies. After instilling simple commands, an abomination warrior will be created.

Sent to the war workshop and ready to go to the battlefield at any time.

Out of hatred for humans and humanoids, the undead usually use their corpses to assemble their abominations. In fact, the corpses of any living creatures can be used.

The commands instilled in these hateful warriors are to obey, to kill, and to crush all enemies. They have no fear, no sense of pain, and no mercy, so they are also the most fearless and cold-blooded warriors on the battlefield.

To make an ordinary abomination warrior, the various materials and manpower spent have an average value of one million gold coins. If the production cost is not too high, they can definitely replace the position of the ghoul and become the best cannon fodder.

Of course, no commander would waste such hateful fighting power.

With their burly bodies, strong strength, and dedicated fighting will, the Suture Abominations have become one of the most powerful infantry in the Western Continent. Even if they don't wear armor, they can still defeat most cavalry charges by relying solely on physical strength.

Downton read an introduction in Elaine's "History of War". The strongest Legion of Abominations in history all wore heavy armor, dual-wielding iron chains and large battle axes.

They are invincible in the abyss and are invincible. Even abyss monsters and giant dragons, which are super-level monsters, have been slaughtered by tens of thousands, and their severed heads have been piled up into a huge triumphal arch.

The adventurers did not find this triumphal arch in the Western Continent. It is said that the monarch of the Deathrattle plane took a fancy to this triumphal arch and moved it back to his palace and placed it on the King's Square.

Due to their huge bodies and the process steps involved in their production, the Abominations move relatively slowly, which is also an obvious flaw of them.

"Throw away the bag immediately." Homer was also angry, and the magic flame words were burning violently.

Celes couldn't understand the situation at all. The speed of these abominations was not slow enough to keep up with her. Except for the Death Banshee holding a heavy linen bag containing something unknown, their feet were all flashing.

A green aura of agility increased their speed by at least three times.

Fortunately, the aura of agility is enhanced. Among these abominations, there are no undead creatures like Jackson who have opened up advanced wisdom.

Although abominations are monsters similar to constructs and have low intelligence, because they are equipped with the core of the dead, it is possible for them to unlock their wisdom as time goes by, absorb magic energy, feel the external environment, and constantly communicate with each other.

Thinking about this kind of hateful fighting power with consciousness, you will know how terrifying it is.

Celes threw away the bag. Her speed immediately increased a lot.

"Calm down, don't rush, you can't beat them." Homer dissuaded, "Wait for her here."

Downton tightened the reins and stopped suddenly. He knew that if he got too close and was surrounded by hatred, it would be impossible to escape.

The grimoire opened the war space, released four miscellaneous fish ghouls, and handed a round shield and one-handed ax to Downton.

Seeing a human suddenly appear, the abominations immediately attacked. Their big hands directly grabbed a stone brick from the wall and smashed it at the unicorn.

Downton had just commanded the ghouls to commit suicide to fight against the enemy, buying Celes time to escape. Before he could take over the shield, rocks had already hit her.

Knocking the horse's belly gently to make the unicorn turn around, Downton's right arm faced a stone that could not be avoided and swung it out fiercely.


The stone was blown away, and Downton's arm was numb from the shock, making him grit his teeth.

The ghouls and Celes passed by each other, and quickly crashed into the abominations, but they did not even have a restraining effect. Three of them were directly knocked away by the tall abominations, and one was even worse, being knocked away by the abominations.

He grabbed his head and threw it back as a human cannonball.

The ghoul crossed half a long street and hit the side of Downton with a bang, splashing a lot of dust.

It is indeed a killing puppet made for war. It is three meters tall and has powerful limbs. When it sprints, it is as invincible as a chariot.

Looking at the door-panel-like sword in Abomination's hand, Downton's eyes were full of heat.

"These guys should be considered undead creatures, so they can be controlled by using undead confession, right?" Downton licked his lower lip, hating being a human shield is much stronger than a ghoul, "They have simple intelligence, so they should be easier to repent.


"On the contrary, their intelligence comes from the core of the dead in their bodies. They belong to the category of constructs. Even if you send ten thousand undead to confess, it will be useless." Homer broke Downton's fantasy.

"Then how do you have them? Aren't you a big encyclopedia? There must be a way!" Downton did not give up. Such a tall and burly abomination, covered in heavy armor, was like a fortress. Just for showing off, he was extremely domineering, and took him out.

It's so cool.

"Explode them, and then rewrite the orders in the Core of the Dead." The Grimoire does have a way, and there is more than one. "If you can find the abomination workshop that makes them, I can even make all the abominations in the war workshop."

Become your servant."

"I haven't come back for so long. It seems that Pires has also been killed. Damn it, no matter who you are, you are definitely dead this time." Robinson looked ferocious. When the elemental attack occurred and a white tornado appeared in the sky,

He started running this way.


ps: Looking at the pitiful number of monthly votes, we are really shocked and disappointed. However, although it is not enough, we will still go all out to update. I believe that I will eventually impress you! (To be continued...)


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