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Chapter 979 The three imperial princesses!

Wood's raising of hands caused some slight exclamations at the scene, but they were quickly suppressed. No one would do this kind of thing again.

At this moment, the eyes of almost all the representatives were fixed on him. As the young generation, the most qualified to challenge Heinrich's existence, Wood carried too many hopes and expectations, but this scene, I don't know how many people let it go

People were surprised and speechless.

"If the Steinway family saw Wood's performance, they would probably be furious, right?"

"Hey, Heinrich is indeed the first person in the world who refuses to give in. Who wouldn't surrender to this aura and strength?"

"If Di Lanxue were here, we could see the confrontation between the two kings!"

Various thoughts were swirling in the minds of the representatives. Although Heinrich was not the king, no one doubted his status. The Schuppelonge family had several opportunities to ascend the throne and exercise royal power, but they all gave up. This is

The ancestral teachings of our ancestor Heinrich, one of the Eight Holy Coffins, who holds the title of Unbroken God of War.

This organizational training allowed the Thuperongue family to maintain its position as the most powerful family in Saint Jutland even after the royal power of Saint Jutland changed several times.

Not only wealthy families, but also ordinary aristocratic families also have a habit that only the most outstanding children are qualified to inherit the surname of their ancestors, in order to hope that they will achieve greater achievements than their ancestors.

The Schupelonge family has gone through thousands of years, but only the young man in front of him has received the name Heinrich, which represents honor. This shows how satisfied the family is with him and the high hopes they have for him.

Wood's hands under the table were clenched tightly, and his nails were piercing into the flesh. His face was as dark as ink. He originally wanted to walk away, but he held back. He wanted to do this humiliating scene.

It will always be engraved in my heart as the motivation to chase Heinrich!

"I won't sit there forever!"

Wood swears.

"Duke Downton, do you have any objections?"

Inzaghi spoke, and all eyes were focused on Downton. Only then did everyone realize that there was an alternative in the third-rate country.

"He doesn't think that by marrying Princess Sissi and becoming the Prince of Bavaria, he really has the strength to challenge Heinrich, right?"

"It's just wishful thinking!"

"But if Heinrich doesn't intend to break up, there is no way to punish Downton. Don't forget, Maximilian II is famous for being an obsessive lover of girls. With the princess's love for him, it is very likely that he will

**It needs to be cooled."

"Tsk, tsk, I also want to be fucked by the princess!"

The representatives looked at Downton, not with pity for Wood, but with envy and jealousy. Even though he had just killed the little madman and became the first person under the marshal, in their hearts, he and Hai

Inrich is still a person from two worlds.

"What are you looking at? Is it that novel to vote against it?"

Downton snorted coldly. He scanned the whole room and saw that he had been ignored since Heinrich appeared, so the anger that had been pent up for a long time burst out at this moment.

The power of darkness was raging, causing the representatives to shudder involuntarily and quickly looked away.

"Actually, Downton's record is not bad either!"

Someone murmured. Thinking about it carefully, Downton was born as a humble commoner. It is extraordinary that Downton could achieve what he has achieved in just a few years.

"Do you think I don't know? It's a pity that his status is too poor and his starting point is too low. Even if he becomes famous, he will always be labeled as the princess's consort. It seems that he got to the position by being slept with by women."

Many people are jealous of Downton, so there are all kinds of unpleasant things circulating in the market, saying that he is extremely talented and has used the slutty drow under his command to develop extraordinary skills in bed and conquer Princess Sissi.

"Duke Downton, can you tell me the reason for your objection?"

Heinrich looked at Downton and asked sincerely.

"I'm coming!"

The representatives from various countries winked at each other, their faces full of excitement. The two men finally faced each other, especially those who hated him. They wanted Heinrich to teach him a lesson immediately and make him lose face.


Suddenly someone smashed the table.

When the representatives were shocked who dared to hit Heinrich's table, they turned around and saw Princess Sissi's fist on the table.

"Opposition is opposition, can it be that we can only agree?"

Sissi asked back.

The Bavarian Rose, who has always been famous for its innocence and elegance, made such a rude move, which was simply shocking. However, people soon realized that His Highness was trying to save Downton.

"What kind of shitty luck has Downton got!"

"Yes, Sissi must love him to death, otherwise she would never provoke Heinrich!"

"You must know that with this punch, all friendships will be destroyed. Even if they are not enemies in the future, they will still be strangers!"

The representatives were full of emotions. If you can get a girl like Sissi in your life, what regrets can you have?

Ignoring those incomprehensible looks, Sissi raised her white right hand.

"I object!"

"Do you have any problem with NATO?"

Heinrich smiled and asked softly that he would not care about anything with a girl.

"I don't have a problem with NATO, I have a problem with you. I propose that Downton be the first leader of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization!"

As soon as Sissi said these words, she immediately caused an uproar, and everyone thought she was crazy.

"Your Highness, you love to joke too much!"

The representative of the St. Jutland faction spoke up in an attempt to ease the atmosphere.

"A joke? In terms of military ability, the Duke of Downton put down the civil strife in Delankfurt and the invasion of Samosei in less than half a year, and fought four classic battles that can be included in the textbooks. In terms of governing ability, he

In less than three years as the King's Hand, the national income of Frankfurt has increased fivefold, the economic situation is excellent, and the population of Benefit has reached 30 million. I would like to ask your Excellency, is there anyone here who can do this?"

Sissi asked unceremoniously.

The representative who spoke looked embarrassed.

"Haha, when it comes to being cruel and evil, the Duke of Downton is definitely not as good as politicians like us!"

The diplomat of the Saint Laurent Empire spoke. This time all the representatives were embarrassed, but after seeing him raise his right hand, they breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Heinrich had convinced him, but the next moment. They were

A slap in the face.

"I agree with Princess Sissi's proposal to elect the Duke of Downton as the first leader of NATO!"

The diplomat's words made the whole audience gasp in surprise. Only Heinrich and Wood's expressions did not change.

"What? Are you sure you're not joking?"

The representative of the Napoleon family subconsciously asked, staring at the diplomat. What does this mean? Why did you make the decision privately without consulting yourself? Do you still take the Napoleon family seriously?

"There is nothing we can do. Her Royal Highness the Princess admires the Duke of Downton very much, so naturally we have to please him!"

The diplomat shrugged his shoulders and blurted out his words casually, but the delegates in the room were dumbfounded.

“The princess of Saint Laurent worships Downton?”

Some people subconsciously looked at Downton, and then looked at Sissi excitedly. Is this some kind of love triangle?

"Is she the second princess?"

A national representative who had a good relationship with Saint Laurent asked in a low voice. After all, the eldest princess was already married, and only the second princess was the same age as Downton.

"No. It's the third princess!"

The diplomat didn't hide anything.

"Are you kidding me? Where did your third princess from Saint Laurent come from?"

Some people called it out, thinking it was perfunctory. In a big empire like Saint Laurent, every birth of a royal member would be announced to the public, and it was not a secret worth keeping, so everyone knew about it.

"Wait a minute. You mean the third princess? Her Majesty the Queen has found the little princess she lost seventeen years ago?"

An old representative suddenly spoke, and his words also reminded some old politicians that Saint Laurent did lose a princess back then. For this reason, the king was so angry that he went on a killing spree and cleaned the entire palace.

"what happened?"

Representatives from various countries looked at the diplomat, hoping he would give an explanation. In terms of diplomatic etiquette, identity is very important. To be called the third princess by a diplomat, it can only be a princess born to a king and a queen.

They are not non-blood relatives born from concubines!

You must know that if you marry a prince from another empire, only the direct princess will be equal in status.

"Yes, the queen's missing princess for seventeen years has been found. Just in time, I am here to inform you that early next month, we will hold a grand celebration ceremony to officially recognize the status of the third princess!"

The diplomat's words made everyone gasp. It was obviously not a joke to say this. The third princess admires Downton? Then what is their relationship? Saint Laurent will definitely not do it to attack Heinli.

Hey, just making fun of the reputation of an imperial princess.

"Is this guy the illegitimate son of Lady Luck?"

Some representatives' eyes wandered on the faces of Sissi and Downton, and they found that these two people also had doubts on their faces.

Downton frowned and shook his head at Sissi.

Before the noise and discussion could subside, the Brittanian diplomat raised his hand.

"On behalf of the empire, I support the election of Duke Downton as the first leader of NATO!"

"Why are you joining in the fun? Is it possible that there is also a princess of Britannia who admires Downton?"

The diplomat of St. Jutland could not help but sneered, feeling as disgusted as if he had eaten a fly.

"Huh? How did you know?"

The diplomat pretended to be stunned.

"Silence, this is an important meeting, I hope you will correct your attitude!"

Wood roared with a serious expression, but his heart was filled with joy. Heinrich, I'm afraid he will suffer a secret loss this time.

"Just, stop joking!"

Someone spoke, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

"A joke?" The diplomat stood up and saluted Downton solemnly, "Your Majesty, on behalf of the Britannia royal family, I officially invite you to visit Buckingham Palace. His Majesty the King has wanted to meet you for a long time!"

"It's such an honor. I will make the appointment as soon as I have time!"

Downton stood up and said according to etiquette. In fact, he seemed calm now, but in fact he was confused. He had never been to the Britannia Empire in his life, let alone know any kings and princesses.

"What's the matter?"

Sissi's eyebrows were deeply furrowed. When Downton looked over, she quickly shook her head. This was not her arrangement.

The conference hall fell silent. Representatives from various countries never expected that the three major empires would support Downton together. You must know that they have more say than all the countries here combined.

No matter what the final result is, the representatives know that there is something good to watch! (To be continued...)


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