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Chapter 1011 1007 [From international students to beggars]

Chapter 1011 1007 [From foreign student to beggar]

Goritsyn was not taken to the county office or court, but was taken to the police station.

The bureau was very lively. There were more than thirty people fighting in groups. Almost everyone was injured. They were divided into two groups and sat there staring.

Since foreigners were involved, the translator from Honglu Temple was also called in and seemed to be there to mediate the conflict.

A cultural man wearing a square turban pointed to the swollen corner of his eye and said: "Deputy Qian, look at how I have been beaten. My parents have never beaten me, but today I am beaten by these barbarians.

You have to pay for the soup and medicine, and put these barbarians in jail!"

Deputy Director Qian of the police station smiled and said: "You didn't suffer either. It's really embarrassing to say that 24 people beat 13 others, and they almost lost. Thanks to those Nanyang servants, otherwise you would all have to lie down.

Sometimes I want to beat you up."

The scholar argued: "Uncle Qian, we are all gentlemen. We always talk but don't do anything. Fighting is something that lower-class people do."

Director Qian said: "Okay, things are clear. You take action first..."

"Why should we take action first?" the scholar said angrily, "It's because these Rakshasa barbarians don't understand the rules and can't speak the official Chinese of the Celestial Empire. They actually recruit prostitutes in Xuanwu Lake. Do famous prostitutes in painted boats just want to see them? Even

We were all having a tea party honestly, but they insisted on making a scene. I couldn't bear to argue with them, but these barbarians actually yelled at me, and the spittle splashed on my face. I pushed him away, and he came to me.

One punch. That punch was so heavy that it made stars pop out of my eyes. He hit the person first, okay?"

Director Qian said angrily: "What the hell do you mean by pushing someone away? Can you just kick him or attack him from behind? There are still your footprints on the Rakshasa ghost's lower back."

"I don't care," the scholar said, "Uncle Qian, let's not talk about you and my father being old acquaintances, just talk about whether the Chinese people can help the Chinese people or not!"

Director Qian did not want to waste time on such a trivial matter, and at the same time he clearly favored the Chinese people: "Let's do this, let the Rakshasa ghost pay for the soup and medicine. There are 24 of you in total, and each of you will be compensated ten taels of silver."

"No," the scholar said anxiously, "these Rakshasa barbarians have brought weapons. If we hadn't asked them to leave all their troops behind when they boarded the ship, they would have definitely used knives and guns. My nephew might not have even been able to save his life."


Director Qian turned to the translator of Honglu Temple and said: "These envoys are fighting and fighting. They can no longer be allowed to carry weapons. All weapons must be confiscated."

The translator said: "The Russian envoy has left. These people are not considered envoys, they are just foreigners staying in the capital."

"I don't care if he is a messenger, but we can't keep any more weapons," Director Qian said. "Tell these Rakshasa ghosts to pay 240 taels of medicine. In addition, the boatman's furniture, teapots, and teacups were damaged in the fight. The boatman will claim 20 taels of silver."

, both parties to the fight will pay 10 taels each."

The scholar shouted again: "What precious thing costs 20 taels? Those tables, chairs, benches, teapots and bowls are more than enough for him for 5 taels of silver."

Director Qian said to the boatman: "Twenty taels is indeed too much."

"Then it's ten taels, no more," said the boatman. "Not only did they break things, but they also ruined the boat business. They should pay for it."

The translator then went to talk to the young Tsarist Russian and explained the outcome of the case clearly.

When Khowanski heard this, he said angrily: "He kicked me from behind first, why should we pay for it?"

The translator said: "You injured someone."

"We're hurt, too," Howanski said.

The translator said: "But they were hurt more seriously."

Howanski said: "They were injured more seriously because they were too weak in the fight. Is it a sin that we are stronger?"

The translator said: "They stood up to seek justice. You were the first to cause trouble in Huafang."

Howanski said: "We heard that the boats in the lake were high-end brothels, so we went there. But the boat owner took the money, but did not call the prostitutes, and only let us drink tea on another boat. This is a scam,

We were defrauded of money, so we got into trouble with the tea guy."

"You also said it's a high-end brothel, can it be the same as an ordinary brothel?" the translator explained, "If you want to see a famous prostitute, you must have tea and wine first. And you can't just go once. If you don't spend ten times, the famous prostitute will take you there."

I don’t even want to know his name.”

Khowanski was stunned when he heard this: "Is this a prostitute or a noble lady?"

The translator sighed: "I really didn't lie to you. You will know it when you learn to speak Chinese."

Howanski suppressed his anger and reluctantly took out the banknote: "I don't have 240 taels of cash in cash. This is a certificate of deposit of 1,000 taels from Datong Bank."

These young people studying in Tsarist Russia only had one thousand taels of silver, and the rest was only dozens of taels in change.

After just one fight, a quarter of the study abroad funds were lost.

By the time Goritsyn arrived at the police station, these guys had already gone to the bank, and the two parties were handling the compensation issue at Datong Bank.

Goritsyn also made a record at the police station and was asked to hand in his sword and collect it with the receipt when he left Nanjing.

When we returned to the small rented courtyard, the young men were quarreling and fighting.

After they finished arguing, Goritsyn stepped forward and said, "I haven't paid you this month's living expenses yet."

"You still want money?"

Howanski was worried and had no place to vent his worries, so he sneered: "We are all from great aristocrats, but you are the only one who is an ordinary aristocrat. Why do you hang out with us?"

Goritsyn said: "I was sent to China to study by His Majesty the Tsar, and I was personally selected by His Excellency the Prime Minister."

"I don't care how you got here, move out of here immediately!" Khowanski roared.

"Hit him!"

Another noble young man shouted, and as he spoke, someone rushed over and punched Goritsyn in the cheekbone.

Khovanski also started to take action, raising his foot to kick Goritsyn.

After a heavy beating, Goritsyn was carried and thrown outside the hospital. He was in so much pain that he couldn't get up for a long time.

But they said that these noble young men had lost more than two hundred taels of silver, but they didn't know how to do serious business. They continued to play in and out of the city all day long, and were ripped off by the stores in various ways. They had a few hundred taels of silver left, which was all spent in less than two months.


They dug out some sable skins left by Baykov. These were very valuable in Nanjing, with good ones worth a thousand taels of silver, and bad ones fetching four to five hundred taels.

These guys sell them in leather goods stores, and even go to Honglu Temple to find a translator.

But the translator was also unreliable. He worked with merchants to deceive them. They agreed on a total price of 5,000 taels, but received only 1,000 taels and only admitted to receiving a mink skin.

Khowanski was so angry that he gave the leather goods store owner a good beating in front of the translator.

Then, they went to the police station again and paid for twenty taels of medicine...

Half a year later, a group of Russian beggars appeared in Nanjing, and their daily income was actually not bad. Because Nanjing had not seen beggars for a long time, and now there are not only beggars, but also Rakshasa beggars, and the people regard them as rare animals.

Pity this brother Khovansky, historically, he was the actual executor of the Sofia coup.

At that time, he controlled the shooting army, which was equivalent to the Moscow garrison commander. He was bribed by Sophia to launch a coup, expel Peter the Great by force and put him under house arrest.

This guy has no brains at all. After he accomplished the thing, he actually regarded himself as a hero and clamored for a promotion to the rank. Sofia promoted him to the rank. Khovansky was still not satisfied and asked Sofia to build a monument to the shooting army in Moscow.


His demands became more and more outrageous, forcing Sophia to chop him off.

And the new commander-in-chief of the shooting army is none other than Goritsyn!

But it was said that Goritsyn was beaten with a bruised nose and face, and limped off to visit Pascal. This time, he was lucky, and Pascal was at home on vacation.

Pascal has lived in China for many years and has studied both arts and sciences. Not only has he produced many research results, but he is also studying the Four Books and Five Classics in depth. The way he reads the Four Books and Five Classics is very similar to Zhao Han, that is, he controls the basic ideas and development of Confucianism.

To change, re-read specific books in detail, study Confucianism as a natural science, and don't do that kind of thing of looking for chapters and excerpts.

"You were abandoned by the great nobles?" Pascal couldn't help laughing.

Goritsyn corrected: "They haven't inherited the title yet, they are just the sons of great nobles."

Pascal asked: "Are you going back to Russia?"

"I have no money," Goritsyn shook his head, "I want to find a job and study in my spare time, but I can't speak Khitan yet. I studied natural science in Moscow, and I can be your assistant.

No salary is required, just take care of the food."

Pascal thought for a while: "Then you will be my assistant."

Goritsyn asked curiously: "Aren't you planning to return to France? Why do you have to live in China?"

"When I stayed in France, I couldn't handle the relationship between science and God," Pascal sighed. "When I got to China, I still couldn't handle it, but I didn't have to think about it anymore. France is my motherland, but China is my destination.

God may exist, but it is certainly not the kind people imagine. God may be an energy or a will, but it is certainly not a divine creature in human form."

After hearing this, Goritsyn quickly made the sign of the cross on his chest.

Pascal asked: "What about you, will you return to Moscow after acquiring knowledge?"

Goritsyn said: "Yes, I must go back. When I return to Moscow, millions of serfs will be free, and Russia will become stronger than ever. The Yenisei River Basin will definitely fall into the hands of the Khitan, but

I will firmly consolidate the territory west of the Yenisei River!"

The ideal is grand, but in practice it is nonsense.

According to China's method of reform in Russia, it will fall apart after repeated changes. Then we have to do it step by step, first learn the development model of Western Europe, and at most learn a little bit of science and technology in China.

"Mr. Pascal," Goritsyn suddenly asked, "other than climate factors, why do you think China can become so powerful? Why can China have such a large population?"

Pascal smiled and said: "Civilizations develop on different routes. Recently I have been reading articles sent back from overseas, recording many different civilizations. Some are still primitive societies, and some were conquered by colonizers. There are some young scholars in China who analyze and summarize the types of civilizations and

The Process of Civilization. If you are interested, you can subscribe to those journals."

This chapter has been completed!
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