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Chapter 1013 1009 [Light up the map of Central Asia]

Chapter 1013 1009 [Lighting up the map of Central Asia]

Zhao Han obviously paid special attention to Ayuqi. Not only did he let him have dinner in the Forbidden City, but he also invited the crown prince and grandson to come.

"Meet His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, meet His Royal Highness the Grand Sun!" Ayuqi was particularly excited. His favorable impression of Zhao Han was infinitely higher, and he felt that he had come to Nanjing at the right time.

Zhao Kuanghuan was also extremely approachable and actually returned the courtesy to the Mongolian prince.

"Grandpa...hug!" Emperor Taisun Zhao Shixuan raised his hands.

Zhao Shixuan is four years old this year and is the second son of the prince, but he is still the eldest son.

Zhao Han picked up his grandson, put him on his lap and fed him with a smile.

Ayuqi first raised a toast to Zhao Han, and then to the prince, describing the situation in Central Asia in detail: "More than two hundred years ago, the Khan of the White Horde Khanate was killed, and the White Horde Khanate collapsed. The descendants of Jochi's youngest son

Abulikhail Khan ascended the throne. He reigned for forty years and established a vast territory. The country was named the Uzbek Khanate. The people directly under Abulikhail Khan were craftsmen, farmers and merchants. They were collectively called '

Uzbeks'. The tribes living in the Kipchak grassland are called 'Kazakhs'."

Zhao Han suddenly understood and finally understood the origins of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

The merchants and craftsmen of Datong China only went as far as the Ili River Basin, and they really didn’t know much about the situation in Central Asia.

Ayuqi said: "Up to now, the Uzbek Khanate has been destroyed. The Kazakhs migrated to the Seven Rivers Basin and established the Kazakh Khanate. The grasslands they controlled continued to grow. The Kazakh Khanate was divided into three jurisdictions, namely Dayuzi,

Zhong Yuzi and Xiao Yuzi. When this country was at its peak, it had a population of one million and 300,000 people who controlled the strings. But now it has been divided, and the three Yuzi are in charge of their own affairs."

Zhao Han just fed his grandson and let the prince communicate with Ayuqi.

Zhao Kuanghuan asked the palace servants to bring a globe and asked: "Where are these three Yuzi?"

Ayuqi came into contact with the globe for the first time and was shocked when he got it. After careful confirmation, he said: "The small Yuzi is in the west of the Kazakh Khanate, the middle Yuzi is in the northeast of the Khanate, and the big Yuzi is in the south of the Khanate. This is the Khiva Khanate.

, this is the Bukhara Khanate.”

At this time, the territory of the Kazakh Khanate covered almost half of Central Asia, but it also included two other khanates - the Aral Sea and surrounding areas belonged to the Khiva Khanate, and the southeastern part of Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan belonged to Bukhara.


The Bukhara Khanate was established by the Uzbeks. It had been at war with Persia for hundreds of years, and from time to time it would cross the border to plunder Persia.

Xiaoyuzi is located on the east coast of the Caspian Sea, Zhongyuzi is adjacent to the northern Xinjiang region of Xinjiang, and Big Yuzi is adjacent to the southern Xinjiang region.

Zhao Han glanced at the globe while listening to Ayuqi's narration.

The map of Central Asia is finally lit up.

Zhao Han suddenly asked: "How is your relationship with Kazakh Sanyuzi?"

"The Oara Mongols have been at war with the Kazakhs for more than a hundred years," Ayuqi said, "but our Torgut tribe was pushed westward by the Oara Mongols, so we are still friendly with the Kazakhs. This time I brought 500

The tribesmen came to China and were not attacked by Kazakhs on the way."

Zhao Han asked again: "Have you brought the golden seal given by Ming Dynasty?"

Ayuqi said: "No, I will bring it next time."

"There is no need to bring it with you. I will send someone to get it and replace it with a new seal for the Torgut tribe," Zhao Han said, "I will make your father the king..."

"Your Majesty," Ayuqi interrupted awkwardly, "my grandfather is still alive."

Zhao Han immediately changed his mind and said: "I canonize your grandfather as the King of Turgut, named the Commandery King, and Prince Zhibi. When you go back, go with the envoy of the canonization from the Celestial Dynasty."

Ayuqi said: "Your Majesty, I have seen many new crops in China, including potatoes, corns, sweet potatoes and so on. I heard that they can all produce high yields. Please give me some grain seeds."

"Okay." Zhao Han agreed.

At this time, the Torgut tribe did not grow much food.

It was not until Ayuqi succeeded to the throne that he encouraged farming and commerce, and his strength quickly reached its peak.

It was a pity that he met Peter the Great. Russia was also developing rapidly at that time, and the Torgut Khanate became a dumping ground for Russian goods. Russia sold Ayuqi industrial goods at high prices and imported grain from Ayuqi at low prices. It was cut by industrial scissors.

Very miserable.

In Ayuqi's later years, the status of the two countries was no longer equal, and the Torgut Khanate had to nominally obey the tsar.

After asking for a lot of specific information, Ayuqi was taken away from the Forbidden City by the guards.

Zhao Han hugged his grandson and asked, "Do you know why you support the Torgut tribe?"

Zhao Kuanghuan replied: "We have distant relations and close attacks. The Torgut tribe is thousands of miles away from the Celestial Empire. Supporting its growth can contain Russia. When the Celestial Empire regains the western regions, it will border Kazakhstan. The Torgut tribe can also contain Kazakhstan in the west."

"Yes, there is this consideration," Zhao Han said, "There is also the religious consideration. The Torgut tribe believes in Buddhism. To the north and west is Orthodox Christianity, and to the east and south is Christianity. From a religious perspective

Speaking of which, the Torgut Tribe is surrounded by people. The stronger the Torgut Tribe is, the more Buddhism will be able to spread around. Remember, the problems in the Western Regions are largely religious issues."

"My son, please remember this," Zhao Kuanghuan said.

Half a month later, the Ministry of Rites engraved the gold seal, and China's canonized envoy followed Aqiyu to the Caspian Sea.

The deputy envoy was Pang Anguo, Pang Chunlai's adopted second son, and he was also an orphan of a martyr. This kid graduated from middle school and studied at Jinling University at his own expense, but he never got a college diploma.

Fortunately, the system was not established in the early years, so I took advantage of the loophole and became a minor official.

He had no other skills but a good talent for languages. He had mastered Latin and Mongolian, so he was promoted by Zhao Han to serve as an official in Honglu Temple.

The envoy's name is Xie Yuan, who was born in the first Jinshi class of the New Dynasty of Datong. He can also speak Mongolian fluently.

When Ayuqi and the envoys arrived in Lanzhou, it was already late autumn, and the first snow had already fallen. They spent the winter in Lanzhou and continued on the road in the following spring, accompanied by a thousand Datong cavalry.

Troops must be sent to follow, otherwise the envoy may not be able to return.

Historically, Ayuqi's envoy came to China for the first time. The original intention was to let his nephew, mother and sister go to Tibet to worship Buddha, and he went to Beijing to meet Kangxi. This time, he was escorted by 500 cavalry, and there were no problems on the way back and forth.

So Ayuqi sent another regular envoy and received a grand reception from Kangxi. The envoy disappeared on the way back and was most likely intercepted and killed by the Kazakhs. After all, the escort this time was too small and they brought with them the goods rewarded by Kangxi.

He could be killed by the jealous Kazakhs at any time.

After passing Jiayuguan, it is the territory of Yarkand Kingdom.

Xie Yuan was very interested and when passing through Dunhuang, he asked the guide to take him to Yumen Pass to pay his respects.

Looking at the desolate and dilapidated square town, Xie Yuan said to Pang Anguo: "Why should the Qiang flute blame the willows? The spring breeze does not reach Yumen Pass. This is the homeland of China, and we must continue to regain the lost land."

Pang Anguo lamented: "I also learned riding and shooting, but it's a pity that my father (Pang Chunlai) did not let me join the army."

"Da da da da!"

More than a hundred cavalry rushed over, and the actual controller of the Hami area, Muhammetisha Hezhuo, came with his son Ebedulla.

"Hamibek of the Yarkand Khanate, and Zhuo Muhanmetixia, pay homage to the envoys of the Kingdom of Heaven!" Muhanmetixia and Zhuo dismounted and saluted Xie Yuan.

Xie Yuan smiled and helped him: "Please get up quickly."

Muhammetixia and Zhuo glanced at the Datong cavalry and found that there were only a thousand cavalry, and they did not bring any civilians with them. They immediately felt relieved.

These Datong cavalry are all one person and two horses.

The armor was carried by horses, and the food was transported by camels. There were also some attachés, such as military doctors, veterinarians, auxiliary soldiers, etc., and the total number was not large.

Ebedulla secretly observed the equipment of the Datong cavalry, but unfortunately they were all tied up on horses and could not see clearly. This king of Hami in history was extremely controlling, but not very ambitious. He just wanted to dominate Hami.

Tu emperor.

Everyone was invited to Hami to eat melon, and Ayuqi was also entertained.

During the banquet, Muhanmatixia Hezhuo cried bitterly: "Angel Rong Bing from the Kingdom of Heaven, the Heshuote tribe went south to plunder for years, and the people of Hami were miserable. When the angel returns to Nanjing, he must be clear to His Majesty, rebuke and restrain him.

Those damn Khoshot Mongols.”

"Definitely." Xie Yuan nodded and said.

We stayed in Hami for a few days, used Datong silver coins to buy some supplies, and then continued our journey to the west.

The northwest area of ​​Hami is obviously much more desolate.

Even if you look at some land that can be cultivated, you can't see many people. This was robbed by the Heshuo Special Forces. The children and grandchildren of Gushi Khan were driven out of Qinghai-Tibet by the Datong Army and successfully occupied the Barkol Ranch. They were different from the original

He and Shuote's troops got together and defeated Hami Burke, who could only passively defend.

If this robbery continues, Hami's people's livelihood and finance will be destroyed.

The situation in Turpan further ahead was similar. He was also robbed by the Heshuo Special Department and could no longer take care of himself.

On the night when he was entertained by the Governor of Turpan (Prince Yarkand), Xie Yuan said to Pang Anguo: "The cities in Turpan and Hami are quite prosperous, which shows that they have made a lot of money through business. But the countryside is sparsely populated, and the price of food in the city is high.

, I'm afraid there will still be food shortages from time to time. In three to five years at most, the Heshuo Special Forces will probably be able to capture these places."

Pang Anguo said: "The Yarkand nobles of Turpan and Hami all live in big houses, wear fine clothes, and are arrogant and luxurious. Now they are doing business with my country and are stuck on the Silk Road. The more money they make, the less capable they are of fighting. But the Mongols in the north are suffering from freezing weather and frequent snowstorms, so they can only continue to plunder southward. The one thing is one and the other is ebbing, and it is only a matter of time that the Yarkand Kingdom will be destroyed."

"The capture of Hami and Turpan is the best time for our country to send troops," Xie Yuan said.

Pang Anguo nodded and said: "Yes, the people here are different from Mongolia in religion and language. After the Mongols have conquered the territory, I am afraid they will have to work hard to suppress the rebellion. When our army leaves Jiayuguan in the west, the Mongols will be like a tree without roots. Very soon

Easily defeated."

This chapter has been completed!
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