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Chapter 1032 1028 [Stock Broker]

In another time and space, Zheng Sen had been dead of illness for three years.

Nowadays, he is still alive and well, has two sons and one daughter, has no concubines, and has reached the end of his official position. As a consort, he serves as the left governor of a province. If he is transferred to the central government in the future, his rank will be reduced.

On this day, Zheng Sen took his wife Zhao Zhenfang out of the city and went to Guandi Temple incognito for a private visit.

Because there are so many scammers, private stock trading has naturally formed rules.

Everyone goes to the Guandi Temple to buy and sell stocks. Similar groups gather together, making it easier for buyers and sellers. If a liar appears, they will be beaten up and sent to the government.

Zhao Zhenfang did not take her maid or bodyguard with her, but followed her husband in a wealthy car, and got off the bus dozens of feet outside the Guandi Temple. From a distance, she could see crowds of people in front of her. Since the rise of the open-air stock market, the Guandi Temple seemed to be attending a temple fair every day.

"It's quite lively." Zhao Zhenfang said with a smile.

Zheng Sen sighed: "The more lively it is, the harder it is to control it. The government has caught more than 30 scammers."

The couple walked over and saw many young people sitting on pony on both sides of the open space in front of the temple.

Zheng Sen walked up to a young man and saw a paper sign next to him. The sign read: My surname is Xie Mingsheng, my courtesy name is Daguang. I graduated from Nanhai County No. 2 Middle School. You can check the household registration book and graduation certificate. Proficient in mathematics, do Passed the apprenticeship of a shop accountant. Can buy and sell stocks on your behalf, provide stock information consultation, and help identify authenticity...Be honest and trustworthy, and be honest and trustworthy.

"Do you charge money?" Zheng Sen asked.

When the young man named Xie Sheng saw the business, he immediately became energetic: "Master, madam, do you want to buy stocks? Stock information consultation is free, and commissions are charged for buying and selling stocks on your behalf."

Zhao Zhenfang asked: "If I have stocks in my hand and I ask you to sell them on my behalf, how can I ensure that you will not join forces with the buyer to cheat?"

Xie Sheng smiled and said: "The commission is charged on a proportional basis. It has been agreed that everyone will take two thousandths. The higher the selling price of your stock, the more commission I will take. The stock price is similar every day, and there is not much difference between high and low. If I lie to you too much, I'll be easily discovered; if I lie to you too little, I won't be worthy."

"Wouldn't you just take the stocks and run away?" Zheng Sen asked.

"You can keep the large-amount stocks yourself. Just leave an address. After finding the buyer, I will take the buyer to find you." Here I am. This is my household registration book and high school graduation certificate. The household registration book also has my address. I also have a family and a family. I am afraid of being sued and will not do anything like deception."

Zheng Sen glanced at the high school graduation certificate: "With your academic qualifications, why don't you take the civil service examination? Even if you don't pass the examination, you can still find a regular business student."

Xie Sheng smiled and said: "I used to be an apprentice accountant in a store. I didn't have a good relationship with my master, so I was too lazy to accept his arrogance. Then I started a small business on my own. Now that the stock market is booming, I can make more money doing this."

Zheng Sen said: "I want to buy stocks. I heard that they have been rising, but I am afraid that they will fall one day."

Xie Sheng immediately confirmed: "You can rest assured that based on the current market situation, look for a few big stocks, they will definitely only rise but not fall."

"There are many kinds of stocks?" Zheng Sen was surprised.

Xie Sheng said, "The most famous one is of course the Indian trading company, commonly known as Tianzhu Stock, Laogu. The second is Xie Yuanhao. The boss and I are still the same family. This Xieyuanhao is a time-honored iron smelting brand in Foshan. Others use steam engines instead." , he also manually fried iron and forged steel. Now he has finally come to his senses and plans to buy some steam engines and expand the iron factory, so he issued shares to raise funds. This stock is commonly known as iron stock, and it is currently selling well."

"Besides old stocks and iron stocks, are there any others?" Zheng Sen asked again.

Xie Sheng said: "There are also sugar stocks. The owner is in the sugar business and plans to recruit people to open up land in Java Island to plant sugar cane. To open up land, you have to fight the indigenous people. The indigenous people in Java Island are very fierce and they have to buy a lot of soldiers and armor. Okay. People need money to open up wasteland, so don't you just issue stocks to raise some money? This sugar stock didn't issue much, only 5,000 taels of face value stocks were issued, but it has risen sharply in the past two days... …”

Xie Sheng named seven stocks in succession and also introduced the background of the stocks in detail.

Zheng Sen was extremely surprised because in just over two months since the Indian trading company issued shares, so many types of stocks had appeared.

"I want to take a look at sugar stocks." Zheng Sen said.

There was a wooden box at Xie Sheng's feet. The box was locked, and a rope was tied to his ankle. He took out the key to unlock it, carefully took out a stock, and said, "Don't get it dirty or wrinkled."

Zhao Zhenfang came over and looked carefully with her husband.

Except for the paper material, which is different from the official tickets issued by the imperial court, the other anti-counterfeiting marks imitate the official tickets. Moreover, the face of the ticket is numbered, and there is a half seam seal on the front of the ticket. As for the other half of the seal, it should be on the base ticket of the stock issuance company. . Only when the knitting and stitching seals are correct will it be recognized by the stock issuer, making it easier to cash in dividends every year.

"How high has this stock risen?" Zheng Sen asked.

Xie Sheng replied: "The face value of each sheet is one yuan, and today it has increased to one yuan and eighty cents. The employer who helped me sell it said that it will only be sold for one yuan and fifty cents. If you want to buy it, take it away for one yuan and five cents. If you come back tomorrow, you will definitely buy it at this price. Less than.”

Zhao Zhenfang was a little surprised: "Why don't the owners of these stocks come to sell them themselves? They have to let you sell them on behalf of them."

Xie Sheng smiled and said: "People have to do things every day. You can't just stay at Guandi Temple every day and do nothing else just for a few dollars of stocks."

At this moment, a person came next to him: "Do you have a sugar stock?"

"One dollar and five." Xie Sheng said.

The man said: "The market price is only one dollar and forty-eight cents."

Xie Sheng said: "Whether you want to buy it or not."

The man asked: "How many do you have?"

Xie Sheng said: "Fifty-three shares in total."

The man took out a note: "The bank note from Xinlong Bank is worth one hundred taels. You can verify it yourself."

Xie Sheng took the banknote and carefully checked the anti-counterfeiting mark. After confirming that it was correct, he took out fifty-three sugar stocks and said, "Count them."

The man also began to check the authenticity and quantity of the stocks, and nodded with satisfaction: "The goods are right."

Xie Sheng took out two piles of large silver dollars from the bottom of the box and gave him a small silver dollar: "Twenty and fifty cents for you."

A stock transaction was completed in front of Zheng Sen and his wife.

Xie Sheng put the banknote away and asked, "I've sold out all the sugar stocks in my hand, do you two want to buy other stocks?"

Zheng Sen said: "I'll go around again."

Xie Sheng wasted his words, but he was not angry at this time. He smiled and said: "You two, please go away. You can come to me when buying and selling stocks in the future. I have been doing this for a month, and I have never made any mistakes. I will never do anything wrong." Fake it."

"Fake bills, there are fake bills!"

Suddenly there was a shout, and Xie Sheng quickly picked up the wooden box and ran towards the direction of the sound.

The nearby stockbrokers were all in action. They rushed forward spontaneously and soon surrounded the scammers selling fake stocks.

"kill him!"

"Don't beat him to death, or he will be sued."

"As usual, he beat him half to death and dragged him to the official, and attacked his mother. He finally managed to make money and make a living. We can't let these liars ruin the business!"


Because Xie Sheng was too far away, it was too late to rush over, so he could only stand around and roar outside.

By the time the crowd dispersed, the liar was already dying.


Seeing the miserable end of the scammer, both the stockbrokers and the investors who came to buy stocks laughed heartily.

Zheng Sen took Zhao Zhenfang away and said as they walked: "Although these people have set their own rules, they still have many problems. The stock is just a piece of paper. Buying and selling short is ultimately futile. Especially the old stocks of Indian trading companies, I heard that they have risen. To 12 taels per share, it has increased 12 times in just over two months. How much money can you get if you take the stock to pay dividends next year? How much it rises this year, how much it will fall next year. Those who buy at high prices, I’m afraid I’m going to suffer a lot of losses.”

Zhao Zhenfang said: "Indian trading companies are quite reliable, but some small shops will also issue stocks. If they lose money and go bankrupt, won't those who bought stocks lose everything? There are also those people (brokers) who help buy and sell stocks. , as long as you have evil intentions, you will cause a lot of trouble."

Zheng Sen said: "This matter must be left to the Guangdong Chamber of Commerce. First, any trading company that issues shares must report to the Chamber of Commerce. You can't just issue it if you want."

"There must be a threshold," Zhao Zhenfang added helpfully. "It must be an old trading company that has been operating for more than ten years to prevent someone from just starting a new trading company and issuing stocks to cheat money everywhere. When the age is reached, the status of the trading company must be reviewed. Yes It’s not about how much debt you have, how much cash you have, shops, factories, ships, etc.”

Zheng Sen said: "We still have to check the accounts. Trading companies that have been losing money are not allowed to issue stocks."

Zhao Zhenfang smiled and said: "That's right."

Zheng Sen added: "Second, those who help buy and sell stocks are called 'sharers.' All sharers must be reported to the Department of Commerce. They must have at least a high school diploma and no record of committing any crime." There must be parents or a wife and children in the family. If both parents are dead and there is no wife or children, you are not allowed to work as a stock dealer to buy or sell stocks."

Zheng Sen thought carefully: "I can only think of these for now. If anything goes wrong in the future, I can just add more."

Zhao Zhenfang smiled and said: "My husband has forgotten the most important thing."

"What's the matter?" Zheng Sen couldn't understand.

"Tax!" Zhao Zhenfang said.

Zheng Sen clapped his hands and said, "Yes, deed tax is required when buying and selling houses, and of course there is also tax when buying and selling stocks."

Zhao Zhenfang said: "I have seen stocks from different companies with different papers, different inks, and all sorts of strange patterns. We can let the Finance Department specialize in making stocks. No matter which trading company's stocks, they should all adopt a unified shape. Leave blanks in key places for issuance. When registering stocks, fill in the specific name of the trading company and other information. This will not only standardize the stocks, but also give the government a reason to collect taxes."

Zheng Sen immediately frowned again: "But stocks are not like houses. They can be bought and sold on the street. How can the government collect taxes?"

"Build a facility for them, and stocks can only be bought and sold there," Zhao Zhenfang said. "All street sales are not recognized by the government. If you are deceived, the scammer is guilty of fraud and the victim is guilty of tax evasion. Moreover, , Stock dealers can only buy and sell stocks for others in official places. Once stock traders trade privately, their license will be revoked if discovered."

"This method is feasible," Zheng Sen said. "The imperial court prohibits the imposition of exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes. If you want to tax stocks, you must report to the imperial court for approval. I will write a secret note to your majesty when I get home."

This chapter has been completed!
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