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104 [Two Left Scholars]

Ji'an Prefecture.

Jie Xuelong put down a secret letter, tried hard to restrain himself but couldn't hold it back, and cursed loudly: "The eunuch is disgusting!"

Staff member Li Zongxue couldn't help but ask: "Why is Futai angry?"

Jie Xuelong handed over the secret letter and explained: "The tax supervisors in Qianshan are exploiting too much, and some demons have established the secret sect, and many foolish men and women believe in it. The secret sect has been spread to Fuzhou, and the prefect of Fuzhou has written to report that there may be someone in Nanfeng County."

The church revolted!"

Zhao Han left the Fei family too early and didn't know that something big had happened in Qianshan County.

Two demons, Zhang Puwei and Ma Liaoyang, secretly founded the Tantric Sect in Qianshan, and landless farmers and tenants continued to join them.

The eunuchs collected taxes aggressively in Qianshan County, and the losses were passed on to farmers and craftsmen, which led to a sudden increase in the number of followers of the Tantric Cult. Moreover, it had spread out of the circle to other states and counties, and was even spread to Fuzhou by a few disciples.

Jiang Yi, who was preaching in Nanfeng County on Saturday, gathered at the foot of Junfeng Mountain not long ago.

The countryside near Fengshan has been occupied by esoteric cultists. Qiu Chun, whom the two are contacting, is also a demon and has occupied the villages and towns in Yunshihu.

They killed the landlords and did not pay taxes to the court. They only did not openly rebel. The situation was similar to that of Zhao Han.

"Futai, the demon is a serious matter and should not be underestimated. It should be destroyed immediately!" Li Zongxue suggested.

Jie Xuelong had a severe headache and sighed: "There is also civil unrest in Pingxiang County."

"Pingxiang is also in chaos?" Li Zongxue was shocked.

Xie Xuelong said: "Tian Younian, the magistrate of Yuanzhou, is still a good soldier. Without the permission of the court, he set up a camp at Huanghua Bridge and sent soldiers to block the throat of the west. Tian Younian wrote a letter asking me to mobilize troops quickly.

Suppression, if the Huanghua Bridge is breached by the rebels, it will be difficult to clear it out in the future, and the rebels can flee to Huguang at any time."

Li Zongxue was silent, not knowing what to say.

Although the Ruijin mob was defeated, one group escaped into the mountains and is expected to come out again to cause trouble in the winter.

Halfway through, there was another large-scale civil unrest in Luling County.

Jie Xuelong hurriedly returned to Ji'an and was preparing to plan to quell the rebellion. Another demonic rebellion appeared in Qianshan and Nanfeng.

News of the peasant uprising also came from Pingxiang, which is the real choke point and the military and commercial thoroughfare connecting central Jiangxi and Hunan!

There are civil unrest everywhere, which road should be suppressed first?

Xie Xuelong was actually a great man. Historically, he had no regular troops under his command, but he wiped out all the Jiangxi rebels. Moreover, that was not all. Later, there were civil unrest around Poyang Lake, and it was Xie Xuelong who also stepped in to quell the rebellion.

It's a pity that when he encountered the small court of Nanming, he was involved in endless party disputes.

He resigned from office and lived idle, sold his property and donated military supplies.

The city of Nanjing was destroyed and he threw himself into the river to die for his country.

Jie Xuelong spent a year slowly building Tengwang Pavilion in Nanchang. Wanting to leave a name in history was only one of them. The deeper intention was to smooth out the relationship between the gentry and the gentry.

Otherwise, where would he get the money to suppress bandits?

"Master, there is a Zuo Xiucai outside who wants to see you."

"Bring him in!"

An elegantly dressed scholar walked in with a sword hanging from his waist, and the long sword was taken away. He bowed his hands and said, "Zuo Xiaocheng, a late student, pays homage to Mr. Shi Fan."

The Zuo family belongs to a large family in Jiangxi. Jie Xuelong couldn't stand to be ignored and greeted him with a smile: "He is a talented person and a pillar of his family. He is worthy of being a disciple of the Zuo family."

Zuo Xiaocheng got straight to the point: "I went to Huangjia Town in Wansheng, and now it was renamed Wuxing Town by the rebels."

"Oh, sit down and talk." Jie Xuelong suddenly became serious.

Zuo Xiaocheng sat down and said: "The mob spread throughout half of Luling County, killing landlords and forcibly dividing the land. But all the townships were not afraid, and they acted like clowns. But Zhao Yan from Xuanhua Township must be wiped out quickly, otherwise it will be regarded as a crime.

A serious problem!"

Jie Xuelong asked: "What's so strange about Zhao Yan?"

Zuo Xiaocheng explained: "It is said that this man was born as a scholar. He founded Datonghui in Xuanhua Township, which means the world will be unified. He killed the landlords, equalized the land, released slaves, reduced the corvee tax, practiced regimental bravery, and even changed the township capital system

'For the 'town and village system'."

"Although he was a thief, he did not take any money for his own use. The land he robbed was donated to Wuxing Town as public property; the money he robbed was donated to Datong Association as a property."

"When the land is equalized, it will be fair and without favoritism. Foolish men and women are willing to die for it. There are tenants in the surrounding area. After killing the landlord, they also voluntarily invite him to divide the land. Now, half of the rebels in Luling County are all

The so-called 'Mr. Zhao' is the master."

After hearing these words, Jie Xuelong immediately knew that something serious was going on. This was not an ordinary rebel!

Zuo Xiaocheng took out a few more pieces of paper: "This is the charter of the Datong Association and the script of "The White-Haired Girl"."

The charter obtained by Zuo Xiaocheng was not complete, but was copied from hearsay. It was nothing more than what Chen Maosheng preached to the farmers.

Xie Xuelong quickly took it over to check, and the more he looked at it, the more frightened he became. He sighed: "This man is really a talent from the countryside, but it is a pity that he cannot be used by the imperial court."

Zuo Xiaocheng also suggested: "Send troops quickly. Now, although half of the rebels in Luling County are led by Mr. Zhao, the Zhao thieves actually only have five capitals. The rest of the rebels are doing their own thing and do not listen.

Zhao Thief’s deployment. If Zhao Thief is given another half year, he will definitely be able to annex all the surrounding rebel thieves. By then, I’m afraid I will have to call in troops from other provinces!”

Li Zongxue, the staff member, had also read the chapter and the storybook at this moment. He raised his hands and echoed: "Futai, this thief is used to confuse people's hearts. We must destroy him quickly!"

"I also think so." Jie Xuelong agreed.

Therefore, the governor of Jiangxi left the Pingxiang rebels alone, ignored the Qianshan and Nanfeng demons, and began to plan how to wipe out Zhao Han.

He did not send troops immediately, but contacted the gentry of Luling County and asked the gentry to contribute money and efforts to recruit local warriors.

The gentry in Luling County were overjoyed. They had long wanted to recruit troops.

Unfortunately, the imperial court does not allow regiment training. The gentry's recruitment of troops is tantamount to rebellion and must be done in the name of the government.

Now, the governor has given them permission to recruit local warriors. These are all soldiers from the hometown, and they are not afraid of being robbed by foreign officers and soldiers during the war.

Jie Xuelong quickly obtained three thousand rural warriors. The previous "30,000 army" was too bad, so he directly changed from regular soldiers to auxiliary soldiers of the rural warriors.

After more than a month of training, the village warriors were able to form a formation, and Jie Xuelong immediately led his troops to go on an expedition.

He didn't dare to continue training troops because Zhao Han was developing too fast and the speed of the troops would probably be terrifying.

Zhao Han actually had a headache, as farmers rioted one after another.

Jiangxi has many mountains but little land. In addition, there are countless officials and gentry, and the degree of land annexation can be said to be one of the best in the Ming Dynasty.

This place has been a powder keg for a long time. He successfully launched an uprising in Wuxing Town, but the government was still slow to suppress it, which immediately attracted surrounding villages and towns to follow suit.

An outbreak in one village can infect several villages, and half of Luling County was infected in ten months.

Villages that are close to each other are willing to ask Zhao Han to preside over the distribution of fields and are willing to obey Zhao Han's rule.

But those who were far away used Zhao Han's name while ignoring him, and all the political cadres sent there were driven back.

After a lot of work, Zhao Han's territory expanded to twelve villages, with a population of about 7,800 (excluding children), four of which belonged to poor mountain villages.

Eight hundred soldiers were organized and trained, totaling eight brigades.

Seventeen scholars have come to join us, but they are all schoolchildren and young students, and we have not yet recruited scholars.

"At the beginning of the meeting, all business travel has been cut off. There has not been a single merchant ship in the past few days. Unless the chaos is cleared up, the goods we ordered will not be shipped at all." Huang Shunfu came to report.

Zhao Han nodded and said, "Don't worry, just do whatever you have to do."

The merchant ship was not intercepted by officers and soldiers, but by the mob downstream. After killing the landlords to divide their fields, they even rowed small boats to rob the merchants.

The corn and sweet potatoes ordered by Zhao Han were all scared away by these water bandits!

While handling some military and political affairs, someone suddenly came to report: "Mayor, there is a scholar named Zuo who wants to see you."

"Scholar?" Zhao Han was overjoyed, "Hurry up and invite him...I will personally greet him!"

Zhao Han ran out quickly and saw a poor scholar standing at the door waiting with his arms folded.

In the cool autumn season, this person is still wearing single clothes and a pair of straw shoes.

"But Zuo Xiucai?" Zhao Han said with a smile, "I am Zhao Yan, please come in quickly!"

The trick of walking backwards to meet each other was very useful to the scholar. He cupped his hands and said: "Zuo Xiaoliang, courtesy name Dashan, please pay my respects to Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Han pulled Zuo Xiaoliang inside and said, "In my place, there are many children and scholars, but they just hide and refuse to see me."

Zuo Xiaoliang pointed out: "If my family had a lot of land, I wouldn't come to see you sir."

"Haha, you're making a joke out of Dashan." Zhao Han didn't answer directly.

Zuo Xiaoliang said: "To be honest with you, sir, my clan brother and I have been observing in Wuxing Town for many days, and we have some understanding of your methods."

"Where is your clan brother?" Zhao Han asked.

Zuo Xiaoliang replied: "I went to join the governor. His family has a lot of land."

Zhao Han shook his head amusedly: "It makes sense."

After passing through the cloister, Zuo Xiaoliang did not enter the house, but stood at the door and said: "I have a plan for you. If you, sir, can adopt it, Xiaoliang is willing to help you. If you, sir, don't adopt it, Xiaoliang will leave immediately. Different ways do not agree with each other."


"But it doesn't matter, I just like to talk quickly." Zhao Han found this person very interesting:

Zuo Xiaoliang commented: "Sir's purpose is indeed excellent, and I also strive for universal unity. But it is too rough and cannot be a long-term solution."

"You said you can't just kill the landlords to divide their fields?" Zhao Han understood.

Zuo Xiaoliang explained: "The land must be divided, but there is no need to directly kill the landlords. There are also some good-hearted landlords, and not all of them are bad people."

Zhao Han nodded and said, "That's true. What do you think we should do?"

Zuo Xiaoliang suddenly whispered: "I see that Mr. Datonghui is quite able to mobilize the people. Whenever he goes to a place, he will first station troops and then make the people resist rent and interest rates. When the landlords can no longer bear it, the government will step in and lower the price."

They redeemed the land and distributed it to the people."

Zhao Han asked back: "How can I buy land with so much money?"

Zuo Xiaoliang handed over his hand and said: "There is no need for the government to pay for the redemption. We only need to redistribute the land to the tenants and ask them to pay some grain to the landlord every year, which is regarded as an installment payment for the purchase of the land. After ten years of farming, the land was bought."


This method, to put it more bluntly, is to put a real knife on the landlord's neck, and then use a soft knife to slowly cut the flesh and bleed it.

Zhao Han thought carefully and said: "You can try it and correct it if the effect is not good. However, you must kill the vicious landlords quickly! Every time you go to a village (about a few villages), kill at least one of the worst landlords."

, otherwise the people will not be willing to follow me.”

Zuo Xiaoliang was afraid of being cut across the board, so he suddenly laughed, bowed his hands and said: "I am willing to serve the Lord!"

This chapter has been completed!
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