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Chapter 1058 1054 [Infantry vs Heavy Cavalry]

Liu Qin was hiding in the camp with the peasants and craftsmen. He was holding a telescope and looking at the battlefield in the distance with a smile.

This battle was due to Liu Qin's advice.

When Governor Mirza besieged the camp, Liu Qin analyzed the situation on both sides.

On the Datong Army side, there are 3,500 elite core members.

On the Bukhara side, there are about 10,000 core elites.

The total strength of the two sides is not too far apart, and both sides bring a large number of tribal cavalry.

Those tribal cavalry have poor equipment, low morale, and different ideas. It is difficult for them to fight bloody battles.

But there is a difference. The tribal cavalry who join the Datong Army really want to rebel from the bottom of their hearts. The tribal cavalry who follows Governor Mirza are just doing errands and will 100% run away if they encounter a bloody battle.

Liang Zhen took these words to heart and made a specific plan.

Since the tribal cavalry couldn't understand the orders of the Datong Army, they were thrown out and disrupted the war. Tens of thousands of cavalry on both sides were in chaos. The war was at least several miles wide, and the other side's general couldn't even think of commanding it remotely.

At the same time, the entire Datong army formed an array, and Liang Zhen used himself as bait to attract the Bukhara elite.

When the two sides were completely disrupted, everyone lost their command system. Then, the Datong Cavalry rushed out without any orders, relying solely on bloody killing to attract their own tribal cavalry to follow.

The five hundred Datong Cavalry charge like a snowball. Your own tribal cavalry does not need to understand the orders, just follow them and charge together.

As for the enemy's tribal cavalry, they had long been scattered throughout the battlefield due to the previous chaos. It was impossible to regroup and they would never be able to withstand such an charge. They were defeated one by one like a knife cutting through tofu.

There was only one flaw in the battle plan, and that was Governor Mirza, who ignored the Datong Army as a decoy and directly led the elite cavalry to kill the tribal cavalry from the beginning. But fortunately, Mirza looked down on those miscellaneous troops and only wanted to defeat the Datong Army.

It was destroyed.

At this moment, even the tribal cavalry, which had been shot to pieces and retreated to the edge of the battlefield, rushed over under the command of their leader, wanting to join the Datong Knights in their desperate charge.

There were so many charging cavalry that the battlefield could not be cleared.

Some tribal leaders took the initiative to surround both sides, trying to eat all the elite of Governor Mirza.

Mirza did not run away, and the man became violent.

He asked the mounted musketeers and light cavalry to intercept the charge of Datong Xiaoqi, and he personally led three thousand heavy cavalry to kill the infantry led by Liang Zhen.

As long as the main force of the Datong Army is destroyed, as long as the main general of the Datong Army is killed, no matter how many remaining armies there are, they will collapse!

Three thousand Bukhara heavy cavalry charged at all costs and were as unstoppable as an overwhelming mountain.

There were four to five thousand tribal cavalry who came to outflank them. But when faced with the charge of three thousand heavy cavalry, the morale they had just boosted fell to the bottom in an instant. The tribal leaders quickly blew their trumpets to evade.

Mirza raised his lance high and shouted: "Long live the Khan, long live the Khan!"

"Long live the Khan!"

Three thousand heavy cavalry followed and shouted. They did not draw out their scimitars, but all held a long spear in their hands.

The distance between the two sides was still two to three hundred meters, and Liang Zhen shouted: "Hollow Formation!"

The flag was waved and the bugle was blown. The infantrymen of the Datong Army who were lining up to advance immediately stopped and quickly changed their formation.

The ground is shaking. The charge of three thousand heavy cavalry is too terrifying.

But the officers and soldiers of the Datong Army held their rifles steadily and looked at the enemy with firm faces.

Mirza had a sinister smile on his face. Three thousand heavy cavalry charged at three thousand infantry. The enemy general also created a thin hollow formation. Mirza could imagine the outcome. As long as his heavy cavalry rushed over, the infantry on the opposite side would panic and collapse.

Those who are defeated thirty steps away can be regarded as elites.

Those who are defeated at a distance of twenty steps can be called brave.

Those who fled only ten steps away were completely brave and fearless of death.

The tribal cavalry who avoided the heavy cavalry charge did not join the battle at this moment. They collectively looked at the Datong Army infantry.

A Gilgis leader muttered to himself: "It's over, we're going to lose."

The distance between the heavy cavalry and the hollow formation was only twenty steps.

The soldiers of the Datong Army still stood where they were. The tribal leaders were frightened and at the same time sighed with emotion: The Chinese army is really not afraid of death!

Ten steps, only ten steps left.

The Datong army was still in neat formation, no one escaped and no one fired.

The hollow formation can deal with cavalry, but the focus is on horses.

The bright bayonet forest can automatically slow down the enemy's war horses and avoid them subconsciously. If you shoot in advance, a large amount of smoke will block your sight, and the enemy's war horses will not be afraid.

Mirza had already realized that something was wrong. No matter how hard he whipped him, the horse under his crotch was still slowing down.

The three thousand heavy cavalry rushed slower and slower. They rushed two or three meters outside the bayonet wall and almost all stopped. The cavalry were still urging their horses to charge, but the horses went around to the side, refusing to hit the bayonets.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The Datong army, which was facing the enemy head-on, finally opened fire.

The closest one, only about one meter away, was the Bukhara cavalry poking out their spears through the wall of bayonets.

Not a single shot missed, and a large section of the heavy cavalry fell instantly.

The panicked heavy cavalry urged the panicked horses to go around the two sides of the hollow formation. But there was still a wall of bayonets. Wherever the heavy cavalry went around, sporadic gunshots could be heard.

Governor Mirza has fallen.

No one knows when he died, and he didn't even understand what happened until his death.

The smoke gradually dissipated, and the nearby tribal cavalry looked there in disbelief. The three thousand Datong troops were still arranged in a neat hollow formation, but the three thousand heavy cavalry had broken up and fled.

At least half of the heavy cavalry fell around the hollow formation.

There were also a large number of heavy cavalry. Their horses were shot and fell to the ground, but the people were still alive and were throwing away their weapons and fleeing in fear.


A tribal leader reacted and rushed forward with his tribe to kill him. More and more tribal cavalry followed him in pursuit.

They first killed the enemies who had lost their horses, and then pursued the enemies who fled on horseback. The heavy armor on the heavy cavalry used to be a life-saving weapon, but now it became a burden when escaping. The load was too heavy and the tribal cavalry quickly caught up.

On the other side, the Datong Cavalry led nearly ten thousand cavalry to confront Bukhara's mounted musketeers and light cavalry. Thousands of tribal cavalry also circled the flanks to outflank. The disparity in strength and morale caused the Bukhara army to instantly

After being defeated, the only result was that the musketeers hit some enemies - Datong Knights, and fell down a few more.

The next two hours were all about pursuit and taking advantage of the situation to capture the nearby city of Andijan.

When the leaders of various ministries returned to Andiyan with their soldiers and looked at the Datong Army, even their eyes changed completely.

They did not dare to rebel before. What they were most afraid of was the heavy cavalry of Bukhara. However, the infantry of the Datong Army were able to carry the heavy cavalry and charge forward, defeating the heavy cavalry of Bukhara head-on.

"Ming Gebu and Zhuo Mehmul, pay your respects to the general!" Mehmul dismounted and walked forward, kneeling in front of Liang Zhen, his eyes full of awe.

"Zhuole and Zhomihad, pay your respects to the general!"

"The Heron tribe and Zhuoluba pay their respects..."

One after another, tribal leaders came and knelt down in front of Liang Zhen.

There were people who knelt down and worshiped before, but they were not sincere. Everyone had other thoughts.

At this time, I knelt down and worshiped sincerely, and most of it was out of reverence.

Here, strength is the priority!

Liang Zhen asked all the soldiers to set up camp, leaving only the leaders to hold a meeting.

The first sentence is: "Hand over all the spoils obtained in this battle, and I will distribute them uniformly. The tribe with the most casualties, as well as the tribe with the bravest fighting, can be divided more. You are not allowed to keep it privately, otherwise you will be severely punished!

Don’t worry, I won’t treat you badly. China is very rich, so there is no need to be greedy for these things.”

"The second thing is that from now on, private vendettas between ministries are not allowed. If there are conflicts, please seek mediation from Chinese officials."

"The third thing is to continue fighting. No looting is allowed after the city is captured. I know that you come from all races. Once you capture a foreign city, you will definitely massacre the residents inside and outside the city."

Since we want to occupy this place, we must maintain basic order.

It does not mean that the more people of each ethnic group die, the better, nor does it mean that the deeper the conflicts between the various ethnic groups, the better. If there is complete chaos, all ethnic groups will not take Chinese officials seriously, and the rule of the imperial court cannot be maintained for a long time.

Go down.

"The fourth thing," Liang Zhen said with a ferocious expression, "For the tribes who helped Bukhara fight, you can kill them at will in the next battle!"

Mahmur suddenly changed his expression. The Uzbeks are the main ethnic group in Bukhara and the most populous ethnic group here. Those who help the governor fight are all Uzbek tribes.

Makhmur himself was an Uzbek. Although he was forced to rebel by the king, he did not want his own people to die too many.

Once a large number of Uzbek tribes were massacred, their advantage in the Fergana Basin would be gone.

But there was no way to object, because Liang Zhen had enough reasons. Who would let those tribes help the governor fight the war?

The leaders of the Giljis, Tajiks, and other weak ethnic groups were all happy and smiling. They resented the king and the Uzbeks. Since Liang Zhen said it was okay to carry out massacres, they must kill all those who helped the evildoers.

This is Liang Zhen's plan. He must weaken the strength of the Uzbeks and maintain a balance among the three major ethnic groups in the basin.

This idea came from Liu Qin.

Even though Liu Qin never showed up, a few words could determine the life or death of tens of thousands of people.

After resting for a few days, Liang Zhen set off with the coalition forces of all ethnic groups.

There were some rules at the beginning, and no one killed innocent people indiscriminately as they conquered cities along the way.

But after reaching the west of the basin, soldiers from all ethnic groups turned into jackals because Liang Zhen said they could kill them at will.

Since the governor had been killed in the battle, the Uzbek tribes were in disarray and had no power to resist in the face of the coalition forces of all ethnic groups. One tribe after another was slaughtered, including women and children. A large amount of loot was sent to Liang Zhen, and then uniformly distributed to the various tribes participating in the battle.


The number of Uzbeks who died in wars and massacres is about 50,000 to 60,000, and it may be close to 70,000.

When they attacked the city of Khujand, the soldiers of all ethnic groups were already killing each other, and their morale was extremely high. Because this was the last city, and if we captured it, we could control the throat of the Ehr Basin, and it was the last chance to grab the spoils of war.

Along with the hot-air balloon bombing, soldiers of all ethnic groups climbed the city desperately and rushed into the city, killing them indiscriminately.

In the entire Fergana Basin, the imperial court only had four cities: Khujand, Andijan, Fergana, and Osh.

Troops were stationed in all of these four places, and Han people immigrated to settle outside the city.

With 50,000 immigrants arriving and occupying fertile land, as long as military deterrence is maintained, the Han people can multiply to more than one million people.

Even more!

This chapter has been completed!
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