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Chapter 1064 [Java Unification]

In the autumn of the 26th year of the Republic of China, Pang Chunlai, the Duke of Liao, died of illness in Xining Fort, Yaoxian County, Liaoning.

He was posthumously named King of Liao and given the posthumous title Wenzheng.

The title of the King of Liao cannot be hereditary, and his descendants will have the title of the Duke of Liao in descending order.

Emperor Zhao seemed to have remembered Li Banghua and posthumously named Li Banghua King of Ji'an. This title of county king was still not hereditary.

Regarding Li Banghua's posthumous title, it could not be given casually before Pang Chunlai died of illness. Because officials from Jishui were quite powerful, and Li Banghua's compatriots were all over the government and the public, there must be another king with a different surname to suppress him.

Another reason is that officials from other provinces have gradually shown their prominence.

Officials from Anhui, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Sichuan provinces have been promoted through the imperial examinations, and there are more and more officials inside and outside the court. In addition, officials from Hunan and Hubei have already surpassed Jiangxi officials in number.

Although Jiangxi officials still hold high positions in the cabinet, the ranks of cabinet ministers have been balanced, and the origins of local officials have also been balanced.

In the same year, Fei Ruhe's brother-in-law Yuan Yunlong took the position of cabinet minister and returned home due to illness. There was one less cabinet minister from Jiangxi.

Zhang Bingwen, a cabinet minister from Anhui, had been ill for many years and died of illness this winter. He was 81 years old and was given the posthumous title Wenzhong.

In the twenty-seventh year of the first year of the Republic of China, Zuo Xiaoliang, a cabinet minister from Jiangxi, suddenly suffered from a serious illness and asked to be appointed to an official position. After three requests and three resignations, Zhao Han accepted, and one was missing.

Zhao Han's old friend Liu Ziren, who he met at Hanzhu Academy, was fat, healthy, and sat firmly in the position of chief minister.

This chief minister's talent is relatively mediocre.

No matter what happened, he would discuss it with the cabinet ministers first, and then submit it to the emperor after a consensus was reached. Whenever Zhao Han changed the cabinet draft, no matter how outrageous the change was, Chief Assistant Liu Ziren would always comply with it.

Zhao Han was actually very easy to use for such an unopinionated chief assistant.

"Your Majesty, Zhang Xianzhong, pays homage to His Majesty the Emperor!"

In Yingmin Hall, Zhang Xianzhong saw the emperor again, but this time he had a completely different identity.

Zhao Han said happily: "Give me a seat."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Zhang Xianzhong was much more well-behaved than before, and his attitude was correct.

This king was already sixty years old and had overstayed his term as the governor of Semarang. He was not recalled to court until he had wiped out several neighboring countries.

Zhang Xianzhong first sent troops to occupy the coastal plain of Bamalan, continuously attracted Han immigrants, and took the initiative to demarcate the border with the Sultan of Cirebon. Two years later, he suddenly attacked Cirebon. Moreover, he used a strategy to send soldiers in advance disguised as merchants, and after entering the city, they cooperated with the outside world.

Take it quickly.

When the news spread, other sultans were shocked.

The Sultan of Boliangan (Bandung), which was closest to Cirebon, panicked and gathered troops to prepare for war. Zhang Xianzhong also released the news that he wanted to destroy Boliangan, but he made a false shot and secretly led his troops back to attack the south of Semarang.

The Sultanate of Yogyakarta.

The Sultan of Yogyakarta was unprepared and died in confusion.

The other sultans were horrified. The Sultan of Surabaya even voluntarily abdicated, supported the Han puppets to come to power, and asked Emperor Zhao to make Surabaya a governor-general, provided that the court could not send officials and garrison troops.

At the suggestion of his son, Zhang Xianzhong did not continue the war. Instead, he developed steadily for several years and killed a large number of Javanese nobles. He massacred nobles, burned books, destroyed temples, provoked rebellions, sent troops to quell the rebellions, and continued to massacre... Over the past few years.

, people who knew Javanese writing were killed by him, and believers could not even find a temple to worship.

In Central Java alone, Zhang Xianzhong killed tens of thousands of people!

Even the Han people in Semarang were frightened by Zhang Xianzhong, and local wealthy people converted to Buddhism one after another.

Last year, Zhang Xianzhong captured Surabaya, slaughtered all the non-Han nobles in the city, and completed the unification of Central Java and East Java.

Zhao Han asked with a friendly smile: "Which yamen do you want to serve in? You can enter the Governor's Mansion and stay in Nanjing, or you can be transferred to another place to be the governor."

Zhang Xianzhong shook his head and said: "I am sixty years old. I can't kill anymore, but I can still kill to my heart's content. Your Majesty, please let me go back to Taiwan and give me a job as a county magistrate. I have never been a civil servant in my life."

Zhao Han flipped through the map of Taiwan and said: "In the coastal area south of Chicken Coop, there is a large plain washed out by Lanyang River. The Taiwanese prefect went there to organize immigrants and planned to civilize the local indigenous people. But these indigenous people were extremely fierce and even killed

Two officials and a few ordinary people who immigrated there."

Zhang Xianzhong said: "Just kill some of the natives."

Zhao Han said: "Taiwan's prefect has already sent troops to drive the local indigenous people into the mountains. Now there are more and more immigrants there, and a large number of plains have been reclaimed as fertile farmland, but they are often attacked by the indigenous people in the mountains."

"Where does Your Majesty want me to be an official?" Zhang Xianzhong asked.

Zhao Han nodded and said: "There are nearly 10,000 immigrants there, and the imperial court plans to establish an official county. According to the name of the river, it is not appropriate to set it as Lanyang County. There is already Lanyang County on the bank of the Yellow River. It has been decided to change it to Yilan County, so you can go

Become the magistrate of Yilan County and control the indigenous people around the county."

Zhang Xianzhong patted his chest and said, "Leave it to me. I have plenty of ways to deal with the Taiwanese natives."

The natives of Yilan County are the Kavalan people. The first batch of Spanish colonists who landed, a total of fifty people, were killed by the Kavalan people. The Spanish governor was furious at that time and sent troops and Luzon indigenous soldiers to kill them.

Twelve Kavalan people burned down seven Kavalan villages.

However, the Kavalan people are too ferocious and know how to fight guerrillas. They often get into the mountains and wait for opportunities to go down the mountains to attack the enemy.

Spain could only give up colonizing here and go further north to build a castle in Keelung.

Historically, during the Qing Dynasty, some Han people visited this area, just wanting to do business, but they were killed by the Kavalan people out of nowhere. In the next thirty years, Han immigrants fought on the border and even used muskets to repel the Kavalan people.

, these indigenous people were later gradually assimilated into Han people.

Moreover, they actively sought assimilation. The tribal leaders gave up hunting and learned farming techniques from the Han people. Gradually, they even used Chinese to communicate and their names imitated Chinese customs.

Zhang Xianzhong used to be the county magistrate and always guarded and suppressed. As long as the Kavalan people were beaten painfully, these natives would imitate the strong ones and become no different from the Han people a hundred years later.

At noon, Zhang Xianzhong was left to have a meal and had a working meal with the emperor in Yingmin Hall.

In the afternoon, we left the Forbidden City and went to the Ministry of Rites to receive the reward.

A horse, a sword, and a musket were all good things. They were not ordinary items and could be used as family heirlooms. Zhang Xianzhong grinned with joy.

After Zhang Xianzhong left, (former) Prince Wandan Haiyi was received again.

"Your Majesty, Zhao Hongde, pays homage to your Majesty!"

"Give me a seat."

Just by hearing what Prince Hai calls himself, you can tell who he is now.

King Wandan is an old turtle, he has never died, and he has not even gotten sick.

Faced with the expansion of the Han people with Yecheng as the center, King Bandan pretended not to see it. He seemed to have settled down, but he still refused to surrender his country, and even secretly supported the tribal leaders to compete with the Han people for territory.

As the friction became more and more intense, Prince Hai couldn't stand it any longer and finally launched a rebellion, leading the way and inviting the Governor of Yecheng to send troops.

At this point, the Wandan Kingdom was destroyed.

Prince Ha Yi of Bandan had made great contributions to the country and was made a viscount. He could retain one thousand acres of land, retain all royal property, and obtain a century-old mining right to a volcanic sulfur mine.

This prince is very interesting. He sold thousands of acres of land to the Han people, left his fixed property and sulfur mines to his eldest son, took his other wives, concubines, children and floating wealth, and moved his family to the city of Nanjing, which he always dreamed of.

Just a few days ago, Zhao Han rewarded this man with a piece of suburban land and asked him to build a mansion at his own expense.

Prince Hai thanked him profusely and asked the emperor to give him his surname.

As a result, the whole family changed their surname to Zhao.

His unmarried young son also asked a matchmaker to find a candidate and make a marriage contract with the daughter of a petty official.

Then, this guy stayed away from home all day long, nostalgic for the Goulan tile house. He even learned to be arty and didn't know a few Chinese characters. He actually went to attend literary gatherings and followed the literati to visit famous prostitutes on the Xuanwu Lake Painted Boat.

Zhao Han asked: "Are you still used to living in Nanjing?"

Ha Yi... No, Zhao Hongde replied: "Nanjing is very good, much more comfortable than Wandan, and there are more places to play."

Zhao Han asked: "The last time you came to Nanjing for an audience, you couldn't speak Chinese, but now you can speak it fluently."

Zhao Hongde replied: "I learned it in Java. I often go to Coconut City to play, and I also hired a gentleman to teach me how to write Chinese characters. The things I have in Datong China are hundreds of times better than those in Java. The Chinese language is better than the Javanese language, and the Chinese characters are also better than the Javanese characters.


"You are really a loyal minister!" Zhao Han laughed.

Zhao Hongde immediately laughed, looking as silly as Mr. An Le.

This guy dares to rebel against his father and is certainly not a fool.

In another time and space, other sultans on Java Island did not end well. Only Zhao Hongde took the initiative to rebel against his father, captured Wandan and presented it to the Netherlands. From then on, he became a being similar to a toast, and died happily all his life.

Even his descendants have been Dutch nobles for more than two hundred years.

It's almost the same now. He feels that Wandan will be destroyed sooner or later, so it's better to take the initiative to destroy it and gain benefits by dedicating himself to the country.

Aren’t the benefits coming soon?

He was awarded the title of Viscount and kept the royal property, as well as the land and mines. With the property that he had plundered for many years, it was better to move the family to Nanjing and enjoy the happiness than to stay in Wantan and be afraid?

Zhao Hongde's act of dedicating himself to the country filled the final gap, and the Nanjing court formally unified the island of Java.

There are still Javanese nobles entrenched in the local area, but Han merchants and immigrants can compete with the power of the people, and the governor does not even need to worry too much.

There will only be one governor position in Java from now on.

The governor of Coconut City was cancelled, the governor of Semarang was cancelled, and a new governor of Java was established to control the entire island.

The governor's palace is located in major cities such as Coconut City (Jakarta), Banten, Semarang, and Surabaya, and "supervisors" are set up for management.

Throughout the island of Java, spices, sucrose, etc. are still secondary, its main function is to act as a large granary!

China itself can continuously obtain rice from Java Island, which can be used to suppress the continued rise in food prices in coastal areas.

Perhaps in a few decades, through immigration and civilization, a Java province can be established!

This chapter has been completed!
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