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Chapter 1079 [Extra 9]

Chapter 1079 [Extra 9]

In the seventh year of Hongye's reign, Emperor Zhao Kuanghuan was 59 years old and his health was no longer very good.

Traveler, explorer, naturalist, and anthropologist Cheng Jingming, who was also very young, was specially appointed as an honorary doctor by the Hanlin Academy and enjoyed the salary allowance of a regular Hanlin doctor.

Of course, Cheng Jingming could no longer take risks himself, but he had a son who inherited his ambition.

To be precise, he is a mixed-race illegitimate child!

When this guy was adventuring in Mexico, he settled down for two years to sort out information on animals and plants. He accidentally got pregnant with Maya's maid. It was not convenient to carry him around, so he bought a house to live in and opened a small shop for that guy.

It is run by a maid and entrusted to local friends to help take care of it.

The illegitimate son's Chinese name is Cheng Mo, his Spanish name is Tiago, and his Mayan name is Thunder.

After his biological mother died of illness, Cheng Mo followed his father on adventures around the world. Now in his thirties, he still has no wife, but left behind a lot of illegitimate children.

When he returned home this time, Cheng Mo brought several Yama people with him.

"Is this the Crown Prince of Maya?" Zhao Kuanghuan summoned him while dragging his sick body. Standing in front of him was a boy in his teens.

Cheng Mo introduced: "Your Majesty, Maya means corn, and the Mayans belong to the same nation. But this nation has different branches. Now it is mainly divided into highland Maya and lowland Maya. The highland Maya has been conquered by Spain.

Conquer, but the lowland Maya are still resisting. Just two years ago, the last Mayan country, the Kingdom of Itza, was destroyed by the Spanish army. The young man in front of your Majesty is the only descendant of the Mayan royal family of Itza. In order to remember

Hatred, give up the name you once had, and change your name to Icha."

"Bring the globe." Zhao Kuanghuan said.

The guards brought the globe, and the emperor asked Cheng Mo to explain the specific situation.

Cheng Mo pointed to the part of Guatemala and said: "This is the highland Maya. They are completely submissive to Spain. Although there is some resistance, it has never been successful."

He also pointed to the Yucatan Peninsula: "This is the lowland Maya, with rainforests everywhere, and muskets and war horses are of no use. The Maya Kingdom of Itza was established around a large lake and has resisted Spain for nearly two hundred years. Two years ago, Spain

They dispatched more than 200 troops, but also summoned tens of thousands of Mayan servants. Almost all the supplies in the Guatemala military region were used, and tens of thousands of Mayan servants were sent to attack the Mayan Kingdom of Itza. They even built a fortress across the lake and besieged Icha for a long time.

The capital of the Chamayya Kingdom.”

"In the end, the Kingdom of Itza was destroyed, the library was burned down, and the statues in the temple were also destroyed. I was doing research in the Mayan library and translated and preserved some Mayan books. The king entrusted the prince to me, along with more than a dozen

Together with the palace guards, they disguised themselves as my hired followers and fled. I have the identity of a Chinese, so the Spanish army was not in trouble, so I fled all the way to Mexico."

Zhao Kuanghuan was very interested in the Kingdom of Itza and asked: "Do the Mayans have writing? They actually established a library and allowed foreigners to do research."

Cheng Mo replied: "There is writing, and the king is very open-minded and even allowed the Spanish to preach. This time the capital of the Kingdom of Itza was captured. It was four Spanish missionaries who found out the information while preaching and were captured by the Spanish army and servants.

Destroy the country."

"Repaying kindness with hatred is really a beast!" Zhao Kuanghuan despised the Spaniards.

Cheng Mo said: "This prince of a foreign king asked the Celestial Empire to lend troops to restore the country."

Zhao Kuanghuan shook his head: "It's too far away. It's impossible to mobilize the imperial army, and the American people themselves are too useless."

When Zhao Han ruled China, there was also a descendant of the Inca royal family who tried to restore the country and compiled books to spread resistance ideas everywhere.

As a result, Zhao Han funded two thousand muskets, and the descendants of the Inca royal family launched an uprising. At first, the fighting was vigorous, but as the fighting continued, internal strife broke out, and the Spanish army divided and disintegrated. Several uprising leaders also fled to China in a hurry.

When Prince Itza saw Zhao Kuanghuan shaking his head, he immediately knelt on the ground and said in unfamiliar Chinese: "Your Majesty, the Mayans and the Chinese have the same origin. As long as your Majesty helps the Mayans recover, the Kingdom of Itza will regard China as its suzerain from now on.

His Majesty the Emperor is the emperor of all Mayans!"

Zhao Kuanghuan was quite surprised: "Can you still speak Chinese?"

"I can also write Chinese characters." Prince Itcha said.

Cheng Mo explained beside him: "Your Majesty, the King of Itza is very enlightened. He allowed the Spanish to preach and also personally received the Spanish missionaries. When I ventured to the Kingdom of Itza, I was also received by the king. The king heard that I

He is a scholar from China, and he personally discussed the calendar with me and distinguished the similarities and differences between the astronomical calendars of the two countries. The king knew that I was not a missionary, but a simple scholar, so he asked the prince to study Chinese knowledge in my name. The king and the prince, even

Speaks Spanish.”

Zhao Kuanghuan said regretfully: "It's a pity that he is also a wise king from a foreign country."

Prince Itza said: "If your Majesty is unwilling to send troops, please lend me weapons and armor. I don't want muskets and horses, those things are useless in the rain forest. I need swords, crossbows, and some light armor. Although the Spaniards

We captured the Kingdom of Itza, but could only control the capital city and a few villages. I went back with my armor and could gather many Mayans to fight the Spaniards in the rain forest."

This is a guerrilla war in the tropical rainforest.

Historically, the Itza Maya guerrilla war continued until the Spanish colonists were driven out of Mexico. Until the 1990s, there was another Mayan peasant uprising, and a declaration of uprising was issued through the Internet.

Zhao Kuanghuan said: "I can provide the soldiers, but how will you transport them back?"

Cheng Mo said: "You can go to Central America and ask local merchants to help transport it. As long as you give enough money, those merchants will transport anything, and Spanish colonial officials will not investigate."

Zhao Kuanghuan has been on the throne for ten years. China certainly has its own territory in America.

From Alaska to the Baja California Peninsula, everything is claimed by China. Several immigrant towns along the coast are mostly obtained from the indigenous people in a purchase situation, and trade is used to maintain relations with the indigenous people - mainly because they are too lazy to send troops, and conquering by force is not worth it.

Of course, the profits from robbing tribes are not enough to cover military expenses.

Of course, force was also used, but it was not a personal fight.

Instead, they use inter-tribal wars to support some close tribes and sell them iron tools for expansion. The attached condition is that some of the territory that the tribes expand must be allocated to Chinese immigrants. Furs and other local specialties of close tribes can only be sold to

Chinese are not allowed to sell to other countries.

At the same time, intermarriage is encouraged.

Most of the Chinese immigrants were exiled prisoners (male). They gave materials as betrothal gifts and married women close to the tribe, so as to bring the two parties closer through marriage.

When schools are set up in immigrant villages and towns, children of tribal nobles will also be invited to study, and cultural penetration will be carried out bit by bit.

China has colonized the west coast of North America for decades, but there has never been a major war. There are only occasional small armed conflicts. There are even several indigenous villages that are already semi-Chinese. They can communicate with immigrants in Chinese and have adopted Chinese.

Han civilian clothing began to appear.

Such a colonization method can only be realized in North America, because the Indians in North America are not highly developed, and it is impossible to place them in Mexico, Central America, and Peru (these places already have countries, cultures, and laws).

Moreover, it only applies to the early colonial period. When the number of immigrants and their descendants reaches a sufficient number, there will inevitably be fierce conflicts with the local indigenous people.

Prince Yicha took the armor given by the Chinese Emperor and boarded a merchant ship to America the next year. In addition to more than a dozen Yicha palace guards, he was accompanied by Cheng Mo, who had been appointed as the Yicha National Advisor.


They landed in Central America, used silver to bribe officials and businessmen, transported the soldiers and armor in batches to the east coast of Central America, and then transported them to Belize via smuggling ships.

Belize is a British colony.

It was precisely because the British occupied Belize, which was close to the territory of the Yama people in the lowlands, that Spain was afraid that the Kingdom of Itza would fall to the British, so it exhausted its human and financial resources to destroy the Kingdom of Itza.

Sure enough, when Cheng Mo accompanied Prince Itza to Belize and brought a letter from the Chinese Emperor, the British colonial officials immediately welcomed him warmly.

In addition, British officials also promised that although they were unable to support the restoration of the Mayan nation, they would welcome Prince Itza to escape at any time. They could fight guerrilla warfare at will, and if they lost, they would flee to Belize, accumulate strength, and then go back to fight guerrillas. As long as they can impress Spain.

For medicine, the UK provides all support except supplies.

Using the British colony, Prince Itza returned from land to the rainforest of the Yucatan Peninsula, using his status as a prince to recruit Mayans as soldiers along the way.

In fact, when the Itza Kingdom still existed, it was a refuge for all Mayans. The Mayans outside the tropical rainforest, including the highland Mayans of Guatemala, were oppressed by the Spanish colonists and found it difficult to survive, so they would flee in droves.

Towards the Kingdom of Itcha.

The identity of Prince Itcha is very appealing!

After raiding several Spanish-controlled villages, Cheng Mo discovered that all the Mayan priests in the village had been killed. The land of Mayan nobles and civilians had been occupied by colonists into plantations, and the Mayans served as

The role of plantation slaves.

There were even many highland Mayans who, as Spanish servant army leaders, were additionally allowed to own estates to replace the rule of local Maya nobles.

"Your Highness," Cheng Mo reminded, "Mayan traditions have been destroyed, the priests have been killed, and most of the nobles have lost their land. You should issue a new decree and announce the abolition of slavery. Let all Mayans, including Mayans,

Slaves, let’s work together to overthrow the Spanish tyranny. If the country can be restored successfully, while respecting China as the suzerain, it should also start trade with Britain. After all, China’s territory is too far away, and Britain’s territory is right next to it.”

Prince Itcha said: "Teacher, you are a sage, you must be right."

Under Cheng Mo's advice, Prince Itza did not attack the city, but continued to recruit soldiers and raid the plantations of the Spanish and highland Yamas.

There is no force at all in these plantations, and only a few plantations are armed, almost one by one.

Seize the plantation, kill the manor owners and missionaries, and free the Mayan slaves there. Part of the captured land will be rewarded to the meritorious deeds, and part of it will be distributed to the freed slaves.

In just half a year, Prince Itcha acquired a large territory.

The Mexican governor and the Guatemalan governor jointly mobilized troops to suppress it. There were only a hundred Spanish soldiers, but there were thousands of Mayan servants.

At Cheng Mo's suggestion, Prince Yicha broke his troops into pieces and went into the tropical rain forest to fight guerrillas. Although he did not achieve any beneficial results, the situation was excellent.

Spain and its slave army reoccupied the village community and once again occupied the village community's land. The Mayans who finally obtained the land not only lost their land, but also became slaves again. Each one of them hated the colonists with itch.

As soon as the colonial army left, Prince Itza led his troops to fight back, and the slaves in the plantation rose up to cooperate.

Even the few black slaves joined the uprising!

In the next few years, Spanish plantation owners took the initiative to abandon their estates. Because they were really afraid of being killed, plantation owners often had their estates invaded in their sleep and lost their lives in a daze. Who the hell wants to stay here and be afraid?


The entire Peten Basin, extending all the way to the British colony of Belize, except for Peten Lake and the surrounding areas, all other places became the territory of Prince Itza.

The city of Itza in the center of Lake Peten is the core of the Yucatan Peninsula's rule. However, the trade routes leading to the outside world are often attacked by guerrillas. For several years in a row, even the Japanese bodyguards refused to take the job because

The death rate of escort business is too high.

And because Spain's finances had already collapsed and they deployed troops to suppress it twice in a row, the American colonies had no money, and Spanish colonial officials were unable to send any more troops.

Prince Itza decided to launch a general offensive to recapture the capital city of Itza.

As a result, he returned defeated!

The Spanish built a bastion in the city of Itza, and there were two fortresses on the lakeside. The Mayans, who had only cold weapons, could not break the strong fortresses at all.

The situation was a bit embarrassing. The Spaniards could only occupy a few fortress cities and were unable to rule the vast countryside. Prince Itza could control the countryside, but was unable to break through the city. Both sides stared at each other, and neither could do anything to the other.

Cheng Mo changed his route according to the situation and resolutely refused to touch the castle.

They constantly attacked the plantations around Lake Peten, killing the plantation owners there and then running away, and burned everything they could. The Spaniards could not be prepared at any time. By the time they mobilized their troops, the Mayans would have long since disappeared.

After two years of hard work, the prosperous Peten Lake farming area was almost completely depleted by Prince Itcha.

The city of Itza in the center of the lake and the Spanish fortress on the lakeside can only transport food supplies from the outside world. However, the transportation roads are often attacked, and heavy troops have to be sent to escort them. Continuing to occupy this place has become a loss-making business.

Gradually, colonial officials reduced the amount of transportation, and the Spaniards in Itza went hungry from time to time and had to rely on fishing in the lake to make a living.

The Spaniards were unable to hold on at first, and more and more civilians left, and even the plantation owners ran away. Almost only soldiers and officials were left in the city of Itza and the lakeside fortress. Even for fishing, the soldiers had to cast the nets themselves.

Forced by desperation, the Mexican warlord once again mobilized his troops and made a promise to the Mayan servant army. As long as they conquer the territory, they can become the owner of the manor.

However, the colonial government did not have enough food and grass, and the Maya servant army needed to solve the food problem on its own...

There are indeed many highland Mayans who brought their own dry food to help Spain fight the war. They gathered thousands of troops and came to the tropical rainforest to conquer the Mayan compatriots. The result was predictable. The army gathered together, and Prince Itza led the troops into the forest. Once the servant army dispersed to search

, it is easy to be attacked by guerrillas.

Within two months of fighting, the Maya servant army gave up its cause, grabbed some goods from the villages along the way, and then retreated. The expedition ended in an anticlimactic ending.

Immediately, the Spanish defenders at Lake Itza could no longer bear to fish all day long, so they voluntarily abandoned the city and fortress, and all fled. The colonial officials could not stop them at all.

Prince Itsa fought guerrillas for seven years, and finally successfully restored his country and led his troops back to the capital Itsa.

The Spanish colonial government chose to acquiesce in this regard, but still claimed that the Yucatan Peninsula was Spanish territory.

Cheng Mo was appointed as the high priest of Itza. Since the Mayan clergy were the first choice of massacre targets for the colonists, very few of them had been killed long ago. Cheng Mo, a Chinese scholar who had studied in the Mayan library, really

Most qualified to serve as high priest!

Cheng Mo took Mayan local religion as the main body, mixed it with Chinese customs and culture, and almost reconstructed the Mayan religious system.

The meritorious soldiers in the guerrilla war became the emerging aristocratic class of the Maya. However, the abolition of slavery could not be brought back, so landlord ownership was introduced. Of course, it must also be accompanied by the introduction of advanced agricultural technology and agricultural tools, otherwise productivity will not keep up with the advancement.

of landownership.

Including fighting guerrilla warfare, Cheng Mo stayed in Maya for twelve years.

After he divided the Icha Kingdom into administrative regions and established an aristocratic bureaucracy, he actually resigned and ran away.

This guy inherited his father's adventurous gene. He can't live a peaceful life and always likes to do something exciting.

Prince Yicha...should be called King Yicha. After many attempts to retain him failed, he could only allocate twenty warriors to act as Cheng Mo's personal bodyguards to protect his safety.

By the way, envoys and overseas students were sent to follow Cheng Mo to China to request the Chinese Emperor's official canonization.

Cheng Mo set off with a group of people and arrived in Tanzhou (Hawaii) on the way. Here was another scene.

(End of chapter)

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