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108 [Night Attack on the Banknote Pass] (For the leader of the alliance, the cold wind is bleak

Jie Xuelong is a very difficult person to deal with.

He traveled all the way by boat, including the eight hundred guards sent to defend the city. Even if Zhao Han learned the news, he would not be able to ambush.

Moreover, traveling by boat is faster. Not only is the speed of transporting troops fast, but the speed of obtaining intelligence is also several times faster than that of Zhao Han.

Lack of mobility means he is controlled by others everywhere.

Zhao Han had to act, wandering around the north of Ji'an, and every time he acted as if he was going to Anfu County. He even made his own people faint, and made his soldiers really think they were going to Anfu County.

If Jie Xuelong was smart, he would take a shortcut by boat and quickly run to Anfu County to wait.

If Jie Xuelong is a fool, or is timid and afraid of getting into trouble, and is so frightened that he quickly returns to defend Ji'an, then Zhao Han can only admit that he is unlucky.

We are not afraid that the governor is smart, but we are afraid that the governor is too stupid!

Huang Yao, captain of the second brigade, made a cameo appearance as a scout at night. Because he ran fast and often went to Ji'an to collect food, he was the best candidate to scout the road.

In the small mountain ridge, the entire army is resting and reorganizing.

Huang Yao ran back in the morning and reported in a low voice: "There are soldiers at Chao Pass, and there are quite a lot of them."

Zhao Han asked: "How are you dressed and what weapons are you carrying?"

Huang Yao said: "They are all real officers and soldiers, and their clothes are different from those of Xiangyong."

"It seems that Magistrate Xu is very timid and very courageous." Zhao Han couldn't help but laugh.

The person who set up a private banknote checkpoint in Ji'an was the eunuch Zhang Yin. This position actually did not have the power to collect taxes.

But as long as the money collected is given to the chief eunuch in the palace and another to the eunuch guarding Nanchang, no one will dare to report him for collecting taxes randomly.

Reporting is useless!

Of course, there are too many Jinshis in Ji'an and countless officials from Ji'an. The local gentry has great power, and the eunuchs have to be more restrained when collecting taxes.

A few days ago, there was chaos around Ji'an Mansion, and rebels could be seen everywhere. The eunuch Zhang Yin was a little scared, so he not only closed the bank check temporarily, but also ran to the city to escape.

But I heard that the most powerful bandits had already gone to Anfu County, and the governor had also transferred back 800 soldiers from the guard station. This dead eunuch immediately became bolder.

Zhang Yin ran to find Xu Fusheng and forcibly removed 750 guardsmen, leaving only 50 for Ji'an Prefecture to defend the city.

So Chaoguan resumed business, and the eunuchs returned to their mansions outside the city.


Zhao Han left more than thirty people behind to guard the livestock and food in the small mountain ridge. The other soldiers carried dry food and advanced lightly at night.

Night blindness?

Boil pine needles in water and drink it, it will be done in a week.

The direction of Fucheng is easy to distinguish, especially the pier in the south of the city, which is brightly lit all night long and can be seen from a long distance.

The bank checkpoints are in the north, mainly because the south side is too congested, making it inconvenient to tax merchant ships.

There is a temporary camp between the eunuch's residence and Chaoguan, with 750 guardsmen inside.

The location of this camp is quite strange. There is no danger at all. It relies solely on wooden fences for defense, just to quickly rescue the eunuchs and Chao Guan.

Wu Yong is a military householder at the Linjiang Qianhu Station, but until half a year ago, he had never touched a weapon. He usually carried a hoe and farmed the land for the Qianhu master, and his life was even worse than that of ordinary tenants.

A few months ago, the governor asked Qianhu to provide soldiers, so Wu Yong put down his hoe and joined the army.

He was quite scared at first, but fortunately Governor Jie used his troops like a god and easily killed the rebels in Ruijin County. Wu Yong just followed the flag and shouted, and won a decisive victory, and was taken by Master Qianhu to "recruit food" everywhere.

Wu Yong robbed a lot of grain and silver in Ruijin County, but unfortunately they all belonged to the Qianhu master, and he only secretly kept a few taels.

During the body search, he stuck the money in his buttocks and managed to get through the examination in a very narrow way.

Later, thousands of households were slaughtered by the governor, and all the stolen goods were taken away by the governor.

Seeing that winter was approaching, Wu Yong just wanted to return to Linjiang Mansion and leave the money to his mother for safekeeping. He also hoped to save money to marry a wife.

Alas, when can I go home?

Wu Yong dozed off against the wooden fence, knocking his upper eyelids against his lower eyelids, and fell asleep unconsciously.


Don't talk nonsense. If you sleep well, the rebels won't dare to come.

I don’t know how long he slept for, but Wu Yong was suddenly woken up, or was knocked awake by a wooden fence.

Countless rebels pushed down the wooden fence and rushed into the camp. The sentries around were hacked to death.



The sharp and piercing sound of the suona sounded, as if the Lord of Hell was summoning spirits, and the rebels instantly transformed into bull heads and horse faces.

Wu Yong lay on the ground sleeping and hid behind a wooden fence, but was not discovered by the rebels.

It was just that after the wooden fence was pushed down, his head was hit very painfully, and the rebels stepped on the wooden fence, almost choking him several times. He managed to squeeze out of the gap, but saw another wave of rebels coming again.

When they came to kill him, Wu Yong was so frightened that he quickly picked up his spear and rushed towards the center of the camp pretending to be a rebel.

While running, Wu Yong simply took off the clothes of the officers and soldiers so that he looked more like a rebel.

The 750 garrison soldiers completely collapsed, and some simply surrendered on the spot.

Wu Yong was thinking about how to escape when suddenly a rebel came to him and said with a smile: "Old man, you also got an officer's gun? This is much easier to use than scissors tied to bamboo."

Wu Yong was startled, and he said wisely: "Yes, it's very useful. I snatched it."

"You joined the army halfway, right? I'm a veteran of Wuxing Town." The rebel was quite proud.

"Well, I joined the army halfway." Wu Yong said as he ran towards Fucheng.

The rebel immediately shouted: "Old cousin, you are going the wrong way. Go over there and help, don't let the dog eunuch escape. Mr. Zhao said he wants to catch the ones alive!"

Wu Yong could only pick up his spear and rush forward, but was trapped by the rebels around him and headed towards the direction where the shouts of killing were loudest.

I don't know how far Bulkhead ran, but Wu Yong heard someone shouting: "The eunuch ran away from that way, chase him quickly, chase him quickly!"


Wu Yong pretended to fall, hoping to wait for the rebels to leave before turning around and crossing the bridge into the city.

The rebel next to him did not chase the eunuch, but helped Wu Yong and asked: "Old cousin, you didn't break it, did you?"

"No...no, my ankle is sprained," Wu Yong pretended to be limping, "You go kill the dog eunuch, please leave me alone."

The rebel still refused to leave. He supported Wu Yong and said, "Mr. Zhao said that we are all soldiers and we cannot abandon our comrades. There are many people chasing the eunuch. I will help you back to the camp first, where someone is accepting prisoners."

How could Wu Yong dare to go back and throw himself into a trap? He jumped up and down and said, "Hey, it's okay again. Go kill the eunuch!"

The two of them ran around blindly at night, chasing after the sound but not knowing where they ended up.

Suddenly someone was seen running towards him, and the rebel immediately stopped him: "Surrender without killing!"

Wu Yong also shouted: "Surrender... surrender without killing!"

"Hero, spare your life!"

The visitor knelt down, took out the money and said, "I have money, and I will give it to you. Let me go to the city quickly."

Wu Yong subconsciously prepared to take the money, but the rebel next to him shot him down and angrily said: "Grandpa, I am a soldier from Datong. I have fields, a house, and food. I don't want the dirty money of you dog officials. Mr. Zhao said that the government is used to cheating."

People, when we believe it, we will take away our fields!" After saying that, he shouted, "There is a dog official here, I caught a dog official!"

Don’t even need any money?

Your brain is broken!

Wu Yong had already stretched out his hand, quickly and quietly took it back, and then shouted: "There is a dog official here!"

Zhang Tieniu rushed out from nowhere, kicked the man down, and cursed: "You are a bitch, you really know how to run, and you made me chase for nothing all day long. Someone, take this eunuch back!"

Wu Yong suddenly opened his mouth wide and almost screamed in shock. He actually arrested the eunuch? He was ordered to protect the eunuch master!

Back at the guard camp, Zhao Han was reorganizing his team.

This fool wasted no time, and when he rushed, his organization was completely in chaos, and neither the officers nor the soldiers could care about the other.

"Chief, the eunuch has been caught!" Zhang Tieniu said excitedly.

Zhao Han ordered: "Quickly find a dozen people, put on the clothes of officers and soldiers, and try to deceive the city gate. After a long time of trouble, most of the time the deception will not work, but you have to try."

Chaoguan has been occupied, but there is no money, so all the money has been moved to the eunuch's house.

The eunuch's house is currently being searched, and two large boats have been seized by the river. Even the boatmen are blocking the boats and are not allowed to get off.

Zhao Han drew his sword and put it against the eunuch's throat: "But Zhang Yin, the eunuch who is guarding Ji'an?"

Zhang Yin was so frightened that he was paralyzed: "Hui Da... Da Wang, I... I am Zhang Yin."

"If you don't want to die, just be honest and obedient!" Zhao Han scolded.

"Listen...obey me," Zhang Yin was actually very smart. He understood the situation instantly and became more and more eloquent as he spoke, "I am helping the king to deceive the city, and I beg the king to spare my life."

Wu Yong was confused, put on his officer's clothes again, and waited to go to the city with the eunuch.

Waiting left and right, the more he thought about it, the more scared he became. Wu Yong was trembling all over.

Zhao Han did not take action immediately. Instead, he escorted the prisoners onto the ship, took the looted property with the prisoners, and forced the boatmen to sail to the lower reaches of the Gan River.

Five hundred soldiers were left behind and hid in the eunuch's mansion.

The sky gradually became brighter, Xu Fusheng, and Sun Yanghuai stayed awake all night.

The two of them are brothers in distress, one is a magistrate and the other is a county magistrate. If they cause such a big mess, they should just wait for the court to punish them.

Standing on the tower, Sun Yanghuai looked at the river and said to himself: "Have the rebels left?"

"It's time to go," Xu Fusheng couldn't relax, and said with a sad face, "The rebels are here to rob the bank. I guess the eunuchs are more likely to be in trouble than others. We are in trouble."

Sun Yanghuai muttered: "It is better to die as a eunuch than to lose the city and the land."

While they were talking, a soaked guard soldier rushed to the city in a panic and shouted: "I am a soldier of Yue Qianhu, let me enter the city quickly!"

"Hang him up!" Xu Fusheng ordered.

A group of government officials were holding knives and sticks. This man was hoisted up to the tower in a bamboo basket and was immediately surrounded.

"Don't kill me, I'm not a rebel!" the guard soldier said in panic.

Xu Fusheng asked: "How did you survive?"

The guard soldier knelt down and replied: "Back to the magistrate, I was not in the camp at that time. I was sent to Chaoguan to keep watch. When the rebels came, I jumped into the river and swam to the stone steps of Chaoguan. My whole body was soaked in water.

Inside, only the head was exposed, and it was so dark that the rebels couldn't see it."

"Spread your hands." Sun Yanghuai suddenly said.

The guard soldier quickly spread his hands, and his fingers were wrinkled. Sure enough, he had been soaked in water for most of the night.

Xu Fusheng asked again: "Which way did the rebels go?"

The guard soldier said: "The rebels robbed two merchant ships, took away a lot of goods, and sailed to the north."

Xu Fusheng and Sun Yanghuai looked at each other and felt relieved. They were afraid that the rebels would not leave.

One after another, more than ten guardsmen came back, but they all fled in the middle of the night, and only ventured back to the city at dawn. They were individually hung up on the tower, disarmed, and put into the city, where they were guarded separately by the officials.

Although Xu Fusheng was mediocre, he was a Jinshi after all and still had a basic IQ.

He personally interrogated him and asked the guardsmen to confront him, and soon determined that there was no problem.

Of course there is no problem, because they are all true and the false ones have not been released yet.

It was not until mid-morning that a group of guard soldiers came back from the northwest hills, and they even supported the eunuch Zhang Yin.

"What a fool, let us in quickly, the guard is injured!"

Zhao Han supported the eunuch with one hand and held a spear with the other, shouting arrogantly towards the tower.

Eunuch Zhang Yin was indeed injured. In order to make the acting more realistic, one of his legs was broken by Zhao Hansheng.

(Thanks to the leader of SAYBYESAYHI for the reward, and also to all my friends for the reward and subscription. It’s the end of the month, please ask for a monthly ticket, I heard that it will be doubled at the end of the month.)

This chapter has been completed!
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