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115 [Expansion and Reorganization]

Ji'an Fucheng is not a good place for military training.

Because it was too prosperous, even the simple peasant soldiers were gradually corrupted by the desires of the city.

Zhao Han killed five soldiers in one go, one of whom was a veteran from Wuxing Town, one was a soldier recruited on the way, and three were recruits recruited in Fucheng.

I originally wanted to let the veterans lead the new recruits and send them to the south of the city to maintain order.

Unexpectedly, three new recruits with homeless backgrounds told about their tragic experiences, and the two veterans were filled with indignation. Five people left the patrol block without authorization, broke into a profiteer's house, killed the whole family of the profiteer, and were lured by the recruits.

, raped and humiliated the women of the family, and then looted and hid their belongings.

There are too many military orders that have been violated, and no one can protect them.


At the pier in the south of the city, five soldiers were lined up, kneeling on the ground waiting to be beheaded.

Countless residents of Fucheng came to watch the excitement. The blood splattered and the heads rolling down made the timid scream and the bold excited.

Zhao Han said loudly: "These five people disobey military orders, leave their posts without permission, kill and rob, and they are showing their righteousness to the public!"


Some people began to cheer, thinking that they had been bullied by Zhao Han's soldiers.

"Bring me up!"

Zhao Han gave an order and more than ten people were brought to the dock.

Zhao Han said to the onlookers: "These people either eat without paying or forcefully buy goods at low prices. They should be punished with military sticks!"

According to Zhao Han's original intention, he planned to cancel the corporal punishments such as military sticks and replace them with solitary confinement, running as punishment, etc. However, he gradually realized that he could not suppress him without the military sticks, so he could only resume some corporal punishments.


The executioner had shown mercy, otherwise dozens of military sticks would have beaten the person to death and maimed him on the spot.

Even so, the soldiers who were spanked were a little unable to bear it. The pain was on the one hand, and there were also psychological factors. Taking off their pants and spanking them in front of thousands of people was really humiliating to their grandma's house.

After the punishment was completed, Zhao Han immediately reorganized the army and promulgated more detailed military laws.

A total of nearly 4,000 people were selected and trained again according to the camp sentry system of the Jiajing period.

There are five people in a team, two teams in a team, three teams in a team, three teams in a team, five posts in a team, and five teams in a camp.

Zhao Han took charge of the entire army and became the general military officer.

Fei Ruhe served as the battalion deputy and commander-in-chief, assisting Zhao Han in commanding the entire army and personally leading 500 Chinese troops.

Jiang Dashan, Huang Yao, Huang Shun, Li Zheng, and Jiang Liang were all commanders, each commanding 500 men.

Li Xiangui is a military judge and leads the 50-member military law team.

Chen Maosheng, as the missionary officer, led the missionary team of 120 people, including prostitutes, turtles and actors.

He also selected domestic slaves and people from military households to form Zhao Han's personal soldiers "Slave Army", which currently only has 92 people. Zhang Tieniu is the captain of the personal soldiers, Liu Zhu is the deputy captain of the personal soldiers, and the flag is "Slave" written in blood on a white cloth.


The remaining few hundred people were organized into a baggage team, with Xiao Huan in charge of logistics.

In addition, Fei Chun actually supervised the money and grain, and Huang Shunde served as the chief secretary (Zhao Han's military secretary).

Each sentry (about 100 people) must be assigned a missionary officer, who is responsible for promoting the idea of ​​​​Datong, explaining military laws and disciplines to the soldiers, and caring for the lives of ordinary soldiers. However, they are not allowed to interfere with the officers' command of operations!

Except for the troops on duty, all the others returned to the city for training, and the General Staff Office and the City Guard Camp were designated as training grounds.

After several days of training, the recruits were barely able to form a formation, but unfortunately, chaos would occur if they moved even slightly.

Why didn't Zhao Han steal money and food from big families outside the city?

Because the entire Ji'an Prefecture and the counties are sending autumn grains one after another, all the grains are in the Xicheng warehouse, and all the money is in the inner courtyard of the prefecture. These money and grains will not be shipped to the capital until February next year, and now they are all cheaper for Zhao Han.

The soldiers were given sufficient pay and food, and even though the drills were very hard and the military laws were strict, the soldiers were full of energy.

During breaks, the missionaries at each post began to greet each other. After building a closer relationship with the soldiers, the missionaries preached military law and various popular ideas of great harmony.

In fact, these missionaries are also a little confused.

When the soldiers were training, they listened to Chen Maosheng's lectures. When the soldiers were resting, they learned what they had learned and taught the soldiers what they had just learned.

Sometimes, the missionary officer was even confused by the soldiers' questions and ran to ask Chen Maosheng for help, making the soldiers at each sentry laugh.

Just when the training of new recruits was on track, Zhao Han suddenly received news that Governor Xie Xuelong had arrived with his troops.

Zhao Han immediately stopped training, ordered his soldiers to set up defenses, and called a meeting with the chief sentry officer (general commander) and above.

Fei Ruhe now leads the 500-strong Chinese army, and also assists Zhao Han in commanding the entire army. When this guy was in high spirits, he slapped the table and said: "We should stick to the city. We have more than 3,000 people now, and we are just shy of 4,000. There are

The soldiers have food, what kind of bird governor are they afraid of?"

Xiao Huan said: "I think we should abandon the city and leave the city to the eunuchs. In order to shirk the blame, the eunuchs must impeach the governor, and the court will help us remove the governor. Now those officers and soldiers are actually local warriors, Jie Xuelong

Recruited. Once the governor was dismissed, the local warriors dispersed automatically. If they can be outmaneuvered, there is no need to fight hard. We seem to have nearly 4,000 people, most of whom are new soldiers, and the military formations have not even been drilled yet.


As soon as this statement came out, most of the military officers agreed.

Whether they admit it or not, these officers with mud-legged backgrounds have a hidden fear of the government.

They are afraid of the governor, they are afraid of the officers and soldiers, and it is best not to fight if they can.

Seeing that everyone was silent and seemed to be convinced by Xiao Huan, Fei Ruhe said angrily: "You birdies, you shrink your eggs when you see the officers and soldiers, how dare you rebel? Go home and farm!"

Including Chen Maosheng, they couldn't help but bow their heads. They were indeed afraid. The older the official came from the imperial court, the more afraid they were.

Zhang Tieniu echoed: "A fight is a fight, but I'm not afraid of it."

Chen Maosheng said aloud: "I think what Captain Xiao (the baggage team) said is reasonable. Since the imperial court will deal with the governor, and the local heroes will automatically disperse, then why are we still fighting?"

Fei Ruhe sneered: "Then don't fight in the future. Just wait for the emperor to help us. It's best to give up the throne yourself."

Everyone was silent and looked at Zhao Han.

Zhao Han smiled and said: "Captain Xiao's plan is indeed the best one. Captain Xiao is unparalleled in resourcefulness. He is the Zhang Liang and Zhuge of our army."

Xiao Huan felt quite pleased, but did not show it, and accepted the admiration of everyone with a calm expression.


Zhao Han stood up suddenly: "Mr. Zhao Qian (Fei Ruhe) speaks rudely and unreasonably. He seems to be reckless and insane, but he reveals the fatal weakness of our army. You are all afraid and don't dare to face the governor! He is just a governor.

, with only a few thousand local warriors, which is comparable to our military strength, and we still have the city as our backing, what do we have to be afraid of?"

Except for a few, the other officers all lowered their heads, not daring to look directly at Zhao Han's anger.

"Originally, I listened to Captain Xiao's plan and planned to evacuate the city quickly," Zhao Han slapped the table and said, "But now, I have decided not to leave. I want to practice your courage! Hold on to the city!"



Fei Ruhe was overjoyed.

"General Town (another name for General Soldier)," Xiao Huan said quickly, "General Town, please think twice and don't try to gain momentum."

Zhao Han shook his head and said: "Captain Xiao, you don't understand. Sometimes, the best policy may not be the best choice. We are rebelling, and we must show military might. Otherwise, we don't know when the officers in front of us will be able to face the enemy directly.

Officers and soldiers!”

Xiao Huan said anxiously: "We can gradually build up our military power. Are we still afraid that there will be no battles in the future?"

"If you retreat now, you will not retreat in the future?" Zhao Han said firmly, "These officers in the house now and the soldiers in the city are the seeds of our rebellion. If the seeds are not full, will the crops that grow in the future be strong?

Fight, we must fight. Fighting will make our seeds more confident, and fighting will make Jiangxi officials frightened."

"This..." Xiao Huan stopped talking.

Zhao Han said: "Captain Xiao, you are a smart person, and smart people often like to use tricks. But sometimes, we can't use tricks. We know that there are tigers in the mountains, but we prefer to go to the tiger mountains!"

Xiao Huan sighed and asked, "How does the town plan to fight?"

Zhao Han said with a smile: "We occupy the strong city, and we have enough food and grass. Most of the autumn food collected by Ji'an Prefecture this year, except for what was taken away by Jie Xuelong, is in our hands. So what are you afraid of? It is Jie Xuelong who is anxious. He lost it

He did not dare to drag us down once he had captured the capital. Firstly, he was afraid of being questioned by the court, secondly, the borrowed fleet would have to be returned to the gentry and merchants, and thirdly, he would have to worry about food and fodder if he dragged us on."

"Indeed." Xiao Huan had to admit that the one who was really anxious was Jie Xuelong.

Jie Xuelong is already anxious. Ji'an Fucheng originated from the Tang Dynasty.

At that time, there were few people in the south, and the city was mainly military. The city was high and deep but not large in area. Moreover, except for the city gate next to the Gan River, all other city gates were built with urn walls. Each city tower also had an arrow tower, and even an arrow tower.

There are several turrets and there are currently no gunners or archers in Zhao Han's army.

There are more than three thousand rebels, as long as they have enough food and grass to occupy this castle-like city, thousands of officers and soldiers will not be able to defeat it even if they fight for ten years.

There is no need to spend any effort to maintain law and order, because more than 80% of the residents live in various markets outside the city.

Jie Xuelong also bullied Zhao Han for not having a naval force. All the large merchant ships outside the city were gone, and Zhao Han only grabbed a few large ships. This guy used ships to blockade the city, stationed troops on Bailuzhou, and began to recruit laborers to build siege equipment.

Then he discovered that there was a serious shortage of blacksmiths and carpenters, and Zhao Han had brought them into the city to make weapons.

Then you can only go to surrounding towns and villages to recruit!

The craftsmen and the people were miserable and filled with resentment. Instead of being bullied by the rebels, they were oppressed by the government.

The government does not pay money when recruiting laborers. They are all in the nature of service, and they have to bring their own dry food and tools. Moreover, Jie Xuelong has temporarily cut off logistics and is sending ships to other state capitals to collect grain. Currently, there is no extra money to pay the laborers.


The servants were full of anger and were naturally lazy in their work. The speed of manufacturing siege equipment was worrying.

Xie Xuelong was anxious and could only keep urging, and the officials below followed suit, beating and scolding him as a common occurrence.

The gentry and merchants who were drafted into the merchant ship urged Xie Xuelong to return the ship quickly. They had to go to other places to do business. If they were delayed for one more day, they would lose money.

The eunuch's impeachment memorial is already on its way to the capital.

These gentry and merchants should not be underestimated, because there were too many Jinshis in Jiangxi and too many officials in the court. They started to build relationships one after another, and impeachment memorials floated to the capital like snowflakes.

In order to exterminate the rebels, Jie Xuelong conscripted grain and conscripts, which also made the common people hate him.

This Governor Jie has offended all the eunuchs, gentry, businessmen and common people!

Regardless of whether he can recapture the capital, his career is definitely over.

(Thanks to This Is a Monster and Yanhan Wuxin for tipping the leader of Xishi Valley. Thank you to all book friends for your support and tips. In addition, I shamelessly ask for monthly votes.)

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