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153 [Daming Law]

Fei Yinggong took his daughter Fei Ruhui and the black servant Tienu all the way to Ji'an Mansion by boat.

He is a cultural bandit with ambitions. After his official career was hopeless and he was wanted, he originally wanted to build a paradise. He wanted to kill the notorious big landowners, become landlords himself and his subordinates, and allocate a few acres of land to farmers instead of handing it over to the government.

Exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes.

This is fundamentally different from Zhao Han!

Fei Yinggon changed the soup but not the medicine. Apart from not paying taxes to the government, what other changes have he made? He now has more than ten domestic slaves.

However, the Tianhe Town and surrounding villages he occupies can be considered a paradise, at least the people at the bottom will not starve to death.

It's a pity that the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop, so his paradise will not be saved.

To the north is Anfu County and to the east is Luling County, both of which belong to Zhao Han's territory. To the west is Yongxin County, where tenants have also revolted and have broken into the county and killed officials.

Fei Yinggon was caught among a bunch of rebels and had to think about what to do in the future.

After landing at the south pier of the city, Fei Ruhui said in surprise: "Dad, this place is really prosperous. It doesn't look like a rebel territory at all."

"It's not only prosperous," Fei Yinggon sighed, "it's much more prosperous than the last time I came here."

The last time Fei Yinggong passed by Ji'an Mansion was three years ago. At that time, eunuchs arbitrarily collected taxes, the customs had reduced the number of merchant ships passing through the place, and heavy door stall taxes had caused some merchants to close their doors. As a result, the business in Ji'an Mansion became increasingly depressed.


After Zhao Han came to rule the capital, the bank gate disappeared and more merchant ships passed by.

As more merchant ships increased, local consumption increased, stimulating the growth of shops and vendors. At the same time, Zhao Han also exempted last year's door stall tax, and this year's door stall tax was levied according to the first year of Chongzhen, continuing to stimulate the prosperity of vendors.

Not only that, the people around Fucheng have obtained land, their income has increased significantly, and their spending power has naturally increased, which has also stimulated the prosperity of business.

Fei Yinggong saw many people heading towards the ferry in the east of the city. He couldn't help but stop one of them and asked: "Old man, what's going on in Bailuzhou? Why are you all going there?"

"Mr. Zhao is trying the case in person today, and I want to watch the fun." the man replied.

After Fei Yinggong heard this, he also took his daughter and the black man to the ferry in the east of the city to wait to go to Jiangxinzhou.

There is only one ferry boat from the east of the city to Bailuzhou, and usually not many people come and go. Today, the boatman was very happy. Thousands of people lined up to take the boat, and even several passenger boats were attracted to compete for business.

Fei Yinggong didn't want to queue, so he chose to take the expensive passenger boat and walked all the way between the bookstore and the Pantheon.

There is an open space there, surrounded by gardens and even rockery pavilions.

One after another, about a thousand people came in to listen to the trial. Every corner of the garden was crowded with people. Those who came slowly could only stand on the outside and could not hear what was said inside.

There are many stools placed on both sides of the open space. They should be official auditorium seats. You need a number plate issued by the General Military Mansion to sit down.

Fei Yinggong saw Fei Ruhe and sat in the auditorium with Fei Chun.

He took his daughter and squeezed over there, but was soon stopped by an official: "Show me your number plate!"

"I am your fourth uncle, General Zhao." Fei Yinggong pointed to Fei Ruhe, who had already found out his nephew's alias.

The officials did not dare to neglect and asked them to wait where they were, and then ran to report to Fei Ruhe.

Fei Ruhe was extremely happy. He came over with Fei Chun and said with a smile, "Why is fourth uncle here?"

Fei Yinggong said: "I'm going to discuss something with you, Mr. Zhao."

"Sit inside quickly." Fei Ruhe immediately pulled Fei Yinggon in.

But it was Fei Ruhe and Fei Chun who gave up their seats so that Fei Yinggon and his daughter could sit down, while they themselves sat cross-legged on the ground.

Fei Yinggong said in surprise: "You, a general, can't you get two more stools?"

Fei Ruhe explained: "Fourth uncle, this is the auditorium, and it has a number plate at the General Military Mansion. I can get a few more stools, but I have to go to the general town to discuss it, why do I spend so much time?"

Fei Yinggon didn't say anything more, but he was very shocked. The rules here were really strict.

The auditorium was gradually filled with invited officials, gentry and college students.

In the back row of Fei Yinggong and his daughter, Tian Younian, Song Yingxing and Wang Tiaoding, Song and Wang were chatting in low voices.

"Soap class is on duty!"

An officer shouted at the top of his lungs.

The yamen servants came out carrying water and fire sticks and stood in two rows.

"Judge, the chief register is seated!"

Huang Shunfu and Ouyang Zheng sat around the presiding seat. One was the magistrate of Luling County, the chief magistrate of the place where the case was tried; the other was the magistrate of Jishui County, the chief magistrate of the place where the case occurred.

There is also a clerk to record the proceedings of the trial.

"Headquarters is promoted!"

"Mighty~ Martial~"

Zhao Han came out of the study room and sat at the head of the trial bench.

"Meet Mr. Zhao!"

"Greetings to the main town!"

Many officials and people subconsciously knelt down and worshiped.


Zhao Han slapped the crowd and shouted: "Everyone, stand up!"

So everyone stood up one after another and saluted Zhao Han, some bowed their hands and some bowed.

Zhao Han said: "Bring the accuser Yang Chun'e!"

"Bring the accuser Yang Chun'e!"

The plaintiff no longer used the brothel nickname and returned to her real name Yang Chun'e. In order to protect the plaintiff, Yang Chun'e wore a small bamboo hat with a veil hanging from the brim to cover her face from others.

Zhao Han said again: "Bring the defendant Wang Yuanlu!"

"Bring the defendant Wang Yuanlu!"

Song Yingxing whispered to Wang Diaoding: "It's interesting to try the case like this. In the past, I always called for the prisoner so-and-so."

Wang Tiaoding said with a smile: "What if he is falsely accused? I think it is more reasonable to call him a defendant and a suspect."

"Indeed." Song Yingxing nodded.

Neither the plaintiff nor the defendant knelt down, they just stood there listening to the trial. Zhao Han wanted to use this case to establish rules.

Wang Yuanlu came out dejected, and even covered his face with his hands. He was the only one to lift people, because how could he have the face to show up in court for such a matter?

Zhao Han said to Huang Shunfu: "The deputy judge stated the case."

Huang Shunfu read aloud from the document, which was revised by Zhao Han: "Plaintiff Yang Chun'e, whose ancestral home is Nanchang, Jiangxi, now lives in Luling County, Ji'an Prefecture, and is a propaganda officer of the General Military Mansion. Defendant Wang Yuanlu, a native of Jishui County, Ji'an Prefecture, formerly

As the mayor of Baisha Town, Jishui County..."

“On December 26, the seventh year of Chongzhen, the plaintiff went to the countryside with a missionary group to perform condolences and stayed at the defendant’s house that night. After the defendant was drunk, he entered the plaintiff’s bedroom and raped the defendant, accompanied by beatings.

Afterwards, the defendant fell asleep. The plaintiff put on his clothes and called for help. Other missionaries from the mission team came and subdued the undressed defendant. The next day, he was taken to the Jishui County Yamen."

Fortunately, apart from officials, scholars and students, most of the people who came to observe the trial were residents of the city.

If hundreds or even thousands of farmers were to hear the retelling of the case, they would probably get excited and rush forward to beat him.

Preachers are extremely loved by farmers!

Zhao Han said: "Bring witnesses!"

More than a dozen missionaries were brought in and began to explain what they had witnessed that day, and then signed their testimonies on the spot.

Zhao Han said again: "Bring evidence!"

Those were the defendant's clothes, and they were torn in two places, caused by the defendant's struggle.

Zhao Han asked: "Defendant, are these your clothes?"

"Yes." Wang Yuanlu lowered his head and said.

Zhao Han asked: "Do you have any objection to the description of the case?"

"No," Wang Yuanlu couldn't shirk his answer, but he argued, "I was drunk at the time and was so confused that I didn't even know what I did."

"You're talking nonsense!"

Yang Chun'e roared angrily: "When I disobeyed, you called me a bitch and blocked my mouth with a cloth! You also slapped me, and it took several days for the slap marks on my face to disappear!"

Zhao Han sneered: "The defendant should not make excuses. If he is drunk, he will be innocent? Why don't you kill someone when you are drunk?"

Indeed, whether you are drunk or not has nothing to do with the verdict.

Wang Yuanlu could only say: "I would like to take Yang Chun'e as my concubine. Please give me a lighter sentence."

"I will be a nun, not your concubine!" Yang Chun'e said angrily.


Zhao Han slapped the gavel tree fiercely and scolded: "The defendant must not talk nonsense. The "Da Ming Law" stipulates that only when a citizen is over forty and has no children, can he take a concubine to extend the incense of the family!"

Wang Yuanlu shouted: "Headquarters, I am a Juren, and I have also been the mayor of the town. I am an official rather than a citizen."

Zhao Han suddenly stood up and said to everyone present: "Under my rule, we only recognize the two emperors Taizu and Chengzu, and we only recognize the laws of the two sage kings. The 'people' in the "Da Ming Code" include officials and clerks.

He Shizi! As for the messy things promulgated by successive emperors, it is absolutely impossible for me to follow them, because they are contrary to Emperor Taizu's "Da Ming Law"!"

The "people" in the "Da Ming Code" do include officials. Moreover, during the Jiajing period, some officials were judged based on this.

However, as the number of concubines increased, clauses that violated the "Laws of the Ming Dynasty" were introduced. For example, it stipulated that officials were not allowed to take concubines and prostitutes as concubines, and were not allowed to take concubines when they were on missions, etc. to restrain officials.

the behavior of concubinage.

Zhao Han's attitude towards concubinage is that the people do not raise officials and do not investigate, and you can't control it even if you secretly take concubines.

But if someone comes to report to the official, they will be dealt with one by one!

While the gentry were in an uproar, they also felt that it was very nonsense. Zhao Han, a rebel, actually opened his mouth and kept silent about the "Da Ming Law", making it look like he was an official of the imperial court.

Zhao Han then said loudly: "Emperor Taizu is a good emperor, and his "Da Ming Law" should be abided by. Don't think of me raising an army to rebel. If Emperor Chongzhen is willing to strictly implement the "Da Ming Law", I will immediately tie myself up and go to the capital to die.

Even if you kill him with a thousand swords, you will not hesitate! Taizu was a good emperor, Chengzu was a good emperor, Xianzong was a good emperor, but the other emperors were all stupid emperors! In the nearly three hundred years since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, these three good emperors were born, and the common people

How can I live a good life? How can I not stand up and rebel!"


Chen Maosheng, Fei Chun and others took the lead in cheering.

Officials and people who were closer also cheered.

Zhao Han asked Ouyang Zheng: "According to the "Da Ming Law", how should this case be judged?"

"Hanging." Ouyang Zheng replied.

The rapist will be hanged. The rapist will be hanged. The rapist will be punished with a hundred prison sentences and three thousand miles of exile. If the victim is under twelve years old, regardless of consent or reconciliation, he will be punished with rape!

This is the "Da Ming Code", China's first law that "punishes officials", classifying officials as "citizens" to judge cases.

It was very specific and perfect, and influenced the formulation of Chinese laws for hundreds of years.

"Da Ming Law" also attaches great importance to contracts, and economic disputes are subject to contracts.

Of course, this was taken as a loophole by the powerful to lure people into signing unreasonable contracts.

The "Da Ming Code" even covers street management in detail: if you build a house, build a garden, or encroach on the streets or roads, you will be punished with sixty sticks and ordered to restore it. If you drill a hole in the wall of your house and let the sewage flow into the street, you will be flogged forty.

It is a pity that no matter how good the law is, it must be implemented, and the "Ming Law" has long become a dead letter.

Let alone criminal cases, we can't even control the pollution of the streets.

According to the records of European missionaries, Chinese cities before Wanli were so clean that Europeans were stunned. Chinese cities after Wanli were stinky and littered everywhere!

How can we manage the country to be stable and prosperous even if we can't even improve urban sanitation?


Zhao Han shouted: "If you are sentenced to hanging, you don't have to wait until autumn, and you will be taken to the execution ground immediately!"

This chapter has been completed!
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