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180 [Last Words of the Magistrate]

Xie Longwen tried to stop the soldiers from escaping at first, but suddenly he heard the shouts of rebels coming from outside the city, and he immediately ran down from the tower.

While running, he was distracted and escaped from the government, shouting: "Open the city gate quickly!"

No one paid attention, and all the officers and soldiers ran away.

Xie Longwen wanted to open the door and escape, but without the help of soldiers, it was difficult for one person to open it. He did not dare to waste time, so he fled into the streets and alleys of the city, climbed over the wall and hid in the woodshed of a wealthy family.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yang Jiamo quickly took off his cotton armor and ran to the north along the city wall.

According to the original plan, his two surviving servants also came to the north city to meet up. After tying the rope and hanging down, the three of them grabbed the rope and slid down, quickly escaping into the streets outside the city.

Seeing several groups of rebels running past and seeming to have entered the city, Yang Jiamo immediately ran away with his two servants.

When he ran to the moat, Yang Jiamo was instantly desperate. There were a few rebels guarding each bridge. He immediately returned to the streets and headed towards the west dock of the city. There was no moat here, but there was a wide Gan River, and the city was besieged.

No ships are allowed to dock during this period.

Although Yang Jiamo is originally from Chongqing, he has settled in Liangzhou Wei for several generations. He and his two servants are all landlubbers.

The three of them took off their chainmail armor, forcibly removed the door panel of a shop, lifted the door panel, and rushed towards the Gan River. They could not escape along the river bank because there was a moat in the middle, and the moats on both sides of the north and south sides flowed into the Gan River.

The three landlubbers, each lying on a door panel, ran downstream to Nanchang City.

One of the servants only floated more than ten feet when he suddenly lost his balance and began to pour water. He flapped his hands randomly and called for help in panic.

Yang Jiamo was so frightened that he didn't even dare to move his fingers, let alone paddling, and just lay cautiously on the door panel.

The night doesn't know which direction it is, it just drifts down the river.


I don’t know how far it floated, but the door panel suddenly hit the bank and rolled over.

Yang Jiamo also drank water, and his whole body sank. He waved his limbs in fear, and swam towards the water with all his strength. He swam and swam until he was exhausted. Yang Jiamo finally accepted his fate, and then he stepped on the sand.


I tried to stand up, but the water level was only up to my waist. I had been busy for a long time, and I didn’t know who I was competing with.

Yang Jiamo was so happy that he quickly climbed to the shore and walked forward along the river. After walking a few steps, he lay down to rest. He was really exhausted just now and had a full stomach of water.

After taking a short rest to regain his strength, Yang Jiamo continued on his way.

While walking, Yang Jiamo suddenly fell into the water, and in front of him was the Gan River again.

Did the ghost hit the wall?

Gradually, the sky became brighter, and Yang Jiamo finally understood that he had floated to a small sandbank in the middle of the river. It was a small sandbank, full of grass, not even farmland, and there were no residents or ferries.

There are rivers in all directions!

Yang Jiamo wanted to cry but had no tears. The dignified commander was trapped on a small sandbank.

Yang Jiamo wandered around the sandbank and finally discovered to his surprise that there was a port town on the other side of the river to the east.

Jiangxi water network extends in all directions.

This port town is called Xigang Town. In addition to being close to the Gan River, it is also next to a small river, which is a tributary of the Fu River. Starting from this river, you can go to Raozhou in the north and Fuzhou in the south.

Detour around the Ganjiang River from the fork and return to the north of Nanchang City.

"I have money, I want to take a boat!" Yang Jiamo shouted madly towards the other side.

No one paid attention.

"I have money, I have money!"

Yang Jiamo yelled at the top of his lungs, but no one came by boat. The sandbank was more than three hundred meters away from the river bank, and it was a bustling town. Who could hear him under the din?

The first day passed extremely long.

The next day, Yang Jiamo was really hungry and began to dig up grass roots and eat them raw to satisfy his hunger.

On the third day, I finally saw a ship passing by. It should be that Fengcheng County had resumed merchant ship traffic.

"I have money, I want to take a boat!" Yang Jiamo shouted feebly.

He had a cold and a fever because it was too cold at night.

More than a dozen boats passed by in a row, and someone must have seen Yang Jiamo, but none of them chose to stop. Because it is easy to run aground near the sandbank, larger boats did not dare to approach. It was not until the evening that a merchant ship docked in Xigang Town.

A small boat came to rescue people.

"Many...thank you so much." Yang Jiamo passed out immediately.

This guy met a kind-hearted person, who not only helped him cross the river, but also invited a doctor to treat his illness.

In a daze, Yang Jiamo opened his mouth to drink medicine, and then opened his mouth to drink porridge.

When he woke up, no matter how many days had passed, he was still floating on the boat, and there was a boy standing in front of him.

"Where is this place?" Yang Jiamo asked.

The boy smiled and said, "You finally woke up. We have just passed Jishui County, and in front of us is Ji'an Fucheng. From your accent, do you think you are from the north?"

"Yes, from the north."

Yang Jiamo almost fainted again, but he was actually taken to the den of thieves.

Yang Jiamo wrote a letter to lie to Li Maofang, saying that hundreds of his servants were still there.

Therefore, Li Maofang firmly believed that Fengcheng could be defended for a month or two, and wrote a letter asking Zhang Yinggao and Cai Bangjun to surround Wei and rescue Zhao.

When he learned that Fengcheng County had fallen, Li Maofang had no choice but to retract his orders to Fuzhou. Because the distance was very far, Fuzhou must have sent troops. He could only send out another messenger and call back if he could catch up. He could not catch up.

We can only sit back and watch friendly forces being put in danger.

Two governors, Zhang Yinggao and Cai Bangjun, set out with nearly 7,000 people.

After taking a boat all the way to the border of Chongren County, there is no waterway ahead. We have to pass through 20 to 30 miles of hilly land, and then walk another 20 miles of flat land.

The new recruits from Fuzhou Prefecture were directly transferred to work as food transporters.

The house leaked and it rained continuously all night. After walking only a dozen miles, the first snow of this winter suddenly started falling.

Sixty-five-year-old Zhang Yinggao ate and lived with the soldiers, which at least boosted their morale.

However, the young Cai Bangjun was unable to cross the hills in the snow and insisted on moving forward on a sliding pole. However, due to their lack of fighting ability, all his soldiers were thrown into the labor camp to carry food and grass.

After only half a day of marching in the hills, the Fuzhou soldiers became resentful and fled a third of them that night.

The next morning.

Zhang Yinggao found Cai Bangjun and said, "If you ride in the sedan again, all the soldiers will escape."

"We shouldn't have sent troops this time," Cai Bangjun complained bitterly. "How can a group of new soldiers go far in the winter? What's more, it's snowing again!"

Zhang Yinggao sighed: "If we don't send troops, once Fengcheng falls, Nanchang will face the rebels directly."

Cai Bangjun said resentfully: "It's all Li Maofang's fault. What does it have to do with me?"

Zhang Yinggao advised: "If you persist, there will be no steep mountains for only twenty or thirty miles."

Cai Bangjun thought for a while and said: "There is only one way to boost morale."

"What method?" Zhang Yinggao asked.

Cai Bangjun said: "Tell all the soldiers that if they encounter villages and towns ahead, they can loot and enjoy themselves as much as they want. Otherwise, why should they stay away from their hometown and cross the border to fight in Jishui County?"

Zhang Yinggao wanted to rebuke angrily, but he still held back and walked away silently, which was regarded as acquiescing to this approach.

After another day and a half, there were only more than 5,000 soldiers from the two provinces left, and they finally came out of the mountains and reached the border of Yongfeng County.

It was still early in the evening, but they could no longer march. More than 5,000 officers and soldiers dispersed on their own initiative, looting property, raping women, and occupying houses to sleep.

Another day later, when we arrived at a small town at the intersection of the two rivers, officers and soldiers rushed directly to the town to plunder.

Only Zhang Yinggao was able to restrain hundreds of soldiers and went to the dock outside the town to grab a dozen small boats. He could barely transport some grain and grass by boat.

Once the hole is opened, it is difficult to restrain it.

Zhang Yinggao did not dare to say that he was the prefect of Guangxin, so he claimed to be Li Maofang's troops. More than 5,000 soldiers marched all the way to Yongfeng County.

Yongfeng County is under the jurisdiction of Ji'an Prefecture, but Zhao Han has not occupied it for the time being.

The city gate was closed tightly, and Liu Mianzuo, the magistrate of Yongfeng County, stood on the city tower dragging his sick body, looking at the officers and soldiers outside the city with an angry look on his face.

Zhang Yinggao personally stepped forward and shouted: "I am under the command of Governor Li and have been ordered to make a surprise attack on Jishui County. Please provide grain, grass and ships from your county."

"Get out...cough cough cough!"

Liu Mianzuo covered his mouth and coughed repeatedly, and his palms were covered with blood.

Historically, Liu Mianzuo's eldest brother Liu Xizuo died fighting the bandits. Liu Mianzuo's second brother Liu Yongzuo led troops to defend Xinghua. After the Tatars broke the city, they committed suicide by taking poison.

As for Liu Mianzuo himself, before Zhao Han's uprising, he recruited five hundred troops to suppress the bandits.

After wiping out the bandits in the mountains, Liu Mianzuo was injured and left the root of his illness. Because he was ill in bed, he did not follow Jie Xuelong to fight at that time.

Then there was a peasant uprising in Yongfeng County, and Liu Mianzuo had no choice but to fight against the bandits. Now he had a thousand elite rural warriors at his command. He also saw the governance of Jishui County next door, and suddenly he didn't want to fight Zhao Han and only wanted to lead troops to defend Yongfeng County.

Seeing that the officers and soldiers outside the city refused to leave and seemed to want to enter the city, Liu Mianzuo suddenly shouted: "Follow me to assemble the army and fight out!"

"Cough cough cough!"

Liu Mianzuo wiped the blood from his palms and led his troops out of the city to form an array.

Thousands of local warriors faced more than five thousand enemies and faced off without fear.

Liu Mianzuo roared angrily: "You are called officers and soldiers, but you are actually bandits. You have looted all the way here, and you are worse than the Zhao bandits in Luling. Leave Yongfeng County quickly, or I will kill you out!"

Zhang Yinggao and Cai Bangjun looked at each other and both felt ashamed. After the soldiers grabbed some boats at the dock, they led their troops down the river to Jishui.

"Cough cough cough cough!"

"County Lord!"

"Hurry and help the county minister return to the city!"

The soldiers were panicked and escorted Liu Mianzuo back to the county government office.

Liu Mianzuo fought for several years, wiped out several groups of old bandits in the mountains, and suppressed the peasant army in Yongfeng County. The officials in the county had been replaced a long time ago, and they were all his confidants.

Moreover, after Zhao Han occupied Jishui, Yongfeng County no longer paid taxes to the court, and all the money and grain were used to train soldiers. Liu Mianzuo took the opportunity to engage in corvee and low taxes, and everyone from the gentry to the common people respected him.

The county magistrate was disobedient and was beheaded by Liu Mianzuo, who claimed that he was killed by bandits.

After Liu Mianzuo woke up, he summoned the chief bookkeeper and the historian: "If I die, I will surrender to Zhao Yan immediately. If there are a thousand elite soldiers and no evildoers, Zhao Yan will definitely use them. Only Zhao Yan can keep the people of Yongfeng County safe.

None of the officials can be trusted, especially Li Maofang. I sent people to Nanchang to investigate. This bastard has made Nanchang Mansion angry and resentful!"

Both the chief secretary and the history official were promoted by Liu Mianzuo, and through Jie Xuelong, they were officially appointed by the court.

"Your Majesty, don't talk too much. The main thing is to recuperate your illness."

"Ahem...I can't survive. The old injury has lasted for three years. I will definitely not survive this winter. Remember, lead your troops to the city and surrender to Zhao..."

"County Honor! County Honor!"

This chapter has been completed!
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