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211 [Education Reform Plan]


The secret agent leader Xu Ying is doing something that is not in line with his status. He is ordered by Zhao Han to compile "Mathematics" and "Geometry" textbooks.

The content of "Mathematics" was taught by Zhao Han at Hanzhu Academy in Qianshan.

For the content of "Geometry", Xu Ying has obtained the "Elements of Geometry" translated by Xu Guangqi. However, it only has the first six volumes. Xu Guangqi did not have time to translate the subsequent content, but he proposed definitions, axioms and other concepts in the first volume.

"Dong dong dong!"

An official knocked on the courtyard door and said, "But Huang Zhongcong's house? The governor has invited you."

Xu Ying put down the manuscript she was about to compile and was about to go out. The young widow Mrs. Liu caught up with him and added some clothes to him.

Just in the past two months, the lonely man and the widow had already rolled together.

Mr. Xu has been keeping his integrity for so long, but he still can’t withstand the temptation!

The Governor's Mansion had been converted into the governor's official residence. By the time Xu Ying was ordered to arrive, Wang Tingshi, Zuo Xiaocheng and others had already arrived, and Liu Tongsheng, Xiao Puyun and other candidates had all gone to Beijing to take the exam.

Without Ju Ren, Xu Ying's status rose rapidly.

Wang Tingshi was very embarrassed. The three departments in Jiangxi recommended him at the same time, but Chongzhen still refused to let him become an official.

On the contrary, Ding Kuichu, the chief envoy to the left in Jiangxi, got his wish and returned home due to illness. The new envoy to the left is named Zhu Zhichen, and he is not expected to arrive in Jiangxi until after the Chinese New Year.

Xiong Wencan said to the returned members: "Your Majesty is sympathetic to the people and cannot bear the suffering of Jiangxi people from war, so he plans to recruit and surrender the Zhao bandits in Luling. You have escaped from the south and must be quite familiar with the Zhao bandits. Who wants to

Go to Ji'an to contact you about recruitment?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked.

The scholar Lu Yu immediately argued: "There must be a treacherous minister here to deceive Your Majesty. The Zhao thief is going against the grain, causing harm to the country and the people, and corrupting moral customs. How can he be recruited? If the Zhao thief in Luling is recruited, there will definitely be people in the surrounding counties and counties who have ulterior motives and will follow his example.

Anyway, when the rebellion gets big, you can become an official. If so, Jiangxi will be in danger!"

"Please comfort your majesty, Commander-in-Chief, and take back your order to recruit and surrender the Zhao thieves!" Zuo Xiaocheng suddenly knelt down.

"Please call upon Your Majesty, Commander-in-Chief, to take back the order to recruit and surrender the Zhao thieves!"

The other scholars knelt down one after another, and Xu Ying quickly followed suit.

The reason why they fled to Nanchang was that they were reluctant to part with their land. They hoped that one day, the officers and soldiers would kill the Zhao thieves and they could get their property back.

What the hell is recruitment?

Recruitment means that their land will never come back again in the future!

Xiong Wencan comforted him and said, "Everyone, please get up. Recruitment is only a temporary solution. You don't have to believe it."

All the scholars looked at each other, then reluctantly stood up.

Damn this temporary strategy, the northern rogues obviously can't be wiped out, so Zhao Thief's recruitment will turn out to be true.

Xiong Wencan said: "Who wants to go to Ji'an Mansion?"

No one answered.

Wang Tingshi simply called him by name: "Zhong Cong, come with me."

Xu Ying made a troubled expression, hesitated again and again, and finally said: "Since it is the emperor's order, I should obey it if I am born late."

This time he went to contact the Zhao thief in Luling. Xiong Wencan asked Wang Tingshi to take charge. He was also concerned that Wang Tingshi was not familiar with the Zhao thief, so he selected a scholar to be his deputy. After much selection, Xu Ying was chosen.

There is no other way. All the scholars have gone to Beijing to take the exam, and there are really not many scholars left who can take the exam.

The fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month.

Xu Ying boarded the ship to Ji'an. He and Wang Tingshi were both "ordinary people." They did not represent the government or the emperor anyway, so the failure to surrender naturally had nothing to do with the court.

Standing on the bow of the ship, Wang Ting asked: "How long has it been since Zhong Cong went back?"

"It's like a lifetime ago," Xu Ying replied.

Wang Tingshi warned: "I know that Zhong Cong has a deep hatred for Zhao Thief, but this trip is under the emperor's order. Zhong Cong must not anger Zhao Thief."

"Definitely not, national affairs are the most important thing." Xu Ying said with her hands in hand.

Xu Ying knew that Wang Tingshi was an internal agent, and he was not very obedient.

Wang Tingshi did not know Xu Ying's identity, and was still thinking about how to bypass Xu Ying and have a private discussion with Zhao Han when they arrived in Ji'an Mansion.

A few days later, the two came to the General Military Mansion and were warmly received by Zhao Han.

Zhao Han couldn't help but want to laugh, so he laughed loudly, cupped his hands and said, "I've heard about Mr. Wang's name a long time ago, and when I saw him today, he is really extraordinary."

"Where, where," Wang Tingshi said, "Mr. Zhao is so majestic and heroic, he is a hero in the world."

Zhao Han shook his head and said: "My headquarters is fake."

Wang Tingshi said: "It can be true, as long as Mr. Zhao is willing to recruit people."

Zhao Han returned to his seat and Damajindao sat down: "Tell me, what price does the court offer?"

Wang Tingxu said: "The former military governor Qian Shi (positive second rank), General Zhaoyong (positive third rank), and Ji'an General Soldier (no rank)."

"What's the price?" Zhao Han asked.

Wang Tingxuan said: "The first is to dissolve the peasant associations; the second is to return the landowners' property; the third is to lead troops north to help suppress the bandits."

Zhao Han smiled and said: "Give me a base price, don't say this is false."

Wang Ting glanced at Xu Ying, fearing that he would be exposed, and said seriously: "This is the lowest price."

Zhao Han thought about it carefully: "Okay, I agree."

"Huh?" Wang Tingshi was quite surprised.

Zhao Han explained: "The farmers' association was built by the farmers themselves. It has nothing to do with me. I will let them dissolve, but it depends on the farmers themselves whether they listen. I will also return the landowners' property. Let those landlords, even if they have Just come and find me if you want the land deed. As for leading the troops north to suppress the bandits, of course I am willing to serve the country. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough military rations. Please first allocate 300,000 stones of food and grass and 100,000 taels of silver as departure expenses."

"This..." Wang Tingshi was speechless for a moment.

Zhao Han smiled and said, "You write a letter back and let Xiong Wencan talk about it himself."

Wang Tingshi and Xu Ying were detained and each was asked to speak alone.

In the secret room, Wang Tingshi naturally swore and swore that he was willing to die for Mr. Zhao. He did not take action in the last war because his military power was taken away.

Anyway, he's a very insincere old guy who only thinks about benefits and doesn't let go of the rabbit in sight.

"Zhong Cong, thank you for your hard work!"


When Zhao Han and Xu Ying met again, there was no politeness, and they all called each other by their names, regardless of superior or subordinate.

After reminiscing about old times, Xu Ying said: "Business in Nanchang is still booming. I hope to allocate another sum of money. I plan to open a branch in Huai'an."

"Do you need manpower?" Zhao Han asked.

"No need," Xu Ying said with a smile, "I have developed a group of poor scholars in Nanchang, all of whom are from poor families and have great ambitions."

"Well done." Zhao Han praised it.

Xu Ying also presented "Mathematics" and "Geometry". Zhao Han immediately read them carefully and felt that they could be used as teaching materials.

Moreover, Zhao Han felt that the education system should be reformed and a three-year compulsory primary school should be established.

Elementary school students with excellent grades can study for free in middle schools, and are provided with room and board. However, the number of free middle school students is very small, and the rest who want to study in middle schools must pay various fees.

Change all the former county schools in each county into middle schools!

According to common people's understanding, someone who graduates from elementary school in three years is considered a boy, and someone who graduates from middle school is equivalent to a scholar.

However, there are no exemptions for high school graduates. After graduation, they will first go to various departments for political internships. Those who perform well can be assigned positions.

The first batch of students under Zhao Han are about to graduate. They are half-finished students in compulsory education. The teachers are rubbish and the courses are casual. Most of them can only read, do arithmetic, and write official documents.

These people are very useful as civil servants, but Zhao Han wants to stay temporarily and let him stay in school as a teacher to teach "Mathematics" to eliminate the previous rubbish mathematics teachers.

If anyone can learn "Geometry" by himself, he can be transferred to the county town to be a middle school teacher.

Anyway, let’s take it step by step. Reform of the education system must be gradual. Teachers must be trained by themselves. The original scholars can only teach Chinese.

Zhao Han quickly compiled the course content

First grade of primary school: "Three Character Classic", "Thousand Character Classic", "Mathematics"

Second grade of primary school: "Little Four Books", "Mathematics"

Third grade of primary school: "Little Four Books", "Selected Works of Datong", "Mathematics"

Middle school (three years in total): "Four Books", "Poetry and Prose", "Official Document Writing", "Mathematics", "Geometry", "Datong Collection"

Bailuzhou Academy is more similar to a university. Middle school graduates can choose to further their studies in: "Five Classics", "History", "Mathematics", "Geometry" and so on.

Zhao Han did not recognize any previous academic qualifications, and the scholars could go to primary school again.

As long as you pass the exam, you can graduate from primary school in half a year or graduate from high school in one year. All students will be treated equally and there will be no discrimination.

The content of the "Four Books" will be modified. For example, the chapters of "Mencius" deleted by Zhu Yuanzhang must be restored. Zhu Xi's annotations do not need to be strictly followed, as long as they make sense, other interpretations are allowed.

As for "Physics", "Chemistry" and so on, we will wait until more people who understand "Mathematics" and "Geometry" are trained.

For the first stage of education reform, Zhao Han set a deadline of ten years!

It takes ten years to grow trees and a hundred years to cultivate people. Ten years is already a short time.

On the twenty-eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, Xiong Wencan came to Ji'an in person, not hiding his eagerness at all.

This man received Zhao Han's reply and immediately knew that Zhao Han was a smart man and was willing to accept recruitment.

When the ship sailed into the boundary of Fengcheng County, Xiong Wencan obviously felt something different.

In the villages around Nanchang, although the peasant association movement is in full swing, after all, there is no real division of land, and the people at the bottom have not really taken the initiative.

However, the people of Fengcheng County, who are almost celebrating the New Year, are still digging canals in the snow.

No wages were paid, and we brought our own dry food. It was a lively affair, and we even laughed and laughed during the breaks.

Seeing those labor scenes, Xiong Wencan was frightened and at the same time more confident in recruiting the Zhao thieves.

Because of the development model of the Luling Zhao Thief, there is no need to conquer cities and land. Just develop peasant associations in the countryside. When they develop to a certain level, they can directly distribute farmland to households. Even if they do not occupy the city, they can actually expand the territory.

Zhao Thief is definitely willing to recruit people and then go all out to expand in the countryside!

When the court comes to its senses one day, the whole of Jiangxi will belong to the Zhao thieves, and seizing the city is more likely to happen.

But that's none of Xiong Wencan's business. He has made great achievements in recruiting the Zhao thieves. As long as he doesn't continue to lose the city, he will definitely be promoted. The only thing he needs to know is that before he is transferred out of Jiangxi, the Zhao thieves must not attack the city again!

As for after Xiong Wencan left, Thief Zhao could rebel at will. It can be said that it was the new governor who forced him to rebel.

After thinking about this, Xiong Wencan actually felt happy. He was not good at fighting, he was not good at governing, but he was very good at fooling ghosts.

(Please ask for a guaranteed monthly pass.)

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