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222 [Zhao Tianwang's wild powder] (for the leader yzzzzzzzzz

The real hard battle is in the area of ​​Zhangshu Town.

Zhangshu Town is the town with the most generous tax revenue under Zhao Han's rule. The fiscal revenue contributed by Zhangshu Town alone is equivalent to the combined revenue of Longquan and Yongning counties!

After the Gan River flows through Ji'an Prefecture, it merges into a large river and several small rivers. When it reaches Zhangshu Town, the Yuan River comes again with floods. The intersection of the two rivers washes out sharp bends, and even brings a large amount of sediment to form a sandbar.

At the beginning, Wang Siren's navy had an absolute advantage, but they did not dare to cross the river mouth. In fact, they did not dare to cross the sandbar. The river was narrow and the water flow was complicated. Even if they were not attacked by fire, they would still be surrounded and ambushed.

With this, Zhao Han was able to calmly confront the government troops, but now this terrain has put huge pressure on Zhangshu Town to fight floods.


The bamboo whistle sounded, and more than two thousand peasant soldiers came running.

Thousands more young men were organized by the farmers' association and moved to the lower reaches of Zhangshu Town.

The mayor and his officials went door to door to recruit people in the town to build embankments to fight the floods.

In fact, flood control embankments have been built along the entire Gan River since the Tang Dynasty.

In particular, the east embankment of the Ganjiang River upstream and downstream of Fengcheng was able to protect 600,000 acres of farmland from the Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty. Construction continued in the Ming Dynasty, but it was not until the Republic of China that the embankments on the Zhangshu Town side could be connected.

After the Wanli Dynasty, local water conservancy was in ruins, and it was entirely up to responsible local officials to call on the gentry and wealthy families to donate money for repairs.

As long as there are official organizations, the gentry are also willing to donate money, which is to protect their property. Take the dam here in Zhangshu Town as an example. Once the flood overflows or breaks the dike, it may submerge 100,000 acres of fertile farmland, because the banks

They are all low-lying areas.

Linjiang Magistrate and Qingjiang County Magistrate are both in charge of the areas along the prefecture and city, and it is difficult to survive during floods.

The safety of Zhangshu Town rests on the mayor Liu Tongyu.

Liu Tongyu was a scholar from a wealthy family, with both civil and military skills. He served as a civil servant in the army in his early years. He also worked with Zhang Tieniu to capture Xingan County in a bluff. His weight as mayor of the town was not inferior to that of the county magistrate. After all, this was a camphor tree with huge financial resources.


At this moment, Liu Tongyu was on the embankment along the river, running in the rain to direct the flood fight.

Under the organization of the government, the residents of the town joined one after another, and the peasant soldiers and peasant associations also took action.

No one dared to slack off. They had lived by the river for generations and knew that something was wrong this year. The heavy rain had lasted for too long, and it finally cleared up for two days. Then suddenly there was another heavy rainstorm.

Not only does the town lead people to observe the water level every day, but the people also go to observe it every day. After all, more than 100,000 acres of land are flooded, and there is no status in front of the flood.

The medicinal merchants in Zhangshu Town all united and paid to build the embankment. If the embankment burst or flooded, they would suffer the greatest losses, and many people had accumulated several warehouses of medicinal materials.

From Zhangshu Town to the north, there are peasant soldiers and peasant associations on both sides of the river, organizing people to come to fight the flood.

If you look down from a high altitude, it looks like countless ants carrying sandbags and mud baskets to and from the river, performing the most magnificent epic in the world.

Fei Chun was actually the one with the biggest headache. Not only did he have to allocate funds for disaster relief, he also had to reduce or exempt people's land taxes as appropriate after the floods receded. Although the mountainous areas were not affected by floods, the drought was extremely serious, which meant that taxes would be generally reduced or exempted this year.

The money and food in the official warehouse are not enough!

Originally, the war was suspended, the salt road was unblocked, and the financial problems had been alleviated. As long as the harvest continues this year, or it is a normal year, the warehouses in each county will be piled up like mountains.

What the hell is a sudden disaster year?

Fei Chun felt a deep malice and felt that God was deliberately against him.

As the magistrate of Nanchang County appointed by the imperial court, Han Chengxuan also left Nanchang County at this time and came to the edge of the Gan River to direct the increase in height and the construction of dykes.

He had already been sidelined and had no real power at all.

However, he performed actively in disaster relief, and now he has obtained some command rights, as if he has become an official under Zhao Han.

After working hard for two consecutive days and nights, Han Chengxuan was so tired that he lay down directly on the embankment as the water level dropped little by little.

"Mr. Han, let's eat." A woman smiled and brought the food.

Han Chengxuan tried his best to get up and said with a smile: "Thank you."

While eating, I observed that the embankment was full of officials and civilians lying around.

Hu Dinggui came over with his rice bowl in hand and said with a smile: "It is better for the county magistrate to become a thief. You are a good official. It is a pity to work for the dog emperor."

The title "Dog Emperor" made Han Chengxuan dumbfounded. He had heard it countless times in Jiangxi. He was angry at first, but gradually became numb and allowed others to say whatever they wanted.

Han Chengxuan changed the subject and asked: "Will this flood come again?"

The chief secretary, Liu Zirong, looked at the sky, walked over and said, "If it continues to rain heavily, it will be useless no matter how hard we build embankments."

"Why?" Han Chengxuan asked.

Liu Zirong said: "You are from the north and don't understand the seriousness of the floods in the south. We have withstood two flood peaks. It is probably because there was no rain on the Poyang Lake side, and the flood discharge was very fast. Now Poyang Lake is probably full. Come again.

If there is a flood, I will directly take the people to higher ground."

Another old official came over with a rice bowl: "Thanks to Mr. Zhao, if it is governed by the imperial court, even if there are good officials in charge, tens of thousands of acres of fertile land will definitely be flooded this time."

Liu Zirong lamented: "It is true, the second flood peak came too fast and too fierce."

Han Chengxuan finally understood. The ability to withstand the second wave of floods this time was all due to the strong organizational power of the peasant association and peasant soldiers. If there were no rebels here, and he, the county magistrate, was asked to mobilize the people to fight the flood, I don’t know how long it would take.

, you will definitely miss the best opportunity to fight floods.

To be honest, Han Chengxuan liked this place, even though it was a rebel territory.

Any official who wants to tell the truth likes such an atmosphere and public sentiment. After two days and two nights of fighting against the flood, Han Chengxuan was completely infected, and at the same time he thought of the mess in his hometown in Shanxi.

Comparing the two, one is in the sky and the other is in the earth.

The flood disaster gradually passed, and the people under Zhao Han's rule reached a peak of morale.

News reported one after another from various places made Li Banghua feel incredible. Of the many coastal counties and towns, only two towns collapsed. The other flooded places were not particularly critical. At most, they lost a lot of food income.

This is impossible at any time.

After careful analysis, senior officials of the General Military Office all believed that there were three keys to victory in the flood fight: first, competent officials; second, guidance from the peasant association and active farmers; third, the participation of the army, with both regular soldiers and peasants and soldiers working together

Great achievement.

All officials are capable of getting things done, and nepotism is certainly unavoidable, but even if you are in a position with connections, you still have to have a decent resume.

The early stage of a political power is so dynamic.

Taking the military aspect alone, comparing the early Ming Dynasty and the late Ming Dynasty, they are simply two worlds.

In all the great battles in Liaodong in the late Ming Dynasty, parts of the battlefield were like a sieve, allowing Tatar troops to move in and out at will.

For the key battle of Liaodong in the early Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang wrote the script directly in Nanjing, and two frontline generals, Ma Yun and Ye Wang, served as directors and added details.

First, they strengthened the walls and cleared the fields, luring the enemy deep into the city, and holding on to the isolated city to consume the Yuan army. At that time, the city wall had not been repaired, and many gaps were blocked with wood. The battle was extremely fierce. The reinforcements of the Ming Dynasty rushed to the enemy's rear route, fully believing that the friendly forces would not lose the city.

The ensuing battle was just like watching "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". The Yuan army retreated in panic and encountered hundreds of crossbowmen in the valley. They were so frightened that they immediately changed their escape route. As a result, the Ming army built several miles of fortress overnight.

Ice wall. The Yuan army's cavalry could only run along the ice wall. They finally reached the end and fell into a trap dug in advance.

During the Liaodong War, Zhu Yuanzhang performed micro-management in Nanjing in advance and arranged the Yuan army clearly.

This battle was so satisfying for Zhu Yuanzhang that he handed over the entire Liaodong theater to Ma Yun and Ye Wang.

Zhao Han employs Zhu Yuanzhang in the same way, no matter whether he is an official or a general, he must be able to get things done!

This flood fighting and rescue operation also made Pang Chunlai, Li Banghua and other senior officials firm up their future employment principles: prime ministers must start from the state headquarters, and strong generals must be sent from the ranks!

Zhao Han's territory was successful in fighting floods, and even the areas infiltrated by the peasant association were not affected by the floods. In contrast, the imperial court's territory could be described as a mess.

Let’s talk about the drought first. Due to the deterioration of water conservancy facilities, the land guarding the huge Poyang Lake has turned yellow and dry.

Let’s talk about the floods. We saw that the water level of Poyang Lake rose rapidly, and even water from the Yangtze River flowed into the lake due to heavy rains in the upper reaches. However, officials from various places did not take it seriously. Instead, the local gentry spontaneously organized to build embankments. However, the gentry’s organizational skills were not enough, resulting in

Many embankments broke along the Poyang Lake coast.

A large area around Poyang Lake was flooded. At the same time, the mountainous areas only a few dozen miles away from the lake shore were experiencing a very severe drought.

Including Jingdezhen, the water level of the Changjiang River has dropped to an extremely low point, and the water from Poyang Lake is pouring back into the river.

After two consecutive years of severe drought, the government continued to press for taxes, and a large number of hungry people appeared in northeastern Jiangxi.

These hungry people headed west and south one after another, fleeing and begging for food along the way. Countless people starved to death along the way.

By the Longkou River.

Ding Jiasheng, a poor scholar who had been hungry all day, called some friends from the same village and said: "There is a severe drought along the way. The small households have no food left, and the big households have locked their doors and refuse to give them food. If this continues,

Sooner or later, we will starve to death, so I think we might as well rebel."

"Can we succeed in rebellion?" a friend asked.

Ding Jiasheng took out a copy of "Datong Collection" from his arms and said: "There is King Zhao Tian in the south. He is very methodical in doing things. He has defeated the officers and soldiers many times. Sooner or later, he will take over the entire Jiangxi. This book was compiled by King Zhao. I wrote it last year

I found it at the door of Master Zhou’s house.”

The other friends, who had never read the book, asked: "What is this book about?"

"It's written about rebellion," Ding Jiasheng said. "In the past year, I have been reading every day, and I can memorize everything written in the book. Let's kill a few landlords first, open warehouses to release grain, attract more people to join the army, and divide the fields.

I'm afraid there will be some difficulties. Let's lead people to attack the county town directly. After the city is captured, we will ask King Zhao to take the lead. We can also be heroes of the dragon. Remember, King Zhao is benevolent and is not allowed to kill people or plunder women.

.These two rules cannot be broken. If anyone breaks them, I will turn my back on them."

On that day, Ding Jiasheng incited hundreds of people to break into the landlord's house. While opening a warehouse to store grain, he also killed several Liwei who broke the rules.

They kidnapped hungry people along the way and robbed landowners to raise military supplies.

The troops were divided halfway, and the large force prepared to go to the capital of Raozhou. Ding Jiasheng personally led a small group of main forces to go straight to Duchang County, disguised as civilians and captured the county seat in one fell swoop.

At the same time, the banner of King Zhao Tian was raised, and countless hungry people came to seek refuge.

This man also selected talents and actually began to allocate fields to the people around the county.

This chapter has been completed!
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