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236 [Ancient Stories]

The servants of Fei's family rushed to tell each other. No matter the maids, women, or young men, they all put down their work and ran to wait.

They had heard rumors for a long time, but they were still not sure.

The third slave in Fei Yingke's courtyard has the most difficult life, and the mistress often takes advantage of her and beats her and scolds her. As long as they can survive away from here, they will never stay, no matter how much salary they are given in the future!

But at this moment, Fei Yingke said to the slaves: "Your monthly money has been deducted by the fifth master. Come and follow me to arrest them!"

"If you have a grudge to complain, if you have a grudge to seek revenge, come with me to arrest them!" Fei Yingqi also shouted in her inner courtyard.

The two brothers were so anxious to separate the family because they were afraid that it would drag on for too long and cause complications.

They have a common enemy-Lao Wuye!

It was Fei Yuanyi's confidant slave "Lao Wu", who was born as a book boy and had followed the old man for decades.

In the past few years, Fei Yinghuan, Lou and his wife were not at home, and the second and third children were not favored by Fei Yuanyi. As Fei Yuanyi became more and more old and confused, the domestic slave "Lao Wu" was simply arrogant and domineering, and gradually took over

I don’t know how much money has been secretly embezzled from many of the Fei family’s properties.

The second and third children are gradually being ignored. They are really slaves and bullies!

The two brothers took the slaves from their respective courtyards and rushed into the old man's Gongbei Garden. When they saw the henchmen of "Lao Wu", they beat them up. Not only did "Lao Wu" act arrogantly, the same was true for these bastard slaves, who usually didn't do anything.

Why do you take the brothers so seriously?

"Fifth Master, where are you going?"

Fei Yingke held a stick and looked at "Lao Wu" with a sneer.

Lao Wu's sons have all become shopkeepers, and now they are no longer around to protect him. Seeing that the situation was not good, this guy originally planned to run away, but was blocked by the two brothers. He immediately knelt down and kowtowed: "

This old slave is confused, this old slave is confused, please forgive me, my two masters!"

Fei Yingqi stopped Fei Yingke who wanted to beat someone and reminded him: "Third brother, don't beat anyone to death. Brother Han has posted notices everywhere that lynching is not allowed. Such people will be handed over to the government for trial slowly. There are

Brother Han has made the decision. He has to spit out all the money he has embezzled. The most important thing now is to send people to take over various properties and protect those account books from being burned."

"Yes, let the gentlemen from the farmers' association make the decision. Be sure to keep the account books and check them slowly!" Fei Yingke nodded.

The brothers tied up their domestic slave "Lao Wu" and asked the farmers' association to help take over the business.

As for Fei Yuanyi, who was still scolding people, they didn't bother to pay attention to him. An old fool who was deceived by his slaves didn't trust his son, but only outsiders. He should die as soon as possible!

The old lady was still knocking wooden fish in the Buddhist hall. The commotion outside had nothing to do with her, and she kept reciting scriptures.

Even the mother-in-law who served her in chanting the Buddha couldn't help but step out of the Buddhist hall and lie down at the courtyard door to listen carefully to what was said outside. When she heard that the fields could be divided, the mother-in-law couldn't help but be happy. She had two sons, and

If you have grandchildren, they are all domestic slaves who can divide the land.

The mother-in-law suddenly turned to the Buddhist hall and knelt down, saying with great piety: "Amitabha, Amitabha, Bodhisattva bless Brother Han to live a long life, and bless the old woman and her family to get good land..."

Jing Xing Yuan.

Fei Cheng (Qin Xin), Fei Ze (Jian Dan), Fei De (Jiu Po), and several domestic slaves who had a good relationship with Zhao Han were all gathered together to discuss the future.

"After the land is divided, I will go and join Brother Han," Feder asked, "Which one of you is willing to go?"

Fei Ze said: "Fei Cheng and I are going too, who else among you is going?"

"I'll go too!" said a house slave named Feimeng.

"Let's go together, let's go together. Brother Han will be righteous and we will definitely remember our old friendship."

"Yes, I'll go too."

"I won't go. I still have to help my wife run the paper trough (paper mill)."

"I heard that Brother Chun has become a high official."

"It's not too late to join us now. We can both write and calculate, and our work is no worse than those who are officials."


Suddenly an official came over and asked: "Who are Fei Cheng, Fei Ze and Fei De?"

"I am!" The three of them stood up together.

The official took out a letter and said, "This is a personal letter from the chief town!"

The three of them took it apart and took a look, but it was Zhao Han who told them not to go to Ji'an Mansion and to work as reserve staff in Guangxin Mansion to help out.

As long as the work of allocating fields can be successfully completed, they can be immediately converted into official officials. Among them, those who excel in the evaluation will be promoted next summer and will be transferred to southern Hunan and Guangdong with the army.

Feize immediately clasped his fists: "I must do my best to do the job!"

"Farewell!" The officer clasped his fists and left.

In fact, this is not only true for Qianshan, but also for newly occupied lands.

The expansion is so rapid that although there are barely enough officials, they will have to expand to other provinces next year. By then, they will be stretched thin. We must take advantage of this division of land to train more reserve officials. After they become regular officials next year, they will be replaced by experienced officials.

, were transferred together to Guangdong and southern Hunan.

This is a routine, attracting talents in newly occupied areas, and observing their abilities and character by dividing the fields. They will train a large number of talents and make them regular, waiting for the next expansion. A mix of new and old people will be transferred and promoted together.

It's like a snowball, getting faster and bigger as it rolls back, and a group of corrupt and derelict people are eliminated every year.

Not only Qin Xin, Jian Dan, and Jiu Po, but other domestic slaves can also sign up, but the three of them will definitely rise faster.

The premise is that there should be no mistakes in the work of dividing the fields!

The news that Zhao Han was Zhao Yan spread more and more widely in Qianshan.

Those servants of the Fei family who had contact with Zhao Han all talked about how they were doing in the past. They had long realized that Brother Han was no ordinary person.

Even the person who Zhao Han enrolled in Hanzhu Academy and went through the formalities in the library has become a celebrity in the academy these days.

Now that he is a master, he does not give lectures to students seriously. When he walks into the classroom, he starts to brag: "This Mr. Zhao also studied at Hanzhu Mountain. He came in with a school badge and said he wanted to receive books. He is a teacher.

When I looked up, my eyes filled with purple energy in a daze, I thought that even if I knew that I was not a mortal, I would definitely be rich and powerful in the future! As expected, in just two or three years, I had already become rich in learning. He proposed the theory of personality, and the Jiangxi Superintendent presided over the debate, and he refuted it ambiguously.

All the students in Zhushan were speechless, even the gentlemen in the academy avoided his sharp edge..."

"Sir," a schoolboy asked, "isn't this Mr. Zhao a rebel?"

Master Meng shook his head and said: "No, no. Now the imperial court is immoral, all civil and military officials are stupid and greedy, and the people of the world have been suffering from tyranny for a long time. Mr. Zhao is not rebelling, but is revolting against tyranny! You schoolchildren, do you know Mr. Zhao

How do you study? You get up early and go to bed late every day. You can never let go of the book, even when you are eating, you are reading!"

Even Zhao Han himself didn't know when he had worked so hard?

The chief's room.

An official officer handed the letter to Fei Yuanlu: "Sir, please pass it on to Zheng Rulong."

Fei Yuanlu sighed: "Alas, Zheng Rulong has passed away."

Zheng Rulong is Zheng Zhongkui, a Confucian scholar invited by Fei Yuanlu from Shangrao. He has a very close personal relationship with Pang Chunlai. This letter was also written by Pang Chunlai, inviting Zheng Zhongkui to serve as an official in Ji'an.

Unfortunately, Zheng Zhongkui died half a year ago.

As for Zhu Shunshui, he returned to his hometown of Yuyao a long time ago and is experiencing a famine in Zhejiang this year.

Things are different here on Qianshan Mountain!

Cai Maode, who tried to accept Zhao Han as his disciple, is now the envoy to the right of Henan.

Henan suffered from a serious drought, rogue bandits were raging, and heavy taxes were imposed by the court. Many states and counties had ten houses and nine empty houses. Cai Maode had long been at a loss as to how to govern.

He tried to recruit refugees to return to their hometowns for cultivation, but every time a refugee came back, they were either robbed by bandits or raided by officers and soldiers, and then exploited by the county magistrate.

After going back and forth two or three times, Cai Maode gave up completely and simply hid in the city giving lectures all day long, becoming a confused official who didn't care about worldly affairs.

Wei Jianxiong did not go to Ji'an with Fei Yinghuan, but escorted Chen to Jianchang Mansion to reunite with his son.

After they arrived at Yingtan City in later generations, they abandoned the ship and took the official road, passing through Dongxiang to Fuzhou, and then took a boat along the Laishui River (Jianchang River) to Jianchang Prefecture.


Fei Yuanjian went out of the city to greet him and knelt down on the pier to worship.

Mrs. Chen said with tears in her eyes: "My son has grown up and can do big things."

Fei Yuanjian not only grew up, but also turned black. When he was the county magistrate, he not only frequently inspected villages and towns, but also sometimes led farmers and soldiers into the mountains to exterminate bandits.

Almost every county in Jiangxi has mountains, and many rebel bandits fled into the mountains to become bandits. Therefore, a major responsibility of the county magistrate is to exterminate bandits in the mountains. With the help of the mountain people, the work of suppressing bandits was relatively smooth.

The mother and son went to the city hand in hand, settled in the government office, and talked about what they had experienced in the past few years.

Fei Yuanjian called his wife and children over again. The children were almost one year old.

Mrs. Chen was very happy, held the child in her arms, played with it, and gave her daughter-in-law a pair of jade bracelets.

It was not until Fei Yuanjian's wife took her son to breastfeed, and there were only two mother and son left in the house, that Chen finally couldn't help but said: "Yuanjian, there is something I must tell you, please don't get angry after hearing this.


Fei Yuanjian smiled and said, "Mom, tell me."

Mrs. Chen said: "As you can see, the person who sent me to Jianchang this time is Wei Jianxiong, the eldest follower of the Fei family in Ehu."

"I recognized him, and I will go there to express my gratitude tomorrow," Fei Yuanjian said.

Mrs. Chen said: "When my mother was young, she was also a daughter of an official family. Wei Jianxiong was actually a servant of my family. After I was sent to Jiaofangsi, he searched for several years and came to Qianshan. I refused to see him, so he worked in Ehu.

He became a domestic slave. This time he came back and pestered me again, but I didn't promise him anything."

Fei Yuanjian was very surprised. He didn't expect such a story to exist.

However, Mrs. Chen was not his biological mother, and even the kindness of raising her was only two or three years. Now he has taken it lightly and sighed: "If my mother is tempted, she can settle down with him in Ji'an Mansion, and the child will not stop her."

Fei Yuanjian still wanted to save face. He had started a family in Jianchang Mansion and did not want Mr. Chen to remarry someone else here.

Don't interfere.

Moreover, no matter whether Chen is gone, Fei Yuanjian can completely separate from his former self. He will pretend that he has never been to Qianshan, and when he is free, he will move his parents' graves here. From now on, he will

He is the ancestor of the Fei family in Jianchang.

Chen was about to speak but stopped, leaving only a sigh.

Fei Yuanjian said with a smile: "Mom, please leave after the Chinese New Year, so that the children can fulfill their filial piety."

This chapter has been completed!
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