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258 [Concubine is a political task] (for the penguin boss

Bapaiyao sent a delegation of envoys, thirty-two people in total.

Eight rows and twenty-four punches, one for each family.

Pan Maiwei from Youling Pai was elected as the temporary leader and was received in the lobby of the General Military Mansion.

There were four rows of stools in the lobby, and Pan Maiwei sat in the center of the first row. From time to time, he whispered to the leaders from the Nangang and Hengkeng platoons, and after saying a few words, he looked forward to see if King Zhao Tianwang had arrived.

Suddenly, a young man walked out of the door. None of the Yao envoys took him seriously, thinking he was an ordinary official from the General Military Mansion.

All the ordinary officials are tall and handsome, worthy of being in the palace of King Zhao Tian, ​​there are indeed many talents!

The young man walked in a few steps and suddenly said: "Move the chair into the hall. What does it look like to be high up?"

Someone immediately took action and moved the chairs from the upper hall to the lower hall, making them the same height as the seats of the Yao envoys.

Panmaiwei asked the translator in Cantonese: "What did he say?"

The translator translates immediately.

Pan Maiwei smiled and nodded, and said to the people next to him: "This young man is very good. He does not look down on us like other Han people. When I meet King Zhao Tian, ​​I must praise this young man and hope that he can do greater things in the future."


Suddenly, the young man cupped his fists and said with a smile: "I am Zhao Han, the rumored King Zhao. Welcome all the Yao brothers to visit Ji'an."

Translation and retelling in Cantonese.

King Zhao?

Panmaiwei was stunned for a moment, and looked around him again. The other leaders were also in disbelief.

Everyone stood up quickly.

Zhao Han smiled and said, "Everyone, please sit down and talk."

"Meet King Zhao!"

Panmaiwei took the lead and knelt down, and everyone knelt down in unison. They had never been forced to kneel down by Han officials before, but this time they were not forced, and instead knelt down willingly.

Because Zhao Han took the initiative to move the chair down so that it was at the same height as their seats. This small gesture was enough.

Zhao Han said: "Everyone, please get up quickly. Under my rule, as long as you abide by the rules and laws, there will be no hierarchy. Han people are equal to Han people, and Han people are equal to Yao people. You and I are brothers."

Hearing these words, Panmaiwei was a little excited, and at the same time, it also had the meaning of hitting a snake with a stick, so he shouted again: "Greetings, Brother Zhao!"

"Greetings, Brother Zhao!" everyone shouted in unison.

The translator said: "Zongzhen, they are calling you brother."

It's interesting. Zhao Han smiled and couldn't help but look at this person.

As expected of being elected as the leader of the envoys, this guy was so quick in thinking that he immediately brought the two sides closer to each other, and even destroyed the principle of equality between the Yao people and the Han people.

"Sit down." Zhao Han said with a smile.

Everyone sat down in unison, showing great discipline.

After chatting for a while, Zhao Han asked: "How is the harvest this year?"

Panmaiwei replied: "This year's harvest is average, but last year's harvest was very bad. There is a severe drought, and there is no water in the terraces. Life in the pavilion is difficult. Dog officials also come to urge the field tax, and the harvest is getting better year by year."

There were many, but we all drove them away."

Zhao Han sighed: "Corrupt officials are so bad. I was also forced to rebel by corrupt officials. I understand your difficulties."

"If my brother becomes emperor, everyone will have a good life in the future." Panmaiwei said flatteringly.

Zhao Han asked again about the electoral system of Badai Yao. After listening for a long time, he suddenly asked: "Do the Yao people of Guangdong elect their leaders like this?"

Panmaiwei shook his head and said: "The Yao people are different from the Yao people. We Bapai Yao are close to the Han people, and we have to do corvee service for the government. The Han people sometimes despise us as 'Tingzhao Yao', 'Ting Tiao Yao', just like us

They are like tamed dogs. There are many Guoshan Yao in Guangdong. They don't know how to grow terraced fields. They always set fire to the mountains to grow food. They will have to change another mountain to burn every year or two. The leader of Guoshan Yao is not elected.


"Why do you want to elect a leader?" Zhao Han asked again.

Panmaiwei replied: "If you don't choose a leader, how will you arrange the drainage? How will you manage the drainage?"

Zhao Han instantly understood that the terraced fields were the lifeblood of Bapaiyao, and the water release for irrigation of the terraced fields must be highly disciplined. If a family's fields did not obey the management, it would affect a large area, and the hereditary system of chiefs would inevitably lead to favoring one over the other.

Therefore, their leaders need to be elected to ensure that each family’s terraces can produce normally.

The Guoshan Yao are different, with long-term wandering farming and constant migration. With this kind of life and production model, leaders must not be elected, otherwise countless chaos will occur.

There is no best system, only the most suitable system!

Just like after Zhao Han established the country, he must not establish a constitutional monarchy because China is too big. Once a constitutional monarchy is established and the emperor is 100% ignored, the civil service group will begin to grow crazily, swallowing up all local interests, and the common people will be swallowed even to their bones.

Not a single scrap is left.

Zhao Han asked again: "Bapaiyao is constantly growing in population. Are the terraces enough?"

"It's not enough," Panmai Wei shook his head and said, "In the past, we could cultivate new fields, but now there is no place to cultivate new fields. The tribesmen who don't have fields can only go down the mountain and work as tenants for the Han people, and some people go to the county to become vagrants. Mountain

There are also some Yao people who have made a fortune, and like the Han people, they have become big landowners who bully others."

After listening to the other party's story, Zhao Han decided to treat them differently.

Bapai Yao, which implements an electoral system, does not change their internal structure. Assigning Han people to manage it is likely to break the balance and interfere with the normal production and life of the Yao people.

As for Yao landowners and Yao tenants, they can divide their fields how they want!

However, Babai Yao must build schools. Ordinary Yao people should also learn to speak Chinese and learn various cultural knowledge. Those with excellent results can take exams and become officials.

There are also those Yao who have passed the mountain. Oh, let’s give them a little education. First, teach them how to farm.

Primitive tribes can also be educated. Wang Yangming was demoted to Longchangyi, and the nearby Miao people were doing slash-and-burn farming. Wang Yangming had a good relationship with the seedlings. The Miao brothers also helped Wang Yangming build a thatched house, and thus the first "Longgang Academy" was born. Miao children

He also studied and learned literacy in the academy.

Suddenly, Panmaiwei cupped his hands and said: "Brother Zhao, please marry the most beautiful girl Sha Yao in Bapaiyao. Then we will become a family."

The translator explained: "Unmarried men are called Agui Ge, and unmarried women are called Sha Yao Mei."

"I need to discuss this matter." Zhao Han did not agree immediately.

Although the Yao envoys were a little disappointed, Zhao Han finally did not refuse directly.

After sending these envoys back to their residences, Zhao Han called the ministers from the General Military Mansion to discuss.

Li Banghua was the first to speak: "If you accept a Yao girl, you can definitely accept eight Yao girls, then you should accept her. Please give top priority to national affairs."

"It's long past time to have a concubine." Pang Chunlai said with emotion. He hoped that Zhao Han would marry more sons as soon as possible.

The other ministers also gave advice one after another.

Zhao Han asked doubtfully: "Don't you discriminate against Yao women?"

"Why the discrimination?" Li Banghua asked rhetorically, and added, "Bapai Yao are familiar with Yao. Many Yao people who came down the mountain have long been no different from Han people."

Local officials do discriminate against ethnic minorities, but when it comes to intermarriage, no one really cares.

Emperor Zhengde's biological grandmother was probably from a barbarian background and was said to be the daughter of a local official in Guangxi. Zhu Jianshen sent troops to conquer the barbarians in Guangxi and brought back a group of children who had lost their parents. One of the girls grew up and gave birth to Emperor Xiaozong.

Back at the inner house, Zhao Han discussed with Fei Rulan.

Fei Rulan sighed: "If my husband doesn't accept concubines anymore, the whole Ji'an Mansion will spread my jealousy."

Fei Rulan was also very anxious. After giving birth to her son, she was still not pregnant two years later. She called a famous doctor to diagnose and said that the meridians were blocked due to the last childbirth. He prescribed a prescription to treat it, which Fei Rulan has already taken.

For more than half a year.

Zhao Han said: "Once I take concubines, countless officials will follow my example, and the custom will be ruined."

Fei Rulan said: "Since the husband's uprising, concubines and prostitutes have been treated with public indifference. Even if the husband does not take concubines, those who want to take them will do so secretly."

Zhao Han was speechless. It seemed that his acceptance of a concubine had become something that everyone expected.

Not only those with vested interests, but also the gentry who hated him felt that Zhao Han should have more sons. Otherwise, if his only son died and Zhao Han suffered an accident, Jiangxi would inevitably be in chaos again, and I don’t know how many people would be affected by that.

Died in a military disaster.

Even before Zhao Han became emperor, the affairs of his inner chamber were being watched by countless people.

The day he becomes emperor, the harem will cease to be a home and become purely a political subsidiary institution.

Zhao Han is not against taking concubines, he is also a normal man, and it is reasonable to lust after women. But he has always been cautious about this, or in other words, Zhao Han has been cautious in everything he does since he started the army.

It was so cautious that the expansion speed was so slow that the officials and soldiers couldn't stand it anymore and kept pushing Zhao Han to speed up the expansion.

He is a sailing helmsman and must lead the crew to avoid wind and waves.

Alas, no matter what, just take a concubine, it will be a matter of time anyway.

Zhao Han chatted with Fei Rulan for a few more words, and then went to the study to write the "Patent Law". This thing was unprecedented and had to be formulated by Zhao Han himself. Others had no idea how to do it.

During the Song and Ming dynasties, there was also a franchise system, but it was essentially different from the patent system.

The monopoly system focuses on state control, such as salt, iron, tea, alum and other commodity monopolies. It is mixed with a small amount of technical monopoly, which is closer to patents.

The patent system focuses on encouraging research and development and ensuring the interests of technology developers.

First, a patent office must be established in the Department of Public Works.

We also need to formulate examination standards, that is, how to determine patents. You can't just take something and stamp it.

These things had to be explored slowly, so we used the hydraulic spinning machine as a test product and made adjustments slowly during the implementation of the patent.

Zhao Han decided to set two patent protection periods, and patent holders can choose by themselves.

The first type is valid for ten years from the date of patent approval.

The second type is valid for five years from the date when the patent benefits are obtained.

A few days after completing the writing of the "Patent Law", Zhao Han finally gave the Yao people a reply and agreed to marry a Yao woman as his wife.

At this moment, Zhao Han received a letter from Fei Ruhe.

Fei Ruhe has already garrisoned troops in Guangzhou, but the merchants there are so powerful that he dare not take action easily for fear of triggering a series of unknown reactions.

Thinking about Macau, Zhao Han decided to go to Guangzhou himself.

Not only did he have to deal with Guangzhou merchants, he also had to meet with the Portuguese and Zheng Zhilong.

This chapter has been completed!
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