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260 [Clan Power]

The most beautiful girl with a sexy waist in Bapaiyao is still in the process of being elected.

This event was very lively. First, there were elections in each "dragon", and then the winners of each "charge" and "platoon" were competed. Finally, eight rows and twenty-four sprints competed in a big competition.

Zhao Han could not wait slowly and continue southward by boat.

After passing Qingyuan, the fleet docked at Southwest Shuiyi in Sanshui County. The name was Southwest Shuiyi, and the town was called Southwest Town.

Rest overnight and set off the next day by land route.

Zhao Han was sitting on the carriage and had only traveled two miles when the driver suddenly stepped on the brakes: "Yu! Yu! Yu!"

"What's wrong?" Zhao Han asked as he opened the car curtain.

"There's someone ahead!"

"Protect the town quickly!"

"Array! Array!"

The soldiers moved quickly and surrounded Zhao Han's carriage.

Zhao Han walked out of the carriage, stood beside the driver and looked out, but saw hundreds of farmers kneeling in front of him.

"Don't panic, get out of the way."

Although Zhao Han said this, the moment he passed the guard, he couldn't help but reach out and hold the handle of the knife.

The farmers knelt down for a long time, but when they saw that Zhao Han still refused to pass, they got up, ran a certain distance and knelt down again.

"King Zhao, you are wronged!"

"Please ask King Zhao to make the decision for the common people!"


Being able to wait and cry out grievances on the road and summon hundreds of people means at least two problems: first, the postmen of Southwest Shuiyi secretly reported the news to these farmers; secondly, these farmers stopped the traffic and shouted grievances, and there must be clan forces behind them.


Zhao Han arrived at Southwest Shuiyi yesterday afternoon. He spent half the afternoon and the whole night organizing hundreds of farmers to stop him. These farmers were already a force, and Zhao Han could not believe their words!

However, Zhao Han looked kindly and said with a smile: "If you have any grievances, ask a leader to come over and talk."

A man about thirty years old stood up, ran a few steps, and knelt down in front of Zhao Han: "King Zhao, the grassroots man is Chen Fushun, a villager in Shitang Village..."

Zhao Han could guess a few words in Cantonese, but he would be completely blind after a long sentence.

The accompanying translator came to Zhao Han and scolded: "Speak one sentence at a time!"

This person spoke for a long time and finally explained clearly the cause and effect, but it was an old case that happened last year.

For the convenience of understanding, the two villages are called Shanghe Village and Xiahe Village.

Last year, when the drought was severe, Shanghe Village cut off the river to irrigate the paddy fields. Xiahe Village was dissatisfied and went to fight for water, and more than 20 people were injured.

The matter went to the government, but the county magistrate refused to file the case.

Because according to Zhu Yuanzhang's "Education of the People", such disputes in the countryside cannot be reported to the officials at will, but must be left to the judgment of the village elders. If someone bypasses the village elders and files a lawsuit against the official, he will be punished with a cane of sixty and returned to the village elders for judgment.

Therefore, the villagers of Xiahe who had their water source taken away and more than 20 people injured were given a meal by the magistrate. The village elders in Shanghe Village were more powerful, and Xiahe Village lost its water source and was injured. Finally,

I still have to raise money to pay for the soup and medicine.

This is not over yet!

During the autumn harvest, rice production in Xiahe Village dropped by more than 70%, but Shanghe Village was not greatly affected. Therefore, the villagers of Xiahe Village went out collectively and went directly to the threshing floor to grab grain.

This move was unexpected and caught Shangkawa Village off guard.

A few days later, Shanghe Village summoned people to retaliate, and Xiahe Village suffered a big loss, so Xiahe Village summoned people again. For several consecutive rounds, more and more people participated in the fighting, and finally a battle broke out between the two sides, involving more than 3,000 people in total.

four villages.

More than fifty people died!

The county magistrate finally took action, regardless of the indiscriminate nature of the crime. Ten people were arrested on each side of the fight and executed later.

Both parties were dissatisfied and went to the censor to redress their grievances. The censor took the case to Dali Temple. However, the censor was also on the side. More than fifty people were killed in the fight. When the report was made, only six people were reported dead.

, and also helped Shanghe Village speak up.

Just because there are people in Shanghe Village who are high officials in the imperial court.

In the end, Dali Temple asked the county magistrate to retry the case. Only one person in Shanghe Village was executed, and the remaining nine were acquitted. Ten people in Xiahe Village were executed.

"King Zhao Tian, ​​please judge," Chen Fushun said, "our village was first robbed of water, and then injured. Even if the food grabbing was wrong, we were still hungry. Even if we each fought fifty big boards, we

I also admit it. How come they only killed one, but our village killed ten! The Ming Dynasty court is extremely corrupt. From now on, our village will only recognize King Zhao Tian, ​​​​and ask King Zhao to make the decision!"

"Please ask King Zhao to make the decision!" hundreds of farmers knelt down and shouted.

Zhao Han said expressionlessly: "Who taught you to say what you just said? Let him express his grievances by himself. These gentry should not hide behind him. I will go back to Southwest Shuiyi and wait, and let the old gentry do it by themselves."


Chen Fushun was stunned for a moment, then kowtowed and shouted: "Please make the decision to King Zhao Tian!"

Zhao Han was too lazy to pay attention, turned around and left, riding the carriage back to the inn.

After waiting for half a day at the inn, several village elders came one after another. They wanted to speak, but were ordered to shut up and continued waiting together at the inn.

By the next day, more than a dozen gentry had arrived in the villages on both sides of the fight.

"Separate interrogation!" Zhao Han ordered.

Due to insufficient officials, missionaries and farmers' association backbones, Sanshui County only had an acting magistrate appointed by Fei Ruhe. This was a wartime appointment, mainly to take over documents and warehouses.

As for the distribution of farmland, it is estimated that it will take a month or two before it can be distributed to the surrounding villages in Sanshui County.

More than a dozen gentry were interrogated separately for a full day.

If their respective confessions did not match up, the interrogation would be continued until midnight of the next day. During this period, they could only drink water, eat, or sleep.

Chen Maosheng took the final interrogation result and said with a wry smile: "It's hard to explain the centuries-old grudges. Whichever side is the official, the other side will bully others. You suffered a loss this time, I suffered a loss that time. Generally speaking, the downstream villages suffered a loss."

some more."

"Those who kneel down and cry out for injustice, are they farmers or tenants?" Zhao Han asked.

"Most of them are tenants," Chen Maosheng said. "There are a few tenants whose identities are extremely complicated and have never been encountered in Jiangxi's land distribution."

Zhao Han became interested and asked: "How complicated is it?"

Chen Maosheng explained: "The clan power here is extremely strong, and each clan has its own public land. Some clansmen with close blood relatives can share the public land in the clan, and the land rent is relatively low. Because they do not have to pay land taxes and do not have to pay taxes.

The life of corvées is even comparable to that of small landowners in Jiangxi. If they encounter a disaster, they can get relief from the clan. Even if they want to do business, they can go to the ancestral hall to borrow money."

Zhao Han said: "The clan uses the public land to control the people who are closely related to each other, thus forming the cohesion of the big clan. They also use the private land to control other tenants. So every time there is a armed fight, they can respond to the call and summon thousands of people to fight?"

"That's it!" Chen Maosheng nodded and said.

The clan can be compared to a sect of cultivating immortals. The core disciples are the people within the sect, the inner disciples are those who are closer by blood, and the outer disciples are those who are more distant.

There are clan properties and clan fields, which are used as a means of control. They also open private schools, build bridges and pave roads, gather people's hearts and control everything. Ordinary tenants are exploited, and they have to be grateful to the landlords. Class conflicts are directly transferred to the outside world, and people's hearts are unstable.

At that time, there was a fight with the neighboring village. The conflicts were transferred to the neighboring village, thus forming a feud between the two villages.

We can't hold a public trial or anything like that here.

Because no matter how badly the tenants are exploited, they don't resent the landlords, but the villagers in the next village. It seems that their difficulty in living is all caused by the neighboring village.

"This is a bit difficult to advance." Chen Maosheng sighed.

Zhao Han said: "If you are too soft, then be tough. Half of the members of the main sect of each family will be killed directly, and the other half will be captured for mining."

Chen Maosheng smiled bitterly: "These gentry all have a good reputation. They build bridges and pave roads, provide relief to their neighbors, and spread education. They have always done such good things."

"You can get rid of your crime by doing good deeds? The crime is ready-made, inciting the people to fight, causing dozens of deaths and injuries." Zhao Han planned to be ruthless this time. "After solving the main sect, immediately divide the land among the people, and take the main sect's properties and shops.

Take them all out and divide them. Also, if we continue to fight with weapons from now on, not only will the culprit be killed, but no one involved will be able to escape. Once there is a fight with weapons, one acre of land will be confiscated from each of them!"

To solve the main sect is to dismantle the leader.

The division of land and property will inevitably lead to a psychological imbalance between the three types of people within the clan, those who are closer by blood and those who are more distant by blood, and internal conflicts will arise. However, ordinary tenants will be completely submissive. In the future, if the clan wants to get together to cause trouble, it is estimated that

There will be a fight internally, and there is no way to think about being unanimous with the outside world.

Sanshui County is not far from Guangzhou. Zhao Han directly mobilized the army and began to "handle" disputes in the troubled villages.

Chen Fushun, who took the lead in kneeling down to cry out for injustice, was a tenant farmer who was closely related by blood.

He watched helplessly as his grandfather's family was captured by King Zhao's soldiers. He was resentful at first, thinking that King Zhao was also favoring the neighboring village, but unexpectedly someone came to promote the division of land and property that day.

Give yourself the land from your grandfather’s family?

Chen Fushun was stunned for a long time, and suddenly felt that it was a good thing that his grandfather was arrested, and it was best for the whole family not to let him go in this lifetime.

During the land distribution period, Chen Fushun was very angry again.

Why do ordinary tenants get the same number of acres as him? This is obviously his family's land, and his blood relationship is much closer.

Soon, Chen Fushun's anger subsided again because he discovered that the land allocated to the disciples in the sect was actually the same as his own. Doesn't this bring about psychological balance?

Not only is the mind balanced, but also secretly happy.

Soon he became jealous again, because the disciples of the sect could actually be allocated shops. The number of shops in the town was very small, so it was definitely not enough, but the disciples of the sect who had not been allocated could also get some of the extravagant wealth.

The whole process of dividing the fields seemed extremely strange.

Except for the tenants outside the clan who were just happy, everyone else was full of joy and resentment. Because they all got the benefits, they did not hate Zhao Han, but resented each other.

These two villages simply clashed with each other and were killed by Zhao Han to establish their authority.

It is impossible to kill people and divide the land like this in Guangdong. Zhao Han plans to forcibly immigrate the remaining wealthy families to Huguang. Some of the wealthy families in Huguang will also break up and move to other states and counties. Anyway, some states and counties in Huguang have a severe population shortage.

Zhao Han left the work of dividing the fields in the two "demonstration villages" to Chen Maosheng, while he himself went to Guangzhou to have friendly exchanges with businessmen.

This chapter has been completed!
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