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264 [Zheng's father and son] (for the penguin boss

Zheng Zhilong is a very contradictory person. He seems to be a bit ambitious, but he is content with being rich.

While using Taiwan as his base, he took advantage of the famine in Fujian to engage in immigration, and has been immigrating to Taiwan for ten consecutive years.

But he himself does not live in Taiwan, but lives in a mansion in Fujian. Moreover, his son passed the scholar examination this year, and it seems that he plans to train his son to become a high-ranking official.

As long as you don't provoke him, Zheng Zhilong doesn't bother to fight anyone. He is satisfied with being a Ming Dynasty coastal defense guerrilla.

Historically, when the Manchu Qing Dynasty sent people to recruit people, Zheng Zhilong also left. He left his own navy, left his own territory, and went to Beijing to become an official with only his confidants.

"Oh! Rare visitor, rare visitor!"

After Zhao Han bowed his hands and saluted, he enthusiastically took Zheng Zhilong's hand: "Brother Yiguan, please sit inside quickly."

Zheng Zhilong laughed loudly and said: "My dear brother Zhuochen, I have admired you for a long time. When I saw you today, you are younger and more promising than I thought." He turned around and pointed at a young man, "This is the dog Zheng Sen, whose nickname is Fu Song. He has just been admitted as a scholar.

.This guy is not a rough guy like me. There are only twenty junior students in the county, and he actually passed the exam!"

The pride was palpable. It seemed that having a son who passed the junior high school examination was far more worthy of showing off than his domination of the South China Sea.

The country’s surname is Ye?

Zhao Han couldn't help but look at the young man. He looked fourteen or fifteen years old. He was completely different from the portrait handed down from ancient times. He did not have thin eyebrows and big and bright eyes. He was not thin and detailed, and his figure was much stronger than that of his peers.

And after entering the door, the young man's eyes turned around, and finally his eyes fell on Zhao Han. Even if his eyes met Zhao Han, the young man was not afraid at all, but had a sense of provocation.

According to the records of Dutch colonists, the real Zheng Chenggong spoke in an passionate tone and often roared when arguing.

Of course, it is also possible to be gentle to one's own people but to be "violent" in words and deeds towards the Dutch.

Violent words and deeds, sic, this is Zheng Chenggong in the eyes of the Dutch.

Zhao Han said with a smile: "Young Master Ling is extremely talented. Given time, he will definitely not be something that can be found in a pond."

"Haha," Zheng Zhilong said happily, "This guy is not bad, but he certainly can't compare with the wise brother. I heard that Guangdong and Huguang are going to win?"

Zhao Han said in a relaxed tone: "It's still early. Guangdong is almost here, and we are sweeping eastern and western Guangdong. Huguang has only occupied Changsha, and we are sweeping the prefectures south of Changsha."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," Zheng Zhilong couldn't help but sigh, "My virtuous brother is really extraordinary. He has conquered two and a half provinces."

Zhao Han introduced: "This is my brother-in-law Fei Ruhe. He conquered half of Guangdong."

"I've met General Zheng." Fei Ruhe cupped his hands and said.

"Young general, you are extraordinary," Zheng Zhilong said with a smile, "Your Majesty and I are brothers, we are all one family!"

Fei Ruhe murmured in his heart: My father is worthy of your brother, and my brother-in-law is worthy of your brother, so how should I be worthy of you?

After some greetings, everyone sat down.

Before sitting down, Zheng Zhilong glanced at the world map and asked: "My dear brother has occupied Guangdong, do you want to drive away the Folangji people?"

"It just takes back Macau and does not drive away the Hongyi. However, it can attract the Red Fan ghosts to trade, so that the Fo Langji and the Red Fan ghosts can check and balance each other," Zhao Han said with a smile, "Brother Zheng's merchant ships can also come to Guangzhou to do business in the future.

Business. Anyone can do business and trade in Guangzhou as long as they pay customs duties."

Zheng Zhilong suddenly said: "Don't let the red devils come, these guys are ambitious."

Zhao Han asked: "Brother Zheng has a grudge against the Red Fan ghost?"

"It is estimated that there will still be a battle, the Red Boiled Ghost has been ready to attack." Zheng Zhilong said.

Over the past decade or so, the South China Sea has been in chaos.

First, the Ming court, together with the Dutch, attacked Zheng Zhilong. Zheng Zhilong won.

Then Zheng Zhilong was recruited, and Zheng Zhilong, the court, and the Netherlands joined forces to fight against other pirates.

Then, the pirate Liu Xiang joined forces with the Dutch to attack the coast of the Ming Dynasty, but was defeated by Zheng Zhilong and the imperial court.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Dutch immediately made friends with Zheng Zhilong, so Liu Xiang went to fight the Dutch again.

Soon Liu Xiang was killed by Zheng Zhilong, and the Dutch began to have constant friction with Zheng Zhilong. It is estimated that a naval battle will break out sooner or later within a year or two.

Zhao Han asked: "Is Brother Zheng confident that he can defeat the Red Fan Ghost?"

"I'm absolutely sure." Zheng Zhilong said.

"Well, I don't care about the fight between you," Zhao Han said, "Brother Zheng can tell the merchants that in the future, the ballast cargo on the return voyage from Nanyang can be exchanged for grain. When the grain is shipped to Guangzhou, I will charge a very low tariff.

They must be making some money."

Zheng Zhilong smiled and said: "Okay, it's a trivial matter and I'll take care of it."

"That's it, thank you very much." Zhao Han cupped his hands and said.

Zheng Zhilong said: "I speak quickly and won't beat around the bush. When will I attack Fujian?"

Zhao Han looked at Zheng Zhilong playfully. He was so impatient that he gave the impression of a vulgar martial artist. This core topic should have been discussed later after he settled down.

He can survive and thrive in the cracks, and even before becoming successful, he served as a translator for Japan and the Netherlands, and at the same time gained the favor and support of both parties. This kind of person is very lively and has a delicate heart.

Zhao Han smiled and asked: "I am attacking Fujian, which side will Brother Zheng help?"

Zheng Zhilong didn't answer, but asked: "My virtuous brother has taken over the world, how will the Zheng family be settled?"

"It depends on Brother Zheng, whether you want to be a rich man or a Duke of Zhenhai." Zhao Han still said ambiguously.

Zheng Zhilong asked: "What about the rich man, and what about Zhenhaigong?"

Zhao Han replied: "Under me, each person's land property shall not exceed one hundred acres, based on paddy fields. If Brother Zheng becomes a rich man, he can engage in maritime trade, but he must hand over most of his warships. If Brother Zheng becomes a rich man, he can engage in maritime trade, but he must hand over most of his warships.

Being the Lord of Zhenhai means that he will lead the great ships, open up new territories and traverse the four seas."

I won’t talk about the key details, such as how far Zhao Han wants to manage the Zheng family’s navy.

If Zheng Zhilong hands over his military power, will this man agree?

According to normal logic, Zheng Zhilong would definitely not agree. How could someone who dominates the South China Sea hand over his navy?

But what Zheng Zhilong did in history made Zhao Han confused. What kind of operation was it to abandon his wife and children, leave his territory, leave the army, and bring only a few confidants to Beijing to surrender to the Manchus?

"Ha ha ha ha!"

When Zheng Zhilong saw that Zhao Han wanted to avoid the key topic, he immediately stopped asking questions. He stood up and walked to the world map. While looking at it, he said, "Brother Xian, do you really want to open up the world?"

Zhao Han pointed at the map and said: "What kind of big and small Buddhist machines, what kind of red fan ghosts, the small country of Zu'er can cross the four seas, why can't we, the descendants of the glorious Huaxia?"

Sailing across the world is a matter of generations, Zhao Han can only set the tone to motivate Fei Ruhe and Zheng Zhilong.

It would be great if people of his generation could control Nanyang. As for places farther away, they can only set up colonial points. Each colonial point can immigrate thousands of people, and then rely on private power to continuously increase the number of immigrants.

Chinese and Europeans are definitely different.

Take the Portuguese for example. They were deprived of food by the Ming Dynasty in Zhangzhou and ended up in a disastrous defeat. As a result, they did not care about the lessons. Later they came to Macau and occupied the land that could be cultivated, but they gave it up and allowed Han farmers to cultivate it. They even

They didn't even bother to control the land and recruit Han tenants to farm. If they had the energy to manage tenant farming, they might as well do two more trades, so they were once again controlled by the Ming Dynasty with grain.

The Chinese immigrants are different. When the civilians are moved out, the first priority must be farming!

Immigrate, colonize, and educate, and if you don't listen to the indoctrination, go to war. Immigrate, colonize, and educate again. After dozens or hundreds of years, this place will be owned by the Chinese, and even the local indigenous people will become Chinese.

The premise is that it must be backed by force, otherwise it will be like what happened in history, when the Chinese immigrated to Southeast Asia and became rich and were slaughtered as fat sheep.

Zheng Zhilong pointed to the map and said: "First drive away the big Buddha Langji from Macau, and then drive away the red ghosts from Dongbo. Then drive out the small Buddha Langji, and take Luzon back. I think expanding to Malacca is enough.

Now, the Han merchants take the goods to Malacca, and the red barbarians collect the goods in Malacca and send them to the west."

Zhao Han's thoughts are very simple, or in other words, they haven't jumped out of thinking hundreds of years in the future.

In this Age of Discovery, there is no talk of free trade. Winners take all and losers are eaten. If they really had the power to drive away the Europeans, Han merchants would never allow foreign devils to appear in Nanyang.

Zheng Zhilong was also unable to challenge the established thinking. He believed that for Han merchants, trading in Malacca was the limit, and he never considered colonizing India.

As for America, that place is so far away that Zheng Zhilong would never have had such an idea in his dreams.

Suddenly, Zhao Han said: "If I prohibit the Red Boiled Ghost from coming to Guangzhou to trade, can Brother Zheng charge less money from the maritime merchants who hold the Guangdong Shipping Company brand?"

"Okay." Zheng Zhilong smiled.

This is a deal.

Zheng Zhilong wanted to fight the Dutch, and Zhao Han would not allow the Dutch to come to Guangzhou, which would weaken the strength of the Dutch.

And those maritime merchants have to pay Zheng Zhilong protection fees. From now on, as long as they get the brand in Guangzhou, they can pay less maritime protection fees. After all, Zhao Han has to collect tariffs, and Zheng Zhilong has to collect protection fees, which will reduce the profits of the maritime merchants.

Pressed too low.

Now the two parties are in a cooperative relationship, just like Daming and Zheng Zhilong are also in a cooperative relationship.

Even, due to Zheng Zhilong's strength, the imperial court would choose not to see that Zheng Zhilong could cooperate with Daming and Zhao Han at the same time.

Zheng Sen kept listening, looking at Zhao Han for a while, Fei Ruhe for a while, and staring at the map again. He didn't know what he was thinking.

After chatting for a while, Zhao Han arranged for them to rest first. After all, they were tired from the journey. After they had rested, they could have a banquet and chat.

After being taken to the guest room, there were only two people left in the waiting room. Zheng Sen asked: "Can this Zhao Han really win the world?"

Zheng Zhilong sighed: "With the strength of one province, and sending troops to Huguang and Guangdong at the same time, the situation will be like this in two or three months. Not to mention that he can conquer the world, but half of the country south of the Yangtze River can still be easily captured. We have to beg for food in the south.

If you want to eat, you will have to rely on this person from now on. If you really want to show off your face, it will not be good for everyone."


Zheng Sen's dream at this time was to pass the Ming Dynasty Jinshi examination and then become a high-ranking official in the court.

How can living a life at sea be as comfortable as holding power in a court?

This chapter has been completed!
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