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271 【Change】

"Headquarters, the prefect of Qiongzhou has surrendered." Zhang Bingwen sent a military report.


Zhao Han was quite surprised.

Before even landing by boat, the top official of Hainan Island surrendered directly to the city.

When I opened the military newspaper and read it, I immediately burst into laughter.

Jiang Yiming, the prefect of Qiongzhou, was just a scholar. He spent money to recruit tribute to the Imperial Academy, and then spent money to find a real job. No matter how remote Qiongzhou Prefecture is, a scholar can reach the limit of being a prefect, and he will never be promoted again in this life.


Moreover, Jiang Yiming is from Quanzhou, Guangxi, which is close to Huguang.

If he does not surrender, Jiang Yiming will have no hope of promotion, and his hometown is likely to be beaten. This guy is very smart, and he took the initiative to write a letter to Zhang Tieniu, and cooperated internally and externally to donate the capital of Qiongzhou.

Now Zhang Tieniu crossed the sea and occupied the three cities of Qiongzhou, Chengmai and Ding'an.

Lingao County looked forward to surrender.

Putting down the military report, Zhao Han said to Zhang Bingwen: "Instruct the magistrate of Nanhai County, Panyu County, Xiangshan County, the Mission Department and the Farmers' Association. If there is not enough land for the three counties and the excess population is moved to Qiongzhou Island, let them arrange immigration matters immediately.

Officials were transferred to Qiongzhou Prefecture to allocate fields."

Zhang Bingwen immediately sat down and called Hu Mengtai over. After the two of them finished writing the official document, Zhao Han checked it, signed and sealed it, and sent it out.

There are too many people along the coast of Guangzhou and there is not enough land to distribute. A group of people must be relocated, otherwise it will be difficult to stop smuggling.

It just so happens that he can be transferred to develop Hainan Island, killing two birds with one stone.

Alas, we have to immigrate again, and most of the food shipped from Jiangxi has been consumed.

There is no shortage of money. The four major issues in Guangdong can provide a large amount of tax revenue every month. But even if you have money, you can't buy food. Guangdong has suffered three consecutive years of severe disasters and three consecutive years of war. The landlords' food reserves are running low.


After thinking for a while, Zhao Han said to Zhang Bingwen: "Instruct Zhang Tieniu, the hereditary general of Qiongzhou Prefecture, to confiscate all the properties of those with more than a hundred acres of land! The land will be distributed to military households and common people, and food will be supplied to the immigrants. We must wait until the immigrants harvest next year.


There are many military camps on Hainan Island, but apart from dealing with the Li people in the mountains, there have not been many wars in the past two hundred years.

These hereditary military generals have occupied an unknown amount of land and hidden a large number of people.

After various orders were issued, Zhao Han said to Zhang Bingwen: "I will return to Ji'an in a few days. You can stay and be the prefect of Qiongzhou."

"Is this considered exile?" After following Zhao Han for more than half a year, Zhang Bingwen was already qualified to joke.

Zhao Han said sincerely: "Thank you for your hard work. From now on, the main tasks are to resettle the refugees, reclaim wasteland, and educate the Li people."

Since the incident began, Zhang Bingwen is the third person to be promoted in addition to the newly established officials.

There is no way to establish a new organization, such as the navy. Gu Jianshan has been the commander of the navy since he arrived, so he needs to train the navy from scratch. Song Yingxing, Tian Younian and others all fall into this situation.

The first person to be over-promoted was Liu Huan, the magistrate of Ganzhou during the Ming Dynasty. Due to the complex situation in southern Gansu, he directly served as the magistrate of Ganzhou after the surrender.

The second super-promoter was Deng Yunzhan, a scholar from Guangzhou who came to join him and was directly promoted to head of the Guangdong Shipping Department.

The third one is Zhang Bingwen, the envoy to the right of Jiangxi Province surrendered and only served as Zhao Han's secretary for a few months. Now he will be transferred to be the prefect of Qiongzhou.

At this time, the magistrate of Qiongzhou in the Ming Dynasty was a scholar, so it was easy to imagine that he was not in a good position.

Similar to hair distribution.

Zhang Bingwen raised his hand and said: "Do your best."

Zhao Han said with a smile: "If things go well, you will be promoted to the right chief minister of Guangdong in three years."

Zhang Bingwen suddenly felt motivated. He was already fifty-three years old this year. He really had to slowly get through the transition from county magistrate to fear that he would die of old age once he was promoted to magistrate.

Zhao Hanzhen left immediately. He came to Guangzhou for three purposes: first, to meet Zheng Zhilong, second, to meet the Portuguese, and third, to intimidate Guangzhou merchants.

Now that the matter is done, what else is there left to do?

Zhao Han needs to rush back to Ji'an to make a series of administrative adjustments.

The Chief Secretary of the Ming Dynasty was renamed as a province, and Jiangxi Province, Hunan Province, and Guangdong Province were established.

Following the old system of the Ming Dynasty, each province has a Chief Secretary, a Chief Supervisor, a General Command Department, and administrative, judicial, and military powers.

The Capital Command Department is temporarily vacant. Its relevant functions and powers belong to the Military Affairs Department and the Military Academy. The Capital Command Department in each province will not be established until at least the south is unified.

Jiangxi Province: Ouyang Zheng, the chief envoy to the left, and Huo Tao, the chief envoy to the right.

Guangdong Province: Liu Ziren, the political envoy to the left, Liu Mai, the political envoy to the right.

Hunan Province: Yuan Yunlong, the chief envoy to the left, and Wan Hongsheng, the chief envoy to the right.

This is a huge change. In the past, the affairs of Jiangxi Province were actually under the responsibility of the General Military Office, but now provincial-level institutions have finally been established.

Different from the Ming Dynasty, Zhao Han's provincial officials did not have left and right parties to participate in politics and left and right council meetings. Instead, they set up the Department of Official Selection, the Department of Propaganda and Education, the Department of Finance, the Department of Industry and Commerce, etc., and the directors of the departments were responsible for affairs in related fields.

A large number of officials are about to be promoted!

Arrangements for coastal trade will be handled by the Guangdong Department of Industry and Commerce. The trade name system for exclusive trade will be thoroughly promoted. To put it bluntly, it is the "company system." In the future, if you want to open a factory and trade, you must obtain a trade name issued by the Department of Industry and Commerce.


Knowing that Zhao Han was leaving, Guangzhou merchants came to see him off one after another.

Looking at the fleet of ships drifting away, wealthy businessman Guan Jialun sighed: "This King of Hell, Zhao, is finally gone."

"The King of Hell Zhao is gone, but the guard in black is still there." Huang Xuanshen shook his head.

Feng Yucheng said: "Let's do business honestly from now on."

It’s not okay to do business dishonestly. These wealthy businessmen engaged in smuggling because Europeans could not come directly to Guangzhou to trade. Therefore, they had an opportunity to take advantage of it and secretly hired fishermen to transport goods from Guangzhou to Macau. In this way, they avoided the market.

The shipping company engages in smuggling.

Now it’s great, merchants from all over the world can trade in Guangzhou.

Moreover, cargo transportation in Xijiang is liberalized. A large number of commodities from Jiangxi, Huguang, and Guangxi can be transported directly to Macau through Xijiang.

In a word, the maritime ban is completely lifted, and serious maritime merchants do not need to smuggle goods.

As for those fishermen who were engaged in smuggling in the past, they have now been allocated land, and they can farm and fish at the same time. Some of the fishermen who were not allocated land were recruited by the navy, and some will immigrate to Qiongzhou.

All the merchants had mixed feelings.

The worry is that it will lose its monopoly on export trade.

The good news is that in the future, we can do business without paying bribes, and we don't have to worry about officials taking advantage of them. Any official who dares to act recklessly should report it directly to the Integrity Department.

This time Zhao Han killed two families, one surnamed Xie and the other surnamed Xu. All the male members of the clan were captured and either beheaded or mined, and the women were forcibly distributed to unmarried soldiers.

The reason was to bribe officials, and a lot of bad things were discovered immediately.

For example, the Xu family is involved in human trafficking!

Just when Zhao Han's fleet disappeared, a group of official officers suddenly appeared and escorted more than 60 people to the dock.

Rich businessman Deng Yunqiu was so frightened that he trembled all over: "Which family are you going to kill again this time?"

"Go over and have a look."

This time it was just an ordinary official mission, not the hell princes of the Department of Integrity.

An official announced: "These sixty-two people are all walking sticks. They abducted good people, kidnapped, extorted, and killed people. The walking sticks from Nanhai and Panyu counties are all here, and more than 30 walking sticks were arrested in Xiangshan County. From now on,

If you have any clues, you can come and report it to the authorities. Don’t be afraid of revenge from those bad guys!”


Swish, brush, brush!

A group of ten people lined up to behead, and saw heads falling one after another.


"Well done!"

There were thunderous cheers on the pier. Everyone hated these kidnappers. No matter in the country or in the city, there were always men and women missing, and they were all blamed on these guys.


Swish, brush, brush!

The swords fell one after another, and the number of onlookers increased. This section of the dock has become an execution ground, and a group of people are killed every few days.

In order to prevent the plague, after killing, not only was it cleaned, but also lime was sprinkled for disinfection.

"Long live King Zhao!"

"Long live King Zhao!"

I don't know who took the lead in shouting, and countless people followed.

First, they killed gangsters, then they killed corrupt officials, then they killed traffickers, and they also killed a group of profiteers. At the same time, they released domestic slaves, eliminated lowly status, gave homeless people household registration, and allocated land to farmers and military households.

After a series of measures, Zhao Han has won the hearts and minds of the people of Guangzhou.

Especially those vagrants and small traders. After the opening of the sea, the number of ships in Guangzhou increased and trade became more prosperous. The days of vagrants and small traders became more and more prosperous, and even those who carried a load selling wonton noodles at the pier could make a fortune.

While shouting and shouting, someone suddenly knelt down in the distance, which was the direction Zhao Han left by boat.

Seeing more and more people kneeling down, the merchants were frightened and drove home in their sedan chairs.

There were also merchants who took the opportunity to make money and asked their clerks to come to the pier to sell books.

""Collection of Datong", "Collection of Datong", only costs five coins a copy."

"Color-engraved version of "The Records of Female Generals of Datong", each set costs four taels of silver. The price is not much, so if you want to buy it, hurry up, first come first served!"

""Datong Opera Collection", comes with music scores, a set of one tael of silver!"

"The novel "The Great Journey" costs two taels of silver per set!"


Power always brings cultural trends, especially Wu Bing's "Da Tong Ji". A diary-style novel that records the real life of all walks of life in Jiangxi, people here in Guangdong are extremely yearning for it.

This novel is also interspersed with many bizarre cases and twists and turns of love.

What about ordinary people suing an official and winning, about a son of a noble family marrying a good prostitute, and about a domestic slave marrying a young lady after becoming an official? These contents are widely circulated and are talked about in the streets of Guangzhou. Even the illiterate people have heard it.

At this moment, in a teahouse in Guangzhou, there was a storyteller telling a story, holding a book of the same journal in his hand: "But it is said that in Tangshui Village, Jishui County, Ji'an Prefecture, Jiangxi Province, there was a slave named Liu Cong. Liu Cong was born handsome.

He is tall and well-educated. The teacher at home gives lectures to the young master, and Liu Cong often eavesdrops. There is a young lady in the family, the third eldest, who is born with natural beauty and national beauty..."

The story of a house slave marrying a young lady made the tea drinkers intoxicated and some scholars shouted that it was ridiculous.

The social structure of Guangzhou is undergoing drastic changes.

Zhao Han left Guangzhou for a month and a half when suddenly a merchant ship fled to Macau: "The ghost of the red beetle is coming, the ghost of the red beetle is coming!"

The Dutch finally showed up, not only from Taiwan, but also from Batavia (Jakarta, Indonesia).

(Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.)

This chapter has been completed!
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