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275 [Lingnan Three Loyalty]

After giving the reward, everyone dispersed.

Zhao Han smiled and waved: "Come here."

Pan Qimei studied Mandarin unexpectedly for a month, and her vocabulary was less than 100. She imitated the behavior of a Han girl, bowed and said, "Happy husband!"

The accent is a bit weird, but quite interesting.

"Stop standing around and come into the room to talk." Zhao Han said with a smile.

Pan Qimei didn't quite understand, but she still followed her and crossed the threshold gracefully.

Zhao Han picked up the teapot and was about to pour tea when Pan Qimei immediately came over, held the handle of the teapot and said, "I...I..."

"Pour tea?" Zhao Han asked.

Pan Qimei nodded repeatedly: "I'll pour...tea."

Zhao Han sat down and asked: "How old are you this year?"

Pan Qimei was a little confused while holding the teapot. It seemed that her husband had taught her this Chinese sentence, but it seemed that she had not.

At this time, Bapai Yao was highly sinicized. The closer it was to the county seat, the more Yao people could speak Chinese. However, Pan Qimei was an authentic mountain girl and had never left the village since she was a child.

Zhao Han had a headache and immediately called the guards, hoping to find someone from the wedding party who could speak Chinese.

I quickly found someone, but he only spoke Cantonese, so I had to add a Cantonese translator.

The concubine Zhao Han had just adopted, if he wanted to communicate with each other, he needed two translators...

"What's your name?" Zhao Han asked.

The Cantonese translator relayed it immediately, and the Yao translator relayed it again.

Pan Qimei replied: "My surname is Pan and my name is Pan Qimei."

"Is there only a surname but no first name?" Zhao Han asked.

Pan Qimei didn't need to answer this time. The Yao translator explained: "In the main town, not only women, but many Yao family men also have only surnames, and they are named after their family ranking."

Zhao Han summoned Hu Mengtai and ordered: "Write it down. The teachers sent to Yao Village in the future... not only Yao Village, but also Tong Village (Zhuang) and Miao Village, the teachers must give Chinese names to the local people. Otherwise,

There must be a lot of duplicate names in this household register, which is extremely unfavorable for government household registration management."

As a secretary, Hu Mengtai immediately took out his small notebook and wrote it down.

Zhao Han said: "From now on, you will be called Pan Yao, Yao from the Yao tribe."

"Panyao, Panyao," Pan Qimei repeated in Chinese and said with a smile, "Okay, Panyao is a very nice name."

The little girl has pear dimples when she smiles, which makes her look even cuter.

Zhao Han asked again: "How old are you?"

"Sixteen." Pan Qimei replied.

Zhao Han directly asked the Yao translator: "Are you talking about virtual age or real age?"

Yao language translation says: "Void age."

Well, a girl who is only 15 years old is really mature.

Do you eat papaya every day? Your breasts are so big.

Moreover, the waist is not thick yet, and I don’t know how it grows.

"How many people are in the family?"

"There are eight families, and several of my sisters are married."


After some chatting, Pan Qimei completely relaxed and felt that Zhao Tianwang was easy to get along with.

After dinner in the evening, everyone else dispersed, leaving only Zhao Han and Pan Qimei.

Not sure whether it was the etiquette teacher's random teaching or the traditional custom of Bapaiyao, Pan Qimei stood in front of the dinner table and did not dare to sit down.

The two sides couldn't communicate, and she could only stand there stupidly.

Zhao Han smiled and took her hand: "Sit down and eat."

"Okay." Pan Qimei smiled happily after sitting down.

However, Zhao Han held her hand and held it open. When he opened his fingers, he saw that there were many calluses on his palm. Looking at the back of his hand, he also found some scars. After they healed, they left very shallow marks. It was probably caused by the rice leaves being cut while harvesting the rice.


It seems that he often does farm work, but his face is very fair, maybe because he is wearing a straw hat, and his face is not exposed to the sun much.

Zhao Han pulled up her sleeves. The skin on her wrists was similar in color to the back of her hands, much darker than her face.

"You Yao elders are really thoughtful." Zhao Han couldn't help but laugh.

Pan Qimei didn't understand and just laughed along with Zhao Han.

"Have a meal."

Zhao Han was afraid that she didn't know how to use chopsticks, so he was about to hide it when Pan Qimei had already picked up her chopsticks and was about to pick up the food.

Seeing that Zhao Han didn't move his chopsticks first, Pan Qimei put down his chopsticks again. This kind of etiquette was probably taught by his husband. Ba Paiyao specially hired a gentleman to teach him etiquette and Chinese speaking at the same time.

Zhao Han smiled and picked up a peanut and gave it to her.

Peanuts and broad beans have been introduced to China for hundreds of years, and their planting areas were very wide at this time.

Zhao Han invented "Gongbao Chicken", which not only quickly became popular in Jiangxi, but also became very popular in Jiangnan provinces. It is called "Zongzhen Chicken" here in Jiangxi, and "Shizi Chicken" over there in Jiangnan. Anyway, this thing

Some areas like it.

Dinner for two, three dishes and one soup.

One meat and two vegetables is not a luxury.

Pan Qimei ate a peanut and thought it tasted weird, but very delicious. She picked up a piece of diced chicken, and her eyes suddenly widened. She finished most of the plate and a whole bowl of dry rice.

It's not the kind of small bowl that can be held in one hand.

So, the attribute is a foodie lolita with a childlike appearance?

Zhao Han felt that he should be reminded in the future that if you don't do physical work every day, you will easily gain weight if you eat so much.

Pan Qimei sat down after eating, savoring the food and waiting for Zhao Han to speak. Although she didn't understand, it would not be so awkward if someone spoke.

Zhao Han called the accompanying maid and took Pan Qimei to take a bath, while he sat and slowly processed the official documents.

This Yao girl doesn't know anything. When she returns to Jiangxi, she must first learn to speak Chinese and then be sent to a girls' school to study with her younger sister.

Sitting in front of the desk, I casually opened the official documents, but it turned out that Baoqing and Yongzhou were suffering from drought for three consecutive years. Since the officials had not yet arrived, the officers at the front explained the situation and requested that food relief be allocated as soon as possible, otherwise people would definitely starve to death this winter.

Alas, it's his mother's grain adjustment and disaster relief again. Where can Jiangxi have enough grain?

Zhao Han quickly gave instructions to kill a group of landowners who had committed heinous crimes, and then forced other landowners to borrow grain. This should be able to raise a lot, but if it didn't work, just copy more, since Zhao Han had no surplus grain in his hand anyway.

After next summer's harvest, we must capture the Dongting Lake Plain, which is the real granary of the world!

After approving this matter, Zhao Han picked up the document again, but it was an article written by a folk scholar, called "Guangdong Land Affairs Essentials".

It discusses in detail the complexity of landowners in Guangdong, hopes that Zhao Han can fine-tune the policy reasonably, and points out some mistakes and omissions made by the Farmers' Association in allocating land in Shunde County.

"Come here, call Zhang Jiayu!"

Zhang Jiayu was twenty-two years old this year. Just six days after passing the exam, the city of Guangzhou was taken away by merchants and dedicated to Zhao Han.

This gentleman originally did not want to be a thief, but for no apparent reason, his family was assigned land. It was not land, but land, because he was born in a poor peasant family.

This, this, this... this was so embarrassing, Zhang Jiayu immediately took the initiative to join him, and also brought a group of Jianghu rangers.

He is also restless, taking exams and wandering around in the world at the same time.

Historically, this man was one of the Three Loyalists of Lingnan.

But he was very loyal. When Li Zicheng arrived in Beijing, Chongzhen was not dead yet, so Zhang Jiayu wrote a letter to surrender.

After Li Zicheng was defeated and fled, Zhang Jiayu refused to surrender to the Manchus alive and well, and ran to Nanjing to seek refuge with Emperor Hongguang. Because he had betrayed him, he was arrested and imprisoned by the small court of the Southern Ming Dynasty.

When the Qing army invaded Nanjing, Zhang Jiayu still refused to surrender and went to Fuzhou to seek refuge with Emperor Longwu.

Relying on his reputation in the world, he summoned heroes to fight against the Manchus, and was injured several times. The last time, he was hit by nine arrows, refused to surrender, and committed suicide by jumping into a pond. He was only thirty-one years old, and was given the posthumous title of "Wen Lie".

"Dong dong dong!"

"Come in!"

Zhang Jiayu pushed open the door and entered, wearing a Confucian shirt and an iron sword hanging from his waist.

Zhao Han ignored the weapon on his body and asked: "Who is the author of this article, Mr. Iwano? Say the name, but no font size."

Zhang Jiayu replied: "Mr. Iwano is Chen Bangyan."

Zhao Han sighed immediately and asked casually: "Is that Chen Bangyan who many scholars recommended and recruited but refused to come?"

"Exactly." Zhang Jiayu cupped his hands and said.

Chen Bangyan, one of the three loyalists in Lingnan in the late Ming Dynasty, is currently teaching in the countryside. Whenever local officials have undecided political affairs, they will consult him for his opinion.

Four words, one comes from a rich family!

It was precisely because Zhao Han forcibly divided the land that the Chen family suffered heavy losses, so Chen Bangyan refused to be recruited. Unexpectedly, when Zhao Han left Guangzhou, he took the initiative to write an article pointing out the omissions of Zhao Han's Tianzheng.

This man is restless, full of economics, failed in the imperial examinations, and has no way to serve the country.

Historically, when the small court in Nanjing was established, Chen Bangyan immediately wrote the "Zhongxing Politicians", which contained tens of thousands of words, listed 32 strategies for saving the country, and ran to Nanjing alone to present it to Emperor Hongguang.

Emperor Hongguang got "Zhongxing Politburo", but it had too many words and was too lazy to read.

Later, enabled by Emperor Longwu, Chen Bangyan led troops to resist the Qing Dynasty. The concubine and his two sons were captured by the Qing army, forcing him to surrender immediately. Chen Bangyan replied: "I humiliated her, and my son killed me. As a loyal minister, I have no regard for justice."


Then, Chen Bangyan withdrew from Guangzhou and turned to attack Sanshui, Xinhui, and Xiangshan, winning three battles and three victories.

While defending Qingyuan City, the Qing army dug tunnels and blew open the city wall. Chen Bangyan's second son died in a street fight. Chen Bangyan himself was stabbed three times and threw himself into the water but was picked up by the Qing army. He was taken to Guangzhou, but Chen Bangyan still refused to surrender.

, went on a hunger strike for five days in prison and was killed by the Qing army.

Among the three Lingnan loyalists, one was named Chen Zizhuang, who lived in Guangzhou at this time.

The whole family also died tragically, and Chen Zizhuang died the most tragically because he was the leader of the Anti-Qing Dynasty in Guangdong.

He was tied and sawed in half from the top of his head. Due to the shaking of his body, he could only cut off the scalp. Chen Zizhuang shouted to the executioner: "Idiot, people in the world (sawing) need to use wooden boards!"

The executioner quickly tied Chen Zizhuang to a wooden board and sawed him open alive.

After the Tianling Cap was sawed open, Chen Zizhuang was still reciting a fatal poem: "Where do the golden branches go, and whose house are the jade leaves? The old root once wished to die and vowed not to bloom spring flowers."

His younger brother Chen Zisheng took his mother and hid in the mountains. After hearing about his son's death, Chen's mother hanged herself from a beam. His concubine Zhang Yuqiao was taken in by the Manchu general Li Chengliang. When she heard about her husband's death, she committed suicide.

Chen Zizhuang was dismissed from office by Chongzhen as the right minister of the Ministry of Rites and returned to his hometown.

As long as he is willing to take refuge, scholars from Guangdong will definitely flock to him. Unfortunately, this man also comes from a wealthy family and is very dissatisfied with Zhao Han's behavior of dividing the land.

"Alas, of the three loyalties in Lingnan, we only have one and a half loyalties." Zhao Han sighed again.

Zhang Jiayu asked: "Who are the three Lingnan loyalists?"

Zhao Han said perfunctorily: "Heroes of ancient times."

Among the three loyalists in Lingnan, one came to serve on his own initiative, one only wrote articles and made suggestions, and the other hid in the academy. Didn't he gain half of the loyalties?

This chapter has been completed!
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