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028 [Traveler's specialty: storytelling]

Wei Jianxiong has helped to complete all the procedures for enrolling in Hanzhu Academy. After receiving the wooden sign (student ID card), you can eat in the cafeteria.

Generally speaking, private schools in ancient times did not have canteens because they were very close to home. Only academies would provide food and accommodation, because academies were more advanced, and the famous ones could even attract students from other provinces.

Hanzhu Mountain is very interesting. It was only a private school at first, and gradually expanded into an academy.

Take Fei's family in Ehu as an example. It's a long way from Ehu Town by boat, and you have to get off the boat and walk several miles. How can you do it without building a canteen?

Zhao Han came to the canteen and found that he didn't have to fetch the food himself, as servants had already brought it to the table.

Five or six children sat around a table, serving meat, vegetables and soup.

Excluding day students and those who bring their own meals, there are not many students in the cafeteria. Including their book boys, there are only twenty or thirty people in total.

The private school teachers also sat at the same table.

Zhao Han took a bowl to beat the rice, but Fei Ruhe sat still, leaving Fei Chun to help him fill it.

After sitting down, Zhao Han was about to start eating when he picked up his chopsticks and put them down again because no one moved their chopsticks.

The teacher's table.

A young teaching assistant shouted at the top of his lungs: "School children recite poems!"

The canteen immediately resounded with the sound of reciting a poem loudly: "It is noon on the day of hoeing, and the sweat is dripping from the weeds. Who knows that every grain of food on the plate is hard work."

Everyone, including Fei Ruhe, was reciting poems, changing his stubbornness in the classroom.

After reciting the poem, the young teaching assistant respectfully said: "Gentlemen, please use your chopsticks!"

The older teacher picked up the chopsticks, which was a signal. All the students also picked up the chopsticks, and Fei Ruhe simply buried his head and wolfed down the food.

Zhao Han couldn't help but smile when he saw this. The cafeteria was actually more disciplined than the classroom.

Zhao Han had just taken a few bites, but Fei Ruhe had already finished a bowl, and Fei Chun quickly ran to help the young master add rice.


After eating four bowls in a row, Fei Ruhe covered his belly and burped: "I'm full, I feel good."

He is also a hard worker, this guy has a really big appetite.

Zhao Han also ate two bowls, returned to the dormitory with Fei Ruhe, and took the sign to pick up the quilt.

Fei Chun dragged out several weapons from under the bed.

Fei Ruhe said: "Choose one by yourself."

There are spears, knives, swords, and sticks... all of them are unbladed and are used exclusively for daily training.

Fei Ruhe took a knife, Fei Chun took a stick, and Zhao Han of course chose a spear.

Together with lunch time, you can take a two-hour break at noon, and the three of you go to the Houshan Bamboo Forest together.

Fei Ruhe started by swinging his sword and did not practice any martial arts routines. He only practiced simple chopping, slashing, sweeping, intercepting, piercing, lifting, hanging and other moves.

Fei Chun is obviously a showman. He doesn't want to endure hardship and has been practicing stick skills.

After playing around for a while, Fei Ruhe was out of breath and sheathed the knife. Seeing that Zhao Han just stabbed repeatedly, he couldn't help but ask: "Uncle Wei taught you this?"

"How do you know, Master?" Zhao Han asked back.

Fei Ruhe said with a smile: "When I asked him to teach me swordsmanship, he only taught me one move, the forward split, and said he would teach me the next move after I had mastered it."

Zhao Han asked curiously: "Who is the young master's martial arts teacher?"

"Of course it's Fourth Uncle," Fei Ruhe said and reminded, "Don't tell my father, he doesn't know that Fourth Uncle taught me martial arts."

"I see." Zhao Han couldn't help but become curious about the fourth uncle.

Until now, the fourth young master of the Fei family in Ehu has never been seen. It is said that he went to Nanchang for a trip.

Fei Ruhe stuck the knife on the ground, took the opportunity to rest and said, "Do you know which Fei ancestor I admire the most?"

Zhao Han replied: "It must be Duke Ehu (Fei Hong)."

Fei Hong was the second Jinshi of the Fei family in Qianshan. He ranked first in the boy examination at the age of thirteen, and in the provincial examination at the age of sixteen. He won the first prize at the age of twenty, and was the youngest number one scholar in the Ming Dynasty for hundreds of years.

"No, no," Fei Ruhe said with a smile, "The one I admire most is Tang Qugong (Fei Yaonian)!"

Fei Yaonian was the last famous minister of the Qianshan Fei family. He was very talented since he was a child. But when he was ten years old, he suddenly went to learn martial arts from his seventh uncle. He was an expert in riding horses and was proficient in strategy. As a result, he delayed his studies and was ignored by his elders.

He entered the academy and studied hard for two years. At the age of sixteen, he was finally admitted as a scholar, and at the age of twenty-four, he was admitted as a Jinshi.

When this monarch was supervising the construction of the Wanshou Bridge in the palace, he saved millions of taels of silver due to careful budgeting, so he was impeached by the powerful and sent to a local garrison. He also punished grain merchants in Fujian, stabilized prices, offended the chief officials and wealthy families, and was forced to be promoted to Suzhou Military Academy.

The Suzhou tycoon was also severely affected by the calamity, causing him to be promoted and transferred again. After that, he was often promoted at the same level. Although he had outstanding political achievements, his promotion was very slow. He only served as the chief envoy to the left of Guangdong... to manage people's livelihood, supervise construction projects, and train troops for war.

, knew everything, and was eventually thrown to Nanjing to live a free life. Fei Yaonian was so angry that he resigned and returned home.

Fei Ruhe raised his big sword and said in a powerful voice: "If a man is alive and cannot bring peace to the country, then he will be a hero!"

Do you want to be a hero, robbing the rich and giving to the poor?

The richest family here is the Fei family. If you have the guts to rob your own family, then do it.

Fei Ruhe suddenly asked: "Have you ever watched "Water Margin"?"

Zhao Han nodded and said, "I've seen it."

Fei Ruhe asked again: "Which hero do you like best?"

Zhao Han thought for a while: "Lu Zhishen."

Fei Ruhe patted his belly: "I like Lu Junyi the most. From now on, I will be Lu Junyi, and you will be Yan Qing!"

Fei Chun couldn't help but interject: "Master, you said you wanted me to be Yan Qing's."

Fei Ruhe said disgustedly: "You are not good at martial arts. You are always lazy in training."

Fei Chun hesitated to speak, feeling aggrieved, like a resentful woman who had been abandoned by her lover.

Zhao Han reminded: "Lu Junyi ended badly. He was poisoned to death by a traitor."

"That's why Song Jiang is such a bastard," Fei Ruhe said angrily, "If I were Lu Junyi, I would kill Song Jiang and take the top spot in Liangshan!"

Zhao Han shut up, there are so many things to say.

Fei Ruhe added: "Song Jiang is not a good man, and Li Kui who listened to him is not a good man either. Li Kui was a thief who even killed innocent children. When I read "Water Margin", I was so angry that I died from the book!"

Well, it seems that the three views are quite correct.

If a young man does not read "Water Margin", he will easily go down a wrong path. Zhao Han felt that he should be guided. So he said: "How good is "Water Margin"? I will tell the young master a more exciting story."

Fei Ruhe asked doubtfully: "Can anything be more exciting than "Water Margin"?"

"Of course," Zhao Han opened his mouth, "Let's say that during the Five Dynasties, there was an old man collecting herbs in Zhongnan Mountain. One day, he went to the mountains to collect herbs. Suddenly the mountains shook and the old man fell into a cave on the cliff. Rescue

A pangolin told the old man shocking news. But it was the pangolin that accidentally penetrated the Demon Suppressing Cave and released two thousand-year-old demons..."

Children, what are you reading "Water Margin"?

"Calabash Baby" is more suitable!

The ancients had never heard of this. Fei Ruhe and Fei Chun were quickly attracted.


Zhao Han was frothing at the mouth when he said: "The gourd fell to the ground, but there was a loud noise, and a boy split the gourd and came out. The boy wore a gourd in his bun, and was dressed in flaming red clothes. His skirt was also a gourd leaf. This boy

, is the eldest brother among the seven gourd babies. He is extremely powerful and has supernatural powers. He can become as big as a mountain and can crush monsters to death with just one kick..."

Fei Ruhe and Fei Chun were stunned when they heard this, and wished they could go home and plant gourds immediately.

"But they say that the second child is also born with supernatural powers. His eyes can see thousands of miles away, and his ears can hear in all directions. As the saying goes, clairvoyance and ears that follow the wind...the third child has a copper head and iron arms, and is invulnerable to weapons and weapons..."

"Okay, that's it for today. If you want to know what happens next, let's listen to the explanation next time!"

Fei Ruhe suddenly became anxious: "No, let's continue talking. Did these three children rescue the eldest brother and the second brother?"

Fei Chun also said: "Yes, brother, please tell me quickly, I feel like a cat scratching my head."

Zhao Han smiled proudly: "That's all I'll talk about today, don't delay studying and practicing martial arts."

Fei Ruhe scolded Fei Chun: "I will give you money for listening to the book. If you give me money soon, I will tell you another paragraph."

Fei Chun quickly took out a handful of copper coins and said flatteringly: "Brother, tell me quickly."

Zhao Han took the copper coins and said angrily: "We are all brothers, but you are using these stupid things to insult me. I won't say anything!"

Fei Chun was speechless and thought: Then you should return the money to me.

Fei Ruhe had no choice but to ask: "Good brother, how can I say another paragraph?"

Zhao Han held his head high and stood with his hands behind his back: "For the sake of the young master, I will finish telling Sanwa's story today. If you still want to hear the rest, you are not allowed to cause trouble in class and you must make progress in your homework."

"Okay, I won't cause trouble, please tell Sanwa." Fei Ruhe said quickly.

"Ahem," Zhao Han cleared his throat, "but he said that Sanwa, with his bronze head and iron arms, was invulnerable. He entered the monster cave, and ordinary swords could not hurt him at all. A bat spirit flew over and threw a flying fork with all his strength. Sanwa

Without dodging or dodging, the flying fork fell on him, and the fork tip made of fine steel was bent and useless. Another centipede spirit came with an axe, chopping it out, and the ax head made several holes...

If you want to know what happens next, let’s listen to the explanation next time!”

Fei Ruhe felt itchy after hearing this: "Good brother, let's talk about it again. It's time for the fourth baby to be born? What kind of magical powers does the fourth baby have?"

Zhao Han picked up the spear and practiced thrusting, and said with a smile: "Practice martial arts!"

Fei Ruhe had no choice but to practice with his sword, practicing it. He was upset and said to Fei Chun: "Go and find some gourd seeds. I want to plant gourds."

Fei Chun complained endlessly: "Master, where can I find gourd seeds?"

Fei Ruhe immediately scolded: "This kind of thing can't be done, how about you become the young master?"

Fei Chun trotted out of the bamboo forest and searched for gourd seeds all over the world.

This chapter has been completed!
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