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307 [Gu Yanwu]

"Kill his whole family and pay with blood!"

"Search the house, search the house!"

In the middle of the night, Mao Qiling sat up suddenly, breaking into a sweat all over his body.

In three days, he watched two public trials and three grievance meetings.

There was a public trial, and angry domestic slaves rushed to the stage, and countless tenants responded. Due to the insufficient number of Datong soldiers, a group of civilians were used to maintain order, but they could not stop the angry people at all. Seven were killed on the spot and twelve were injured.

One gentleman even had his heart ripped out.

Mao Qiling had never seen such a scene. He had nightmares for several nights and always felt that his own family was being tried.

If he hadn't led a crowd to sacrifice the city, the Mao family would have been put on trial. Your honor!

early morning.

Mao Qiling went out with dark circles under his eyes, only to see two personal guards guarding the door.

"Mr. Mao, hurry up and eat, there is another one today." said one of the guards.

One more game?

Mao Qiling's legs were weak and he begged: "Brother, can you tell the town chief that I have accepted the offer and am willing to be an official to help allocate the fields?"

"Okay." The guard smiled.

Those who take the initiative to surrender or rebel can directly serve as officials as long as they are literate, but they cannot work as errands in the county. Those who are illiterate can work as officials in the county to restore order in the county as soon as possible.

If local people are not used, how can the officials brought by Zhao Han be enough?

A few days later, Mao Qiling was thrown to Lin'an County as an official. This gangster's mouth became much better for the time being, and it is estimated that he will not dare to speak nonsense after half a year.

It is impossible to change, and one day the old behavior will definitely relapse.

As for Qian Qianyi.

"Master, there is a scholar handing me a greeting card." The servant came in to report.

"No!" Qian Qianyi said.

This guy is very good at maneuvering and does not offend people easily. During the small court of Nanming Dynasty, Ruan Dacheng worked with Fushe, but he could not offend anyone and went to bribe villains to get a high position.

After observing the situation, Qian Qianyi had figured out Zhao Han's path.

Qian Muzhai will be a selfless and selfless minister from now on!

Qian Qianyi's body is very soft and can be completely transformed into another shape according to the needs of those in power.

Qian Qianyi took out an employment contract, called the two domestic slaves, and handed them to the west: "The Theory of Personality in Zongzhen is the most important theory in the world. In terms of personality, everyone's life

There is no difference between good and bad. You two have been with me for many years, and now you are free. This is a three-year employment contract. If you are willing, just sign it."

"Don't dare. Life belongs to the master, and death belongs to the master." The two slaves immediately knelt down.

Qian Qianyi made a sulky look: "Get up quickly, how can you kneel down all the time? How unbecoming is it? The new dynasty should look like a new dynasty, and you are not allowed to kneel again from now on!"


The two domestic slaves stood up and signed the employment contract. They were actually very happy.

"Go." Qian Qianyi waved his hand.

After the two domestic slaves and servants left, Qian Qianyi picked up his brush and began to write an article praising the division of land and the release of slaves.

This guy is indeed very knowledgeable. He cited various scriptures and scriptures, not only expounding the rationality of dividing the land and freeing slaves, but also praised Zhao Han as an eternal sage.

After writing the article and polishing it, Qian Qianyi immediately asked to see Zhao Han.

When he saw Zhao Han, Qian Qianyi no longer looked like he was following the crowd. He strode forward with his head held high and his chest held high, and bowed his hands very gracefully: "General Manager Rong Chong, I have been feeling this recently, so I wrote a composition overnight.

Chapter 1: Dividing fields and freeing slaves is truly a benevolent policy unprecedented in history. This policy must be implemented throughout the world as soon as possible to free hundreds of millions of people from suffering. From then on, the world will be united and peace will be created for all generations."

Zhao Han took the article and read it, and immediately burst into laughter: "It's a brilliant literary talent. It's really a good article." He called his secretary and ordered, "This is such a powerful article. Copy it as many times as you like, and put a copy at the door of every county school."

Qian Qianyi, a famous scholar, has automatically transformed into the shape of Zhao Han.

Except for Zhang Tieniu and Liu Zhu's partial division, the other scattered troops have returned one after another to regroup.

Zhao Han personally led 2,500 regular soldiers, 1,000 peasant soldiers, and 3,000 civilians, and officially entered the southern border of Zhili.

Songjiang, Shanghai, Jiading, Kunshan, Wujiang, Suzhou, Yixing... all surrendered because there were no soldiers in these prefectures and counties. Officers and soldiers from various places in South Zhili had long been deployed to defend Wuhu, Dangtu and Nanjing.

"Headquarters, this is the list of famous people from Songjiang and Suzhou." Qian Qianyi worked hard and rushed to do everything.

Zhao Han browsed the list carefully and suddenly said: "Invite Gu Ningren (Gu Yanwu) to meet."

Qian Qianyi was a little surprised. There were so many famous people in Su Song's second house, but Zhao Han only summoned the "weirdo" Gu Yanwu by name.

Gu Yanwu is twenty-seven this year. His family is in dire straits and cannot make ends meet. He has sold 800 acres of land over the years.

His family still has several thousand acres of land, but they really don’t have any money. Once the land is divided, life will be even more difficult in the future, and they will definitely not be able to support a large number of domestic slaves.

After being summoned by Zhao Han, Gu Yanwu was very puzzled. He was a famous eccentric in Suzhou, so why did he get special favor?

Mother Wang was only in her thirties and had a dignified appearance. She warned her son: "I have also read "The Collection of Datong", which is a book about managing the world and benefiting the people. If I had known that Mr. Zhao would send troops, I would have sold another 3,000 acres last year.

The land and money at home are enough to support the expenses. The remaining fields should be divided. Mr. Zhao is a heroic master, and you should be a good assistant. Loyalty to the emperor is still loyal to the world. It is such a simple truth that I don’t need to repeat it.

.If you still don’t understand, all these years of studying have been in vain.”

"My child, please remember your mother's teachings!" Gu Yanwu bowed quickly.

Mrs. Wang said: "Go, don't worry about your family."

Gu Yanwu hesitated and said: "Mother...you are still young. Mr. Zhao encourages women to remarry. Why don't mothers find a good man to marry?"

Wang's face turned red and she spat: "There is no need to mention this matter again."

The age difference between mother and son is less than ten years, so of course they cannot be biological.

Mrs. Wang is still a virgin, and her husband died before she could marry her. Gu Yanwu is the stepchild of the family.

Mrs. Wang was a talented woman who stayed unmarried and raised an heir. She weaved during the day and continued to study at night. She was proficient in the classics and history, and she also taught Gu Yanwu.

Gu Yanwu bent down and bowed: "Please mother, please consider remarrying. Even if you remarry, your child will still be respectful and filial. Please retire, my child!"

When her son left, Mrs. Wang sighed.

She didn't want to remarry and enjoy the harmony between husband and wife, but it was a pity that she had been bound by ethics. Now, she could really consider it. The mother who could teach the "weirdo" Gu Yanwu was not a pedantic woman.

Historically, Wang died on a hunger strike. His last words were very simple: Gu Yanwu was not allowed to serve as an official for the Manchus!

Gu Yanwu's two biological brothers also died fighting against the Qing Dynasty. His biological mother had her right arm cut off by the Qing army. Several good friends either sacrificed their lives or went to the mountains to become monks.

Gu Yanwu arrived in Suzhou by boat. After reporting the incident, he was immediately summoned.

"Meet Mr. Zhao!"

"sit down."

Zhao Han looked at this gentleman with a smile and asked, "What have you been doing recently?"

Gu Yanwu replied: "Collecting historical documents and materials, we are preparing to write a book."

"What book did you write?" Zhao Han asked.

Gu Yanwu replied: "The Book of Benefits and Diseases of the Prefectures and Countries of the World," summarizes the thirteen provinces of the Ming Dynasty and the two capitals, and records and comments on the mountains and rivers of each province, as well as its taxation, reclamation, horse administration, military affairs, water conservancy, water transportation, etc."

It is the political geography of the Ming Dynasty.

"This is a good thing," Zhao Han praised, "You don't have to write for the Ming Dynasty. You are specially appointed as the secretary of the Jiangxi General Military Mansion. Go to Jiangxi immediately and write all of Jiangxi's mountains and rivers, geography, taxation, water conservancy, and industry and commerce into the "Tianxia County" "Book of National Benefits and Diseases". Combining the government of Ming Dynasty and the government of Datong, comment on the pros and cons. After writing about Jiangxi, I will write about Guangdong and Hunan. I will give you a sign. The local governments must cooperate. You can check the official documents at will, or even check it out. Official documents from various places. Don't flatter me. If you find that my policies are wrong, you can write them down truthfully."

"You will definitely live up to your destiny!"

Gu Yanwu is very happy. With official support, the speed of writing books can be increased several times.

At the same time, Gu Yanwu couldn't help but sigh that Mr. Zhao really had a big heart and specifically asked him to point out Jiangxi's governance errors.

Gu Yanwu suddenly said: "Please ask the commander-in-chief to issue an order so that widows in Jiangnan who have no heirs must choose a good man to remarry within half a year."

"Oh, why is that so?" Zhao Han laughed.

Gu Yanwu explained: "My stepmother became an unmarried widow at the age of sixteen, and she has endured hardships for more than ten years. In my opinion, if there are children under her knees, it is indeed inconvenient for the widow to remarry. But if there are no children, or even unmarried, then why Why can't we remarry? Marrying a man and marrying a woman is a natural law; a widow's observance is a human ethics. If human relations deviate from the natural laws, then you should act according to the natural laws."

Zhao Han nodded in approval: "This is a great idea. Once the land is divided and the slaves are freed, the 'widow remarriage order' will be issued. Widows without children must remarry; widows with children can make their own decisions, and no one else can interfere."

"The general town is wise!"

Gu Yanwu felt that this was a wise man, and he actually nodded in agreement to such an outrageous suggestion.

Gu Yanwu said: "In the main town, I have a good friend who is knowledgeable and morally upright. Please recruit him."

"Who is it?" Zhao Han asked.

Gu Yanwu said: "Guizhuang, whose name is Erli. The villagers joke that Gu Weigui Guiqi, I am Guguai, and he is Guiqi."

"Then we'll do some work." Zhao Han nodded in agreement.

Guizhuang, Gui Youguang's grandson. Historically, he killed the county magistrate in Kunshan to defend the city, and the city was destroyed. His father, brothers and sisters were all killed, and more than 40,000 people in the city were massacred. Guizhuang escaped by chance, became a monk, and changed his name to "Zuoming".

Gu Yanwu's name was also changed at that time, with "Yan" representing Han orthodoxy.

Gu Yanwu took the order and went to Jiangxi. On the second day, Zhao Han received a military report.

Fei Ruhe has captured Wuhu and is besieging Dangtu, which is Taiping Mansion.

Taiping Prefecture had nearly 10,000 garrison troops, the city was high and the pond was deep, and the prefect's prestige was extremely high. Repeated recruitment and surrender could not shake the morale of the officers and soldiers.

Fei Ruhe decided to attack Nanjing directly. Perhaps Nanjing was easier to conquer than Taiping Prefecture, because Nanjing was filled with a lot of messy officials. There were also various Fushe scholars and Datong scholars. The two sides had been connected. The Hui merchants in Nanjing We are also willing to cooperate in dedicating the city.

(Ask for monthly ticket.)

This chapter has been completed!
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