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031 [Smooth weather]

"But the big boy shouted: 'Change, change, big, big!' He suddenly grew stronger in the wind and became as high as the mountain. Puff, puff, puff, puff, every time he took a step forward, the ground shook..."

"A toad spirit came to kill him and shouted: 'Little baby, surrender quickly, or I will teach you to eat meat from a hob!' The big boy ignored him and stepped on it, just like stepping on a bedbug. Bah!

, Hey, I just stepped on it..."

In the pavilion, Fei Chun was talking about "Calabash Baby".

Moreover, he is very good at using all kinds of onomatopoeia, he also writes his own lines and performs some fighting moves.

What Zhao Han could tell in a quarter of an hour, Fei Chun could talk about for three quarters of an hour.


"Give this young master a reward!"

The children of both primary and secondary schools cheered in unison, and their book boys stepped forward one after another and put coins into Fei Ruhe's book box.

Fei Ruhe was eating melon seeds, and his heart was already blooming with joy.

"...Boom! Just heard a loud noise, the gourd fell to the ground, and a doll wearing orange clothes came out. Ahem! If you want to know what happened next time, let's listen to the next chapter!"

Fei Chun was more ruthless than Zhao Han. He only told the story about the eldest baby and then broke the chapter, leaving a button for the birth of the second baby.

"Keep talking, reward me quickly!"

"What kind of magical power does Erwa have?"

"Has Da Wa been caught and died?"


All the schoolchildren were so noisy and itchy that they wanted to hear it all in one breath.

Fei Ruhe continued to eat melon seeds.

Fei Chun raised his hand and shouted: "Everyone, be quiet, be quiet! I can only talk about one episode every day. However, I have gourd seeds here, which I specially asked for from the mountain god. Use these seeds to grow well every day.

If you worship, you will be able to plant gourds in the spring. A gourd seed only costs five taels of silver, that's all. If you don't pay enough, you won't be able to buy it!"

"Can you really grow a gourd baby?" asked a schoolboy.

Fei Chun replied: "As long as you water it well, you can really grow gourds!"

"Then I'll buy ten seeds." The schoolboy said excitedly.

Fei Chun shook his head: "No, the seeds are precious. Each person is limited to one, including your book boy at most."

There is a purchase limit?

That must be something good!

Children from rich families paid for it one after another, while children from poor families were envious and imagined that they could grow gourd babies.

Hanzhu Academy is divided into private schools and academies.

Hanzhu Private School is divided into Mongolian School and Sutra School.

The Mongolian library teaches preschool reading materials, which are basically for young children of a few years old.

The Four Books and Five Classics are taught in the Sutra Hall, and they are all taught by students who have not passed the Tongsheng examination.

Most of those who are willing to spend money to buy gourd seeds are under twelve years old, and most of them are children of several years old, holding the seeds in their hands and having fun.

Fei Ruhe and Fei Chun ran back to the bamboo forest, where Zhao Han was practicing stabbing.

"Split the money, split the money!" Fei Ruhe said happily.

From listening to books and selling gourd seeds, I earned a total of 16 taels and 5 taels of silver, plus more than 700 copper coins of various kinds.

The three people divided the money equally, and each received 5 taels of silver and 238 copper coins.

Fei Chun sincerely flattered him and said: "My brother is really a genius. He comes up with great ideas to make money. He only needs so much in one day. By the time you finish telling "Calabash Baby", you still can't earn hundreds of taels?"

Zhao Han poured cold water and said: "How can it be so easy? Gourd seeds are a one-time deal, and you can only earn a few rewards in the future."

Fei Chun smiled and said: "It's enough to earn reward money."

Fei Ruhe held the money in his hand and felt a huge sense of accomplishment. He said happily: "In the past, I spent money, but today I can actually make money. Brother Han will be my military advisor from now on!"

"Master, what should I do?" Fei Chun asked quickly.

Fei Ruhe said: "You are my young master's general!"

"Okay, you three liars!"

Suddenly, Fei Yuanjian appeared with his followers and threatened: "I'm going to tell the mountain leader that you three defrauded your classmates of their money!"

Fei Ruhe clenched his fist and asked, "Who saw me cheating money?"

"That's right!" Fei Chun hid behind the young master.

Zhao Han asked: "We storytellers, and classmates give us rewards. If you do something I agree with, how can it be considered cheating?"

Fei Yuanjian said: "You sell fake seeds!"

Zhao Han smiled and said: "Who said they were fake seeds? If you plant them in spring and cultivate them well, you will definitely be able to grow gourd vines."

"It will definitely not grow a gourd baby!" Fei Yuanjian said.

Zhao Han turned around and asked Fei Ruhe: "Master, did you say you could grow gourd babies?"

Fei Ruhe shook his head: "No, I just said it can grow gourds."

Zhao Han smiled and said, "If that's the case, then it's not a lie, right?"

"Yes, I'm not lying!" Fei Chunpeng said.

Can it still be like this?

Fei Yuanjian was speechless and said with a red face: "I don't care, I must share your money. Otherwise, I will report it to the mountain chief!"

Fei Ruhe said with a smile: "You go ahead and sue, I also want to sue you for bullying your classmates!"

"You...you wait. Humph!"

Fei Yuanjian left angrily, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he became.

He wasn't angry that he didn't get any money, but he was envious of the other party's limelight. Whenever Fei Ruhe said something soft, Fei Yuanjian would immediately join in and follow them to be in the limelight and deceive others.

"Uncle Fifteen, are we going to file a complaint?" a schoolboy asked. This guy is quite senior, he is Fei Ruhe's clan uncle.

Fei Yuanjian said: "What kind of hero does it look like to complain?"

His book boy asked: "Then you can endure it like this?"

Fei Yuanjian thought for a while: "Let's find someone to vent our anger on first!"

There is a stream a mile away from the private school, and Xu Ying often practices writing here after school.

He had not yet passed the entrance examination and could not receive financial support. He had to pay for pens, inks, paper and inkstones at home. This was unbearable, so he used tree branches as pens and creek mudflats as paper, practicing calligraphy here every day.


A student who studies in Kaimeng is considered a schoolboy. If he passes the first two levels of the boy's examination, he can be promoted to a boy's student and has the qualification to take the scholar examination.

Xu Ying started her education relatively late. If she wanted to become a Tongsheng, she would have to work hard for at least another year and a half.

Holding a branch in her hand, Xu Ying sat cross-legged by the stream, practicing Chinese calligraphy stroke by stroke.

"Hit him!"

There was a sudden shout from behind, and Xu Ying was so frightened that she quickly dropped the branch, hugged the rag school bag tightly, and then lay down on the spot waiting to be beaten.

In fact, in recent days, he has rarely been beaten.

Because he didn't fight back, it was pointless to fight, so Fei Yuanjian was looking for another target.

But today Fei Yuanjian was feeling aggrieved and had to find someone to vent his anger on, and Xu Ying was the perfect person to vent his anger on.

After a series of punches and kicks, Xu Ying endured the pain and did not scream. She just hoped that the beating would be over soon and she would seize the time to continue practicing calligraphy.

"Drag out his schoolbag!" Fei Yuanjian shouted.

Xu Ying finally couldn't help it and shouted in horror: "Don't grab my schoolbag, hit me, hit me quickly!" She started crying, "Please hit me quickly, don't grab my schoolbag."

Wuwuwu, hit me quickly..."

The schoolchildren ignored her, some pulled Xu Ying's arms away, and some took the opportunity to grab her schoolbag.

Fei Yuanjian poured out all the items in his schoolbag, picked up an inkstone made of pebbles, and said with a smile: "What broken stone? You don't even want to give it to me. I'll throw it away for you and get a new one."


The inkstone was thrown into the stream.

Xu Ying wanted to rush out to pick it up, but was held down by the schoolboy.

Fei Yuanjian picked up the "Collected Annotations of Four Books" again, flipped through it, and threw it into the water. He said with a smile: "Sir, you are praised as a child prodigy. I see how you, a child prodigy, can go to class without books!"

"my book!"

Xu Ying suddenly screamed, and she didn't know where she got the strength. Even four people couldn't hold him down, so she rolled and jumped into the creek and picked up the textbook floating in the water.

Ancient books are also divided into different grades. This one is the lowest-grade privately printed movable type. When I first bought it, there were many areas that were unclear.

Now if you get soaked in the stream, you will be dead immediately.

Xu Ying picked up the "Collected Annotations of the Four Books", retrieved the pebble inkstone, and waded to the other side of the stream to check it out.

Xu Ying burst into tears as she opened the pages one by one. His books and ink ingots were all bought by his family after selling old hens!

Fei Yuanjian was quite proud of his loveless look. The depression in his heart was swept away, and he happily led his followers to play.

Afternoon, class.

Pang Chunlai frowned at the empty seats and asked a farmer's boy: "Why didn't Xu Ying come?"

There are many types of farmers.

There are poor peasants, rich peasants, tenant farmers, and even wealthy tenant farmers!

Rich tenants are tenants who cling to the rich and obtain a large amount of land (permanent tenure rights), and then recruit long-term and short-term laborers to cultivate it. They flatter the gentry at the top and exploit the tenant farmers at the bottom. Their methods are more ruthless than most powerful men, because they exploit so much

If you are not ruthless, you will definitely lose money.

The peasant boy in front of me was a big tenant farmer who was attached to Fei's family. His goal in studying was not to take the imperial examination, but to establish a good relationship with the young master of the Fei family, so he has been working as Fei Yuanjian's follower.

"Sir, I don't know." The farmer replied with his head lowered, feeling guilty.

Pang Chunlai asked: "You and Xu Ying live in the same village, how could you not know?"

The peasant boy buried his head lower: "I really don't know."

Pang Chunlai realized something was wrong. Even if she got a minor illness, Xu Ying had to insist on going to school. What's more, she was still there in the morning, so why did she disappear in the afternoon?

"Who is going to find Xu Ying?" Pang Chunlai asked.

"Sir, I'm going!"

Anyone who was not Fei Yuanjian's follower enthusiastically raised their hands to sign up, and Fei Ruhe stood up directly.

Looking for someone is fake, wandering around the mountains is real, as long as you don't stay in the classroom.

Pang Chunlai closed his eyes, held the ruler and said, "You all go."

The classroom was mostly empty in an instant, with only Fei Yuanjian and his younger brother left.

Pang Chunlai asked: "Why don't you go?"

"Ah?" Fei Yuanjian panicked and stood up quickly, "Go, go, I'll go."

Fei Ruhe was like a bird escaping from its cage, wandering happily all over the mountain.

Zhao Han asked: "Where does Xu Ying usually go?"

"How do I know? I'm not his father?" Fei Ruhe said with a smile.

Zhao Han thought for a while: "Go to his house first."

Fei Chun interjected: "I know where his home is."

After walking for about a quarter and a half, Zhao Han arrived at the village at the foot of the mountain.

Fei Chun pointed forward: "Go through this small bamboo forest and walk a few dozen steps to Xu Ying's house."

The three of them entered the forest and suddenly heard a noise.

When I looked over, I saw that it was a farmer digging a hole with a bamboo basket beside him.

Zhao Han walked over and asked: "This fellow, have you seen Xu Ying?"

The farmer suddenly turned around and saw that they were three children. He continued digging the hole and whispered: "I didn't see them."

"Zhao Han, let's go, what are you doing standing still?" Fei Ruhe urged.

Fei Chun also asked: "What's wrong with my brother?"

Zhao Han stared at the bamboo basket, his whole body trembling, and finally chose to leave silently.

In the bamboo basket was a baby's corpse. Although it was covered with rags, bruises and handprints were faintly visible on the neck.

If you cannot feed a child after giving birth, you can only strangle him to death and bury him...

This is the prosperous Jiangnan, and the weather in Qianshan is going well this year!

This chapter has been completed!
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