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309 [Xungui] (for the penguin boss

Jiangxi Navy only came with six warships.

Do you want a fight?

Admiral Cao Jiang of the Ming Dynasty, whose sincerity was not as good as Liu Kongzhao's, was hesitant at this moment, and he found that he had no way out.

You will definitely not win if you fight, and it is best not to win, otherwise you will be settled later.

But Liu Kongzhao could not surrender. Hou Fangyu's biological father, Hou Xun, the Minister of Household Affairs, was forced to step down by him, and he is still imprisoned in the imperial edict in Beijing.

He has offended the Donglin Party to death, and Fushe has also been offended to death. How can he surrender with Fushe?

Moreover, Zhang Guowei, the Minister of War in Nanjing, is also a die-hard Donglin Party member!

The commander-in-chief of the Nanjing Navy and the commander-in-chief of the Nanjing Army are actually mortal enemies. How the hell are they supposed to defend the city?

"Master, you have to make up your mind." Liu Kongzhao said anxiously.

Duke Xu Hongji of Wei sighed: "It's going to rain, and my mother wants to get married, so just let him be."

Liu Kongzhao patted his thigh and said, "My lord, are you sitting at home waiting to die?"

"Otherwise, what else can we do?" Xu Hongji asked.

Xu Da's descendants and Liu Bowen's descendants just looked at each other without saying a word.

Xu Hongji is already old. Historically, he was relatively lucky. He happened to die of illness when the Qing Dynasty invaded. His son fled with the whole family and went further south to cause trouble for a few years before leading countless nobles to surrender to the Qing Dynasty.

Liu Kongzhao passively avoided the war, but at least he did not surrender. In the end, he went overseas and disappeared without a trace.

The former was beaten to death by Xiang Yong, and the latter served as a guide for the Qing soldiers. These are unofficial histories written by blind enemies.

Xu Hongji said: "You and I are both honorable men. My duty is to defend the city, and your duty is to guard the river. If you escape, you will be punished by the emperor's decree; if you fight, your family will be confiscated by Zhao thieves. Then there will be no fight.

Run away, I heard that if the Zhao thief doesn't kill him, maybe a few of the family can survive."

"That means you are being slaughtered by others!" Liu Kongzhao said depressedly.

Xu Hongji was old, plagued by diseases, and could no longer live for a few years. But Liu Kongzhao, who was still in his prime, wanted to live a few more years.

His title was obtained with great difficulty!

Moreover, the method was not very honorable, and there were rumors that he killed his uncle and forced his grandmother to death in order to seize the title. Although these were all rumors spread by Fushe, they were almost the same as the truth. He did put his grandmother under house arrest, which caused her to die in depression.

Seeing that Wei Guogong was just waiting for death, Liu Kongzhao immediately left and went straight to the navy camp.

"My sons, all follow me to surrender!"

Liu Kongzhao wanted to take all the Yangtze River Navy troops to attack before he could restore society and dedicate the city.

His dozens or hundreds of broken ships were unable to fight at all. Most of them were obsolete cannons and were refitted. As for the shipbuilding money allocated every year, all of them were embezzled by Liu Kongzhao.

After Zhao Han became big in Jiangxi, Chongzhen allocated tens of thousands of taels to Liu Kongzhao to train the Yangtze River Navy. Today, the money is still lying in the Liu family's cellar.

Seeing nearly a hundred warships of the Nanjing Navy heading towards the six warships of the Jiangxi Navy, the officers and soldiers in Nanjing City came forward to watch the battle.

"Array up!"

Fan Chao immediately gave the order, and with the flag waving, six warships lined up.

Six ships fight nearly a hundred ships, preparing for a bloody battle.

"Raise the white flag!"

Liu Kongzhao quickly ordered.

In ancient Chinese wars, white flags could also be used to represent surrender.

Nearly a hundred Nanjing Navy warships all raised white flags, leaving Fan Chao stunned.

Brother, you obviously have more ships, so what do you mean by rushing to surrender to me?

Fan Chao did not dare to relax, fearing that the enemy would surrender.

But Liu Kongzhao was seen sitting in a small boat, sailing in front of Fan Chao's boat, and was pulled up with a rope.

Liu Kongzhao was very bachelor and knelt down directly to Fan Chao: "Admiral Cao Jiang of the Ming Dynasty, Liu Kongzhao, who has no sincerity, leads the Yangtze River Navy of the Ming Dynasty and asks the general to surrender!"

Fan Chao muttered: "Damn you, you are really talented. These ships I just came here to be the vanguard and blocked Nanjing by the way. You actually surrendered when we met."

Liu Kongzhao said without changing his expression: "The general is coming with his heavenly troops. He has the power of heaven to help him, so how can mortals resist?"

A naval missionary officer came to Fan Chao's ear and said, "This man calls himself Uncle Chengyi, and he is a descendant of Liu Bowen."

Fan Chao's eyes widened and he asked, "Hasn't your ancestor's magic been passed down?"

Liu Kongzhao didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Perhaps the inheritance of the magic has been broken, and I haven't learned it yet."

Fan Chao still couldn't understand why Liu Kongzhao surrendered so quickly as he was a distinguished noble and had nearly a hundred battleships.

It's simple, because there is no place to escape.

The south is occupied by Zhao Han, and if you escape to the north and you will be punished, you must surrender before the mortal enemy Donglin Party recovers.

But it was said that Liu Kongzhao's operation made all the Nanjing defenders look stupid.

Zhang Guowei, the Minister of War in Nanjing, looked livid at this moment. He regretted not killing Liu Kongzhao with a knife.

"Zhang Bingbu, the Duke of Wei wanted to escape, but was stopped by the defenders!" An official rushed over to report.

"Father, the child is unfilial!"

Xu Jiujue and several domestic slaves knelt down to Xu Hongji in an upright manner.

Xu Hongji's eyes widened: "Sir, what do you want to do?"

Xu Jiujue said: "If our family stays in Nanjing, we will definitely die. Since my father doesn't want to leave, I can only ask you to leave."

The domestic slaves held Xu Hongji down, first blocked his mouth with rags, and then tied him up with ropes.

Xu Jiujue had already prepared. He tied up his father and put him into the carriage. All kinds of gold and silver treasures were also loaded into large and small carts, and then he prepared to leave the city.

On the way, Duke Baoguo Zhu Guobi, Bo Zhao Zhilong of Xincheng, Marquis Zhang Gongri of Longping, etc. all came with their families to join them. There were so many cars that the streets were blocked.

No matter whether the court will hold him accountable or not, he should flee Nanjing first.

Zhu Guobi, the Duke of Baoguo, had not yet taken Kou Baimen as his concubine.

Historically, this guy was really disgraceful. After he was surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, he was put under house arrest and his possessions were robbed. He planned to sell all his concubines to escape.

Kou Baimen said: "The income from selling my concubine is only a few hundred gold. If I let my concubine go back south, I will get ten thousand gold in a month to repay the king."

So Zhu Guobi released Kou Baimen.

Kou Baimen found his former good sister, raised 20,000 taels of silver, and redeemed Zhu Guobi.

This guy also wanted to get back together with Kou Baimen, but Kou Baimen said: "My father-in-law used money to redeem me from the brothel. Now I use money to redeem my husband. You and I no longer owe each other anything."

At this moment, the noble team headed to the Guanyin Gate in the northeast corner. They planned to go to Zhenjiang and take a boat northward.

"Why did it stop in front?" Zhu Guobi asked.

A domestic slave went to check, and soon came back in a panic: "There are many unruly people, and the car is blocked!"

These slaves did not dare to surrender to Zhao Han. They usually used their power to bully others, and they had done countless evil things. They could only follow the nobles to the dark side.

Zhu Guobi angrily raised his sword and moved forward. I don't dare to fight the Zhao thieves in Jiangxi, so why don't I dare to kill you unruly people?

But in front of the car, he saw more than ten Fushe scholars blocking the road.

One of the scholars angrily rebuked: "You nobles and nobles have rested with the country. You have fed the people for more than two hundred years, and now that a disaster is approaching, you only know how to run for your life!"

"Go away!" Xu Jiujue was furious.

The Fushe scholar pointed at Xu Jiujue and said, "I recognize you. You are the eldest son of the Duke of Wei. Your ancestors were so brave and heroic, but how could your descendants be like this?"

More and more people came around. The group of nobles and nobles was so large that it was difficult not to attract attention.

Zhu Guobi came over with his sword at this moment, just in time to see the bloody scene.

Xu Jiujue rode his horse and held a sword, and rushed towards the Fushe scholars. One scholar was knocked away by the galloping horse, and the other scholar was struck by the sword and fell to the ground.

The rest of the Fushe scholars were so frightened that they ran away one after another.

Xu Jiujue sneered: "Humph, if you don't eat the toast, you will be fined with wine. Whoever dares to block the road will end up like this!"

Seeing Xungui's chariot, carrying countless valuables, run over the scholar's body, the onlookers were extremely angry.

Among the crowd, a Datong scholar shouted: "They have been plundering the people's wealth and bullying us for more than two hundred years. We cannot let them take away the money."

At this moment, the car was approaching Guanyin Gate, and another Fushe scholar shouted: "Why is Kuhaha working so hard to defend the city, but the honorable noble can escape with his family's belongings?"

The crowd roared louder and louder, but no one dared to stop him.

However, the officers and soldiers stationed at Guanyin Gate blocked the city gate and refused to open it.

Two sentences from the Fushe scholar were enough to incite the city defenders: I worked hard to defend the city, but you ran away with your property?


Let’s not talk about what Wei Guogong did in his family. Let’s talk about Liu Kongzhao who led the navy to surrender. This count was able to show off his power in Nanjing.

In the Wanli Dynasty, Chengyi Bo was directly demoted by Zhang Juzheng because of his many evil deeds.

As soon as Zhang Juzheng died, the courtiers counterattacked, and Chengyi Bo quickly regained his title.

Instead of repenting, he got worse.

In the 19th year of Wanli, 83 families jointly funded the cultivation of pond fields, and Uncle Chengyi actually forced his slaves to occupy most of it. When the matter was brought to the emperor, he was only fined a year's salary.

Almost every two or three years, Uncle Chengyi would cause big trouble, but Emperor Wanli never paid attention to it.

In the end, he was convicted and sentenced to death because this guy dared to invade the salt farm and got into trouble with the eunuch because of his tax resistance. He was accused of a long list of crimes, such as defrauding officials and people, killing innocent people without permission, raping the property, wives and daughters of good people, etc.

Even an earl is like this, think of those princes!

A businessman who had been cheated by the nobles came over with his slaves and shouted: "The car is filled with people's wealth and wealth. It is our property. Follow me and snatch it back!"

"Grab money!"

Seeing an opportunity, a group of gangsters immediately rushed up with sticks.

Immediately, the city guards and the onlookers rushed towards the noble team.

Xu Jiujue, the eldest son of Wei Guogong, wanted to ride a horse to kill someone, but he was pulled off by his clothes. No one beat him. Everyone wanted to steal money. Countless feet stepped on him, and he was trampled to death on the street.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhu Guobi, the protector of the country, quickly ran back with his sword and said to his family: "Go quickly, go quickly, it is important to escape!"

There was a commotion here, and more and more people were snatching money. Several noble families had no way to escape, so they had to hide under the carriage.

When Zhang Guowei, the Minister of War in Nanjing, arrived, the Xungui family's belongings had already been robbed.

An officer's arms were so full of silver that his belt was about to break. When he saw Zhang Guowei leading his troops, he quickly said to the soldiers and people around him: "Brothers and neighbors, we have killed many distinguished nobles today. The court will ask for the punishment.

In any case, it means death, it is better to vote for Zhao Tianwang. Follow me and arrest the officials!"

When everyone thought about it, it was indeed so.

So they all rushed towards Zhang Guowei, frightening the soldiers around him to flee quickly, and the Nanjing city guard commander was tied up.

Until this time, the internal agents of Datonghui were still working together with Fushe scholars to seize the city.

(Please vote for me, the enemy is so cruel!)

This chapter has been completed!
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