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329 [One Hundred and One Useless is a Scholar]

There is a mailbox at the entrance of the General Military Mansion.

Anyone can post a letter inside, and no officials are allowed to open it for reading. Zhao Han will open it personally every ten days.

There were a lot of messy letters. Basically, Zhao Han only glanced at them and threw them into the trash can for recycling. The paper-making materials for military and official tickets are mulberry paper and official waste paper. The waste paper from various government offices must be unified.

Keep it.

Occasionally, if there are meaningful letters, Zhao Han will ask his secretary to come over, record the contents of the letter properly, and then hand it over to the relevant yamen for processing.

Zheng Sen has come back and is sitting next to him to help open the letter: "The deposed North Korean leader in Jeju Island, his eyes were covered with lime, and he is almost completely blind, and his health is not good. Hu (Hu Dinggui) and Wang (Wang Yaochen)

The general said that when the Shanghai navy is fully trained, they can go to Ganghwa Island to rob the deposed prince of Korea."

"We'll have to wait. Training the navy doesn't happen overnight." Zhao Han scanned the letter in two seconds and threw it into the trash can.

Zheng Sen added: "The horses on Jeju Island are too short and can barely be ridden. But on the battlefield, they will definitely not be able to outrun the tall horses. The two generals request that we collect excellent horse breeds as soon as possible."

"I can only make do with it for now." Zhao Han expressed helplessness.

Zhao Han is already collecting horse breeds. Governments in various places are willing to buy horses with a shoulder height of more than 1.3 meters at a high price. Although they are very short, they are at least taller than Jeju horses, which is better than nothing.

It is sheer nonsense to say that among ten horses, only one or two can be used as war horses.

As long as the shoulder height reaches a certain standard, all horses can be used as war horses. However, they must be carefully fed and fed with a large amount of concentrate. This feeding method is too luxurious for inferior horses.

Therefore, when there are enough horses, the best ones are selected and taken care of carefully, while the rest are fed as slave horses.

When there is an extreme shortage of horses, you can even fight on mules... Zhang Xianzhong and Li Zicheng did it. Some old soldiers marched on mules. After riding for a while, the mules had to rest for a while.

Zhao Han was reading the letter and chatting with Zheng Sen. Suddenly he stopped talking while holding the letter.

Zheng Sen didn't even take a peek, he just lowered his head and continued to open the letter.

Zhao Han couldn't help but shake his head and smile while reading the poem in memory of Yu Qian. Liu Rushi's poems were clearly in a period of transformation.

Eleven years before Chongzhen, Liu Rushi's poetry works did not escape the stereotype of traditional courtesans.

But as the current situation became more and more corrupt, Liu Rushi's poems became more and more exciting, and could even be said to become angry and heroic.

"There are countless heroes in the world, but my generation, Yao Ming, is extraordinary. Songyang sword energy is also difficult to obtain, and Zhongtiao's career is slim... I want to ride on this swan in the clouds, and view the five lakes with you with a smile."

"Zhengrong is disciplined, generous and overbearing. When discussing world affairs, I have been hurt every time... Reading and hunting, I disdain the barbarians. I cherish this promise, and it will not be promoted for ten years. When I meet the king, I will always have endless weapons."

Hidden. It’s really hard to reward a good friend, and I’ll always feel unhappy in the middle of the night..."

"Your words are upright and unparalleled, and you are so thoughtful that no one knows about you. You were quite a hero back then, and you are still as fierce as this now. I sigh even more when I smell the dance, and the rivers and lakes are all racing. Even though there are so many things in the world today, the emperor treats Yan Si very much."

"The husband will encounter trouble easily, and the spear and halberd will make it difficult for him to do anything. Once he pulls it up, he looks like a dragon, and his body is handsome and quiet, supporting the wind. With a big feather on his waist and an arrow in his hand, he has great achievements and a leaping horse, which is said to be amazing... Qianqiu hangs down.

The name of the order is due to the competition among the four seas. Alas, phoenixes are everywhere in the wild now, and sometimes they are not recognized like the mountain phoenix."

"There are many strange strategies in Beihai, and the butcher's house is known to be very handsome. Once you are so brave that you hide yourself, there will be no suspicion in the world for three years... When you take over the king, Xiao Zhuang is embarrassed, and the drums are beating on the city wall and the birds are singing at night. Great men and heroes are not easy to come by, and great men and heroes are hard to come by."

It’s not easy to get, so why bother getting it if it’s not my disciple.”

Just by looking at these poems, can you guess that they were written by a famous prostitute?

In another time and space, the country is broken, the sea is flowing, and the people are in ruins. When Liu Rushi wrote these poems, he probably imagined that he was a man, carrying a bow and galloping horse to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy in person.

It's a pity that she is just a famous prostitute. There are no heroes around her, only a literary master who is too cold.

After Zhao Han read the poem in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a little sad.

I'm afraid that Liu Rushi in this time and space would not have written such passionate poems, which were all forced by the violent social turmoil.

Better not!

Zhao Han thought it was quite interesting, so he copied a few poems to answer the question, and by the way, through Liu Rushi's hand, he conveyed his expectations for the literati through poetry.

The two previous poems were not copied casually by Zhao Han. They both contained certain profound meanings.

Put it in a blank envelope, Zhao Han handed it to Zheng Sen and said: "Give it to Liu Yin, the Luling County government official for education, science and culture."

Zheng Sen immediately went to run errands. He showed his waist card and came to the county government office and asked, "Who is Liu Yin?"

"Inside." A clerk followed his finger.


When Zheng Sen went out with the army, Liu Rushi had just started working as an intern, so naturally she didn't know there was a strange woman in Luling County.

"But Liu Yin?" Zheng Sen went over and asked.

Liu Rushi stood up and said, "Exactly."

Zheng Sen handed over the letter and whispered: "Letter from the Headquarters."

"Thank you." Liu Rushi was quite happy.

When I opened it and read it, I was stunned at first, and then smiled.

Zhao Han changed the name of the original poem, and the style of the entire poem immediately changed drastically.

"Forward to all of you"

Immortals and Buddhas have not yet come together in the vast distance, and they only know how to sing unpeacefully alone in the night.

The wind is full of sad songs, and the mud is stained with bad luck.

Nine out of ten people are worth looking down upon, and there is only one useless scholar.

Don't worry about the poems and turn them into prophecies. The spring birds and autumn insects make their own sounds.

The meaning of the original poem is: I failed the exam and am in a bad mood. I am wandering around the world and bumping into walls. It’s so damn miserable. Come on, come on! Don’t be discouraged. You will definitely meet someone who understands me.

Coupled with Zhao Han's identity, Liu Rushi was asked to pass it on to the scholars, and the meaning of the poem suddenly became: You study poetry and books in vain, and you are full of talents and find it difficult to display them. This is because you encountered a foolish king and a traitor. As long as you do your job well, I will

You will definitely be able to shine here.

Liu Rushi thought about it carefully and already understood what Zhao Han meant.

She took the poem back to the rental house and handed it to Lin Xue: "Sister Tiansu, this poem was written by the general town and specially written for the scholars. Next time you attend the cultural gathering, you can help spread it."

After reading it, Lin Xue couldn't help but sigh: "If this poem spreads to the north, I am afraid that countless scholars will abandon their homes and careers and run south."

"Indeed." Liu Rushi nodded and said.

Nine out of ten people are worth looking down upon, and there is only one useless scholar.

This sentence expresses the bitterness of scholars. Any scholar who has repeatedly failed in the imperial examinations or is depressed will cry bitterly after reading this poem.

They will regard Zhao Han as a confidant and a wise master they can rely on!

The Chinese New Year is just one month away, and many scholars have returned to their hometowns. They either work as officials honestly or study mathematics and wait for the imperial examination in the future.

Qian Qianyi and Xie Sanbin stayed behind, taking the other scholars with them to hold literary meetings every now and then.

"Is Mr. Liu not here yet?" Xie Sanbin couldn't help but ask.

Lin Xue said with a smile: "She is from the government and is busy with paperwork all day long. She really has no time to attend cultural meetings."

Zhou Shichen, a Juren in Yixing, sighed: "Mr. Zhao is a hero, but he has three disadvantages. One is that he divides the land of large households, and his government is like a bandit; two, he uses scholars as officials, which makes the scholar's heart unworthy; third,

Using women as officials will seriously corrupt the moral code!"

"Brother Yinghou, be careful what you say!" the scholar next to him reminded.

Zhou Shichen said with a smile: "I only say that there are three things that are bad about the general town, and everything else is good. If you are not guilty of what you say, it is excellent. He is open-minded, and I only complain."

Zhou Shichen was an expert in poetry and painting, and he was from a wealthy family. How could he want to start as a small official?

There are many such people, and they are all full of complaints.

In the face of absolute power, the gentry were very weak.

It's like when Putin becomes president and takes back Russia's state-owned assets, which seems to be a difficult thing to do, but only arresting one rich man scares other rich people into being honest and obedient. The rich people still have assets worth dozens or tens of billions of dollars, but they still behave obediently.

hand over.

The same is true for the landowners. If they can't resist, they just lie down.

Zhou Shichen's family was in peace, and he eagerly came to Jiangxi to ask for admission to the Ministry of Education to become an official. When he failed to do this, he could only complain, and he was reluctant to leave Jiangxi and continued to stay and wait for the opportunity to become an official.

Xiuning Juren Wu Wenli said: "The main town has its own political strategy, how can we change it? Alas, I will return to my hometown in a few days to serve as an official. You and I are both Juren, so we can go directly to the government to observe the government. I will definitely be an official next year.

After three to five years, the county magistrate can also do it. If it were in the Ming Dynasty, we would have to work hard to take the Jinshi exam. I don’t know how long it will take to get the title. I have thought carefully these days, in fact, it is better to start from the official position, maybe we can

I will never be able to pass the Jinshi exam in my life."

"You are a lowly official! How can a scholar do this?" Zhou Shichen was heartbroken.

Qian Qianyi suddenly laughed and said: "Don't talk too much. Today's literary meeting will not discuss political affairs."

Lin Xue said: "Although Sister Liu did not come today, she asked me to bring a poem. I heard that the chief town asked her to deliver it to you."

Qian Qianyi was stunned and suddenly felt something was wrong: "Mr. Liu is very familiar with the main town?"

Lin Xue smiled and said nothing, deliberately letting Qian Qianyi think more.

Wu Wenli said: "Zongzhen is a true poet. The two poems he wrote before were both good. What poem did he write this time?"

Lin Xue took out what he copied and said: "Please take a look at it."

Xie Sanbin took it and recited: "Forward to all the gentlemen": Immortals and Buddhas have not yet come together in the vast world, and they only know how to sing unjustly alone in the night. The wind is filled with the spirit of sad songs, and the mud is stained with bad luck. Nine out of ten people can turn their eyes at it, and a hundred people are helpless.

One is a scholar. Don’t worry about a poem and become a prophecy. The spring birds and autumn insects make their own noises."

After all the scholars heard this, the whole place was silent for a moment.

Everyone, including Qian Qianyi, was deeply touched by this poem and recalled his own situation over the years.

"A hundred useless things are a scholar, a hundred useless things are a scholar..."

Wu Wenli pondered over and over again, thinking of his mother, Cheng, who was widowed at a young age and raised him with all her heart. As a young boy, he was a scholar and was praised by the villagers as a child prodigy. Later, he failed in many examinations and had no hope in the imperial examinations. He ran into obstacles everywhere and was looked down upon by others.

After being elected, he gained respect, but he could not pass the Jinshi examination and could not fulfill his ambitions as an official.

The world is in chaos, the country is overthrown, and all I can do is watch. Isn’t it true that I am a useless scholar?

The wind is full of tragic songs, and the mud is stained with bad luck. These two sentences are more like a portrayal of his half-life, as if this poem was written by himself!

Wu Wenli stood up sadly: "The main town knows me, and I should also know the main town. Please take your leave. I have returned to my hometown to serve as an official. I am not worthy of you to waste time here."


Several more scholars got up and stopped participating in the literary meeting. They all chose to go back to their hometowns to do things.

It's useless to lecture these people. A poem is enough to make them empathize.

Those who still refuse to leave after reading this poem are simply stubborn people!

Qian Qianyi's focus was on the relationship between Zhao Han and Liu Rushi. He was not afraid of not having an official position, but he was afraid of offending Zhao Han. It was not worth it for a woman.

This chapter has been completed!
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