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356 【Qin Liangyu】

Xu Nianzu took a boat to Sichuan and picked up a person on the way: Fei Ruhui.

Fei Ruhui's military position is battalion commander, commanding 500 troops, and she is the only female commander in the Datong Army.

Fei Ruhui was extremely excited to be able to visit Qin Liangyu, the feeling that fans feel when they are about to meet their idol.

The boat carried 300 shi of food and 50 jars of fine wine. It was extremely fast at first. After arriving at Xiling Gorge, the channel was winding, with numerous rocks and shoals, and the water was tight. An experienced helmsman was needed to guide the ship along the way, and trackers were required to pull the ship at key points.


If you are not careful, the boat will be destroyed and everyone will die.

Listening to the trackers' chants on the shore, Xu Nianzu stood on the bow of the boat and said, "Captain Fei, you must be a little more reserved when you meet that General Qin."

"I know," Fei Ruhui said with a smile, "public is public and private is private. This is a simple truth."

"That's good." Xu Nianzu smiled.

After several years in the army, Fei Ruhui's appearance plummeted. She became darker, stronger, her skin became rougher, and her hands were covered with calluses.

Her husband is now the magistrate of Shimen County. The couple spends less time together and spends more time apart, and they only have one son.

If it hadn't been for more than a year of delay in giving birth to a child, Fei Ruhui would have already become a regiment commander (commanding 1,500 troops) based on his military qualifications.

When the boat arrived at Kuizhou Prefecture, the shouts of killing on the other side were loud, but it was Zhang Xianzhong who was besieging Kuizhou City.

Zhang Xianzhong had already captured the Nanyang Basin and recruited refugees for reclamation. Although there was a drought, it was not serious. He did not need to help the victims or show sympathy for the people. After the autumn harvest, he had enough food for his troops and rushed to invade Sichuan non-stop.

This means that both Zhao Han and Zhang Xianzhong are attacking Sichuan.

Zhao Han expanded on the south bank of the Yangtze River, and Zhang Xianzhong expanded on the north bank of the Yangtze River.

Relatively speaking, Zhao Han was at a disadvantage because the cities of Wushan, Fengjie, Kuizhou, Yunyang, Wanxian, Zhongxian, and Fengdu, which were the throat to Sichuan, were all built on the north bank of the Yangtze River.

Zhao Han didn't even have a stronghold to station troops and transfer troops. He had to build a stronghold on the deserted beach, otherwise he would have no choice but to attack the cities on the north bank.

All the way to Yunyang, Xu Nianzu looked at the terrain on both sides of the strait and said to Fei Ruhui: "On the other side of the Qutang Gorge, we can station troops and grain at Daxikou (market town). After passing the Qutang Gorge, Yunyang County must capture it, and it must not be done.

Leave it to Zhang Xianzhong. If Zhang Xianzhong takes Yunyang, he must quickly send troops to capture Wanxian. Otherwise, our army will not be able to find a foothold in Sichuan, and the pressure on logistics and transportation will double."

Fei Ruhui said: "It's already winter, and Zhang Xianzhong is still here to attack Kuizhou. He is determined to attack Sichuan. If our army takes Yunyang or Wanxian, we will definitely have a fight with Zhang Xianzhong."

"Sooner or later there will be a fight. How can Sichuan, a land of abundance, easily fall into the hands of bandits?" Xu Nianzu was actually a bit slanderous, thinking that Zhao Han was too kind to a woman.

According to Xu Nianzu's idea, the army should be expanded to ten divisions this year. Or the regular army should remain as it is, recruit 100,000 peasant soldiers to fight, quickly penetrate Shandong, and capture Beijing next year.

Capture Beijing, destroy the Ming Dynasty, ascend the throne and proclaim yourself emperor, and the world will be settled!

As for the people's livelihood issues within the jurisdiction, they will slowly recover after reunification. The victims of the disaster in Shandong and Henan, and even the Jianghuai refugees, can be left to fend for themselves. If all the people there die, they will slowly immigrate from the south in the future.

Occupying Beijing as soon as possible and destroying Li Zicheng and the Tatars as soon as possible are also methods to benefit the people.

If Li Zicheng and the Manchus were allowed to fester for two more years, wouldn't more people die?

Zhao Han's answer is: "Slowly expand while taking into account internal affairs. First, it does not destroy people's livelihood, and the area under its jurisdiction is prosperous; second, it can practice the theory of great harmony and twist people's hearts into a rope; third, it can allow officials to be promoted quickly, reduce corruption, and maintain

The enthusiasm of officials; fourth, it can avoid uprisings in newly occupied lands. What will it look like if someone rebels under our rule? Fifth, it can prosper industry and commerce, organize immigration, and resettle refugees. A large amount of materials are needed, and these are purchased by the government from businessmen. The businessmen make money, and the government's

The tax revenue will be more. Immigration and refugees can make a stable living and generate new tax sources. The sooner this kind of thing is done, the better."

Xu Fusheng could understand Zhao Han's explanation, but he didn't agree with it from the bottom of his heart. He still felt that the world should be pacified as soon as possible.

At the end of November, the fleet turned into the Long River on the opposite bank of Fengdu County, and docked along the river in Nanbinli (Longhe Town, Fengdu County).

There are many Han residents in the town. In the early Ming Dynasty, it was the seat of Nanbin County, and now it is the official office of Shili Xuanwei Division.

A young man came on horseback, followed by more than ten soldiers. He ran to the river and yelled: "Who are you?"

Xu Nianzu and Fei Ruhui led the troops off the ship. The young men were more alert, holding white guns in their hands and ready to attack at any time.

Xu Nianzu cupped his hands and said with a smile: "I am the envoy of the King of Wu. On the order of the King of Wu, I came to pay a visit to Mrs. Qin and General Ma."

"Which King of Wu?" the young man asked doubtfully.

Xu Nianzu asked with a smile: "Have you ever heard of King Zhao Tian?"

The young man suddenly changed his color: "You are a Zhao thief!"

"Your Majesty has consecrated King Zhao Tian as King of Wu," Xu Nianzu said and turned around, "Send me a gift!"

A total of six ships came this time, and the tonnage was not large. They were mainly afraid of the Three Gorges reefs.

Loads of grain and jars of fine wine were gradually carried to the shore.

Not wanting to hit the smiling person, not to mention the person who brought him a greeting gift, the young man finally softened his expression and said, "I've been dismounting for ten thousand years, but I don't know your surname?"

"It turns out that he is the grandson of Mrs. Qin," Xu Nianzu said, cupping his hands, "Xu Nianzu, this is General Fei Ruhui Fei."

Ma Wannian looked at Fei Ruhui and said in surprise: "Zhao...there are also female generals in the King of Heaven's army?"

Xu Nianzu pointed to the soldiers behind him and said: "These are General Fei's soldiers."

Fei Ruhui brought a total of 100 soldiers, 60 close combatants, 40 muskets, all armors, and the army was in good condition.

Ma Wannian nodded and praised: "Good soldiers! I will take you to rest first. If you have anything important to do, I will see my grandmother and father tomorrow."

Due to the unknown situation, Ma Wannian did not accept the gift, but he did not refuse it directly.

He asked people to move the grain and wine to a warehouse and put them away, and asked Fei Ruhui's soldiers to guard them. Then he quickly ran to the back house to see Qin Liangyu and Ma Xianglin.

Qin Liangyu is sixty-six years old this year and has no official position. The imperial court conferred the title of "Second Grade Imperial Lady".

Her son Ma Xianglin was the serious Shili Xuanwei envoy (from the second rank), and he was also awarded the title of General of Hussars.

Ma Xianglin is good at literature and martial arts. He wears silver armor and rides a white horse. He is nicknamed "Zhao Zilong" and "Xiao Ma Chao". During the bloody battle in Hunhe River, Ma Xianglin was shot blind in one eye, but he continued to kill the enemy with arrows. He was also known as the "One-Eyed Horse"


"Grandma, father, and that guy sent a lot of food and wine," Ma Wannian said. "It doesn't look like there is any harm."

Ma Xianglin said: "It's just courtesy first and then fighting. The Zhao thieves are coming to beat the stone."

Qin Liangyu asked: "Did he really say that His Majesty canonized Zhao Han as King of Wu?"

"I said it, but I don't know if it's true or not. By the way," Ma Wannian took out a copy of "Datong Collection", "The man asked me to pass this book to my grandmother."

Qin Liangyu took it and read it carefully. Ma Xianglin and Ma Wannian did not dare to disturb it.

Qin Liangyu is not only a Han Chinese, but also the daughter of a Gongsheng student. She has been studying and practicing martial arts since she was a child. Of course she can understand "Datong Collection".

At its peak, there were more than 40,000 people in Shili's army with white poles.

Waging a war is all about the economy, and training troops also requires money and food.

When Qin Liangyu first married Shi Li, his father-in-law and husband were extorted by the eunuch for one hundred thousand taels of silver. One chieftain couldn't get out the one hundred thousand taels of silver, so he was imprisoned for it. How did he train more than 40,000 white-pole soldiers?

Everyone knows that Qin Liangyu can fight, but few people know that she is a master of internal affairs.

She brought advanced farming technology and even corn seeds to minority areas. She knew how to temporarily stop planting corn in rainy years and plant sorghum and other crops instead.

She also had light corvees and low taxes, exempted a large number of corvees, and exempted from exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes.

In the past few decades, there have been good harvests in Shidian territory every year, so the native people are willing to fight for the chieftain.

Qin Liangyu, who is good at internal affairs, can understand "Datong Collection", not only the literal meaning!

Within an hour and a half, Qin Liangyu read "Datong Collection" twice, and finally sighed: "This man will conquer the world and the Ming Dynasty will fall."

Ma Xianglin said: "But the Ming Dynasty is not yet dead, do we really want to surrender? The Ma family has been favored by the imperial court, how can we be such a disloyal and unjust person!"

"We'll talk to the envoy first." Qin Liangyu didn't express his attitude.

The entire Shidui, due to Qin Liangyu's development of people's livelihood, has a population of nearly 300,000.

But there are only 20,000 white-armed soldiers left. If Zhao Han had not brought about changes in the situation, these white-armed soldiers would have been defeated this year.

That night, Qin Liangyu hosted a banquet in honor of him.

Seeing Fei Ruhui, Qin Liangyu was quite surprised: "There are also female generals in your army?"

Fei Ruhui smiled and replied: "Under the rule of Governor Zhao, men and women are equal, regardless of rank. Not only are there female generals, but there are also female county magistrates. There are girls' schools in various places, and women can be teachers, and women can also read and write. Nowadays,

Not only in girls’ schools, but also in primary schools all over the country, many female teachers have emerged.”

"What is an elementary school?" Qin Liangyu was very interested.

Xu Nianzu explained: "Each county, every village, and every town has a primary school, and both boys and girls have to study for three years. The content they learn is more advanced than Montessori, and is designed to enable children to write and do math. Some girls graduate from primary school.

, at the age of fifteen or sixteen, he passed the exam and became a primary school teacher."

Qin Liangyu nodded in approval: "This is good governance. King Zhao Tian pursues equality between men and women, which shows that he is a true hero."

"More than a true hero," Xu Nianzu said with emotion, "Captain Zhao decided to proclaim himself king next spring. When he learned of the severe disaster in Shandong, he stopped doing the ceremony of proclaiming himself king. The money and food he saved were all shipped to Shandong to relieve the victims."

"Your Majesty really canonized the King of Wu." Ma Xianglin interjected.

Xu Nianzu said: "Your Majesty not only conferred the title of King of Wu, but also entrusted Gu Gu to pass on the country. The prince and princess are now in Nanjing. Your Majesty secretly sent them here."

"Are all the princes and princesses in Nanjing?" Qin Liangyu asked in shock.

Xu Nianzu nodded and said: "Both Henan and Shanxi are occupied by rogue bandits, the Tatars have already attacked Shanhaiguan, Zuo Liangyu in Shandong has become a warlord, and Beizhili is surrounded by groups. Your Majesty has a death wish and is determined to die for the country, so he sent the prince to

The princess is sent to Nanjing."

Qin Liangyu was shocked beyond measure.

She knew that the situation was declining, but she didn't expect that the decline would lead to this.

Sichuan was already isolated, and Shidui was even more isolated. Even the "Datong Collection" was not transmitted.

The connection between the imperial court and Sichuan has long been severed!

(Thanks to the leader of Little Flying Carpet for the reward.)

(Ask for monthly ticket.)

This chapter has been completed!
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