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381 [Country name, year number, internal and external system]


In front of Zhao Han was a stack of handwritten manuscripts of the "Datong Dictionary".

Qian Qianyi handed over his hand and said: "The "Datong Dictionary" contains nearly 10,000 characters in total, which is more than 200 more than "Shuowen Jiezi"."

"I looked through it last night. The entries for each word are a bit cumbersome. I can delete one or two more." Zhao Han stopped worrying about the "Datong Dictionary" and said, "Invite all the bachelors here today, and there are

Many officials want to give the country a title."

"Since His Highness is called King of Wu, the country's title can be 'Da Wu'." Qian Qianyi said.

Xu Ying, who had been engaged in intelligence work, found it difficult to continue her intelligence work due to the chaos in the north and the ongoing epidemic in Shandong.

He was temporarily in Nanjing to compile intelligence from various places. At this moment, he said: "No matter the north or the south, the word Datong has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Why not just name the country 'Datong'?"

Li Banghua said: "His Royal Highness is from Yanzhao, and the country's name can also be 'Dayan'."

There were dozens of people in the room, fighting over each other to come up with several country names. Zhao Han had to decide which one to choose.

Zhao Han was also very confused and asked: "How about the country's name 'Zhonghua'?"

Zhang Pu clasped his fists and said: "Zhonghua means China. Throughout the ages, during the dynasty Zhengshuo, which one is not Zhonghua and which one is not China? Zhonghua, China, Huaxia, Kyushu, and Tianxia are all synonymous and cannot be used as country names. Regardless of the new dynasty,

Whatever the name is, we can all call it Huaxia China, we can all call it Kyushu China, why bother to go to the trouble of naming the country ‘Zhonghua’?”

"This statement makes sense." Huang Zongxi supported Zhang Cai's statement.

Zhu Yuanzhang's "Memorial to the Northern Expedition of Fengtian to Defeat the Yuan Dynasty" contains a lot of words about China, Zhonghua, and even the words "driving out the barbarians and restoring China".

Unless you look at the world, "China" is indeed not suitable as a national title.

Zhao Han thought for a while, then suddenly smiled and said: "Let's vote by secret ballot."

Those who had served as officials in the Ming Dynasty were no strangers to this stuff. Tingtui was often elected by secret ballot.

Especially when selecting cabinet ministers, ministers, and governors, court recommendation is a routine process. If the results cannot be obtained on the spot, the ministers will recommend the main candidate and the supporting candidate. There are usually two or three candidate lists.

Then an enlarged meeting was held to allow ministers to vote secretly and write down their reasons for the election.

But the decision-making power rests with the emperor, and the voting results are only for reference.

Moreover, the emperor was afraid that the ministers would form a party, so he often selected the candidate with fewer votes. Sometimes, if the list of candidates did not satisfy the emperor, he would ask the ministers to nominate candidates again.

When the imperial power and the prime minister's power went back and forth, candidates had to be put forward several times.

If the emperor bypasses the ministers and directly appoints someone, or directly names the candidate, this is a violation of rules and proves that the relationship between the emperor and the ministers is very bad.

Take Chongzhen as an example. He only followed the rules for the first two or three years, and broke them the rest of the time.

Zhao Han asked people to distribute official papers. After about a quarter of an hour, all the votes were handed in.

"Let's vote." Zhao Han said.

Zhang Dai was responsible for checking the votes, Zheng Sen was responsible for counting the votes, and Chen Zisheng was responsible for singing the votes: "Datong 28 votes, Dawu 21 votes, Dayan 15 votes, Dagan 11 votes, Yamato 8 votes..."

No one received more than half of the votes.

Zhao Han looked at the handwriting carefully and immediately started laughing.

Since they were all written in Taige style, the handwriting of the readers could not be read. This was really a secret vote.

"That's all, let's take 'Datong' as the country's name." Zhao Han could guess that people like Xu Ying, Chen Maosheng, Xiao Huan, and Zuo Xiaoliang should all vote for "Datong."

As for the voters of "Da Wu", most of them were Jiangnan scholars.

Thanks to Kublai Khan, the country names all have the character "大", Dayuan, Ming, Qing, Dashun, Zhao Han's country name "Datong" actually seems very gregarious.

After Zhao Han made the decision, Qian Qianyi immediately flattered him and said: "Great Qianyuan, when all things began, they unified the heavens. This is called the Great Yuan; from the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, six people were formed at one time, and they rode on six dragons to control the sky. This is called the Ming Dynasty. ; Protecting the Great Harmony is beneficial to Zhen. The first common people came out, and all nations were in Xianning. Great Harmony is the Great Harmony, and the country is called 'Datong', which coincides with the changes in the main roads. In the end, the Ming Dynasty will be regarded as the country. Your Highness is wise!"

Zhao Hanquan pretended not to hear this flattery and continued: "Let's decide on a new era name."

"Since the country is named Datong, the year should be named Xiaokang!" Zhang Cai said immediately.

Liu Rushi smiled and agreed: "That's good."

Li Banghua and Pang Chunlai also said: "The reign should be Xiaokang."

Xu Ying, Chen Maosheng, Xiao Huan, Zuo Xiaoliang and others also said together: "It is great to be well-off!"

When the name of the country was decided, there were different opinions.

When deciding on the year name, everyone's opinions were surprisingly unanimous.

"Datong" and "Xiaokang" are both published in "Book of Rites·Liyun Chapter".

Datong belongs to the ultimate pursuit of Confucianism, while Xiaokang belongs to the secondary pursuit of Confucianism. If we understand it forcefully, the former is the advanced stage and the latter is the primary stage.

Moreover, using "Xiaokang" as the title of the reign is to elevate Zhao Han infinitely. Only the reigns of Xia Yu, Shang Tang, King Wen of Zhou, King Wu of Zhou, King Cheng of Zhou and Gongdan of Zhou can be called Xiaokang. .

The name of the country, Datong, is the ultimate pursuit.

The era name is Xiaokang, which is the rule of Zhao Han and has reached the level of Xiaokang.

The meaning is very good, but it's a pity that Zhao Han always felt a little awkward when hearing it.

Since the Ming Dynasty, everyone likes to use reign names to represent emperors. Emperor Hongwu and Emperor Yongle sound so awesome.

But when Zhao Han came here, could he be called a well-off emperor?

Will Zhao Han, the well-off emperor, lead the people of the country to become rich and prosperous?

Seeing that Zhao Han seemed a little unhappy, everyone found it difficult to understand. How good this reign name is that no emperor in the past dared to use it, and most emperors were not qualified to use it. This is on par with Dayu!


Zhao Han coughed twice and said: "Yao, Shun, and Yu Tang are the sage kings of ancient times. How can I be as virtuous and capable as I can be on par with Xia Yu and Shang Tang? How can I be as virtuous and capable as I am on par with civil and military officials and Duke Zhou? In the year of well-off society, No., never use it."

Qian Qianyi suddenly realized it and quickly flattered him: "Those who are well-off are honest and trustworthy, punish with benevolence and give concessions, and show the people that they are regular. Your Highness selects talents and uses them, establishes disciplines, and benefits all people. How can we not be called well-off? Your Highness, please Don’t underestimate yourself, this is what public opinion dictates!”

Seeing that everyone wanted to persuade him again, Zhao Han quickly said: "Change the reign name!"

Ruan Dacheng sneaked into the dictionary compilation team and was invited to discuss matters today. He said: "How is Kangxi?"

Zhao Han scolded: "Change!"

Zhao Han's violent reaction also confused everyone.

Kangxi was also very good. It meant prosperity and prosperity. Now that there have been major disasters year after year, this year name is a good sign.

"How about naming it Kangning?" Qian Qianyi said.

Zhang Pu immediately objected: "The reign name of Emperor Xiaowu of Jin Dynasty was Ningkang. The "Book of Wei" mistakenly called it Kangning and it can no longer be used."

Qian Qianyi retorted: "Since it was a mistake, why can't it be used again? In the future, we will publish "Book of Wei" and correct the mistake!"

Since it is controversial, it is best not to use it.

Pang Chunlai asked: "How is Yuantai?"

"Yes!" Zhang Pu nodded.

Huang Zongxi said: "I propose that the reign name be Xingzhi."

"I think Zhaolong should be used."

“Yongye is also great!”


After Zhao Han denied "xiaokang", the era names suddenly became more diverse, which was even more confusing than when discussing the country's name.

Seeing that everyone's quarrel could not produce any results, Zhao Han made the final decision: "Stop arguing, the reign name is 'Minshi'."

The whole place fell silent instantly, and there was no longer any objection.

Qian Qianyi, Ruan Dacheng and others even called out the sages and flattered Zhao Han crazily.

There is nothing much to say about the beginning of the Republic of China, it is just a simple combination of two Chinese characters. But it corresponds to the "Sanyuan Chapter", using the era name to emphasize the people-oriented, and also reveals that Zhao Han was the first emperor to respond to the people.

The name of the country and the year can be used to brainstorm ideas.

Qian Qianyi and others are not qualified to participate in discussions on the systems of the inner court, harem, clan, and relatives.

"There won't be an inner court?" Li Banghua said in surprise.

Traditional civil servants are happy, but who wants to be told what to do by eunuchs?

At the same time, I was worried.

Pang Chunlai warned very implicitly: "If there is no inner court, and there is no need for eunuchs, there may be... issues with the palace."

This kind of thing is very common in Europe. Using genetic testing methods, you can find that some European royal families seem to have impure bloodlines.

Zhao Han said: "There is an inner court, but eunuchs are not used. Female officials serve as eunuchs, and the inner court is not allowed to interfere with the government's affairs."

Using eunuchs to suppress civil servants is actually a sign of stupidity and incompetence.

Zhu Di likes to use eunuchs to do things, but he has high prestige and can suppress eunuchs. In this case, why use eunuchs? Normally, civil servants and generals can be used to suppress him!

If it were any other emperor, if he could not suppress the civil servants, he would certainly not be able to suppress the eunuchs. Forcibly using eunuchs would cause the civil servants to stick together, so it would be better to directly divide the civil servants.

Chen Maosheng suddenly asked: "The imperial court employs female officials. Can these female officials get married?"

Zhao Han explained: "If a female official wants to get married, she can choose to retire. Ordinary palace maids enter the palace between the ages of sixteen and eighteen. If there is no female official position at the age of twenty-five, they must retire from the palace and return to the private sector to choose a good man to marry.


"What a benevolent government!" Li Banghua clapped his hands and praised.

Zhao Han added: "To serve as a palace maid, you must take an exam and it is all voluntary. The inner court is not allowed to forcibly recruit palace ladies from among the people, and the concubine candidates are also not allowed to be forcibly recruited. I will write these things into the constitution, including that the inner court is not allowed to interfere in politics."

Xu Ying asked: "Does the harem system also need to be changed?"

Zhao Han said: "Following the old system of the Ming Dynasty, there are two levels of concubines under the queen. However, after the abolition of the imperial concubine, the imperial concubine can no longer have this concubine title."

Zhao Han did not set a limit on the number of concubines, because it would be useless if he set a limit.

In the future, which descendant will be the emperor and how many women he wants is not just a matter of words? Forcing a certain amount will lead to problems, such as abolishing a certain concubine to make room for the woman he likes.

Moreover, after the number of concubines is limited, the fights in the harem will be intensified, with fights over those few seats.

Zhao Han only determined a general idea, and left the rest of the specific content, such as setting up the inner court organization, the positions of female officials, etc., to the Ministry of Etiquette.

Zhao Han said: "I don't care for the clan and my relatives. Even the prince, when he grows up, has to go out to the palace to support himself. He can join the army or become an official, but he has to take exams. The clan relatives within the fifth service, no matter what

Civil and military positions can only be held up to the third rank, and they are not allowed to govern a province. Relatives outside the fifth rank can only be held up to the second rank, and they are also not allowed to govern a province. If they are military positions, above the fourth rank, they are not allowed to govern a province.

Serve as the actual command. Of course, except the navy."

(There are some cards, please give me a monthly pass.)

This chapter has been completed!
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