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399 [Surprise Attack on Liaodong]


Song Yingxing brought two craftsmen to the meeting, and also brought two muskets.

"Greetings to Your Majesty!"

The two craftsmen had obviously received etiquette training. They refrained from kneeling and followed Song Yingxing in bowing.

Zhao Han smiled and asked: "You said the fire gun has been improved again?"

Song Yingxing replied: "I have improved many styles and brought the best two this time."

The two craftsmen behind Song Yingxing are probably the main contributors to these two guns.

Zhao Han asked Song Yingxing to take the gun over and found that one was long and the other was short.

The long one is no different from the existing blunderbuss, but the short one is obviously a flintlock gun.

Song Yingxing explained: "The improvement is nothing more than a misfire. This new bird gun (matchlock gun) was tried for a month. Every time the gun was fired 100 times, about 96 to 97 times it was normal. And this flintlock gun, I also tried it for a month, and every time I fired the gun 100 times, I could fire about 81 to 82 times."

In other words, for these two new guns, the misfire rate of the matchlock gun is 3%-4%, and the misfire rate of the flintlock gun is 18%-19%.

It has been greatly improved.

The next question is which new gun should be installed.

Zhao Han asked: "What about the shooting speed?"

Song Yingxing replied: "The rate of fire of the bird gun has not changed, but the rate of fire of the flintlock gun should be doubled."

Then there is no need to think about it. You must replace it with a flintlock gun. The nearly 20% misfire rate can be completely compensated by the rate of fire.

The flaws of the matchlock gun were so obvious that even if the Datong army was well-trained, they could only fire it once a minute.

There is also a match rope. Under normal circumstances, it can only burn for 30-40 minutes. In windy weather, it will be shortened to 20 minutes. The match rope is afraid of rain and water, and will be exposed at night.

Moreover, in order to avoid mutual interference with the match ropes, the musketeers should not stand too close together when lining up, and the musketeers should be at least one meter apart.

After changing to flintlock muskets, the formation has to change accordingly.

The width of the battlefield can be made wider, the musketeers can stand closer together, and the depth of the formation can become shallower. The number of melee troops can be reduced, more fire musketeers can be added, and hollow formations against cavalry can also be practiced.

Zhao Han said happily: "Make all these flintlock muskets and equip them for our army's dragoons first."

With this expansion of the army, the inventory of old matchlock guns was emptied, leaving only more than a thousand. The next step was to mass-produce flintlock muskets, first to re-equip the dragoons, and then to re-equip the infantry.

The eliminated firecrackers can be thrown to the surrendering troops.

For example, Qin Liangyu, Yang Zhan and Gan Liangchen of Sichuan, as well as the Guangxi soldiers who fought with the 10th Division.

Of course, due to production limitations, it will take at least two to three years for all ten regular divisions to be re-equipped. This is not a game. New equipment can be developed and made immediately by spending gold coins. Real-life battles must wait slowly.

After changing the equipment, you cannot go to the battlefield immediately. You must conduct new formation and tactical training.

Zhao Han asked the two craftsmen their names again and expressed his appreciation.

The person who improves the flintlock gun will be rewarded with five acres of land, five taels of silver, and a salary increase of five levels. In addition, he will be awarded the title of "Skilled Craftsman" and will be notified to the Ministry of Industry and the entire army for commendation.

The person who improves the matchlock will be rewarded with three acres of land, three taels of silver, his salary will be raised by three levels, he will be awarded the title of "Skilled Craftsman", and he will be notified to the Ministry of Industry for commendation.

Those who receive special titles, whether they are civil servants, generals, merchants or craftsmen, will be issued corresponding jade pendants and waist badges. The jade pendants can be hung around the waist as accessories, and the waist badges can be used to meet officials at all levels, including the emperor.

If a person holding a badge with a special title wishes to meet with an official of a certain level to perform an event, the official must meet him within ten days.

Waist badges are numbered and have to be engraved with the person's name. If someone uses them fraudulently or forges them, it is tantamount to treason.

Hundreds of special titles have been awarded to merchants.

For example, if you donate money to support education, you can be awarded the title of "Confucian businessman", except for founding private schools. For example, if there is a major disaster this year, businessmen who donate money and food to help the victims can be awarded the title of "Benevolent businessman".

These titles, just like the Ming Dynasty's archways, must be reported to the central government at all levels and reviewed before they can be approved.

Except for being able to meet officials with a license, everything else is honorary and does not give any special treatment.

So far, no one has come to see Zhao Han with a license. It is possible to see Zhao Han, but if you have nothing serious to do and just chat with the emperor, the emperor will definitely write you down in his notebook. The same is true for officials at all levels. If you are looking for nothing,

Just asking for trouble.

North Korea, Seoul.

A chamberlain crawled in and shouted in a panic: "Your Highness, the soldiers of the Chinese Empire are coming to kill you!"

"Which...which dynasty?" Li Zhu's face turned pale with fright.

The chamberlain replied: "It is the Datong Dynasty that occupied Jeju Island."

Li Shu trembled all over, stood up and ran to the harem, saying as he ran: "Quickly send the order, drive north to hunt, and seek asylum from the Qing Dynasty!"

North Korea has experienced many disasters in recent years.

First, it was invaded by Japan, which attacked all the way to the capital, burning, killing, and looting along the way, causing great damage to people's livelihood and economy.

Then he was violently beaten by the Manchus and sent troops to help the Ming Dynasty in the war. The entire army was annihilated. Then he was violently beaten by the Manchus and directly kidnapped 500,000 people from North Korea. Li Zhu's two sons were also captured as hostages.

During this period, civil strife broke out, which severely damaged North Korea.

Although there has been some recovery in the past few years, it is impossible to fight again. Especially after the trade between China and North Korea was cut off, the army and navy were all abolished, Zhao Han sent troops to occupy Jeju Island, and the North Korean king did not dare to even fart.

Just when Li Zhu was about to abandon the royal city and escape, another official came to report: "Your Majesty, an envoy from heaven has come with a gift."

"Aren't they here to attack the city?" Li Zhu was surprised and unsure.

The official replied: "No."

In fact, there was no envoy. Jeju Island was set up as Jeju County, and merchant Meng Huaien was already the county magistrate.

This time, Meng Huaien went north with the army to serve as an official in a new territory.

On the way, we replenished fresh water at Ganghwa Island and stopped by Seoul to restart trade with North Korea and force North Korea to sell food!

Mao Wenlong's Dongjiang Town did not produce grain, and a lot of military rations were purchased from North Korea.

At this moment, Meng Huaien was wearing a blue official uniform and a black gauze hat. Except for the lack of patches, he looked exactly like the magistrate of Da Ming County.

He was accompanied by a group of soldiers and marched into Seoul with great swagger.

Li Zhu led hundreds of officials to kneel down to welcome him, and shouted: "XXX pays homage to the envoy of the Celestial Dynasty!"

Meng Huaien smiled and said: "Get up."

Meng Huai'en was a little distracted at the moment. He was a Shandong businessman who stayed in Zhenjiang because of the war. How could he have thought that in a few years he would be an official and a county magistrate? Now, even the king of North Korea is kneeling to him.

Li Zhuo must kneel down because he surrendered to the Manchu Qing Dynasty and completely abandoned the Ming Dynasty.

Although the Ming Dynasty has fallen, China has a new emperor. He must be humble enough to save his life.

Li Zhu welcomed Meng Huaien into the palace, asked hundreds of officials to accompany him, and held a banquet in honor of Meng Huaien.

After drinking for three rounds, Meng Huaien suddenly said: "Our Majesty wants to rebuild Dongjiang Town. It is too far to transport military supplies by sea. He wants to reopen trade with North Korea. Silk, cloth, spices... everything is available. North Korea must exchange food for it!"

Li Zhuwei said, "To be honest with you, Lord Angel, five years ago, the Manchu Qing abducted hundreds of thousands of people from North Korea, and also took away countless livestock and property. The food in North Korea is really not enough to eat."

This is the truth.

Hundreds of thousands of people, a large number of livestock and goods were all packed up and taken away by the Qing Dynasty. How could they recover in five years?

Meng Huaien sneered and said: "Since His Highness doesn't have that ability, then let him be the king with someone who has the ability. The tens of thousands of soldiers and horses who formed Dongjiang Town are now on Ganghwa Island. There is no food available on Pi Island, so we might as well capture Seoul, and then

Seoul rebuilds Dongjiang Town!”

Li Shu was immediately speechless. He frowned for a long time, and finally said bravely: "Lord Angel, there is food in North Korea!"

Of course there was food. Hundreds of thousands of people were kidnapped, which left a large area of ​​land vacant. North Korean officials took the opportunity to occupy it, and then recruited tenant farmers from various places to cultivate it.

North Korean people have no food, but North Korean officials have more food than before!

Moreover, after trade is restored, officials can take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune by exchanging grain for Chinese goods.

If Li Zhu didn't agree, the two groups of nobles in North Korea would force him to agree.

A few days later, the two parties conducted transactions on Ganghwa Island.

One ship of goods can be exchanged for several ships of grain, eliminating the risk of long-distance shipping from Jiangsu.

The Manchu and Qing monitors who stayed in Korea immediately sent people back to report that the Datong Army was going to establish Dongjiang Town on Pi Island and requested that more garrison troops be added to the coastal cities near Pi Island.

Is it really true to establish a military base on Phi Island?

of course not!

Because of the latest news, Dorgon ordered the destruction of towns and villages in Liaodong in order to dispel the idea of ​​the Eight Banners nobles grabbing a handful and going back. This was also done in history. Otherwise, most of the Manchu nobles would want to return to the Northeast after looting.


More than 300,000 soldiers of the Eight Banners, their families, slaves, and households under the Eight Banners entered the customs one after another, enriching the sparsely populated Beizhili.

In the entire Northeast, only fifteen cities were left with troops to guard them, and the rest were all governed by civilian officials.

Since the Northeast is so empty, why are you still hanging out on Pidao? Just log in and occupy the city!

In the Liaodong Peninsula, such a large area of ​​land, only Gaizhou still has the Eight Banners Army.

Dorgon never thought that Zhao Han could directly send troops to attack the Liaodong region across Shandong. This was not a question of IQ, but a question of vision. Even Hong Chengchou did not expect it.

The navies from Shanghai and Fuzhou were all dispatched, carrying the soldiers of the 11th Division of the Datong Army, as well as a lot of logistical supplies, and rushed to Jinzhou (Jinzhou District, Dalian City) in a mighty manner.

After they unloaded the goods in Jinzhou, they had to continue back to Ganghwa Island to load grain from North Korea.

"Enemy...enemy attack?"

There was only one Han military officer and one Han civilian official responsible for managing Jinzhou City.

They watched the huge naval fleet approaching and had no idea what was going on. They even forgot to gather troops to defend the city.

Of course, there is no way to gather troops.

With the urban population, plus the rural farmers, there are only 20,000 to 30,000 Han people left in the entire Jinzhou territory, and there are more than 10,000 Datong soldiers and officials who came by boat!

When the Datong army landed on the shore, Jinzhou officials finally came to their senses and mobilized the people in the city to defend.

Hu Dinggui ordered: "Everyone in the army take off their helmets!"

A commoner from Jinzhou, looking at the Datong Army getting closer and closer, suddenly shouted excitedly: "They haven't shaved their heads, they are the imperial army, and the emperor has sent troops to kill them!"

"Long live the Ming Dynasty!"

"Long live the Ming Dynasty!"

I don’t know who was the first to shout, but the rest of the Han people followed suit and cheered.

Dorgon not only moved the population, but also took away most of the food. Jinzhou City, which was not full of people, was almost out of food, and it was estimated that half of them would starve to death before the farmers outside the city could grow food.

"Kill the Tatars and welcome the soldiers from heaven!"

The defenders who had finally organized themselves suddenly attacked the Jinzhou officials.

Those Jinzhou officials were actually Han Chinese.

(Don’t forget to vote if you have monthly votes! This chapter is short! Lao Wang is very conscious now and continues to write, and strives to code the third update as soon as possible!)

This chapter has been completed!
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