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418 [Manchu wants a decisive battle]

Liu Liangzuo left the city in fear. He led his troops and only walked three miles when he was discovered by sentry riders squatting in the dark.


The sharp copper whistle sounded in the night, and the nearby dragoons rushed over quickly, then blew their trumpets to summon more friendly troops.

Lu Xiangsheng's cavalrymen were also on standby near the camp and were feeding their horses with night food. When they heard the sound of the trumpet, they immediately got on their horses and jogged towards the direction of the sound of the trumpet.

Liu Liangzuo wanted to escape back to the city, but he was worried that the city wall would be blown down by artillery. It would be better to surrender now than to surrender then.

However, these "warriors" for the Thousand Nights Raid were selected from various ministries. It was difficult for these "warriors" to obey or react at all when unusual military orders were issued at short notice.

Liu Liangzuo was about to surrender, but before he gave the order, his soldiers began to flee. They were here to rob the camp. Since they were discovered by the enemy, they naturally ran away subconsciously.

More than two hundred dragoons wanted to use their guns, but when they saw the enemy fleeing, they immediately mounted their horses to intercept them.

After fighting for a while, Lu Xiangsheng came with his cavalry, instantly deciding the battle situation, and the Qing troops began to flee.

These guys, 500 cavalry and 500 infantry, all carried fire starters. The horse's hooves were wrapped in cotton cloth, and a cage was placed in the horse's mouth to avoid making noise during the march.

When Liu Liangzuo saw that the situation was not going well, he fled without even a chance to surrender.

He was chased outside the city by several dragoons. When he saw the city gate opened, he immediately rushed in.

The Datong dragoons did not dare to follow because there was a barbican inside. Even if Lu Xiangsheng led thousands of cavalry to attack, they would be imprisoned in the barbican and shot from all sides.

A thousand soldiers were thus scrapped. Only Liu Liangzuo fled back on his own, and a few cavalrymen took advantage of the chaos and escaped in unknown directions.

The city guard was speechless and thought that he could only continue to guard Chou City.

the next day.

Bombardment, bombardment, bombardment!

The cracks in the city wall are getting bigger and bigger, and it's only a matter of time before it collapses.

Dorgon was in Fugou County. When he learned that Xiangcheng and Shenqiu had been captured, he immediately decided to take advantage of the situation.

Shangshui, Chenzhou, Xihua counties, and Dorgon all have only a small number of troops left. This can only attract Jiang Liang's Fifth Division to capture it, which will not only lengthen the supply line of the Fifth Division, but also allow the Fifth Division to divide its troops to defend the city.

When the time comes, send cavalry to cut off the food road, then surround and annihilate them with a large army!

It was a good idea, but after Zhao Han sent a military order, the Fifth Division not only did not continue the attack, but also vomited out the occupied Xiangcheng and Shenqiu. They even retreated two hundred miles and retreated directly to Yingzhou (Fuyang).

), even Taihe County, which has been divided into households and divided fields for more than a year, is not wanted.

Just one word: stable!

Jiang Dashan's Sixth Division is about the same. It can't move to defend Licheng. With the strength and food of the Sixth Division, it can be defended for half a year. If Dorgon is awesome, then he can lead his troops to bypass Licheng and go to Datong.

The army's hinterland was looted everywhere.

Zhao Han's place is not the Ming Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty was ravaged by the Manchu and Qing dynasties in the Gyeonggi region, and they could not even figure out the actual strength of the Manchu Qing's troops.

As long as Dorgon dares to come, Zhao Han will lose people and food at most, and he can definitely mobilize an army to close the door and beat the dogs.

Just when Dorgon was hesitant and wondered whether he should pursue him, a messenger sent him military information: "Your Highness the Regent, the enemy's main force is besieging Shangqiu. There are fifty or sixty artillery pieces. There are also three huge cannons, and there may be seven or eight.

A thousand pounds!"

"How many enemy troops are there?" Dorgon asked.

The messenger handed over the military information: "There are countless of them. My master is asking for reinforcements."

Countless, really countless.

Outside Shangqiu City, there were only Zhao Han's pro-army and two divisions, and only more than 20,000 regular troops. However, there were many peasant soldiers and civilians, as well as a large number of hungry people and rebels. The camp alone stretched for more than ten miles.

How can the defenders in the city count?

Dorgon opened the letter and read it over and over, but could not find a description of the enemy's strength. The letter only said that the enemy camp stretched for more than ten miles.

Camping for more than ten miles, Zhao Han was afraid of being affected by the hungry people, so he threw the hungry people far away. Moreover, the plague was found among the hungry people, so Zhao Han ordered not to gather in large numbers.

After much thought, Dorgon found it difficult to make a decision, so he summoned his generals to discuss the matter.

Mandahai, the grandson of Nurhachi, the auxiliary Duke of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and the leader of the red flag, said: "This place is not like Liaodong, and the puppets are not like the Ming Dynasty. It is difficult for the spies we send out to get news back, and it is also difficult to bribe spies. In this way

The situation of the enemy's army is unknown. How can we let him come in several directions while I only go all the way? It's easy for those Nanbarbarians to attack us, but it will be difficult to get news if we retreat!"

"Yeah, let's just say that in Yingzhou City, you can't even find a beggar!" The speaker was Nurhaci's nephew, Prince Heshuo Zheng, and the leader of the Blue Banner, Jierhalang.

The Manchu Qing entered the country several times to plunder the Ming Dynasty, and fought in Beizhili. The information was better informed than that of the Ming Dynasty. In addition to merchants serving as spies, they also liked to bribe beggars and refugees, and even secretly supported beggar gangs.

Yingzhou and Taihe counties are very strange. Manchu spies wanted to bribe beggars in the city, but found that there were no beggars.

It's very simple. The population in northern Anhui is scarce, so Zhao Han had to immigrate from the south.

Under such circumstances, how can we allow beggars to idle around?

All the beggars in the city, as long as they were good with their hands and feet, were sent to the countryside to divide their fields. If they didn't know how to farm, they would learn from the immigrants. The disabled were admitted to almshouses and learned to weave baskets and straw sandals. They had to support themselves anyway.

As for the merchants, starting from last year, they have cut off commercial relations with the Manchu territory.

Once merchants from the north are discovered, they are not allowed to go back. There are checkpoints along the way. Even merchants under Zhao Han's rule are not allowed to go to the north to do business!

It is difficult to be a spy in the city, but it is even more difficult to be a spy in the country.

The mayor of the town, the head of the village, and the farmers' association strictly checked the immigrants. Not only to guard against spies, but also to prevent the plague. Under group prevention and group control, farmers in Taihe County alone caught more than ten spies.

Dorgon could only obtain a small amount of information about Anhui. Although he was not completely blind, he was not far from a blind man.

In this situation, do you want to lead a large army to attack and engage in annihilation battles?


When Dorgon's strategy of luring the enemy failed, Zhao Han ordered the other groups to defend, and his plan to "only go one way" was shattered.

Daishan, the leader of Zhenghong Banner, is old and was suppressed by Dorgon in disguise. Now he is retiring in Beijing. His fourth son Wakda sneered: "We will fight whatever the regent wants. No need to follow

Let’s discuss…”

"Fourth brother, stop talking nonsense!" Mandahai scolded him immediately.

Wakda smiled and said: "Haha."

These top nobles of the Eight Banners have never been of the same mind.

The father of Wakda and Mandahai was Daishan, who was the legitimate second son of Nurhaci and was the first heir to the Hou Jin regime.

After Nurhachi's death, the Houjin regime was in turmoil and was almost on the verge of collapse. Daishan felt that he could not control the situation, so he voluntarily gave way to Huang Taiji, who also respected him.

Therefore, Daishan and his son Yuetuo, father and son, actually owned the Zhenghongqi and the Xianghongqi.

It's just that several of Daishan's sons, including Yue Tuo, all died in strange circumstances in the army.

After Dorgon supported Fulin, the death of Daishan's other son Shuotuo became even more confusing. It turned out that the Eight Banners had agreed on Shunzhi's succession, and Shuotuo singled out Dorgon to re-support Dorgon. Inexplicably, he was sentenced to death for the crime of chaos.

Although Shuotuo was dissatisfied with his father's domestic violence and tried to rebel against the Qing Dynasty and surrender to the Ming Dynasty twice, this weird way of death is still nonsense.

Now, Daishan has been thrown into Beijing, and the two red flags have enough reasons to be dissatisfied with Dorgon.

The weird Wakda in front of me was also punished by Dorgon in history. He had just made great contributions to pacifying Shanxi, and when he came back, he was involved in a small case. He was held jointly and severally liable and dismissed from six ministries, and then he was dismissed from political posts. Several

He died at home a few months later.

Dorgon was really ruthless. After the Hauge group was beaten, he targeted Daishan's two red flags, and even put his hand into Emperor Shunzhi's two yellow flags.

At this moment, the power struggle between the Eight Banners of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties was intensifying.

Dorgon is taking back power. Once defeated, I don't know what trouble will happen.

Dorgon asked Kong Youde: "How does King Gongshun think we should fight?"

In this situation, Kong Youde didn't dare to say anything, so he quickly said: "It's all up to His Highness the Regent."

Jierhalang said: "Since the main force of the Puppet and Southern Barbarians is besieging Shangqiu, they will lead their troops to fight decisively. Regardless of whether they are besieging the city for reinforcements, there are more than 60,000 Eight Banner soldiers and tens of thousands of surrendered elites, joining the Shangqiu garrison of more than 100,000 people.

.Is there any battle in the world that cannot be fought?"

Man Dahai said: "That's the truth. We can let a few Han generals lead troops to go around and plunder the hinterland of the Puppet Tong, forcing Yancheng, and the enemy troops in Yingzhou will return to deal with it. In this way, the enemies in Shangqiu will have no reinforcements.

, we have more than 100,000 people to fight, how can we not defeat him?"

"We should have fought like this a long time ago," Wakda said. "Who did the Eight Banners of Manchuria fear? More than 100,000 people were killed, and even millions of enemies were not afraid!"

Although the top nobles of the Manchu Qing Dynasty were steady and steady in their tactics, they also liked to take risks in their strategy. Most of the time, they won with big bets. But every time they fought against the Ming Dynasty, they were able to win the bet.

Dorgon saw that everyone agreed with this proposal, and he himself felt that we could fight, so he said: "Then let's go to Shangqiu for a decisive battle!"

When Dorgon led his army to Shangqiu, he also ordered Wu Sangui and other surrendered generals to gather cavalry to plunder Suiping, Shangcai, Taihe and other counties, which were Datong territories that had completed household registration and land distribution. In this way,

This can contain the Datong Army in the middle of Henan and prevent these Datong Army from reinforcing the Shangqiu battlefield.

After Wu Sangui received the military order, he took the remaining Guan Ning cavalry and Ma Ke to surrender to the Qing border generals, and the entire cavalry team went south to plunder.

After crossing the Yishui River, Wu Sangui said to the surrendered generals: "A team of three hundred cavalry will only kill people and set fire to them. Don't steal too much property, otherwise the enemy will not be able to run fast. Each person can grab ten kilograms of grain at most and bring it with them."

Those who don’t leave will be burned!”

All the surrendered generals could not bear it.

It's not that they can't bear to burn, kill and loot, it's that they can't bear to burn food. Every one of these miscellaneous troops is short of food.

Wu Sangui added: "All the houses along the way will be burned down. If you encounter the enemy, don't chase them. Cross the river and go back after five days. Don't be overtaken by the cavalry with muskets."

This chapter has been completed!
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