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434 [On Death]

Before any public trial, "The White-Haired Girl" must be performed.

The drama version only allows missionaries to learn the play quickly when there is a shortage of manpower.

If there are enough people, it will be a big opera, that is, an opera version of "The White-Haired Girl".

In the early Ming Dynasty, Yuan opera became popular all over the country and was commonly known as Northern Opera.

In the mid-Ming Dynasty, Nanqu opera counterattacked, and Yiyang, Qingyang, Huizhou, Taiping and Kun operas quickly became popular.

After the standard pronunciation reform of Kunqu Opera, it was known as the "official accent", and all its recitations were in Mandarin. Other dramas quickly followed suit and also adopted Mandarin recitations, so the famous actors must be masters of Mandarin.

By the end of the Ming Dynasty, Nanqu ruled the country, and it was divided into southern and northern accents.

The northern tunes are mainly Xiansuo and Bangzi tunes. Among them, Nvzi tune, Niuniang tune and Luoluo tune from Shandong and Henan provinces belong to Xiansuo tune. Qinqiang has also developed and grown and is classified as Bangzi tune.

The southern accents are mainly Kun accent and Gao accent. Among them, Gao accent is a mixture of Yiyang accent, Qingyang accent and other southern accents.

The southern and northern tunes took shape and became the ancestor of hundreds of local operas in China in later generations.

Shandong doesn't need too many performances, because the landlords and gentry can't live anymore. The land distribution will not be blocked by the landlords. There are too many ownerless lands. After the people get the land, even if the landlords have land at home, there will be a few farmers who are willing to share the land.


To be honest, there are tens of thousands of acres of fertile farmland in Shandong, but it will only be left uncultivated in the next one or two years.

The Kong family is an outlier!

Naturally, special attention should be paid to the aliens. Everyone among the missionary officers sent to Qufu can sing.

What they sang at this time was high-pitched, and people in Shandong could understand it.

The movie "The White-Haired Girl" has not yet finished, and the people watching the show are already excited. Happiness is diverse, and sadness is always the same. The experience of the White-Haired Girl can also arouse the fame of the people of Qufu, and there are countless Master Kong here.

Huang Shiren.

Some people cried and howled, while others cursed angrily.

"Take the evil slave Kong Lin!"

The public trial meeting has long been a routine.

When dealing with local big families, the gentry cannot be put on trial directly. This is because some gentry disguise themselves very well and even have a good reputation. All evil deeds are done by domestic slaves.

The evil slaves must be put on public trial first, and then the evil slaves bite out the gentry.

In the end, it will inevitably become a dog-eat-dog situation, with the gentry and the evil slaves blaming each other, completely igniting the anger of the people.

The domestic slave named Kong Lin was dragged to the high court where the public trial took place. His legs became weak and he knelt down.

The missionary officer held up an iron trumpet, pointed at this person and said: "Kong Lin's surname is Du, and he was originally a gangster in Dongchang Prefecture. A few years ago, the White Lotus Sect captured Qufu, and many of the Kong family fled. This Kong Lin took refuge in Dongchang.

After Kong Yinmao died, the White Lotus sect bandits were destroyed, and Kong Lin followed Kong Yinmao back to Qufu... Please invite the sufferer to come to the stage to express his grievances!"

A young man was brought up and he immediately knelt down to the missionary officer: "Kong Zhenxiang, a common man, pays homage to the official and asks him to make the decision for the common people!"

The missionary said: "Get up quickly, Your Majesty has ordered that people are not allowed to kneel before officials!"

Kong Zhenxiang thanked him and stood up, pointed at Kong Lin and said: "That's the guy! The grassroots are also the landlords of Qufu. When the Bailian bandits came, the grassland's father and brother were in trouble. Before his mother fled Qufu with the grassland, she was in the courtyard.

I buried a thousand taels of silver. When the poor people returned home to use it, they were targeted by this guy. I didn’t know where to get an IOU and forced me to borrow his money in Dongchang. What a pity, the poor people only went there when they were fleeing.

I have not been to Dongchang since I came to Dong'a, and I have never met this person, so how can I borrow his money?"

The missionary asked: "What happened next?"

Kong Zhenxiang said: "The grass-roots man was only fifteen years old at the time, and he had nothing to do, so he had a quarrel with him and beat him with a stick. This guy pretended to have his leg broken, and conspired with Kong Xinglu to take the lawsuit to the clan examination. The clan examination

They listened to others and ordered me to repay the debt and asked me to pay for ten taels of medicine. Unwilling to suffer injustice, Cao Min's mother committed suicide by hanging from a beam to prove her innocence. However, this guy knocked her down and beat her up, saying that Cao Min's mother committed suicide out of fear of crime!"

The missionary asked again: "Did you give him the money?"

Kong Zhenxiang's eyes were red as he spoke: "This guy gathered more than ten people and robbed the money at night. The grassroots people went to the tribe to report to the official, but the tribe urged me to pay back the debt quickly. The fields in the grassroots' homes are all dependent on canals.

The fields were all used to pay off debts, and everything fell into the hands of Kong Yinmao, Kong Xinglu and his son!"

Why is it that after the war and famine, there are still people in Shandong who are deliberately plotting to seize land when there are fewer people and more land?

Because of the persistent drought, land far away from water sources has been abandoned by landowners. The powerful have taken advantage of their power to bully others and target the fields that can be irrigated!

The domestic slave named Kong Lin was just a dog that obeyed orders.

"What an injustice!"

Kong Lin cried: "How can this official, an outsider and a common man, bully the landlords in this county? It was all ordered by the master. The common people only received ten taels of silver for soup and medicine, and the reward afterward was only two taels of silver."

"Take Kong Yinmao, Kong Xinglu and his son!"

An old man and a middle-aged man were dragged to the public trial.

The missionary officer asked: "Is what Kong Zhenxiang and Kong Lin said true?"

There are too many people who know about this matter, and the domestic slave has already confessed, so the father and son cannot deny it at all.

Kong Xinglu said quickly: "Sir, my father and I were wronged. My family only got 20% of the occupied fields, and the rest was taken away by the clan."

The missionary shouted: "Take the Kong clan to raise Kong Yinzhen."

Another old man was dragged up.

The missionary asked: "You have occupied 70% of the farmland in Kong Zhenxiang's family?"

Kong Yinzhen sighed: "This matter was quite a big deal at the time. The old man did take away 70%, but later he was given half by the second son of the patriarch's family."

One string after another, and there is a whole string when you ask.

The case of occupying Shangtian alone involved more than ten people. They were from the same clan and clan, and they were really ruthless. They did nothing but bully Kong Zhenxiang, whose father and brother died. The only ones in the family were a fifteen-year-old boy, an unmarried girl, and a widow whose husband had died.

The missionary officer pointed at these ten people, picked up the tin trumpet and shouted: "Who else has been bullied by these people? Anyone who has been wronged should come forward!"


"And I!"


Dozens of people came forward one after another and were arranged by the missionary officer to take the stage one by one.

Some cases are well known to everyone.

Some cases have hidden secrets.

Moreover, a case must involve a lot, and the number of people being tried on the stage quickly turned into dozens.

Anyway, as the evil things were revealed one by one, the people in the audience became excited and began to pick up rocks and stones and throw them at those bastards.


The execution was presided over by the judicial system of Qufu County, and the entire public trial was recorded.

More than twenty people lined up in a row and were hanged with ropes on the spot.

These all involve serious cases, such as murder, rape and humiliation, etc.

There were more than 40 people who were sentenced to hard labor and must serve the government for five years without compensation. During the service, they were not allowed to settle down or allocate land, and all their property was confiscated. Three generations of descendants were not allowed to be officials, and were not allowed to have a special business license. If you dare to do so during the service,

If you commit a crime, you will be immediately exiled to Taiwan Island.

"Well done!"

"Master Qingtian!"

As those who committed the most heinous crimes fell down one by one, the people also knelt down to express their gratitude.

"Dad, dad, what's wrong with you?"

Before Kong Yinzhi and his son could be interrogated, Duke Yan was so frightened that he fainted.

"Taikong Xingxie!"

Kong Xingxie, who was pinching his father's body, fainted when he heard this.

I was so dizzy and scared.

Because what he did was definitely a dead end according to the judgment just now.

"Da da da da!"

A galloping horse rushed up, shouting along the way: "Your Majesty's handwriting, Your Majesty's handwriting!"

Mao Qiling, who was watching the public trial, changed his expression slightly when he heard this. Did the emperor want to let the Kong family go?

After Mao Qiling received the manuscript, he read it carefully and then laughed: "Haha, you are a truly sage and wise man!"

Mao Qiling handed the emperor's decree into the hands of judicial officials.

Judicial officials immediately re-sentenced the more than 40 people who had just been sentenced to hard labor, 16 of whom were commuted to death sentences. If there were any capital crimes, those who knew and condoned them would be killed.

This is the emperor, who is above the rule of law and can decide the fate of all lives with just one sentence.

Even if a constitution is enacted in the future and the emperor is really offended, the emperor can force it to violate the constitution. Zhao Han's constitution can only restrain the descendants, but cannot prohibit the descendants from doing anything.

With Zhao Han's letter, Kong Yinzhi is certain to die, otherwise it would be difficult to impose the death penalty.

The Kong family of Qufu had a Duke Yansheng, a clan leader, a clan leader, and forty clan elders. There were also their descendants and domestic slaves. In total, more than a hundred people were put to death in a public trial!

Kong Yin-sik, Kong Heung-seop and his son were splashed with cold water and were dragged to death after waking up.

Kong Yinzhi burst into tears and said: "Don't kill me, don't kill me. I am a descendant of Confucius, and I want to go to Nanjing to see His Majesty... Wuwuwu, don't kill me, please, don't kill me!"

I have never killed anyone, and I have opened a warehouse to release grain. They are the ones responsible for all the bad things...um...help...help..."

Yan Yingyuan looked at the corpses on the ground and couldn't help but ask Mao Qiling: "County Lord, after killing so many people of the Kong family in Qufu, how will you face the world's scholars in the future? Your reputation will probably not be tolerated by the scholars."

Mao Qiling said with a smile: "Which forest is the Scholars? I, Mr. Mao, took the scholar examination at the age of thirteen and was the first in Hangzhou Prefecture. I am not proficient in all the Confucian classics, but I have also read them roughly. I read the Confucian classics.

I only saw the words benevolence and righteousness. When I came to Qufu, I couldn't see benevolence and righteousness. This is a place where filth and evil are hidden! For the sake of Confucius, I will kill these people! As for what those rotten scholars say, fuck me, Mao!

That’s bullshit. Last time I made remarks that offended His Majesty, Your Majesty still asked me to be an official, so I know how to do things. A king and his ministers should be in harmony with each other. If there is a king, then there will be ministers!"

"The county magistrate has met your majesty? What kind of person is your majesty?" Yan Yingyuan asked curiously.

Mao Qiling laughed and said: "The emperor is not a benevolent man, but a man of the people. When you are an official in the Datong court, you should know that you should put the people first. If you govern the people happily, the emperor will be happy. You know what I mean.


Yan Yingyuan nodded: "Understood."

Mao Qiling said: "I am the county magistrate and you are the county magistrate. If we want to manage Qufu well, we must work together. Remember, remember, everything is based on the people."

The two of them killed Duke Yan Sheng and more than a hundred people from the Kong family. Regardless of their purpose, they will definitely become famous all over the world.

However, I'm afraid it's hard to say exactly what kind of reputation it is.

This chapter has been completed!
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